Jimmy Berry 390c2afefa osclib/origin: always include project link when fetching source history.
This was debated as for SLE this would add some repetition when not
going to match a SLE origin anyway, but it is necessary to stabilize
maintenance origins.

When an :Update project is first created all sources are inherited which
means all the revisions from the top project's source container are
considered. Once an update is provided via a maintenance incident the
inherited sources are no longer presented and instead the only revision
seen is the maintenance update and future updates.

When a new version of Leap is created and all source containers are copied
from the previous version the origin will first be considered :Update of
the previous Leap version, but once a maintenance update is created it
will drop the the non-:Update prior version since the matching revision is
missing. If the update is submitted the origin will flip back to :Update.

In order to avoid this mess always utilize include_project_link=True
which will effective consider the maintenance update as the newest
revision while continuing to consider the inherited revisions.

For SLE, were all projects are stacked this means there will almost always
be 10 revisions to review after the first could releases.

Realistically this is yet another failing of the OBS source control model since
the original source revision available (via inheritance) in the :Update project is
lost after the first update.
2019-08-05 15:46:11 -05:00

571 lines
22 KiB

from copy import deepcopy
from collections import namedtuple
import logging
from osc.core import get_request_list
from osclib.conf import Config
from osclib.core import attribute_value_load
from osclib.core import devel_project_get
from osclib.core import entity_exists
from osclib.core import package_source_hash
from osclib.core import package_source_hash_history
from osclib.core import package_version
from osclib.core import project_remote_apiurl
from osclib.core import request_action_key
from osclib.core import request_action_list_source
from osclib.core import request_remote_identifier
from osclib.core import review_find_last
from osclib.core import reviews_remaining
from osclib.memoize import memoize
from osclib.util import project_list_family
from osclib.util import project_list_family_prior_pattern
import re
import yaml
NAME = 'origin-manager'
'unknown_origin_wait': False,
'origins': [],
'review-user': '<config:origin-manager-review-user>',
'fallback-group': '<config:origin-manager-fallback-group>',
'fallback-workaround': {},
'additional_reviews': [],
'automatic_updates': True,
'maintainer_review_always': False,
'maintainer_review_initial': True,
'pending_submission_allow': False,
'pending_submission_consider': False,
'pending_submission_allowed_reviews': [
OriginInfo = namedtuple('OriginInfo', ['project', 'pending'])
PendingRequestInfo = namedtuple('PendingRequestInfo', ['identifier', 'reviews_remaining'])
PolicyResult = namedtuple('PolicyResult', ['wait', 'accept', 'reviews', 'comments'])
def origin_info_str(self):
return self.project + ('+' if self.pending else '')
OriginInfo.__str__ = origin_info_str
def config_load(apiurl, project):
config = attribute_value_load(apiurl, project, 'OriginConfig')
if not config:
return {}
return config_resolve(apiurl, project, yaml.safe_load(config))
def config_origin_generator(origins, apiurl=None, project=None, package=None, skip_workarounds=False):
for origin_item in origins:
for origin, values in origin_item.items():
is_workaround = origin_workaround_check(origin)
if skip_workarounds and is_workaround:
if (origin == '<devel>' or origin == '<devel>~') and apiurl and project and package:
devel_project, devel_package = devel_project_get(apiurl, project, package)
if not devel_project:
origin = devel_project
if is_workaround:
origin = origin_workaround_ensure(origin)
yield origin, values
break # Only support single value inside list item.
def config_resolve(apiurl, project, config):
defaults = POLICY_DEFAULTS.copy()
defaults_workarounds = POLICY_DEFAULTS.copy()
origins_original = config_origin_list(config)
config_project = Config.get(apiurl, project)
config_resolve_variables(config, config_project)
origins = config['origins']
i = 0
while i < len(origins):
origin = next(iter(origins[i]))
values = origins[i][origin]
if origin == '*':
del origins[i]
config_resolve_apply(config, values, until='*')
elif origin == '*~':
del origins[i]
config_resolve_create_workarounds(config, values, origins_original)
config_resolve_apply(config, values, workaround=True, until='*~')
elif '*' in origin:
# Does not allow for family + workaround expansion (ie. foo*~).
del origins[i]
config_resolve_create_family(apiurl, project, config, i, origin, values)
elif origin.endswith('~'):
values_new = deepcopy(defaults_workarounds)
i += 1
values_new = deepcopy(defaults)
i += 1
return config
def config_resolve_variables(config, config_project):
