384 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
384 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
import argparse
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from urllib.error import HTTPError
import osc.core
import yaml
from lxml import etree as ET
from osclib.comments import CommentAPI
from osclib.conf import Config
from osclib.conf import str2bool
from osclib.core import (builddepinfo, depends_on, duplicated_binaries_in_repo,
fileinfo_ext_all, repository_arch_state,
repository_path_expand, target_archs)
from osclib.repochecks import installcheck, mirror
from osclib.stagingapi import StagingAPI
SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
CheckResult = namedtuple('CheckResult', ('success', 'comment'))
class InstallChecker(object):
def __init__(self, api, config):
self.api = api
self.logger = logging.getLogger('InstallChecker')
self.commentapi = CommentAPI(api.apiurl)
self.arch_whitelist = config.get('repo_checker-arch-whitelist')
if self.arch_whitelist:
self.arch_whitelist = set(self.arch_whitelist.split(' '))
self.ring_whitelist = set(config.get('repo_checker-binary-whitelist-ring', '').split(' '))
self.cycle_packages = config.get('repo_checker-allowed-in-cycles')
self.ignore_duplicated = set(config.get('installcheck-ignore-duplicated-binaries', '').split(' '))
self.ignore_conflicts = set(config.get('installcheck-ignore-conflicts', '').split(' '))
self.ignore_deletes = str2bool(config.get('installcheck-ignore-deletes', 'False'))
def check_required_by(self, fileinfo, provides, requiredby, built_binaries, comments):
if requiredby.get('name') in built_binaries:
return True
# extract >= and the like
provide = provides.get('dep')
provide = provide.split(' ')[0]
comments.append('{} provides {} required by {}'.format(
fileinfo.find('name').text, provide, requiredby.get('name')))
url = api.makeurl(['build', api.project, api.cmain_repo, 'x86_64', '_repository', requiredby.get('name') + '.rpm'],
{'view': 'fileinfo_ext'})
reverse_fileinfo = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
for require in reverse_fileinfo.findall('requires_ext'):
# extract >= and the like here too
dep = require.get('dep').split(' ')[0]
if dep != provide:
for provided_by in require.findall('providedby'):
if provided_by.get('name') in built_binaries:
comments.append(' also provided by {} -> ignoring'.format(provided_by.get('name')))
return True
comments.append('Error: missing alternative provides for {}'.format(provide))
return False
def check_delete_request(self, req, to_ignore, to_delete, comments):
package = req.get('package')
if package in to_ignore or self.ignore_deletes:
self.logger.info('Delete request for package {} ignored'.format(package))
return True
built_binaries = set()
file_infos = []
for fileinfo in fileinfo_ext_all(self.api.apiurl, self.api.project, self.api.cmain_repo, 'x86_64', package):
# extend the others - this asks for a refactoring, but we don't handle tons of delete requests often
for ptd in to_delete:
if package == ptd:
for fileinfo in fileinfo_ext_all(self.api.apiurl, self.api.project, self.api.cmain_repo, 'x86_64', ptd):
result = True
for fileinfo in file_infos:
for provides in fileinfo.findall('provides_ext'):
for requiredby in provides.findall('requiredby[@name]'):
result = result and self.check_required_by(fileinfo, provides, requiredby, built_binaries, comments)
what_depends_on = depends_on(api.apiurl, api.project, api.cmain_repo, [package], True)
# filter out packages to be deleted
for ptd in to_delete:
if ptd in what_depends_on:
if len(what_depends_on):
comments.append('{} is still a build requirement of:\n\n- {}'.format(
package, '\n- '.join(sorted(what_depends_on))))
return False
return result
def packages_to_ignore(self, project):
comments = self.commentapi.get_comments(project_name=project)
ignore_re = re.compile(r'^installcheck: ignore (?P<args>.*)$', re.MULTILINE)
# the last wins, for now we don't care who said it
args = []
for comment in comments.values():
