2014-03-13 11:07:53 +01:00

125 lines
4.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (C) 2014,
# (C) 2014,
# (C) 2014,
# (C) 2014,
# Distribute under GPLv2 or GPLv3
import os
import os.path
import sys
from osc import cmdln, oscerr
# Expand sys.path to search modules inside the pluging directory
_plugin_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.osc-plugins')
from osclib.stagingapi import StagingAPI
from osclib.request_finder import RequestFinder
from osclib.select_command import SelectCommand
from osclib.accept_command import AcceptCommand
from osclib.cleanup_rings import CleanupRings
from osclib.list_command import ListCommand
from osclib.freeze_command import FreezeCommand
from osclib.check_command import CheckCommand
def _print_version(self):
""" Print version information about this extension. """
@cmdln.option('--move', action='store_true',
help='force the selection to become a move')
@cmdln.option('-f', '--from', dest='from_', metavar='FROMPROJECT',
help='manually specify different source project during request moving')
@cmdln.option('-v', '--version', action='store_true',
help='show version of the plugin')
def do_staging(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: Commands to work with staging projects
"accept" will accept all requests in
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:<LETTER> (into Factory)
"check" will check if all packages are links without changes
"cleanup_rings" will try to cleanup rings content and print
out problems
"freeze" will freeze the sources of the project's links (not
affecting the packages actually in)
"list" will pick the requests not in rings
"select" will add requests to the project
"unselect" will remove from the project - pushing them back to the backlog
osc staging accept LETTER
osc staging check [--everything] REPO
osc staging cleanup_rings
osc staging freeze PROJECT...
osc staging list
osc staging select [--move [-from PROJECT]] LETTER REQUEST...
osc staging unselect REQUEST...
if opts.version:
# verify the argument counts match the commands
if len(args) == 0:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No command given, see "osc help staging"!')
cmd = args[0]
if cmd in ('accept', 'freeze'):
min_args, max_args = 1, 1
elif cmd == 'check':
min_args, max_args = 0, 2
elif cmd == 'select':
min_args, max_args = 2, None
elif cmd == 'unselect':
min_args, max_args = 1, None
elif cmd in ('list', 'cleanup_rings'):
min_args, max_args = 0, 0
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown command: %s' % cmd)
if len(args) - 1 < min_args:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
if not max_args is None and len(args) - 1 > max_args:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')
# init the obs access
opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
opts.verbose = False
api = StagingAPI(opts.apiurl)
# call the respective command and parse args by need
if cmd == 'check':
project = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
if project:
project = api.prj_from_letter(project)
elif cmd == 'freeze':
for prj in args[1:]:
FreezeCommand(api).perform(api. prj_from_letter(prj))
elif cmd == 'accept':
return AcceptCommand(api).perform(api. prj_from_letter(args[1]))
elif cmd == 'unselect':
for rq, rq_prj in RequestFinder.find_staged_sr(args[1:], opts.apiurl, api).items():
print('Unselecting "{}" from "{}"'.format(rq, rq_prj['staging']))
api.rm_from_prj(rq_prj['staging'], request_id=rq)
api.add_review(rq, by_group='factory-staging', msg='Please recheck')
elif cmd == 'select':
tprj = api.prj_from_letter(args[1])
return SelectCommand(api).perform(tprj, args[2:], opts.move, opts.from_)
elif cmd == 'cleanup_rings':
return CleanupRings(opts.apiurl).perform()
elif cmd == 'list':
return ListCommand(api).perform()