Stephan Kulow 5dc49a60d2 [oqamaint] Fetch the list of packages for openSUSE
We used to list this from the request, but as this is no longer available,
the settings function itself needs to query it
2018-04-20 15:18:36 +02:00

78 lines
2.7 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from update import Update
import re
from collections import namedtuple
import osc.core
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
Package = namedtuple('Package', ('name', 'version', 'release'))
class openSUSEUpdate(Update):
repo_prefix = ''
maintenance_project = 'openSUSE:Maintenance'
def package_details(self, prj, repo, arch, binary):
url = osc.core.makeurl(
('build', prj, repo, arch, '_repository', binary),
query={'view': 'fileinfo'})
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
return Package(root.find('.//name').text,
# list all packages released for an incident
def packages(self, src_prj, dst_prj):
packages = dict()
repo = dst_prj.replace(':', '_')
# patchinfo collects the binaries and is build for an
# unpredictable architecture so we need iterate over all
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ('build', src_prj, repo))
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
for arch in [n.attrib['name'] for n in root.findall('entry')]:
query = {'nosource': 1}
url = osc.core.makeurl(
('build', src_prj, repo, arch, '_repository'),
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
b = binary.attrib['filename']
if b.endswith('.rpm'):
p = self.package_details(src_prj, repo, arch, b)
packages[] = p
return packages
def settings(self, src_prj, dst_prj):
# strip the architecture for openSUSE - we do them all in one
dst_prj = re.sub(r':x86_64$', '', dst_prj)
settings = super(openSUSEUpdate, self).settings(src_prj, dst_prj)
settings = settings[0]
# openSUSE:Maintenance key
settings['IMPORT_GPG_KEYS'] = 'gpg-pubkey-b3fd7e48-5549fd0f'
settings['ZYPPER_ADD_REPO_PREFIX'] = 'incident'
packages = self.packages(src_prj, dst_prj)
settings['INSTALL_PACKAGES'] = ' '.join(packages.keys())
settings['VERIFY_PACKAGE_VERSIONS'] = ' '.join(
['{} {}-{}'.format(, p.version, p.release) for p in packages.values()])
settings['ZYPPER_ADD_REPOS'] = settings['INCIDENT_REPO']
settings['ADDONURL'] = settings['INCIDENT_REPO']
settings['WITH_MAIN_REPO'] = 1
settings['WITH_UPDATE_REPO'] = 1
return [settings]