2020-02-19 13:57:16 +01:00

223 lines
7.8 KiB

import logging
import os
import re
import requests
import subprocess
import tempfile
import glob
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from lxml import etree as ETL
from osc.core import http_GET
import yaml
from osclib.cache_manager import CacheManager
logger = logging.getLogger('InstallChecker')
SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
CACHEDIR = CacheManager.directory('repository-meta')
class CorruptRepos(Exception):
# the content of sp is name, version, release, arch
def _format_pkg(sp):
return "{}-{}-{}.{}".format(sp[0], sp[1], sp[2], sp[3])
def _check_exists_in_whitelist(sp, whitelist):
if sp[0] in whitelist:
logger.debug("Found %s in whitelist, ignoring", sp[0])
return True
# check with version
long_name = "{}-{}".format(sp[0], sp[1])
if long_name in whitelist:
logger.debug("Found %s in whitelist, ignoring", long_name)
return True
for entry in whitelist:
if fnmatch(sp[0], entry):
logger.debug("Found %s matching whitelist entry %s, ignoring", sp[0], entry)
return True
def _check_colon_format(sp1, sp2, whitelist):
if "{}:{}".format(sp1, sp2) in whitelist:
logger.debug("Found %s:%s in whitelist, ignoring", sp1, sp2)
return True
def _check_conflicts_whitelist(sp1, sp2, whitelist):
if _check_exists_in_whitelist(sp1, whitelist):
return True
if _check_exists_in_whitelist(sp2, whitelist):
return True
if _check_colon_format(sp1[0], sp2[0], whitelist):
return True
if _check_colon_format(sp2[0], sp1[0], whitelist):
return True
def _fileconflicts(pfile, target_packages, whitelist):
script = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, '..', 'findfileconflicts')
p = subprocess.run(['perl', script, pfile], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if p.returncode or len(p.stdout):
output = ''
conflicts = yaml.safe_load(p.stdout)
for conflict in conflicts:
sp1 = conflict['between'][0]
sp2 = conflict['between'][1]
if not sp1[0] in target_packages and not sp2[0] in target_packages:
if _check_conflicts_whitelist(sp1, sp2, whitelist):
output += "found conflict of {} with {}\n".format(_format_pkg(sp1), _format_pkg(sp2))
for file in conflict['conflicts'].split('\n'):
output += " {}\n".format(file)
output += "\n"
if len(output):
return output
def filter_release(line):
line = re.sub(r'(package [^ ]*\-[^-]*)\-[^-]*(\.\w+) ', r'\1\2 ', line)
line = re.sub(r'(needed by [^ ]*\-[^-]*)\-[^-]*(\.\w+)$', r'\1\2', line)
line = re.sub(r'(provided by [^ ]*\-[^-]*)\-[^-]*(\.\w+)$', r'\1\2', line)
return line
def parsed_installcheck(repos, arch, target_packages, whitelist):
reported_problems = dict()
if not len(target_packages):
return reported_problems
def maparch2installarch(arch):
_mapping = {'armv6l': 'armv6hl',
'armv7l': 'armv7hl'}
if arch in _mapping:
return _mapping[arch]
return arch
if not isinstance(repos, list):
repos = [repos]
p = subprocess.run(['/usr/bin/installcheck', maparch2installarch(arch)] + repos,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, errors='backslashreplace', text=True)
if p.returncode:
in_problem = False
package = None
install_re = re.compile(r"^can't install (.*)(-[^-]+-[^-]+):$")
for line in p.stdout.split('\n'):
if not line.startswith(' '):
in_problem = False
match = install_re.match(line)
if match:
package = match.group(1)
in_problem = False
if not package in target_packages:
if package in whitelist:
logger.debug("{} fails installcheck but is white listed".format(package))
reported_problems[package] = {'problem': match.group(1) + match.group(2), 'output': [], 'source': target_packages[package]}
in_problem = True
if in_problem:
return reported_problems
def installcheck(directories, arch, whitelist, ignore_conflicts):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='repochecker') as dir:
pfile = os.path.join(dir, 'packages')
script = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, '..', 'write_repo_susetags_file.pl')
parts = ['perl', script, dir] + directories
p = subprocess.run(parts)
if p.returncode:
# technically only 126, but there is no other value atm -
# so if some other perl error happens, we don't continue
raise CorruptRepos
target_packages = []
with open(os.path.join(dir, 'catalog.yml')) as file:
catalog = yaml.safe_load(file)
target_packages = catalog.get(directories[0], [])
parts = []
output = _fileconflicts(pfile, target_packages, ignore_conflicts)
if output:
parsed = parsed_installcheck(pfile, arch, target_packages, whitelist)
if len(parsed):
output = ''
for package in sorted(parsed):
output += "can't install " + parsed[package]['problem'] + ":\n"
output += "\n".join(parsed[package]['output'])
output += "\n\n"
return parts
def mirrorRepomd(cachedir, url):
# Use repomd.xml to get the location of primary.xml.gz
repoindex = ETL.fromstring(requests.get('{}/repodata/repomd.xml'.format(url)).content)
primarypath = repoindex.xpath("string(./repo:data[@type='primary']/repo:location/@href)",
namespaces={'repo': 'http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/repo'})
if not primarypath.endswith(".xml.gz"):
raise Exception('unsupported primary format')
primarydest = os.path.join(cachedir, os.path.basename(primarypath))
if not os.path.exists(primarydest):
# Delete the old files first
for oldfile in glob.glob(glob.escape(cachedir) + "/*.xml.gz"):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=cachedir) as primarytemp:
primarytemp.write(requests.get(url + '/' + primarypath).content)
os.link(primarytemp.name, primarydest)
return primarydest
def mirror(apiurl, project, repository, arch):
"""Call bs_mirrorfull script to mirror packages."""
directory = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, project, repository, arch)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
meta = ETL.parse(http_GET('{}/public/source/{}/_meta'.format(apiurl, project))).getroot()
repotag = meta.xpath("/project/repository[@name='{}']".format(repository))[0]
if arch not in repotag.xpath("./arch/text()"):
# Arch not in this project, skip mirroring
return directory
download = repotag.xpath("./download[@arch='{}']".format(arch))
if download is not None and len(download) > 0:
if len(download) > 1:
raise Exception('Multiple download urls unsupported')
repotype = download[0].get('repotype')
if repotype != 'rpmmd':
raise Exception('repotype {} not supported'.format(repotype))
return mirrorRepomd(directory, download[0].get('url'))
script = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, '..', 'bs_mirrorfull')
path = '/'.join((project, repository, arch))
logger.info('mirroring {}'.format(path))
url = '{}/public/build/{}'.format(apiurl, path)
p = subprocess.run(['perl', script, '--nodebug', url, directory])
if p.returncode:
raise Exception('failed to mirror {}'.format(path))
return directory