
134 lines
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from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from osc import oscerr
from osc.core import get_request
from osc.core import http_GET
from osclib.comments import CommentAPI
from osclib.request_finder import RequestFinder
# from osclib.freeze_command import FreezeCommand
class SelectCommand(object):
def __init__(self, api):
self.api = api
self.comment = CommentAPI(self.api.apiurl)
def _package(self, request):
Get the package name from the submit request XML.
:param request: request we check for
f = http_GET(self.api.makeurl(['request', str(request)]))
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
package = str(root.find('action').find('target').attrib['package'])
return package
def _supersede(self, request):
Check if the request supersede a different request from a
staging project.
SRA supersede SRB when (1) SRA ID > SRB ID and (2) the changes
in SRB are in SRA. The second condition is difficult to
assure, but the way that we implement RequestFinder can
address some corner cases that make the first condition
:param request: request we check for
package = self._package(request)
candidates = [] # Store candidates to be supersede by 'request'
for staging in self.api.get_staging_projects():
# requests for the same project are fine
if staging == self.target_project:
for rq in self.api.get_prj_pseudometa(staging)['requests']:
if int(rq['id']) < int(request) and rq['package'] == package:
candidates.append((rq['id'], package, staging))
assert len(candidates) <= 1, 'There are more thant one candidate to supersede {} ({}): {}'.format(request, package, candidates)
return candidates[0] if candidates else None
def select_request(self, request, request_project, move, from_):
supersede = self._supersede(request)
if 'staging' not in request_project and not supersede:
# Normal 'select' command
msg = 'Adding request "{}" to project "{}"'.format(request, self.target_project)
# Write a comment in the project.
user = get_request(self.api.apiurl, str(request)).get_creator()
comment='@%s: %s' % (user, msg))
return self.api.rq_to_prj(request, self.target_project)
elif 'staging' in request_project and (move or supersede):
# 'select' command becomes a 'move'
fprj = None
if from_:
fprj = self.api.prj_from_letter(from_)
# supersede = (new_rq, package, project)
fprj = request_project['staging'] if not supersede else supersede[2]
msgs = []
if supersede:
msg = '"{} ({}) is superseded by {}'.format(request, supersede[1], supersede[0])
if fprj == self.target_project:
print('"{}" is currently in "{}"'.format(request, self.target_project))
return False
msg = 'Moving "{}" from "{}" to "{}"'.format(request, fprj, self.target_project)
# Write a comment in the project.
user = get_request(self.api.apiurl, str(request)).get_creator()
comment='@%s: %s' % (user, '\n'.join(msgs)))
return self.api.move_between_project(fprj, request, self.target_project)
elif 'staging' in request_project and not move:
# Previously selected, but not explicit move
msg = 'Request {} is already tracked in "{}".'
msg = msg.format(request, request_project['staging'])
if request_project['staging'] != self.target_project:
msg += '\nUse --move modifier to move the request from "{}" to "{}"'
msg = msg.format(request_project['staging'], self.target_project)
return True
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Arguments for select are not correct.')
def perform(self, target_project, requests, move=False, from_=None):
Select package and move it accordingly by arguments
:param target_project: project we want to target
:param requests: requests we are working with
:param move: wether to move the requests or not
:param from_: location where from move the requests
# If the project is not frozen enough yet freeze it
if not self.api.prj_frozen_enough(target_project):
print('Freeze the prj first')
# FreezeCommand(self.api).perform(target_project)
self.target_project = target_project
for request, request_project in RequestFinder.find_sr(requests, self.api.apiurl).items():
if not self.select_request(request, request_project, move, from_):
return False
# now make sure we enable the prj if the prj contains any ringed package
return True