196 lines
7.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (C) 2014 mhrusecky@suse.cz, openSUSE.org
# (C) 2014 tchvatal@suse.cz, openSUSE.org
# (C) 2014 aplanas@suse.de, openSUSE.org
# (C) 2014 coolo@suse.de, openSUSE.org
# (C) 2017 okurz@suse.de, openSUSE.org
# (C) 2018 dheidler@suse.de, openSUSE.org
# Distribute under GPLv2 or GPLv3
import ToolBase
import logging
import re
import yaml
from enum import IntEnum
from lxml import etree as ET
from osclib.stagingapi import StagingAPI
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from ttm.totest import ToTest
class NotFoundException(Exception):
class QAResult(IntEnum):
inprogress = 1
failed = 2
passed = 3
def __str__(self):
if self == QAResult.inprogress:
return 'inprogress'
elif self == QAResult.failed:
return 'failed'
return 'passed'
class ToTestManager(ToolBase.ToolBase):
def __init__(self, tool):
# copy attributes
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.apiurl = tool.apiurl
self.debug = tool.debug
self.caching = tool.caching
self.dryrun = tool.dryrun
def setup(self, project):
self.project = ToTest(project, self.apiurl)
self.api = StagingAPI(self.apiurl, project=project)
def version_file(self, target):
return f'version_{target}'
def write_version_to_dashboard(self, target, version):
if self.dryrun or self.project.do_not_release:
self.api.pseudometa_file_ensure(self.version_file(target), version,
comment='Update version')
def current_qa_version(self):
return self.api.pseudometa_file_load(self.version_file('totest'))
def iso_build_version(self, project, tree, repo=None, arch=None):
for binary in self.binaries_of_product(project, tree, repo=repo, arch=arch):
result = re.match(
r'.*-(?:Build|Snapshot)([0-9.]+)(?:-Media.*\.iso|\.docker\.tar\.xz|\.tar\.xz|\.raw\.xz|\.appx)', binary)
if result:
return result.group(1)
raise NotFoundException(f"can't find {project} iso version")
def productcompose_build_version(self, project, tree, repo=None, arch=None):
for binary in self.binaries_of_product(project, tree, repo=repo, arch=arch):
result = re.match(
r'.*-(?:Build|Snapshot)([0-9.]+)(.report)', binary)
if result:
return result.group(1)
raise NotFoundException(f"can't find {project} productcompose version")
def version_from_totest_project(self):
if len(self.project.main_products):
return self.iso_build_version(self.project.test_project, self.project.main_products[0])
return self.iso_build_version(self.project.test_project, self.project.image_products[0].package,
def binaries_of_product(self, project, product, repo=None, arch=None):
if repo is None:
repo = self.project.product_repo
if arch is None:
arch = self.project.product_arch
url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, repo, arch, product])
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
except HTTPError:
return []
ret = []
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
return ret
def ftp_build_version(self, project, tree):
for binary in self.binaries_of_product(project, tree):
result = re.match(r'.*-Build(.*)-Media1.report', binary)
if result:
return result.group(1)
raise NotFoundException(f"can't find {project} ftp version")
# make sure to update the attribute as atomic as possible - as such
# only update the snapshot and don't erase anything else. The snapshots
# have very different update times within the pipeline, so there is
# normally no chance that releaser and publisher overwrite states
def update_status(self, status, snapshot):
status_dict = self.get_status_dict()
if status_dict.get(status) == snapshot:
self.logger.info(f'setting {status} snapshot to {snapshot} (previously {status_dict.get(status)})')
if self.dryrun:
if status_dict.get(status) != snapshot:
status_dict[status] = snapshot
text = yaml.safe_dump(status_dict)
self.api.attribute_value_save('ToTestManagerStatus', text)
def get_status_dict(self):
text = self.api.attribute_value_load('ToTestManagerStatus')
if text:
return yaml.safe_load(text)
return dict()
def get_status(self, status):
return self.get_status_dict().get(status)
def get_product_version(self):
return self.api.attribute_value_load('ProductVersion')
def release_package(self, project, package, set_release=None, repository=None,
target_project=None, target_repository=None):
query = {'cmd': 'release'}
if set_release:
query['setrelease'] = set_release
if repository is not None:
query['repository'] = repository
if target_project is not None:
# Both need to be set
query['target_project'] = target_project
query['target_repository'] = target_repository
baseurl = ['source', project, package]
url = self.api.makeurl(baseurl, query=query)
if self.dryrun or self.project.do_not_release:
self.logger.info(f'release {project}/{package} ({query})')
def all_repos_done(self, project, codes=None):
"""Check the build result of the project and only return True if all
repos of that project are either published or unpublished
# coolo's experience says that 'finished' won't be
# sufficient here, so don't try to add it :-)
codes = ['published', 'unpublished'] if not codes else codes
url = self.api.makeurl(
['build', project, '_result'], {'code': 'failed'})
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
ready = True
for repo in root.findall('result'):
# ignore ports. 'factory' is used by arm for repos that are not
# meant to use the totest manager.
if repo.get('repository') in ('ports', 'factory', 'images_staging'):
if repo.get('dirty') == 'true':
self.logger.info('%s %s %s -> %s' % (repo.get('project'),
repo.get('repository'), repo.get('arch'), 'dirty'))
ready = False
if repo.get('code') not in codes:
self.logger.info('%s %s %s -> %s' % (repo.get('project'),
repo.get('repository'), repo.get('arch'), repo.get('code')))
ready = False
return ready