Keep on disk using caching mechanism to avoid keep entire graphs in memory and expiring via existing code.
233 lines
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233 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2014 SUSE Linux Products GmbH
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import urllib2
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from osc.core import http_GET
from osc.core import makeurl
from .memoize import memoize
class Graph(dict):
"""Graph object. Inspired in NetworkX data model."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize an empty graph."""
# The nodes are stored in the Graph dict itself, but the
# adjacent list is stored as an attribute.
self.adj = {}
def add_node(self, name, value):
"""Add a node in the graph."""
self[name] = value
if name not in self.adj:
self.adj[name] = set()
def add_nodes_from(self, nodes_and_values):
"""Add multiple nodes"""
for node, value in nodes_and_values:
self.add_node(node, value)
def add_edge(self, u, v, directed=True):
"""Add the edge u -> v, an v -> u if not directed."""
if not directed:
def add_edges_from(self, edges, directed=True):
"""Add the edges from an iterator."""
for u, v in edges:
self.add_edge(u, v, directed)
def remove_edge(self, u, v, directed=True):
"""Remove the edge u -> v, an v -> u if not directed."""
except KeyError:
if not directed:
except KeyError:
def remove_edges_from(self, edges, directed=True):
"""Remove the edges from an iterator."""
for u, v in edges:
self.remove_edge(u, v, directed)
def edges(self, v):
"""Get the adjancent list for a vertex."""
return sorted(self.adj[v]) if v in self else ()
def edges_to(self, v):
"""Get the all the vertex that point to v."""
return sorted(u for u in self.adj if v in self.adj[u])
def cycles(self):
"""Detect cycles using Tarjan algorithm."""
index = [0]
path = []
cycles = []
v_index = {}
v_lowlink = {}
def scc(node, v):
v_index[v], v_lowlink[v] = index[0], index[0]
index[0] += 1
for succ in self.adj.get(node, []):
w = self[succ]
if w not in v_index:
scc(succ, w)
v_lowlink[v] = min(v_lowlink[v], v_lowlink[w])
elif succ in path:
v_lowlink[v] = min(v_lowlink[v], v_index[w])
if v_index[v] == v_lowlink[v]:
i = path.index(node)
path[:], cycle = path[:i], frozenset(path[i:])
if len(cycle) > 1:
for node in sorted(self):
v = self[node]
if not getattr(v, 'index', 0):
scc(node, v)
return frozenset(cycles)
class Package(object):
"""Simple package container. Used in a graph as a vertex."""
def __init__(self, pkg=None, src=None, deps=None, subs=None,
self.pkg = pkg
self.src = src
self.deps = deps
self.subs = subs
if element:
def load(self, element):
"""Load a node from a ElementTree package XML element"""
self.pkg = element.attrib['name']
self.src = [e.text for e in element.findall('source')]
assert len(self.src) == 1, 'There are more that one source packages in the graph'
self.src = self.src[0]
self.deps = set(e.text for e in element.findall('pkgdep'))
self.subs = set(e.text for e in element.findall('subpkg'))
def __repr__(self):
return 'PKG: %s\nSRC: %s\nDEPS: %s\n SUBS: %s' % (self.pkg,
class CycleDetector(object):
"""Class to detect cycles in an OBS project."""
def __init__(self, api):
self.api = api
# Store packages prevoiusly ignored. Don't pollute the screen.
self._ignore_packages = set()
def _builddepinfo(self, project, repository, arch):
root = None
# print('Generating _builddepinfo for (%s, %s, %s)' % (project, repository, arch))
url = makeurl(self.api.apiurl, ['build/%s/%s/%s/_builddepinfo' % (project, repository, arch)])
root = http_GET(url).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
print('ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e))
return root
def _get_builddepinfo_graph(self, project, repository, arch):
"""Generate the buildepinfo graph for a given architecture."""
# Note, by default generate the graph for all Factory /
# 13/2. If you only need the base packages you can use:
# project = 'Base:System'
# repository = 'openSUSE_Factory'
root = ET.fromstring(self._builddepinfo(project, repository, arch))
# Reset the subpackages dict here, so for every graph is a
# different object.
packages = [Package(element=e) for e in root.findall('package')]
graph = Graph()
graph.add_nodes_from((p.pkg, p) for p in packages)
subpkgs = {} # Given a subpackage, recover the source package
for p in packages:
# Check for packages that provides the same subpackage
for subpkg in p.subs:
if subpkg in subpkgs:
# print 'Subpackage duplication %s - %s (subpkg: %s)' % (p.pkg, subpkgs[subpkg], subpkg)
subpkgs[subpkg] = p.pkg
for p in packages:
# Calculate the missing deps
deps = p.deps
missing = set(deps) - set(subpkgs)
if missing:
if p.pkg not in self._ignore_packages:
# print 'Ignoring package. Missing dependencies %s -> (%s) %s...' % (p.pkg, len(missing), missing[:5])
graph.add_edges_from((p.pkg, subpkgs[d]) for d in deps)
# Store the subpkgs dict in the graph. It will be used later.
graph.subpkgs = subpkgs
return graph
def cycles(self, staging, project=None, repository='standard', arch='x86_64'):
"""Detect cycles in a specific repository."""
if not project:
project = self.api.project
# Detect cycles - We create the full graph from _builddepinfo.
project_graph = self._get_builddepinfo_graph(project, repository, arch)
current_graph = self._get_builddepinfo_graph(staging, repository, arch)
# Sometimes, new cycles have only new edges, but not new
# packages. We need to inform about this, so this can become
# a warning instead of an error.
# To do that, we store in `project_cycles_pkgs` all the
# project (i.e Factory) cycles as a set of packages, so we can
# check if the new cycle (also as a set of packages) is
# included here.
project_cycles = project_graph.cycles()
project_cycles_pkgs = [set(cycle) for cycle in project_cycles]
for cycle in current_graph.cycles():
if cycle not in project_cycles:
project_edges = set((u, v) for u in cycle for v in project_graph.edges(u) if v in cycle)
current_edges = set((u, v) for u in cycle for v in current_graph.edges(u) if v in cycle)
current_pkgs = set(cycle)
yield (cycle,
sorted(current_edges - project_edges),
not any(current_pkgs.issubset(cpkgs) for cpkgs in project_cycles_pkgs))