442 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
442 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
import cmdln
from collections import namedtuple
import hashlib
import os
import pipes
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
from osclib.core import binary_list
from osclib.core import depends_on
from osclib.core import package_binary_list
from osclib.core import request_staged
from osclib.core import target_archs
from osclib.cycle import CycleDetector
from osclib.memoize import CACHEDIR
import ReviewBot
SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
CheckResult = namedtuple('CheckResult', ('success', 'comment'))
INSTALL_REGEX = r"^(?:can't install (.*?)|found conflict of (.*?) with (.*?)):$"
InstallSection = namedtuple('InstallSection', ('binaries', 'text'))
class RepoChecker(ReviewBot.ReviewBot):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ReviewBot.ReviewBot.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# ReviewBot options.
self.only_one_action = True
self.request_default_return = True
self.comment_handler = True
# RepoChecker options.
self.skip_cycle = False
def project_only(self, project, post_comments=False):
# self.staging_config needed by target_archs().
api = self.staging_api(project)
comment = []
for arch in self.target_archs(project):
directory_project = self.mirror(project, arch)
parse = project if post_comments else False
results = {
'cycle': CheckResult(True, None),
'install': self.install_check(project, [directory_project], arch, parse=parse),
if not all(result.success for _, result in results.items()):
self.result_comment(arch, results, comment)
text = '\n'.join(comment).strip()
api.dashboard_content_ensure('repo_checker', text, 'project_only run')
if post_comments:
def package_comments(self, project):
self.logger.info('{} package comments'.format(len(self.package_results)))
for package, sections in self.package_results.items():
message = 'The version of this package in `{}` has installation issues and may not be installable:'.format(project)
# Sort sections by text to group binaries together.
sections = sorted(sections, key=lambda s: s.text)
message += '\n\n<pre>\n{}\n</pre>'.format(
'\n'.join([section.text for section in sections]).strip())
# Generate a hash based on the binaries involved and the number of
# sections. This eliminates version or release changes from causing
# an update to the comment while still updating on relevant changes.
binaries = set()
for section in sections:
info = ';'.join(['::'.join(sorted(binaries)), str(len(sections))])
reference = hashlib.sha1(info).hexdigest()[:7]
# Post comment on devel package in order to notifiy maintainers.
devel_project, devel_package = self.get_devel_project(project, package)
self.comment_write(state='seen', result=reference,
project=devel_project, package=devel_package, message=message)
def prepare_review(self):
# Reset for request batch.
self.requests_map = {}
self.groups = {}
# Manipulated in ensure_group().
self.group = None
self.mirrored = set()
# Stores parsed install_check() results grouped by package.
self.package_results = {}
# Look for requests of interest and group by staging.
for request in self.requests:
# Only interesting if request is staged.
group = request_staged(request)
if not group:
self.logger.debug('{}: not staged'.format(request.reqid))
# Only interested if group has completed building.
api = self.staging_api(request.actions[0].tgt_project)
status = api.project_status(group, True)
# Corrupted requests may reference non-existent projects and will
# thus return a None status which should be considered not ready.
if not status or str(status['overall_state']) not in ('testing', 'review', 'acceptable'):
self.logger.debug('{}: {} not ready'.format(request.reqid, group))
# Only interested if request is in consistent state.
selected = api.project_status_requests('selected')
if request.reqid not in selected:
self.logger.debug('{}: inconsistent state'.format(request.reqid))
self.requests_map[int(request.reqid)] = group
requests = self.groups.get(group, [])
self.groups[group] = requests
self.logger.debug('{}: {} ready'.format(request.reqid, group))
# Filter out undesirable requests and ensure requests are ordered
# together with group for efficiency.
count_before = len(self.requests)
self.requests = []
for group, requests in sorted(self.groups.items()):
self.logger.debug('requests: {} skipped, {} queued'.format(
count_before - len(self.requests), len(self.requests)))
def ensure_group(self, request, action):
project = action.tgt_project
group = self.requests_map[int(request.reqid)]
if group == self.group:
