Stephan Kulow 44c79cfd76 Repo checker: work on staging projects as a whole
Implement a new command that takes a target project and one of its
staging projects and will run the checks against that project (including
delete requests) and if all is fine approves all reviews selected in
that staging.

This is to be used as part of the staging pipeline (and has been tested
with Factory's staging projects)
2019-03-20 08:39:27 +01:00

466 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

from __future__ import print_function
import cmdln
from collections import namedtuple
import hashlib
from lxml import etree as ET
import os
import pipes
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import osc.core
import argparse
import logging
from osclib.cache_manager import CacheManager
from osc import conf
from osclib.conf import Config
from osclib.conf import str2bool
from osclib.core import BINARY_REGEX
from osclib.core import builddepinfo
from osclib.core import depends_on
from osclib.core import devel_project_fallback
from osclib.core import fileinfo_ext_all
from osclib.core import package_binary_list
from osclib.core import project_meta_revision
from osclib.core import project_pseudometa_file_ensure
from osclib.core import project_pseudometa_file_load
from osclib.core import project_pseudometa_package
from osclib.core import repository_path_search
from osclib.core import repository_path_expand
from osclib.core import repositories_states
from osclib.core import repository_arch_state
from osclib.core import repositories_published
from osclib.core import target_archs
from osclib.memoize import memoize
from osclib.util import sha1_short
from osclib.stagingapi import StagingAPI
import ReviewBot
CACHEDIR ='repository-meta')
SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
CheckResult = namedtuple('CheckResult', ('success', 'comment'))
INSTALL_REGEX = r"^(?:can't install (.*?)|found conflict of (.*?) with (.*?)):$"
InstallSection = namedtuple('InstallSection', ('binaries', 'text'))
ERROR_REPO_SPECIFIED = 'a repository must be specified via OSRT:Config main-repo for {}'
class InstallChecker(object):
def __init__(self, api, config):
self.api = api
self.config = conf.config[api.project]
self.logger = logging.getLogger('InstallChecker')
self.arch_whitelist = self.config.get('repo_checker-arch-whitelist')
if self.arch_whitelist:
self.arch_whitelist = set(self.arch_whitelist.split(' '))
self.ring_whitelist = self.config.get('repo_checker-binary-whitelist-ring', '').split(' ')
self.cycle_packages = self.config.get('repo_checker-allowed-in-cycles')
def staging(self, project):
api = self.api
repository = 'standard'
repository_pairs = repository_path_expand(api.apiurl, project, repository)
staging_pair = [project, repository]
result = True
status = api.project_status(project)
if not status:
self.logger.error('no project status for {}'.format(project))
return False
meta = api.load_prj_pseudometa(status['description'])
for req in meta['requests']:
comment_lines = []
if req['type'] == 'delete':
package = req['package']
built_binaries = set([])
file_infos = []
for fileinfo in fileinfo_ext_all(api.apiurl, api.project, api.cmain_repo, 'x86_64', package):
for fileinfo in file_infos:
for provides in fileinfo.findall('provides_ext'):
for requiredby in provides.findall('requiredby[@name]'):
if requiredby.get('name') in built_binaries:
# extract >= and the like
provide = provides.get('dep')
provide = provide.split(' ')[0]'{} provides {} required by {}'.format(fileinfo.find('name').text, provide, requiredby.get('name')))
provide_missing = True
url = api.makeurl(['build', api.project, api.cmain_repo, 'x86_64', '_repository', requiredby.get('name') + '.rpm'],
{'view': 'fileinfo_ext'})
reverse_fileinfo = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
for require in reverse_fileinfo.findall('requires_ext'):
# extract >= and the like here too
dep = require.get('dep').split(' ')[0]
if dep != provide:
for provided_by in require.findall('providedby'):
if provided_by.get('name') in built_binaries:
continue' also provided by {} -> ignoring'.format(provided_by.get('name')))
provide_missing = False
if provide_missing:
self.logger.warn('missing requires')
result = False
what_depends_on = depends_on(api.apiurl, api.project, api.cmain_repo, [package], True)
# filter out dependency on package itself (happens with eg
# java bootstrapping itself with previous build)
if package in what_depends_on:
if len(what_depends_on):
self.logger.warn('{} is still a build requirement of:\n\n- {}'.format(
package, '\n- '.join(sorted(what_depends_on))))
result = False
archs = self.target_archs(project, repository)
for arch in archs:
# hit the first repository in the target project (if existant)
target_pair = None
directories = []
for pair_project, pair_repository in repository_pairs:
# ignore repositories only inherited for config
if repository_arch_state(self.api.apiurl, pair_project, pair_repository, arch):
if not target_pair and pair_project == api.project:
target_pair = [pair_project, pair_repository]
directories.append(self.mirror(pair_project, pair_repository, arch))
if not api.is_adi_project(project):