defaults_merged = DEFAULTS.copy()
for key in ['review-user', 'fallback-group']:
config[key] = config_resolve_variable(config[key], config_project)
if not config['review-user']:
config['review-user'] = NAME
for origin, values in config_origin_generator(config['origins']):
if 'additional_reviews' in values:
values['additional_reviews'] = [
config_resolve_variable(v, config_project) for v in values['additional_reviews']]
def config_resolve_variable(value, config_project, key='config'):
prefix = '<{}:'.format(key)
end = value.rfind('>')
if not value.startswith(prefix) or end == -1:
return value
key = value[len(prefix):end]
if key in config_project and config_project[key]:
return config_project[key] + value[end + 1:]
return ''
def config_origin_list(config, apiurl=None, project=None, package=None, skip_workarounds=False):
origin_list = []
for origin, values in config_origin_generator(
config['origins'], apiurl, project, package, skip_workarounds):
return origin_list
def config_resolve_create_workarounds(config, values_workaround, origins_skip):
origins = config['origins']
i = 0
for origin, values in config_origin_generator(origins):
i += 1
if origin.startswith('*') or origin.endswith('~'):
origin_new = origin + '~'
if origin_new in origins_skip:
values_new = deepcopy(values)
origins.insert(i, { origin_new: values_new })
def config_resolve_create_family(apiurl, project, config, position, origin, values):
projects = project_list_family_prior_pattern(apiurl, origin, project)
for origin_expanded in reversed(projects):
config['origins'].insert(position, { str(origin_expanded): values })
def config_resolve_apply(config, values_apply, key=None, workaround=False, until=None):
for origin, values in config_origin_generator(config['origins']):
if workaround and (not origin.endswith('~') or origin == '*~'):
if key:
if origin == key:
if until and origin == until:
def origin_workaround_check(origin):
return origin.endswith('~')
def origin_workaround_ensure(origin):
if not origin_workaround_check(origin):
return origin + '~'
return origin
def origin_find(apiurl, target_project, package, source_hash=None, current=False,
pending_allow=True, fallback=True):
config = config_load(apiurl, target_project)
if not source_hash:
current = True
source_hash = package_source_hash(apiurl, target_project, package)
if not source_hash:
return None
logging.debug('origin_find: {}/{} with source {} ({}, {}, {})'.format(
target_project, package, source_hash, current, pending_allow, fallback))
for origin, values in config_origin_generator(config['origins'], apiurl, target_project, package, True):
if project_source_contain(apiurl, origin, package, source_hash):
return OriginInfo(origin, False)
if pending_allow and (values['pending_submission_allow'] or values['pending_submission_consider']):
pending = project_source_pending(apiurl, origin, package, source_hash)
if pending is not False:
return OriginInfo(origin, pending)
if not fallback:
return None
# Unable to find matching origin, if current fallback to last known origin
# and mark as workaround, otherwise return current origin as workaround.
if current:
origin_info = origin_find_fallback(apiurl, target_project, package, source_hash, config['review-user'])
origin_info = origin_find(apiurl, target_project, package)
if origin_info:
# Force origin to be workaround since required fallback.
origin = origin_workaround_ensure(origin_info.project)
if origin in config_origin_list(config, apiurl, target_project, package):
return OriginInfo(origin, origin_info.pending)
return None
def project_source_contain(apiurl, project, package, source_hash):
for source_hash_consider in package_source_hash_history(
apiurl, project, package, include_project_link=True):
project_source_log('contain', project, source_hash_consider, source_hash)
if source_hash_consider == source_hash:
return True
return False
def project_source_pending(apiurl, project, package, source_hash):
apiurl_remote, project_remote = project_remote_apiurl(apiurl, project)
request_actions = request_action_list_source(apiurl_remote, project_remote, package,
states=['new', 'review'], include_release=True)
for request, action in request_actions:
source_hash_consider = package_source_hash(
apiurl_remote, action.src_project, action.src_package, action.src_rev)
project_source_log('pending', project, source_hash_consider, source_hash)
if source_hash_consider == source_hash:
return PendingRequestInfo(
request_remote_identifier(apiurl, apiurl_remote, request.reqid),
return False
def project_source_log(key, project, source_hash_consider, source_hash):
logging.debug('source_{}: {:<40} {} == {}{}'.format(
key, project, source_hash_consider, source_hash,
' (match)' if source_hash_consider == source_hash else ''))
def origin_find_fallback(apiurl, target_project, package, source_hash, user):
# Search accepted requests (newest to oldest), find the last review made by
# the specified user, load comment as annotation, and extract origin.
request_actions = request_action_list_source(apiurl, target_project, package, states=['accepted'])
