Stephan Kulow 2f8c02e9e0 Fix check_source for repository specific package names
If the package name as reported by OBS does not match the one
we're expecting, then loop through all repositories and check
if we find one there.

This is weakening the policy a little as this will open the
door for false negatives - e.g. that got the right package name
only for another repository. But as we do submission between
code streams all the time, I can't limit the package parsing
to repositories building against the target. So the opened
hole is to be closed by sanity check on review-team - as a
matter of fact the policy is not to catch people playing
macro games around Name, but for people that use completely
different names in source and target.

Fixes #2274
2020-03-20 14:40:01 +01:00

454 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
import cElementTree as ET
import osc.conf
import osc.core
from osc.util.helper import decode_list
from osclib.conf import Config
from osclib.core import devel_project_get
from osclib.core import devel_project_fallback
from osclib.core import group_members
from osclib.core import package_kind
from osclib.core import source_file_load
from osclib.core import target_archs
from urllib.error import HTTPError
import ReviewBot
from osclib.conf import str2bool
class CheckSource(ReviewBot.ReviewBot):
SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
AUDIT_BUG_MESSAGE = "The package is submitted to an official product and it has warnings that indicate that it need to go through a security review. Those warnings can only be ignored in devel projects. For more information please read: {}.".format(AUDIT_BUG_URL)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ReviewBot.ReviewBot.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# ReviewBot options.
self.request_default_return = True
self.skip_add_reviews = False
def target_project_config(self, project):
# Load project config and allow for remote entries.
config = Config.get(self.apiurl, project)
self.single_action_require = str2bool(config.get('check-source-single-action-require', 'False'))
self.ignore_devel = not str2bool(config.get('devel-project-enforce', 'False'))
self.in_air_rename_allow = str2bool(config.get('check-source-in-air-rename-allow', 'False'))
self.add_review_team = str2bool(config.get('check-source-add-review-team', 'True'))
self.review_team = config.get('review-team')
self.mail_release_list = config.get('mail-release-list')
self.staging_group = config.get('staging-group')
self.repo_checker = config.get('repo-checker')
self.devel_whitelist = config.get('devel-whitelist', '').split()
self.skip_add_reviews = False
self.security_review_team = config.get('security-review-team', 'security-team')
self.bad_rpmlint_entries = config.get('bad-rpmlint-entries', '').split()
if self.action.type == 'maintenance_incident':
# The workflow effectively enforces the names to match and the
# parent code sets target_package from source_package so this check
# becomes useless and awkward to perform.
self.in_air_rename_allow = True
# The target project will be set to product and thus inherit
# settings, but override since real target is not product.
self.single_action_require = False
# It might make sense to supersede maintbot, but for now.
self.skip_add_reviews = True
def is_good_name(self, package, target_package):
self.logger.debug(f"is_good_name {package} <-> {target_package}")
if target_package is None:
# if the name doesn't matter, existance is all
return package is not None
return target_package == package
def package_source_parse(self, project, package, revision=None, target_package=None):
ret = self._package_source_parse(project, package, revision)
if self.is_good_name(ret['name'], target_package):
return ret
d = {}
for repo in osc.core.get_repositories_of_project(self.apiurl, project):
r = self._package_source_parse(project, package, revision, repo)
if r['name'] is not None:
d[r['name']] = r
if len(d) == 1:
# here is only one so use that
ret = d[next(iter(d))]
# check if any name matches
self.logger.debug("found multiple names %s", ', '.join(d.keys()))
for n, r in d.items():
if n == target_package:
ret = r
if not self.is_good_name(ret['name'], target_package):
self.logger.error("none of the names matched")
return ret
def check_source_submission(self, source_project, source_package, source_revision, target_project, target_package):
super(CheckSource, self).check_source_submission(source_project, source_package, source_revision, target_project, target_package)
if self.single_action_require and len(self.request.actions) != 1:
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'Only one action per request allowed'
return False
kind = package_kind(self.apiurl, target_project, target_package)
if kind == 'meta':
self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'Skipping all checks for meta packages'
return True
elif (kind is not None and kind != 'source'):
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'May not modify a non-source package of type {}'.format(kind)
return False
inair_renamed = target_package != source_package
if not self.ignore_devel:'checking if target package exists and has devel project')
devel_project, devel_package = devel_project_get(self.apiurl, target_project, target_package)
if devel_project:
if (source_project != devel_project or source_package != devel_package) and \
not(source_project == target_project and source_package == target_package):
# Not from proper devel project/package and not self-submission.
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'Expected submission from devel package %s/%s' % (devel_project, devel_package)
return False
# Check to see if other packages exist with the same source project
# which indicates that the project has already been used as devel.
if not self.is_devel_project(source_project, target_project):
self.review_messages['declined'] = (
'%s is not a devel project of %s, submit the package to a devel project first. '
'See for details.'