# For "leaky" ring packages in letter stagings, where the
# repository setup does not include the target project, that are
# not intended to to have all run-time dependencies satisfied.
whitelist = self.ring_whitelist
whitelist = self.binary_whitelist(staging_pair, target_pair, arch)
check = self.cycle_check(project, repository, arch)
if not check.success:
self.logger.warn('Cycle check failed')
result = False
check = self.install_check(target_pair, arch, directories, None, whitelist)
if not check.success:
self.logger.warn('Install check failed')
result = False
if result:
self.report_state('success', project, repository)
self.report_state('failure', project, repository)
self.logger.warn('Not accepting {}'.format(project))
return False
return result
def report_state(self, state, project, repository):
architectures = self.target_archs(project, repository)
for arch in architectures:
self.report_pipeline(state, project, repository, arch, arch == architectures[-1])
def gocd_url(self):
if not os.environ.get('GO_SERVER_URL'):
return ''
report_url = os.environ.get('GO_SERVER_URL').replace(':8154', '')
return report_url + '/tab/build/detail/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}#tab-console'.format(os.environ.get('GO_PIPELINE_NAME'),
def buildid(self, project, repository, architecture):
url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, repository, architecture], {'view': 'status'})
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
buildid = root.find('buildid')
if buildid is None:
return False
return buildid.text
def report_pipeline(self, state, project, repository, architecture, is_last):
buildid = self.buildid(project, repository, architecture)
url = self.api.makeurl(['status_reports', 'built', project,
repository, architecture, 'reports', buildid])
name = 'installcheck'
# this is a little bit ugly, but we don't need 2 failures. So save a success for the
# other archs to mark them as visited - pending we put in both
if not is_last:
if state == 'failure':
state = 'success'
#name = name + ':' + architecture
xml = self.check_xml(self.gocd_url(), state, name)
osc.core.http_POST(url, data=xml)
except HTTPError:
print('failed to post status to ' + url)
def check_xml(self, url, state, name):
check = ET.Element('check')
if url:
se = ET.SubElement(check, 'url')
se.text = url
se = ET.SubElement(check, 'state')
se.text = state
se = ET.SubElement(check, 'name')
se.text = name
return ET.tostring(check)
def target_archs(self, project, repository):
archs = target_archs(self.api.apiurl, project, repository)
# Check for arch whitelist and use intersection.
if self.arch_whitelist:
archs = list(self.arch_whitelist.intersection(set(archs)))
# Trick to prioritize x86_64.
return sorted(archs, reverse=True)
@memoize(ttl=60, session=True, add_invalidate=True)
def mirror(self, project, repository, arch):
"""Call bs_mirrorfull script to mirror packages."""
directory = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, project, repository, arch)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
script = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, 'bs_mirrorfull')
path = '/'.join((project, repository, arch))
url = '{}/public/build/{}'.format(self.api.apiurl, path)
parts = ['LC_ALL=C', 'perl', script, '--nodebug', url, directory]
parts = [pipes.quote(part) for part in parts]'mirroring {}'.format(path))
if os.system(' '.join(parts)):
raise Exception('failed to mirror {}'.format(path))
return directory
def binary_list_existing_problem(self, project, repository):
"""Determine which binaries are mentioned in repo_checker output."""
binaries = set()
filename = self.project_pseudometa_file_name(project, repository)
content = project_pseudometa_file_load(self.api.apiurl, project, filename)
if not content:
self.logger.warn('no project_only run from which to extract existing problems')
return binaries
sections = self.install_check_parse(content)
for section in sections:
for binary in section.binaries:
match = re.match(BINARY_REGEX, binary)
if match:
return binaries
def binary_whitelist(self, override_pair, overridden_pair, arch):
whitelist = self.binary_list_existing_problem(overridden_pair[0], overridden_pair[1])
staging = Config.get(self.api.apiurl, overridden_pair[0]).get('staging')
if staging:
additions = self.api.get_prj_pseudometa(
override_pair[0]).get('config', {})
prefix = 'repo_checker-binary-whitelist'
for key in [prefix, '-'.join([prefix, arch])]:
whitelist.update(additions.get(key, '').split(' '))
whitelist = filter(None, whitelist)
return whitelist
def install_check(self, target_project_pair, arch, directories,
ignore=None, whitelist=[], parse=False, no_filter=False):'install check: start (ignore:{}, whitelist:{}, parse:{}, no_filter:{})'.format(
bool(ignore), len(whitelist), parse, no_filter))
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as ignore_file:
# Print ignored rpms on separate lines in ignore file.
if ignore:
for item in ignore:
ignore_file.write(item + '\n')
# Invoke to perform an install check.
script = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, '')
parts = ['LC_ALL=C', 'perl', script, arch, ','.join(directories),
'-f',, '-w', ','.join(whitelist)]
if no_filter:
parts = [pipes.quote(part) for part in parts]
p = subprocess.Popen(' '.join(parts), shell=True,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if p.returncode:'install check: failed')
if p.returncode == 126:
self.logger.warn('mirror cache reset due to corruption')
elif parse:
# Parse output for later consumption for posting comments.
sections = self.install_check_parse(stdout)
target_project_pair[0], target_project_pair[1], arch, sections)
# Format output as markdown comment.
parts = []
stdout = stdout.strip()
if stdout:
parts.append('<pre>\n' + stdout + '\n' + '</pre>\n')
stderr = stderr.strip()
if stderr:
parts.append('<pre>\n' + stderr + '\n' + '</pre>\n')
header = '### [install check & file conflicts]'
if target_project_pair:
pseudometa_project, pseudometa_package = project_pseudometa_package(
self.api.apiurl, target_project_pair[0])
filename = self.project_pseudometa_file_name(target_project_pair[0], target_project_pair[1])
path = ['package', 'view_file', pseudometa_project, pseudometa_package, filename]
header += '(/{})'.format('/'.join(path))
return CheckResult(False, header + '\n\n' + ('\n' + ('-' * 80) + '\n\n').join(parts))'install check: passed')
return CheckResult(True, None)
def install_check_sections_group(self, project, repository, arch, sections):
_, binary_map = package_binary_list(self.api.apiurl, project, repository, arch)
for section in sections:
# If switch to creating bugs likely makes sense to join packages to
# form grouping key and create shared bugs for conflicts.
# Added check for b in binary_map after encountering:
# Under normal circumstances this should never occur.
packages = set([binary_map[b] for b in section.binaries if b in binary_map])
for package in packages:
self.package_results.setdefault(package, [])
def install_check_parse(self, output):
section = None
text = None
# Loop over lines and parse into chunks assigned to binaries.
for line in output.splitlines(True):
if line.startswith(' '):
if section:
text += line
if section:
yield InstallSection(section, text)
match = re.match(INSTALL_REGEX, line)
if match:
# Remove empty groups since regex matches different patterns.
binaries = [b for b in match.groups() if b is not None]
section = binaries
text = line
section = None
if section:
yield InstallSection(section, text)
def calculate_allowed_cycles(self):
self.allowed_cycles = []
if self.cycle_packages:
for comma_list in self.cycle_packages.split(';'):
def cycle_check(self, project, repository, arch):'cycle check: start %s/%s/%s' % (project, repository, arch))
comment = []
depinfo = builddepinfo(self.api.apiurl, project, repository, arch, order = False)
for cycle in depinfo.findall('cycle'):
for package in cycle.findall('package'):
package = package.text
allowed = False
for acycle in self.allowed_cycles:
if package in acycle:
allowed = True
if not allowed:
cycled = [p.text for p in cycle.findall('package')]
comment.append('Package {} appears in cycle {}'.format(package, '/'.join(cycled)))
if len(comment):
# New cycles, post comment.'cycle check: failed')
return CheckResult(False, '\n'.join(comment) + '\n')'cycle check: passed')
return CheckResult(True, None)
def result_comment(self, repository, arch, results, comment):
"""Generate comment from results"""
comment.append('## {}/{}\n'.format(repository, arch))
for result in results.values():
if not result.success:
def project_pseudometa_file_name(self, project, repository):
filename = 'repo_checker'
main_repo = Config.get(self.api.apiurl, project).get('main-repo')
if not main_repo:
filename += '.' + repository
return filename
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Do an installcheck on staging project')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--staging', type=str, default=None,
help='staging project')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--project', type=str, default='openSUSE:Factory',
help='project to check (ex. openSUSE:Factory, openSUSE:Leap:15.1)')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False,
help='enable debug information')
parser.add_argument('-A', '--apiurl', metavar='URL', help='API URL')
args = parser.parse_args()
osc.conf.config['debug'] = args.debug
apiurl = osc.conf.config['apiurl']
config = Config(apiurl, args.project)
api = StagingAPI(apiurl, args.project)
staging_report = InstallChecker(api, config)
if args.debug:
if args.staging:
# for staging in api.get_staging_projects():
#, True, args.force)