for request, action in sorted(request_actions, key=lambda i: i[0].reqid, reverse=True):
annotation = origin_annotation_load(request, action, user)
if not annotation:
return OriginInfo(annotation.get('origin'), False)
# Fallback to searching workaround project.
fallback_workaround = config_load(apiurl, target_project).get('fallback-workaround')
if fallback_workaround:
if project_source_contain(apiurl, fallback_workaround['project'], package, source_hash):
return OriginInfo(fallback_workaround['origin'], False)
# Attempt to find a revision of target package that matches an origin.
first = True
for source_hash_consider in package_source_hash_history(
apiurl, target_project, package, include_project_link=True):
if first:
first = False
origin_info = origin_find(
apiurl, target_project, package, source_hash_consider, pending_allow=False, fallback=False)
if origin_info:
return origin_info
return None
def origin_annotation_dump(origin_info_new, origin_info_old, override=False, raw=False):
data = {'origin': str(origin_info_new.project)}
if origin_info_old and origin_info_new.project != origin_info_old.project:
data['origin_old'] = str(origin_info_old.project)
if override:
data['origin'] = origin_workaround_ensure(data['origin'])
data['comment'] = override
if raw:
return data
return yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False)
def origin_annotation_load(request, action, user):
review = review_find_last(request, user)
if not review:
return False
annotation = yaml.safe_load(review.comment)
except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as e:
# OBS used to prefix subsequent review lines with two spaces. At some
# point it was changed to no longer indent, but still need to be able
# to load older annotations.
comment_stripped = re.sub(r'^ ', '', review.comment, flags=re.MULTILINE)
annotation = yaml.safe_load(comment_stripped)
if not annotation:
return None
if len(request.actions) > 1:
action_key = request_action_key(action)
if action_key not in annotation:
return False
return annotation[action_key]
return annotation
def origin_find_highest(apiurl, project, package):
config = config_load(apiurl, project)
for origin, values in config_origin_generator(config['origins'], apiurl, project, package, True):
if entity_exists(apiurl, origin, package):
return origin
return None
def policy_evaluate(apiurl, project, package,
origin_info_new, origin_info_old,
source_hash_new, source_hash_old):
if origin_info_new is None:
config = config_load(apiurl, project)
origins = config_origin_list(config, apiurl, project, package, True)
comment = 'Source not found in allowed origins:\n\n- {}'.format('\n- '.join(origins))
return PolicyResult(config['unknown_origin_wait'], False, {}, [comment])
policy = policy_get(apiurl, project, package, origin_info_new.project)
inputs = policy_input_calculate(apiurl, project, package,
origin_info_new, origin_info_old,
source_hash_new, source_hash_old)
result = policy_input_evaluate(policy, inputs)
inputs['pending_submission'] = str(inputs['pending_submission'])
'# policy\n{}'.format(yaml.dump(policy, default_flow_style=False)),
'# inputs\n{}'.format(yaml.dump(inputs, default_flow_style=False)),
return result
def policy_get(apiurl, project, package, origin):
config = config_load(apiurl, project)
for key, values in config_origin_generator(config['origins'], apiurl, project, package):
if key == origin:
return policy_get_preprocess(apiurl, origin, values)
return None
def policy_get_preprocess(apiurl, origin, policy):
project = origin.rstrip('~')
config_project = Config.get(apiurl, project)
policy['pending_submission_allowed_reviews'] = list(filter(None, [
config_resolve_variable(v, config_project, 'config_source')
for v in policy['pending_submission_allowed_reviews']]))
return policy
def policy_input_calculate(apiurl, project, package,
origin_info_new, origin_info_old,
source_hash_new, source_hash_old):
inputs = {
# Treat no older origin info as new package.
'new_package': not entity_exists(apiurl, project, package) or origin_info_old is None,
'pending_submission': origin_info_new.pending,
if inputs['new_package']:
origin_highest = origin_find_highest(apiurl, project, package)
inputs['from_highest_priority'] = \
origin_highest is None or origin_info_new.project == origin_highest
workaround_new = origin_workaround_check(origin_info_new.project)
inputs['origin_change'] = origin_info_new.project != origin_info_old.project
if inputs['origin_change']:
config = config_load(apiurl, project)
origins = config_origin_list(config, apiurl, project, package)
inputs['higher_priority'] = \
origins.index(origin_info_new.project) < origins.index(origin_info_old.project)
if workaround_new:
inputs['same_family'] = True
inputs['same_family'] = \
origin_info_new.project in project_list_family(
apiurl, origin_info_old.project.rstrip('~'), True)
inputs['higher_priority'] = None
