The config default for pseudometa package (00Meta) does not exist for Tumbleweed, so we need to add an override for :ARM to contain the proper information so that the publishing logic doesn't stop. Also update correspondingly for Leap
447 lines
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447 lines
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from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse as date_parse
import re
import socket
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from lxml import etree as ETL
from urllib.error import HTTPError
except ImportError:
#python 2.x
from urllib2 import HTTPError
from osc.core import get_binarylist
from osc.core import get_commitlog
from osc.core import get_dependson
from osc.core import http_GET
from osc.core import http_POST
from osc.core import http_PUT
from osc.core import makeurl
from osc.core import owner
from osc.core import Request
from osc.core import show_package_meta
from osc.core import show_project_meta
from osc.core import show_results_meta
from osclib.conf import Config
from osclib.memoize import memoize
BINARY_REGEX = r'(?:.*::)?(?P<filename>(?P<name>.*)-(?P<version>[^-]+)-(?P<release>[^-]+)\.(?P<arch>[^-\.]+))'
BinaryParsed = namedtuple('BinaryParsed', ('package', 'filename', 'name', 'arch'))
def group_members(apiurl, group, maintainers=False):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['group', group])
root = ETL.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
if maintainers:
return root.xpath('maintainer/@userid')
return root.xpath('person/person/@userid')
def groups_members(apiurl, groups):
members = []
for group in groups:
members.extend(group_members(apiurl, group))
return members
def owner_fallback(apiurl, project, package):
root = owner(apiurl, package, project=project)
entry = root.find('owner')
if not entry or project.startswith(entry.get('project')):
# Fallback to global (ex Factory) maintainer.
root = owner(apiurl, package)
return root
def maintainers_get(apiurl, project, package=None):
if package is None:
meta = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
maintainers = meta.xpath('//person[@role="maintainer"]/@userid')
groups = meta.xpath('//group[@role="maintainer"]/@groupid')
maintainers.extend(groups_members(apiurl, groups))
return maintainers
# Ugly reparse, but real xpath makes the rest much cleaner.
root = owner_fallback(apiurl, project, package)
root = ETL.fromstringlist(ET.tostringlist(root))
maintainers = root.xpath('//person[@role="maintainer"]/@name')
groups = root.xpath('//group[@role="maintainer"]/@name')
maintainers.extend(groups_members(apiurl, groups))
return maintainers
def package_list(apiurl, project):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project], { 'expand': 1 })
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
packages = []
for package in root.findall('entry'):
return sorted(packages)
def target_archs(apiurl, project, repository='standard'):
meta = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
return meta.xpath('repository[@name="{}"]/arch/text()'.format(repository))
def depends_on(apiurl, project, repository, packages=None, reverse=None):
dependencies = set()
for arch in target_archs(apiurl, project, repository):
root = ET.fromstring(get_dependson(apiurl, project, repository, arch, packages, reverse))
dependencies.update(pkgdep.text for pkgdep in root.findall('.//pkgdep'))
return dependencies
def request_when_staged(request, project, first=False):
when = None
for history in request.statehistory:
if project in history.comment:
when = history.when
return date_parse(when)
def binary_list(apiurl, project, repository, arch, package=None):
parsed = []
for binary in get_binarylist(apiurl, project, repository, arch, package):
result = re.match(RPM_REGEX, binary)
if not result:
name ='name')
if name.endswith('-debuginfo') or name.endswith('-debuginfo-32bit'):
if name.endswith('-debugsource'):
if'arch') == 'src':
parsed.append(BinaryParsed(package,'filename'), name,'arch')))
return parsed
def package_binary_list(apiurl, project, repository, arch, package=None, strip_multibuild=True, exclude_src_debug=False):
path = ['build', project, repository, arch]
if package:
url = makeurl(apiurl, path, {'view': 'binaryversions'})
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
package_binaries = []
binary_map = {} # last duplicate wins
for binary_list in root:
package = binary_list.get('package')
if strip_multibuild:
package = package.split(':', 1)[0]
for binary in binary_list:
filename = binary.get('name')
result = re.match(RPM_REGEX, filename)
if not result:
binary = BinaryParsed(package,'filename'),
if exclude_src_debug and binary_src_debug(binary):
binary_map['filename')] = package
return package_binaries, binary_map
def binary_src_debug(binary):
return (
binary.arch == 'src' or
binary.arch == 'nosrc' or
|'-debuginfo') or
def devel_project_get(apiurl, target_project, target_package):
meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_package_meta(apiurl, target_project, target_package))
node = meta.find('devel')
if node is not None:
return node.get('project'), node.get('package')
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code != 404:
raise e
return None, None
def devel_project_fallback(apiurl, target_project, target_package):
project, package = devel_project_get(apiurl, target_project, target_package)
if project is None and target_project != 'openSUSE:Factory':
if target_project.startswith('openSUSE:'):
project, package = devel_project_get(apiurl, 'openSUSE:Factory', target_package)
elif target_project.startswith('SUSE:'):
# For SLE (assume IBS), fallback to openSUSE:Factory devel projects.
project, package = devel_project_get(apiurl, '', target_package)
if project:
# Strip prefix since string since not used for lookup.
project = project.split(':', 1)[1]
return project, package
def request_age(request):
if isinstance(request, Request):
created = request.statehistory[0].when
created = request.find('history').get('when')
created = date_parse(created)
return datetime.utcnow() - created
def project_list_prefix(apiurl, prefix):
"""Get a list of project with the same prefix."""