# Only process a group the first time it is encountered.
return self.group_pass
self.logger.info('group {}'.format(group))
self.group = group
self.group_pass = True
comment = []
for arch in self.target_archs(project):
stagings = []
directories = []
ignore = set()
for staging in self.staging_api(project).staging_walk(group):
if arch not in self.target_archs(staging):
self.logger.debug('{}/{} not available'.format(staging, arch))
directories.append(self.mirror(staging, arch))
ignore.update(self.ignore_from_staging(project, staging, arch))
if not len(stagings):
# Only bother if staging can match arch, but layered first.
directories.insert(0, self.mirror(project, arch))
whitelist = self.binary_whitelist(project, arch)
# Perform checks on group.
results = {
'cycle': self.cycle_check(project, stagings, arch),
'install': self.install_check(project, directories, arch, ignore, whitelist),
if not all(result.success for _, result in results.items()):
# Not all checks passed, build comment.
self.group_pass = False
self.result_comment(arch, results, comment)
if not self.group_pass:
# Some checks in group did not pass, post comment.
self.comment_write(state='seen', result='failed', project=group,
message='\n'.join(comment).strip(), identical=True)
# Post passed comment only if previous failed comment.
text = 'Previously reported problems have been resolved.'
self.comment_write(state='done', result='passed', project=group,
message=text, identical=True, only_replace=True)
return self.group_pass
def target_archs(self, project):
archs = target_archs(self.apiurl, project)
# Check for arch whitelist and use intersection.
product = project.split(':Staging:', 1)[0]
whitelist = self.staging_config[product].get('repo_checker-arch-whitelist')
if whitelist:
archs = list(set(whitelist.split(' ')).intersection(set(archs)))
# Trick to prioritize x86_64.
return sorted(archs, reverse=True)
def mirror(self, project, arch):
"""Call bs_mirrorfull script to mirror packages."""
directory = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, project, 'standard', arch)
if (project, arch) in self.mirrored:
# Only mirror once per request batch.
return directory
if not os.path.exists(directory):
script = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, 'bs_mirrorfull')
path = '/'.join((project, 'standard', arch))
url = '{}/public/build/{}'.format(self.apiurl, path)
parts = ['LC_ALL=C', 'perl', script, '--nodebug', url, directory]
parts = [pipes.quote(part) for part in parts]
self.logger.info('mirroring {}'.format(path))
if os.system(' '.join(parts)):
raise Exception('failed to mirror {}'.format(path))
self.mirrored.add((project, arch))
return directory
def ignore_from_staging(self, project, staging, arch):
"""Determine the target project binaries to ingore in favor of staging."""
_, binary_map = package_binary_list(self.apiurl, staging, 'standard', arch)
packages = set(binary_map.values())
binaries, _ = package_binary_list(self.apiurl, project, 'standard', arch)
for binary in binaries:
if binary.package in packages:
yield binary.name
def binary_whitelist(self, project, arch):
prefix = 'repo_checker-binary-whitelist'
whitelist = set()
for key in [prefix, '-'.join([prefix, arch])]:
whitelist.update(self.staging_config[project].get(key, '').split(' '))
return whitelist
def install_check(self, project, directories, arch, ignore=[], whitelist=[], parse=False):
self.logger.info('install check: start')
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as ignore_file:
# Print ignored rpms on separate lines in ignore file.
for item in ignore:
ignore_file.write(item + '\n')
directory_project = directories.pop(0) if len(directories) > 1 else None
# Invoke repo_checker.pl to perform an install check.
script = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, 'repo_checker.pl')
parts = ['LC_ALL=C', 'perl', script, arch, ','.join(directories),
'-f', ignore_file.name, '-w', ','.join(whitelist)]
if directory_project:
parts.extend(['-r', directory_project])
parts = [pipes.quote(part) for part in parts]
p = subprocess.Popen(' '.join(parts), shell=True,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if p.returncode:
self.logger.info('install check: failed')
if p.returncode == 126:
self.logger.warn('mirror cache reset due to corruption')
self.mirrored = set()
elif parse:
# Parse output for later consumption for posting comments.
sections = self.install_check_parse(stdout)
self.install_check_sections_group(parse, arch, sections)