match = ignore_re.search(comment['comment'].replace('\r', ''))
if not match:
args = match.group('args').strip()
# allow space and comma to seperate
args = args.replace(',', ' ').split(' ')
return set(args)
def staging(self, project, force=False):
api = self.api
repository = self.api.cmain_repo
# fetch the build ids at the beginning - mirroring takes a while
buildids = {}
architectures = self.target_archs(project, repository)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
# adi disappear all the time, so don't worry
return False
raise e
all_done = True
for arch in architectures:
pra = '{}/{}/{}'.format(project, repository, arch)
buildid = self.buildid(project, repository, arch)
if not buildid:
self.logger.error('No build ID in {}'.format(pra))
return False
buildids[arch] = buildid
url = self.report_url(project, repository, arch, buildid)
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
check = root.find('check[@name="installcheck"]/state')
if check is not None and check.text != 'pending':
self.logger.info('{} already "{}", ignoring'.format(pra, check.text))
all_done = False
except HTTPError:
self.logger.info('{} has no status report'.format(pra))
all_done = False
if all_done and not force:
return True
repository_pairs = repository_path_expand(api.apiurl, project, repository)
result_comment = []
result = True
to_ignore = self.packages_to_ignore(project)
status = api.project_status(project)
if status is None:
self.logger.error('no project status for {}'.format(project))
return False
# collect packages to be deleted
to_delete = set()
for req in status.findall('staged_requests/request'):
if req.get('type') == 'delete':
for req in status.findall('staged_requests/request'):
if req.get('type') == 'delete':
result = self.check_delete_request(req, to_ignore, to_delete, result_comment) and result
for arch in architectures:
# hit the first repository in the target project (if existant)
target_pair = None
directories = []
for pair_project, pair_repository in repository_pairs:
# ignore repositories only inherited for config
if repository_arch_state(self.api.apiurl, pair_project, pair_repository, arch):
if not target_pair and pair_project == api.project:
target_pair = [pair_project, pair_repository]
directories.append(mirror(self.api.apiurl, pair_project, pair_repository, arch))
if not api.is_adi_project(project):
# For "leaky" ring packages in letter stagings, where the
# repository setup does not include the target project, that are
# not intended to to have all run-time dependencies satisfied.
whitelist = self.ring_whitelist
whitelist = set()
whitelist |= to_ignore
ignore_conflicts = self.ignore_conflicts | to_ignore
check = self.cycle_check(project, repository, arch)
if not check.success:
self.logger.warning('Cycle check failed')
result = False
check = self.install_check(directories, arch, whitelist, ignore_conflicts)
if not check.success:
self.logger.warning('Install check failed')
result = False
duplicates = duplicated_binaries_in_repo(self.api.apiurl, project, repository)
# remove white listed duplicates
for arch in list(duplicates):
for binary in self.ignore_duplicated:
duplicates[arch].pop(binary, None)
if not len(duplicates[arch]):
del duplicates[arch]
if len(duplicates):
self.logger.warning('Found duplicated binaries')
result_comment.append('Found duplicated binaries')
result_comment.append(yaml.dump(duplicates, default_flow_style=False))
result = False
if result:
self.report_state('success', self.gocd_url(), project, repository, buildids)
result_comment.insert(0, 'Generated from {}\n'.format(self.gocd_url()))
self.report_state('failure', self.upload_failure(project, result_comment), project, repository, buildids)
self.logger.warning('Not accepting {}'.format(project))
return False
return result
def upload_failure(self, project, comment):
print(project, '\n'.join(comment))
url = self.api.makeurl(['source', 'home:repo-checker', 'reports', project])
osc.core.http_PUT(url, data='\n'.join(comment))
url = self.api.apiurl.replace('api.', 'build.')