) % (source_project, target_project)
return False
if source_project.endswith(':Update'):
# Allow for submission like:
# - source: openSUSE:Leap:15.0:Update/google-compute-engine.8258
# - target: openSUSE:Leap:15.1/google-compute-engine
# Note: home:jberry:Update would also be allowed via this condition,
# but that should be handled by leaper and human review.
# Ignore a dot in package name (ex. tpm2.0-abrmd) and instead
# only look for ending in dot number.
match = re.match(r'(.*)\.\d+$', source_package)
if match:
inair_renamed = target_package !=
if not self.in_air_rename_allow and inair_renamed:
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'Source and target package names must match'
return False
# Checkout and see if renaming package screws up version parsing.
dir = os.path.expanduser('~/co/%s' % self.request.reqid)
if os.path.exists(dir):
self.logger.warning('directory %s already exists' % dir)
old_info = {'version': None}
CheckSource.checkout_package(self.apiurl, target_project, target_package, pathname=dir,
server_service_files=True, expand_link=True)
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(target_package, '.osc'))
os.rename(target_package, '_old')
old_info = self.package_source_parse(target_project, target_package)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:'target package does not exist %s/%s' % (target_project, target_package))
raise e
CheckSource.checkout_package(self.apiurl, source_project, source_package, revision=source_revision,
pathname=dir, server_service_files=True, expand_link=True)
os.rename(source_package, target_package)
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(target_package, '.osc'))
new_info = self.package_source_parse(source_project, source_package, source_revision, target_package)
if not new_info.get('filename', '').endswith('.kiwi') and new_info['name'] != target_package:
self.review_messages['declined'] = "A package submitted as %s has to build as 'Name: %s' - found Name '%s'" % (target_package, target_package, new_info['name'])
return False
# Run script and interpret output.
source_checker = os.path.join(CheckSource.SCRIPT_PATH, '')
civs = ''
new_version = None
if old_info['version'] and old_info['version'] != new_info['version']:
new_version = new_info['version']
civs += "NEW_VERSION='{}' ".format(new_version)
civs += 'LC_ALL=C perl %s _old %s 2>&1' % (source_checker, target_package)
p = subprocess.Popen(civs, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
ret = os.waitpid(, 0)[1]
checked = decode_list(p.stdout.readlines())
output = ' '.join(checked).replace('\033', '')
# ret = 0 : Good
# ret = 1 : Bad
# ret = 2 : Bad but can be non-fatal in some cases
if ret > 1 and target_project.startswith('openSUSE:Leap:') and (source_project.startswith('SUSE:SLE-15:') or source_project.startswith('openSUSE:Factory')):
elif ret != 0:
self.review_messages['declined'] = "Output of check script:\n" + output
return False
self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'Check script succeeded'
if len(checked):
self.review_messages['accepted'] += "\n\nOutput of check script (non-fatal):\n" + output
if not self.skip_add_reviews:
if self.add_review_team and self.review_team is not None:
self.add_review(self.request, by_group=self.review_team, msg='Please review sources')
if self.only_changes():
self.logger.debug('only .changes modifications')
if self.staging_group and self.review_user in group_members(self.apiurl, self.staging_group):
if not self.dryrun:
osc.core.change_review_state(self.apiurl, str(self.request.reqid), 'accepted',
message='skipping the staging process since only .changes modifications')
self.logger.debug('unable to skip staging review since not a member of staging group')
elif self.repo_checker is not None:
self.add_review(self.request, by_user=self.repo_checker, msg='Please review build success')
if self.bad_rpmlint_entries:
if self.has_whitelist_warnings(source_project, source_package, target_project, target_package):
# if there are any add a review for the security team
# maybe add the found warnings to the message for the review
self.add_review(self.request, by_group=self.security_review_team, msg=CheckSource.AUDIT_BUG_MESSAGE)
if self.suppresses_whitelist_warnings( source_project, source_package ):
self.add_review(self.request, by_group=self.security_review_team, msg=CheckSource.AUDIT_BUG_MESSAGE)
return True
def suppresses_whitelist_warnings( self, source_project, source_package ):
# checks if there's a rpmlintrc that suppresses warnings that we check
found_entries = set()
contents = source_file_load(self.apiurl, source_project, source_package, source_package + '-rpmlintrc')
if contents:
contents = re.sub(r'(?m)^ *#.*\n?', '', contents)
matches = re.findall(r'addFilter\(["\']([^"\']+)["\']\)', contents)
# this is a bit tricky. Since users can specify arbitrary regular expresions it's not easy
# to match bad_rpmlint_entries against what we found
for entry in self.bad_rpmlint_entries:
for match in matches:
# First we try to see if our entries appear verbatim in the rpmlint entries
if entry in match:'found suppressed whitelist warning: {match}')
# if that's not the case then we check if one of the entries in the rpmlint file would match one
# of our entries (e.g. addFilter(".*")
elif, entry) and match not in found_entries:'found rpmlint entry that suppresses an important warning: {match}')
return found_entries
def has_whitelist_warnings( self, source_project, source_package, target_project, target_package ):
# this checks if this is a submit to an product project and it has warnings for non-whitelisted permissions/files
found_entries = set()
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ['build', target_project])
xml = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
for f in xml.findall('entry'):
# we check all repos in the source project for errors that exist in the target project
repo = f.attrib['name']
query = { 'last': 1, }
for arch in target_archs(self.apiurl, source_project, repo):
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ['build', source_project, repo, arch, source_package, '_log'], query = query)
result = osc.core.http_GET(url)
contents = str(
for entry in self.bad_rpmlint_entries:
if (': W: ' + entry in contents) and not (entry in found_entries):'found missing whitelist for warning: {entry}')
except HTTPError as e:'ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e))
return found_entries
def is_devel_project(self, source_project, target_project):
if source_project in self.devel_whitelist:
