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#!BuildTag: osrt_miniobs
FROM opensuse/leap:15.1
RUN zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/OBS:/Server:/Unstable/openSUSE_15.1/ 'O:S:U'; \
zypper --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh
RUN zypper install -y obs-api obs-worker obs-server \
ca-certificates patch vim vim-data psmisc timezone \
glibc-locale aaa_base aaa_base-extras netcat net-tools
COPY database.yml.local /srv/www/obs/api/config/database.yml
RUN /usr/lib/mysql/mysql-systemd-helper install ;\
sed -e 's,,,' -i /etc/my.cnf ;\
sed -e 's,server-id,skip-grant-tables,' -i /etc/my.cnf ;\
/usr/lib/mysql/mysql-systemd-helper start & \
/usr/lib/mysql/mysql-systemd-helper wait ;\
/usr/bin/mysql -u root -e "SELECT @@version; CREATE USER 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'opensuse'; GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;" ;\
chroot --userspec=wwwrun / /bin/bash -c "cd /srv/www/obs/api && DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1 RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails db:create db:setup" ;\
mysqladmin shutdown
COPY config.yml /srv/www/obs/api/config/options.yml
COPY database.yml /srv/www/obs/api/config/database.yml
RUN sed -i -e 's,\(config.public_file_server.enabled\).*,\1 = true,; s,\(config.log_level\).*,\1 = :debug,' \
RUN rm -f /srv/www/obs/api/tmp/pids/server.pid
COPY BSConfig.pm.patch /tmp
RUN patch /usr/lib/obs/server/BSConfig.pm /tmp/BSConfig.pm.patch