return '{}/package/view_file/home:repo-checker/reports/{}'.format(url, project)
def report_state(self, state, report_url, project, repository, buildids):
architectures = self.target_archs(project, repository)
for arch in architectures:
self.report_pipeline(state, report_url, project, repository, arch, buildids[arch])
def gocd_url(self):
if not os.environ.get('GO_SERVER_URL'):
# placeholder :)
return 'http://stephan.kulow.org/'
report_url = os.environ.get('GO_SERVER_URL').replace(':8154', '')
return report_url + '/tab/build/detail/{}/{}/{}/{}/{}#tab-console'.format(os.environ.get('GO_PIPELINE_NAME'),
def buildid(self, project, repository, architecture):
url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, repository, architecture], {'view': 'status'})
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
buildid = root.find('buildid')
if buildid is None:
return False
return buildid.text
def report_url(self, project, repository, architecture, buildid):
return self.api.makeurl(['status_reports', 'built', project,
repository, architecture, 'reports', buildid])
def report_pipeline(self, state, report_url, project, repository, architecture, buildid):
url = self.report_url(project, repository, architecture, buildid)
name = 'installcheck'
xml = self.check_xml(report_url, state, name)
osc.core.http_POST(url, data=xml)
except HTTPError:
print('failed to post status to ' + url)
def check_xml(self, url, state, name):
check = ET.Element('check')
if url:
se = ET.SubElement(check, 'url')
se.text = url
se = ET.SubElement(check, 'state')
se.text = state
se = ET.SubElement(check, 'name')
se.text = name
return ET.tostring(check)
def target_archs(self, project, repository):
archs = target_archs(self.api.apiurl, project, repository)
# Check for arch whitelist and use intersection.
if self.arch_whitelist:
archs = list(self.arch_whitelist.intersection(set(archs)))
# Trick to prioritize x86_64.
return sorted(archs, reverse=True)
def install_check(self, directories, arch, whitelist, ignored_conflicts):
self.logger.info('install check: start (whitelist:{})'.format(','.join(whitelist)))
parts = installcheck(directories, arch, whitelist, ignored_conflicts)
if len(parts):
header = '### [install check & file conflicts for {}]'.format(arch)
return CheckResult(False, header + '\n\n' + ('\n' + ('-' * 80) + '\n\n').join(parts))
self.logger.info('install check: passed')
return CheckResult(True, None)
def calculate_allowed_cycles(self):
self.allowed_cycles = []
if self.cycle_packages:
for comma_list in self.cycle_packages.split(';'):
def cycle_check(self, project, repository, arch):
self.logger.info('cycle check: start %s/%s/%s' % (project, repository, arch))
comment = []
depinfo = builddepinfo(self.api.apiurl, project, repository, arch, order=False)
for cycle in depinfo.findall('cycle'):
for package in cycle.findall('package'):
package = package.text
allowed = False
for acycle in self.allowed_cycles:
if package in acycle:
allowed = True
if not allowed:
cycled = [p.text for p in cycle.findall('package')]
comment.append('Package {} appears in cycle {}'.format(package, '/'.join(cycled)))
if len(comment):
# New cycles, post comment.
self.logger.info('cycle check: failed')
return CheckResult(False, '\n'.join(comment) + '\n')
self.logger.info('cycle check: passed')
return CheckResult(True, None)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Do an installcheck on staging project')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--staging', type=str, default=None,
help='staging project')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--project', type=str, default='openSUSE:Factory',
help='project to check (ex. openSUSE:Factory, openSUSE:Leap:15.1)')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False,
help='enable debug information')
parser.add_argument('-A', '--apiurl', metavar='URL', help='API URL')
args = parser.parse_args()
osc.conf.config['debug'] = args.debug
apiurl = osc.conf.config['apiurl']
config = Config.get(apiurl, args.project)
api = StagingAPI(apiurl, args.project)
staging_report = InstallChecker(api, config)
if args.debug:
if args.staging:
if not staging_report.staging(api.prj_from_short(args.staging), force=True):
for staging in api.get_staging_projects():
if api.is_adi_project(staging):