inputs['same_family'] = True
if inputs['pending_submission']:
inputs['direction'] = 'forward'
if workaround_new:
source_hashes = []
source_hashes = list(package_source_hash_history(
apiurl, origin_info_new.project, package, 10, True))
index_new = source_hashes.index(source_hash_new)
index_old = source_hashes.index(source_hash_old)
if index_new == index_old:
inputs['direction'] = 'none'
inputs['direction'] = 'forward' if index_new < index_old else 'backward'
except ValueError:
inputs['direction'] = 'unkown'
return inputs
def policy_input_evaluate(policy, inputs):
result = PolicyResult(False, True, {}, [])
if inputs['new_package']:
if policy['maintainer_review_initial']:
result.reviews['maintainer'] = 'Need package maintainer approval for initial submission.'
if not inputs['from_highest_priority']:
result.reviews['fallback'] = 'Not from the highest priority origin which provides the package.'
if inputs['direction'] == 'none':
return PolicyResult(False, False, {}, ['Identical source.'])
if inputs['origin_change']:
if inputs['higher_priority']:
if not inputs['same_family'] and inputs['direction'] != 'forward':
result.reviews['fallback'] = 'Changing to a higher priority origin, ' \
'but from another family and {} direction.'.format(inputs['direction'])
elif not inputs['same_family']:
result.reviews['fallback'] = 'Changing to a higher priority origin, but from another family.'
elif inputs['direction'] != 'forward':
result.reviews['fallback'] = \
'Changing to a higher priority origin, but {} direction.'.format(inputs['direction'])
result.reviews['fallback'] = 'Changing to a lower priority origin.'
if inputs['direction'] == 'forward':
if not policy['automatic_updates']:
result.reviews['fallback'] = 'Forward direction, but automatic updates not allowed.'
result.reviews['fallback'] = '{} direction.'.format(inputs['direction'])
if inputs['pending_submission'] is not False:
reviews_not_allowed = policy_input_evaluate_reviews_not_allowed(policy, inputs)
wait = not policy['pending_submission_allow'] or len(reviews_not_allowed)
result = PolicyResult(wait, True, result.reviews, result.comments)
if wait:
result.comments.append('Waiting on {} of {}.'.format(
'reviews' if policy['pending_submission_allow'] else 'acceptance',
if policy['maintainer_review_always']:
# Placed last to override initial maintainer approval message.
result.reviews['maintainer'] = 'Need package maintainer approval.'
for additional_review in policy['additional_reviews']:
if additional_review not in result.reviews:
result.reviews[additional_review] = 'Additional review required based on origin.'
return result
def policy_input_evaluate_reviews_not_allowed(policy, inputs):
reviews_not_allowed = []
for review_remaining in inputs['pending_submission'].reviews_remaining:
allowed = False
for review_allowed in policy['pending_submission_allowed_reviews']:
if review_allowed.endswith('*') and review_remaining.startswith(review_allowed[:-1]):
allowed = True
if review_remaining == review_allowed:
allowed = True
if not allowed:
return reviews_not_allowed
def origin_revision_state(apiurl, target_project, package, origin_info=False, limit=10):
if origin_info is False:
origin_info = origin_find(apiurl, target_project, package)
revisions = []
# Allow for origin project to contain revisions not present in target by
# considering double the limit of revisions. The goal is to know how many
# revisions behind the package in target project is and if it deviated from
# origin, not that it ended up with every revision found in origin project.
if origin_info is None:
origin_hashes = []
origin_project = origin_info.project.rstrip('~')
origin_hashes = list(package_source_hash_history(apiurl, origin_project, package, limit * 2, True))
target_hashes = list(package_source_hash_history(apiurl, target_project, package, limit, True))
for source_hash in origin_hashes:
if source_hash not in target_hashes:
for source_hash in target_hashes:
if len(revisions) == limit:
revisions.append(int(source_hash in origin_hashes))
# To simplify usage which is left-right (oldest-newest) place oldest first.
return list(reversed(revisions))
def origin_potentials(apiurl, target_project, package):
potentials = {}
config = config_load(apiurl, target_project)
for origin, _ in config_origin_generator(config['origins'], apiurl, target_project, package, True):
version = package_version(apiurl, origin, package)
if version is not False:
# Package exists in origin, but may still have unknown version.
potentials[origin] = version
return potentials
def origin_history(apiurl, target_project, package, user):
history = []
request_actions = request_action_list_source(apiurl, target_project, package, states=['all'])
for request, action in sorted(request_actions, key=lambda i: i[0].reqid, reverse=True):
annotation = origin_annotation_load(request, action, user)
if not annotation:
'origin': annotation.get('origin', 'None'),
'request': request.reqid,
'state': request.state.name,
return history