260 lines
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Executable File
260 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
from typing import Literal, Optional, Tuple, Union
from osclib.core import devel_project_get
from osclib.core import package_source_hash
from osclib.core import package_kind
from osclib.core import package_role_expand
from osclib.origin import origin_annotation_dump
from osclib.origin import origin_devel_projects
from osclib.origin import origin_workaround_strip
from osclib.origin import config_load
from osclib.origin import config_origin_list
from osclib.origin import devel_project_simulate
from osclib.origin import devel_project_simulate_exception
from osclib.origin import origin_find
from osclib.origin import policy_evaluate
from osclib.origin import PolicyResult
import ReviewBot
import sys
class OriginManager(ReviewBot.ReviewBot):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ReviewBot.ReviewBot.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# ReviewBot options.
# Younger than default splitter-request-age-threshold to allow for quick
# strategy to still be useful which requires a completed review.
self.request_age_min_default = 30 * 60
self.request_default_return = True
self.override_allow = False
def check_action_change_devel(self, request, action):
advance, result = self.config_validate(action.tgt_project)
if not advance:
return result
source_hash = package_source_hash(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
origin_info_old = origin_find(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package, source_hash, True)
with devel_project_simulate(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package,
action.src_project, action.src_package):
origin_info_new = origin_find(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package, source_hash)
result = policy_evaluate(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package,
origin_info_new, origin_info_old,
source_hash, source_hash)
reviews = {}
# Remove all additional_reviews as there are no source changes.
for key, comment in result.reviews.items():
if key in ('fallback', 'maintainer'):
reviews[key] = comment
if result.accept:
config = config_load(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project)
if request.creator == config['review-user']:
# Remove all reviews since the request was generated via
# origin_update() which indicates it was approved already. Acts
# as workaround for to lack of set devel on a submit request.
reviews = {}
if len(reviews) != len(result.reviews):
result = PolicyResult(result.wait, result.accept, reviews, result.comments)
return self.policy_result_handle(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package, origin_info_new, origin_info_old, result)
def check_action_delete_package(self, request, action):
advance, result = self.config_validate(action.tgt_project)
if not advance:
return result
origin_info_old = origin_find(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
reviews = {'fallback': 'Delete requests require fallback review.'}
self.policy_result_reviews_add(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package,
reviews, origin_info_old, origin_info_old)
return True
def check_source_submission(self, src_project, src_package, src_rev, tgt_project, tgt_package) -> Optional[bool]:
kind = package_kind(self.apiurl, tgt_project, tgt_package)
if not (kind is None or kind == 'source'):
self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'skipping {} package since not source'.format(kind)
return True
advance, result = self.config_validate(tgt_project)
if not advance:
return result
if self.request_age_wait():
# Allow for parallel submission to be created.
return None
source_hash_new = package_source_hash(self.apiurl, src_project, src_package, src_rev)
origin_info_new = origin_find(self.apiurl, tgt_project, tgt_package, source_hash_new)
source_hash_old = package_source_hash(self.apiurl, tgt_project, tgt_package)
origin_info_old = origin_find(self.apiurl, tgt_project, tgt_package, source_hash_old, True)
# Check if simulating the devel project is appropriate.
devel_project, reason = self.devel_project_simulate_check(src_project, tgt_project)
if devel_project and (reason.startswith('change_devel command') or origin_info_new is None):
self.logger.debug(f'reevaluate considering {devel_project} as devel since {reason}')
with devel_project_simulate(self.apiurl, tgt_project, tgt_package, src_project, src_package):
# Recurse with simulated devel project.
ret = self.check_source_submission(
src_project, src_package, src_rev, tgt_project, tgt_package)
self.review_messages['accepted']['comment'] = reason
return ret
except devel_project_simulate_exception:
# Invalid infinite recursion so fallback to normal behavior.
result = policy_evaluate(self.apiurl, tgt_project, tgt_package,
origin_info_new, origin_info_old,
source_hash_new, source_hash_old)
return self.policy_result_handle(tgt_project, tgt_package, origin_info_new, origin_info_old, result)
def config_validate(self, target_project: str) -> Tuple[bool, bool]:
"""Check the settings ``OSRT:OriginConfig`` of the target project and
return a tuple of booleans. The first boolean indicates whether the
action should proceed and the second whether the config is valid.