# Format output as markdown comment.
parts = []
stdout = stdout.strip()
if stdout:
parts.append('<pre>\n' + stdout + '\n' + '</pre>\n')
stderr = stderr.strip()
if stderr:
parts.append('<pre>\n' + stderr + '\n' + '</pre>\n')
header = '### [install check & file conflicts](/package/view_file/{}:Staging/dashboard/repo_checker)\n\n'.format(project)
return CheckResult(False, header + ('\n' + ('-' * 80) + '\n\n').join(parts))
self.logger.info('install check: passed')
return CheckResult(True, None)
def install_check_sections_group(self, project, arch, sections):
_, binary_map = package_binary_list(self.apiurl, project, 'standard', arch)
for section in sections:
# If switch to creating bugs likely makes sense to join packages to
# form grouping key and create shared bugs for conflicts.
# Added check for b in binary_map after encountering:
# https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-buildservice/2017-08/msg00035.html
# Under normal circumstances this should never occur.
packages = set([binary_map[b] for b in section.binaries if b in binary_map])
for package in packages:
self.package_results.setdefault(package, [])
def install_check_parse(self, output):
section = None
text = None
# Loop over lines and parse into chunks assigned to binaries.
for line in output.splitlines(True):
if line.startswith(' '):
if section:
text += line
if section:
yield InstallSection(section, text)
match = re.match(INSTALL_REGEX, line)
if match:
# Remove empty groups since regex matches different patterns.
binaries = [b for b in match.groups() if b is not None]
section = binaries
text = line
section = None
if section:
yield InstallSection(section, text)
def cycle_check(self, project, stagings, arch):
if self.skip_cycle:
self.logger.info('cycle check: skip due to --skip-cycle')
return CheckResult(True, None)
self.logger.info('cycle check: start')
cycle_detector = CycleDetector(self.staging_api(project))
comment = []
for staging in stagings:
first = True
for index, (cycle, new_edges, new_packages) in enumerate(
cycle_detector.cycles(staging, arch=arch), start=1):
if not new_packages:
if first:
comment.append('### new [cycle(s)](/project/repository_state/{}/standard)\n'.format(staging))
first = False
# New package involved in cycle, build comment.
comment.append('- #{}: {} package cycle, {} new edges'.format(
index, len(cycle), len(new_edges)))
comment.append(' - cycle')
for package in sorted(cycle):
comment.append(' - {}'.format(package))
comment.append(' - new edges')
for edge in sorted(new_edges):
comment.append(' - ({}, {})'.format(edge[0], edge[1]))
if len(comment):
# New cycles, post comment.
self.logger.info('cycle check: failed')
return CheckResult(False, '\n'.join(comment))
self.logger.info('cycle check: passed')
return CheckResult(True, None)
def result_comment(self, arch, results, comment):
"""Generate comment from results"""
comment.append('## ' + arch + '\n')
for result in results.values():
if not result.success:
def check_action_submit(self, request, action):
if not self.ensure_group(request, action):
return None
self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'cycle and install check passed'
return True
def check_action_delete(self, request, action):
# TODO Include runtime dependencies instead of just build dependencies.
# TODO Ignore tgt_project packages that depend on this that are part of
# ignore list as and instead look at output from staging for those.
what_depends_on = depends_on(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, 'standard', [action.tgt_package], True)
if len(what_depends_on):
self.logger.warn('{} is still a build requirement of {}'.format(action.tgt_package, ', '.join(what_depends_on)))
if len(self.comment_handler.lines):
self.comment_write(state='seen', result='failed')
return None
# Allow for delete to be declined before ensuring group passed.
if not self.ensure_group(request, action):
return None
self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'delete request is safe'
return True
class CommandLineInterface(ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.__init__(self, args, kwargs)
self.clazz = RepoChecker
def get_optparser(self):
parser = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.get_optparser(self)
parser.add_option('--skip-cycle', action='store_true', help='skip cycle check')
return parser
def setup_checker(self):
bot = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.setup_checker(self)
if self.options.skip_cycle:
bot.skip_cycle = self.options.skip_cycle
return bot
@cmdln.option('--post-comments', action='store_true', help='post comments to packages with issues')
def do_project_only(self, subcmd, opts, project):
self.checker.check_requests() # Needed to properly init ReviewBot.
self.checker.project_only(project, opts.post_comments)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = CommandLineInterface()