2015-07-19 17:50:46 +02:00

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# Copyright (C) 2015 SUSE Linux GmbH
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
import os
import operator
import re
from osc import conf
# Sane defatuls for openSUSE and SUSE. The string interpolation rule
# is as this:
# * %(project)s to replace the name of the project.
# * %(project.lower)s to replace the lower case version of the name of
# the project.
r'openSUSE:(?P<project>[-\w\d]+)': {
'staging': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Staging',
'staging-group': '%(project.lower)s-staging',
'staging-archs': 'i586 x86_64 ppc64le',
'rings': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Rings',
'nonfree': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:NonFree',
'rebuild': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Rebuild',
'product': 'openSUSE.product',
'openqa': 'https://openqa.opensuse.org',
'lock': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Staging',
'lock-ns': 'openSUSE',
r'SUSE:(?P<project>.*$)': {
'staging': 'SUSE:%(project)s:Staging',
'staging-group': 'sle-staging-managers', # '%(project.lower)s-staging',
'staging-archs': 'i586 x86_64',
'rings': None,
'nonfree': None,
'rebuild': None,
'product': None,
'openqa': None,
'lock': None,
'lock-ns': 'OBS',
# You can overwrite the DEFAULT in the configuration file (~/.oscrc).
# For example, to change the Factory layout you need to add a new
# section like this:
# [openSUSE:Factory]
# staging = openSUSE:Factory:Staging
# rings = openSUSE:Factory:Rings
# lock = openSUSE:Factory:Staging
class Config(object):
"""Helper class to configuration file."""
def __init__(self, project):
self.project = project
conf_file = os.environ.get('OSC_CONFIG', '~/.oscrc')
self.conf_file = os.path.expanduser(conf_file)
# Populate the configuration dictionary
def conf(self):
return conf
def populate_conf(self):
"""Add sane default into the configuration."""
defaults = {}
for prj_pattern in DEFAULT:
match = re.match(prj_pattern, self.project)
if match:
project = match.group('project')
for k, v in DEFAULT[prj_pattern].items():
if isinstance(v, basestring) and '%(project)s' in v:
defaults[k] = v % {'project': project}
elif isinstance(v, basestring) and '%(project.lower)s' in v:
defaults[k] = v % {'project.lower': project.lower()}
defaults[k] = v
# Update the configuration, only when it is necessary
conf.config[self.project] = self.read_section(self.project, defaults)
# Take the common parameters and check that are there
params = [set(d) for d in DEFAULT.values()]
params = reduce(operator.__and__, params)
if not all(p in conf.config[self.project] for p in params):
msg = 'Please, add [%s] section in %s' % (self.project, self.conf_file)
raise Exception(msg)
def read_section(self, section, defaults):
"""OSC parser is a bit buggy. Re-read the configuration file to find
extra sections.
cp = ConfigParser(defaults=defaults)
if cp.has_section(section):
return dict(cp.items(section))
return defaults