This function checks whether the value
``OSRT:OriginConfig.fallback-group`` is present and whether
``OSRT:OriginConfig.review-user`` matches the configured review_user.
config = config_load(self.apiurl, target_project)
if not config:
# No perfect solution for lack of a config. For normal projects a
# decline seems best, but in the event of failure to return proper
# config no good behavior. For maintenance the situation is further
# complicated since multiple actions some of which are not intended
# to be reviewed, but not always guaranteed to see multiple actions.
self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'skipping since no OSRT:OriginConfig'
return False, True
if not config.get('fallback-group'):
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'OSRT:OriginConfig.fallback-group missing'
return False, False
if not self.dryrun and config['review-user'] != self.review_user:
'OSRT:OriginConfig.review-user ({}) does not match ReviewBot.review_user ({})'.format(
config['review-user'], self.review_user))
return True, True
def devel_project_simulate_check(
source_project: str,
target_project: str
) -> Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[Literal[False], Literal[None]]]:
config = config_load(self.apiurl, target_project)
origin_list = config_origin_list(config, self.apiurl, target_project, skip_workarounds=True)
if '<devel>' not in origin_list:
return False, None
if len(origin_list) == 1:
return source_project, 'only devel origin allowed'
if source_project in origin_devel_projects(self.apiurl, target_project):
return source_project, 'familiar devel origin'
override, who = self.devel_project_simulate_check_command(source_project, target_project)
if override:
return override, 'change_devel command by {}'.format(who)
return False, None
def devel_project_simulate_check_command(
source_project: str,
target_project: str
) -> Union[Tuple[str, Optional[str]], Tuple[Literal[False], Literal[None]]]:
who_allowed = self.request_override_check_users(target_project)
if self.request.creator not in who_allowed:
for args, who in self.request_commands('change_devel', who_allowed):
override = args[1] if len(args) >= 2 else source_project
return override, who
return False, None
def policy_result_handle(self, project, package, origin_info_new, origin_info_old, result: PolicyResult) -> Optional[bool]:
if result.wait and not result.accept:
result.comments.append(f'Decision may be overridden via `@{self.review_user} override`.')
self.policy_result_reviews_add(project, package, result.reviews, origin_info_new, origin_info_old)
self.policy_result_comment_add(project, package, result.comments)
if result.wait:
# Allow overriding a policy wait by accepting as workaround with the
# hope that pending request will be accepted.
override = self.request_override_check(True)
if override:
self.review_messages['accepted'] = origin_annotation_dump(
origin_info_new, origin_info_old, self.review_messages['accepted'], raw=True)
return override
if result.accept:
self.review_messages['accepted'] = origin_annotation_dump(
origin_info_new, origin_info_old, raw=True)
return result.accept
return None
def policy_result_reviews_add(self, project, package, reviews, origin_info_new, origin_info_old):
for key, comment in reviews.items():
if key == 'maintainer':
self.origin_maintainer_review_ensure(origin_info_new, package, message=comment)
elif key == 'fallback':
fallback_group = config_load(self.apiurl, project).get('fallback-group')
comment += '\n\n' + origin_annotation_dump(origin_info_new, origin_info_old)
self.add_review(self.request, by_group=fallback_group, msg=comment)
self.add_review(self.request, by_group=key, msg=comment)
def origin_maintainer_review_ensure(self, origin_info, package, message, request=None):
if not request:
request = self.request
origin = origin_workaround_strip(origin_info.project)
# Check if the origin package is actually developed elsewhere and add
# the maintainer review for the development location.
devel_project, _ = devel_project_get(self.apiurl, origin, package)
if devel_project:
origin = devel_project
users = package_role_expand(self.apiurl, origin, package, 'maintainer')
if request.creator not in users:
self.add_review(request, by_project=origin, by_package=package, msg=message)
def policy_result_comment_add(self, project, package, comments):
message = '\n\n'.join(comments)
if len(self.request.actions) > 1:
message = '## {}/{}\n\n{}'.format(project, package, message)
suffix = '::'.join([project, package])
suffix = None
only_replace = False
if not len(comments):
message = 'Previous comment no longer relevant.'
only_replace = True
self.comment_write(state='seen', message=message, identical=True,
only_replace=only_replace, bot_name_suffix=suffix)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface()
app.clazz = OriginManager