
70 lines
2.2 KiB

# (C) 2013,
# Distribute under GPLv2 or GPLv3
# Copy this script to ~/.osc-plugins/ or /var/lib/osc-plugins .
# Then try to run 'osc checker --help' to see the usage.
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from osc.core import change_request_state
from osc.core import get_dependson
from osc.core import http_GET
from osc.core import makeurl
def _checker_check_dups(self, project, opts):
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['request'], "states=new,review&project=%s&view=collection" % project)
f = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
rqs = {}
for rq in root.findall('request'):
id = rq.attrib['id']
for a in rq.findall('action'):
source = a.find('source')
target = a.find('target')
type = a.attrib['type']
assert target != None
if target.attrib['project'] != project:
# print(id)
# ET.dump(target)
if 'package' not in target.attrib:
package = target.attrib['package']
if type + package in rqs:
[oldid, oldsource] = rqs[type + package]
if oldid > id:
s = oldid
oldid = id
id = s
assert oldid < id
if source != None and oldsource != None:
if (source.attrib['project'] == oldsource.attrib['project'] and
source.attrib['package'] == oldsource.attrib['package']):
change_request_state(opts.apiurl, str(oldid), 'superseded',
'superseded by %s' % id, id)
print("DUPS found:", id, oldid)
rqs[type + package] = [id, source]
def do_check_dups(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: checker review of submit requests.
osc check_dups [OPT] [list] [FILTER|PACKAGE_SRC]
Shows pending review requests and their current state.
opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
for p in args[:]:
self._checker_check_dups(p, opts)
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