Stephan Kulow 5dc49a60d2 [oqamaint] Fetch the list of packages for openSUSE
We used to list this from the request, but as this is no longer available,
the settings function itself needs to query it
2018-04-20 15:18:36 +02:00

134 lines
4.6 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import requests
# python 3 has gzip decompress function
from gzip import decompress
except ImportError:
from gzip import GzipFile
import io
def decompress(data):
with GzipFile(fileobj=io.BytesIO(data)) as f:
# use cElementTree by default, fallback to pure python
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import osc.core
from osclib.memoize import memoize
class Update(object):
incident_name_cache = {}
def __init__(self, settings):
self._settings = settings
self._settings['_NOOBSOLETEBUILD'] = '1'
self.opensuse = True
def get_max_revision(self, job):
repo = self.repo_prefix + '/'
repo += self.maintenance_project.replace(':', ':/')
repo += ':/{!s}'.format(job['id'])
max_revision = 0
for channel in job['channels']:
crepo = repo + '/' + channel.replace(':', '_')
xml = requests.get(crepo + '/repodata/repomd.xml')
if not xml.ok:"{} skipped .. need wait".format(crepo))
# if one fails, we skip it and wait
return None
root = ET.fromstring(xml.text)
rev = root.find('.//{}revision')
rev = int(rev.text)
if rev > max_revision:
max_revision = rev
return max_revision
def settings(self, src_prj, dst_prj):
s = self._settings.copy()
# start with a colon so it looks cool behind 'Build' :/
s['BUILD'] = ':' + src_prj.split(':')[-1]
name = self.incident_name(src_prj)
repo = dst_prj.replace(':', '_')
repo = '{!s}/{!s}/{!s}/'.format(self.repo_prefix, src_prj.replace(':', ':/'), repo)
patch_id = self.patch_id(repo)
print("SETTINGS", dst_prj, repo,patch_id)
if patch_id:
s['INCIDENT_REPO'] = repo
s['INCIDENT_PATCH'] = patch_id
s['BUILD'] += ':' + name
return [s]
def incident_packages(self, prj):
packages = []
for package in osc.core.meta_get_packagelist(self.apiurl, prj):
if package.endswith('SUSE_Channels') or package.startswith('patchinfo'):
parts = package.split('.')
# remove target name
return packages
# grab the updateinfo from the given repo and return its patch's id
def patch_id(repo):
url = repo + 'repodata/repomd.xml'
repomd = requests.get(url)
if not repomd.ok:
return None
root = ET.fromstring(repomd.text)
cs = root.find(
url = repo + cs.attrib['href']
except AttributeError:
return None
repomd = requests.get(url).content
root = ET.fromstring(decompress(repomd))
return root.find('.//id').text
# take the first package name we find - often enough correct
def incident_name(self, prj):
if prj not in self.incident_name_cache:
self.incident_name_cache[prj] = self._incident_name(prj)
return self.incident_name_cache[prj]
def _incident_name(self, prj):
shortest_pkg = None
for package in osc.core.meta_get_packagelist(self.apiurl, prj):
if package.startswith('patchinfo'):
if package.endswith('SUSE_Channels'):
# other tools on SLE have data from SMELT without access to this attrib
if self.opensuse:
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ('source', prj, package, '_link'))
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
if root.attrib.get('cicount'):
# super hack, but we need to strip the suffix from the package name
# but bash.openSUSE_Leap_42.3_Update doesn't leave many options
# without reverse engineering OBS :(
package = re.sub(r'\.openSUSE_Leap_.*$', '.openSUSE', package)
if not shortest_pkg or len(package) < len(shortest_pkg):
shortest_pkg = package
if not shortest_pkg:
shortest_pkg = 'unknown'
match = re.match(r'^(.*)\.[^\.]*$', shortest_pkg)
return if match else shortest_pkg