233 lines
9.8 KiB
Executable File
233 lines
9.8 KiB
Executable File
# (c) 2023 fvogt@suse.de
# GPL-2.0-or-later
# This is a "mini ttm" for the BCI repo. Differences:
# * No :ToTest staging area
# * Only the repo is built, so it needs BCI specific openQA queries
# * The publishing location is arch specific
# * Uses a token for releasing to the publishing project
import cmdln
import logging
import ToolBase
import requests
import sys
import time
import re
from lxml import etree as ET
from openqa_client.client import OpenQA_Client
from osc.core import http_GET, makeurl
from random import randint
class BCIRepoPublisher(ToolBase.ToolBase):
def __init__(self):
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.openqa = OpenQA_Client(server='https://openqa.suse.de')
def version_of_product(self, project, package, repo, arch):
"""Get the build version of the given product build, based on the binary name."""
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['build', project, repo, arch, package])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
result = re.match(r'.*-Build(.*)-Media1.report', binary.get('filename'))
if result:
return result.group(1)
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to get version of {project}/{package}")
def srcmd5_of_product(self, project, package):
"""Get the srcmd5 of the given source package."""
# convert to the base package (without multibuild flavor)
package = package.partition(':')[0]
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', project, package])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
if root.tag == 'directory' and 'srcmd5' in root.attrib:
return root.attrib['srcmd5']
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to get srcmd5 of {project}/{package}")
def mtime_of_product(self, project, package, repo, arch):
"""Get the build time stamp of the given product, based on _buildenv."""
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['build', project, repo, arch, package])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
mtime = root.xpath('/binarylist/binary[@filename = "_buildenv"]/@mtime')
return mtime[0]
def openqa_jobs_for_product(self, arch, version, build):
"""Query openQA for all relevant jobs"""
values = {
'group': 'BCI repo',
'flavor': 'BCI-Repo-Updates',
'arch': arch,
'version': version,
'build': build,
'scope': 'current',
'latest': '1',
return self.openqa.openqa_request('GET', 'jobs', values)['jobs']
def is_repo_published(self, project, repo, arch=None):
"""Validate that the given prj/repo is fully published and all builds
have succeeded."""
result_filter = {'view': 'summary', 'repository': repo}
if arch:
result_filter['arch'] = arch
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['build', project, '_result'], result_filter)
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for result in root.findall('result'):
if result.get('dirty', 'false') != 'false':
return False
if result.get('code') != 'published' or result.get('state') != 'published':
return False
for statuscount in root.findall('statuscount'):
if statuscount.get('code') not in ('succeeded', 'disabled', 'excluded'):
return False
return True
def run(self, version, token=None):
build_prj = f'SUSE:SLE-{version}:Update:BCI'
if not self.is_repo_published(build_prj, 'images', 'local'):
self.logger.info(f'{build_prj}/images not successfully built')
# Build the list of packages with metainfo
packages = []
# List of packages that have passed openQA
openqa_passed_packages = []
# As long as it's the same everywhere, hardcoding this list here
# is easier and safer than trying to derive it from the package list.
for arch in ('aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'):
'arch': arch,
'name': f'000product:SLE_BCI-ftp-POOL-{arch}',
'build_prj': build_prj,
'publish_prj': f'SUSE:Products:SLE-BCI:{version}:{arch}'
# Fetch the build numbers of built products.
# After release, the BuildXXX part vanishes, so the mtime has to be
# used instead for comparing built and published binaries.
for pkg in packages:
pkg['built_srcmd5'] = self.srcmd5_of_product(
pkg['build_prj'], pkg['name'])
pkg['published_srcmd5'] = self.srcmd5_of_product(
pkg['publish_prj'], pkg['name'])
pkg['built_version'] = self.version_of_product(
pkg['build_prj'], pkg['name'], 'images', 'local')
pkg['built_mtime'] = self.mtime_of_product(
pkg['build_prj'], pkg['name'], 'images', 'local')
pkg['published_mtime'] = self.mtime_of_product(
pkg['publish_prj'], pkg['name'], 'images', 'local')
# Verify that the builds for all archs are in sync
built_versions = {pkg['built_version'] for pkg in packages}
if len(built_versions) != 1:
# This should not be the case if everything is built and idle
self.logger.warning(f'Different builds found - not releasing: {packages}')
# Compare versions
newer_version_available = [int(pkg['built_mtime']) > int(pkg['published_mtime'])
for pkg in packages]
if not any(newer_version_available):
self.logger.info('Current build already published, nothing to do.')
# If the last published build is less than a day old, don't publish
oldest_published_mtime = min([int(pkg['published_mtime']) for pkg in packages])
published_build_age_hours = int(time.time() - oldest_published_mtime) // (60 * 60)
pending_source_changes = [
f"{pkg['name']}: {pkg['built_srcmd5']}/{pkg['published_srcmd5']}"
for pkg in packages if pkg['built_srcmd5'] != pkg['published_srcmd5']]
if pending_source_changes:
self.logger.info(f"Pending source changes to published, skipping waiting for 24h: {pending_source_changes}")
# If the source commit different than the published version, we
# do not wait for 24h for a publish as there was a package addition or removal change
elif published_build_age_hours < 24:
self.logger.info(f'Oldest published build is only {published_build_age_hours}h old, not publishing yet.')
# Check openQA results
mandatory_arches = ('aarch64', 'x86_64')
for pkg in packages:
passed = 0
pending = 0
failed = 0
for job in self.openqa_jobs_for_product(arch=pkg['arch'], version=version,
if job['result'] in ('passed', 'softfailed'):
passed += 1
elif job['result'] == 'none':
self.logger.info(f'https://openqa.suse.de/tests/{job["id"]} pending')
pending += 1
self.logger.warning(f'https://openqa.suse.de/tests/{job["id"]} failed')
failed += 1
if pending or failed:
self.logger.info(f'openQA did not (yet) pass for {pkg["name"]}: {passed}/{pending}/{failed}')
if passed == 0 and pkg['arch'] in mandatory_arches:
self.logger.info('No positive result from openQA (yet)')
# Trigger publishing
if token is None:
self.logger.warning(f'Would publish {[pkg["name"] for pkg in openqa_passed_packages]}, but no token specified')
for pkg in openqa_passed_packages:
self.logger.info(f'Releasing {pkg["name"]}...')
params = {
'project': pkg['build_prj'], 'package': pkg['name'],
'filter_source_repository': 'images',
'targetproject': pkg['publish_prj'], 'targetrepository': 'images'
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['trigger', 'release'], params)
# No bindings for using tokens yet, so do the request manually
req = requests.post(url, headers={'Authorization': f'Token {token}'})
if req.status_code != 200:
raise RuntimeError(f'Releasing failed: {req.text}')
self.logger.info('Waiting for publishing to finish')
for pkg in openqa_passed_packages:
while not self.is_repo_published(pkg['publish_prj'], 'images'):
self.logger.debug(f'Waiting for {pkg["publish_prj"]}')
time.sleep(randint(10, 30))
class CommandLineInterface(ToolBase.CommandLineInterface):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ToolBase.CommandLineInterface.__init__(self, args, kwargs)
def setup_tool(self):
tool = BCIRepoPublisher()
if self.options.debug:
elif self.options.verbose:
return tool
@cmdln.option('--token', help='The token for publishing. Does a dry run if not given.')
def do_run(self, subcmd, opts, project):
"""${cmd_name}: run BCI repo publisher for the project, e.g. 15-SP5.
self.tool.run(project, token=opts.token)
if __name__ == "__main__":
cli = CommandLineInterface()