return True
# Allow any projects already used as devel projects for other packages.
search = {
'package': "@project='%s' and devel/@project='%s'" % (target_project, source_project),
result =, **search)
return result['package'].attrib['matches'] != '0'
def checkout_package(*args, **kwargs):
_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
result = osc.core.checkout_package(*args, **kwargs)
sys.stdout = _stdout
return result
def _package_source_parse(self, project, package, revision=None, repository=None):
query = {'view': 'info', 'parse': 1}
if revision:
query['rev'] = revision
if repository:
query['repository'] = repository
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', project, package], query)
ret = {'name': None, 'version': None}
xml = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
except HTTPError as e:
self.logger.error('ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e))
return ret
if xml.find('error') is not None:
self.logger.error("%s/%s/%s: %s", project, package, repository, xml.find('error').text)
return ret
# ET boolean check fails.
if xml.find('name') is not None:
ret['name'] = xml.find('name').text
if xml.find('version') is not None:
ret['version'] = xml.find('version').text
if xml.find('filename') is not None:
ret['filename'] = xml.find('filename').text
self.logger.debug("%s/%s/%s: %s", project, package, repository, ret)
return ret
def only_changes(self):
u = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ['request', self.request.reqid],
{'cmd': 'diff', 'view': 'xml'})
diff = ET.parse(osc.core.http_POST(u)).getroot()
for f in diff.findall('action/sourcediff/files/file/*[@name]'):
if not f.get('name').endswith('.changes'):
return False
return True
return False
def check_action_add_role(self, request, action):
# Decline add_role request (assumed the bot acting on requests to Factory or similar).
message = 'Roles to packages are granted in the devel project, not in %s.' % action.tgt_project
if action.tgt_package is not None:
project, package = devel_project_fallback(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
message += ' Send this request to {}/{}.'.format(project, package)
self.review_messages['declined'] = message
return False
def check_action_delete_package(self, request, action):
result = osc.core.show_project_sourceinfo(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, True, (action.tgt_package))
root = ET.fromstring(result)
except HTTPError:
return None
# Decline the delete request if there is another delete/submit request against the same package
query = "match=state/@name='new'+and+(action/target/@project='{}'+and+action/target/@package='{}')"\
"+and+(action/@type='delete'+or+action/@type='submit')".format(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ['search', 'request'], query)
matches = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
if int(matches.attrib['matches']) > 1:
ids = [rq.attrib['id'] for rq in matches.findall('request')]
self.review_messages['declined'] = "There is a pending request %s to %s/%s in process." % (','.join(ids), action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
return False
# Decline delete requests against linked flavor package
linked = root.find('sourceinfo/linked')
if not (linked is None or self.check_linked_package(action, linked)):
return False
if not self.ignore_devel:
self.devel_project_review_ensure(request, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
if not self.skip_add_reviews and self.repo_checker is not None:
self.add_review(self.request, by_user=self.repo_checker, msg='Is this delete request safe?')
return True
def check_linked_package(self, action, linked):
if linked.get('project', action.tgt_project) != action.tgt_project:
return True
linked_package = linked.get('package')
self.review_messages['declined'] = "Delete the package %s instead" % (linked_package)
return False
def check_action_delete_project(self, request, action):
# Presumably if the request is valid the bot should be disabled or
# overridden, but seems like no valid case for allowing this (see #1696).
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'Deleting the {} project is not allowed.'.format(action.tgt_project)
return False
def check_action_delete_repository(self, request, action):
if self.mail_release_list:
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'Deleting repositories is not allowed. ' \
'Contact {} to discuss further.'.format(self.mail_release_list)
return False
self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'unhandled: removing repository'
return True
class CommandLineInterface(ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.__init__(self, args, kwargs)
self.clazz = CheckSource
def get_optparser(self):
parser = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.get_optparser(self)
parser.add_option('--skip-add-reviews', action='store_true', default=False, help='skip adding review after completing checks')
return parser
def setup_checker(self):
bot = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.setup_checker(self)
bot.skip_add_reviews = self.options.skip_add_reviews
return bot
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = CommandLineInterface()