query = {'match': 'starts-with(@name, "{}")'.format(prefix)}
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['search', 'project', 'id'], query)
root = ETL.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
return root.xpath('project/@name')
# Depdendency helpers
def fileinfo_ext_all(apiurl, project, repo, arch, package):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', project, repo, arch, package])
binaries = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for binary in binaries.findall('binary'):
filename = binary.get('filename')
if not filename.endswith('.rpm'):
yield fileinfo_ext(apiurl, project, repo, arch, package, filename)
def fileinfo_ext(apiurl, project, repo, arch, package, filename):
url = makeurl(apiurl,
['build', project, repo, arch, package, filename],
{'view': 'fileinfo_ext'})
return ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
def entity_email(apiurl, key, entity_type='person', include_name=False):
url = makeurl(apiurl, [entity_type, key])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
email = root.find('email')
if email is None:
return None
email = email.text
realname = root.find('realname')
if include_name and realname is not None:
email = '{} <{}>'.format(realname.text, email)
return email
def source_file_load(apiurl, project, package, filename, revision=None):
query = {'expand': 1}
if revision:
query['rev'] = revision
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, filename], query)
return http_GET(url).read()
except HTTPError:
return None
def source_file_save(apiurl, project, package, filename, content, comment=None):
if not comment:
comment = 'update by OSRT tools'
comment += ' (host {})'.format(socket.gethostname())
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, filename], {'comment': comment})
http_PUT(url, data=content)
def source_file_ensure(apiurl, project, package, filename, content, comment=None):
if content != source_file_load(apiurl, project, package, filename):
source_file_save(apiurl, project, package, filename, content, comment)
def project_pseudometa_package(apiurl, project):
package = Config.get(apiurl, project).get('pseudometa_package', '00Meta')
if '/' in package:
project, package = package.split('/', 2)
return project, package
def project_pseudometa_file_load(apiurl, project, filename, revision=None):
project, package = project_pseudometa_package(apiurl, project)
source_file = source_file_load(apiurl, project, package, filename, revision)
if source_file is not None:
source_file = source_file.rstrip()
return source_file
def project_pseudometa_file_save(apiurl, project, filename, content, comment=None):
project, package = project_pseudometa_package(apiurl, project)
source_file_save(apiurl, project, package, filename, content, comment)
def project_pseudometa_file_ensure(apiurl, project, filename, content, comment=None):
if content != project_pseudometa_file_load(apiurl, project, filename):
project_pseudometa_file_save(apiurl, project, filename, content, comment)
# Should be an API call that says give me "real" packages that does not include
# multibuild entries nor linked packages.
def package_list_without_links(apiurl, project):
query = {
'view': 'info',
'nofilename': '1',
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project], query)
root = ETL.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
return root.xpath(
'//sourceinfo[not(./linked[@project="{}"]) and not(contains(@package, ":"))]/@package'.format(project))
def attribute_value_load(apiurl, project, name, namespace='OSRT'):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, '_attribute', namespace + ':' + name])
root = ETL.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
return None
raise e
value = root.xpath(
'./attribute[@namespace="{}" and @name="{}"]/value/text()'.format(namespace, name))
if not len(value):
return None
return str(value[0])
# New attributes must be defined manually before they can be used. Example:
# `osc api /attribute/OSRT/IgnoredIssues/_meta outputs`
# The new attribute can be created via:
# `api -T $xml /attribute/OSRT/$NEWATTRIBUTE/_meta`
# Remember to create for both OBS and IBS as necessary.
def attribute_value_save(apiurl, project, name, value, namespace='OSRT'):
root = ET.Element('attributes')
attribute = ET.SubElement(root, 'attribute')
attribute.set('namespace', namespace)
attribute.set('name', name)
ET.SubElement(attribute, 'value').text = value
# The OBS API of attributes is super strange, POST to update.
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, '_attribute'])
http_POST(url, data=ET.tostring(root))
def repository_path_expand(apiurl, project, repo, repos=None):
"""Recursively list underlying projects."""
if repos is None:
# Avoids screwy behavior where list as default shares reference for all
# calls which effectively means the list grows even when new project.
repos = []
if [project, repo] in repos:
# For some reason devel projects such as graphics include the same path
# twice for openSUSE:Factory/snapshot. Does not hurt anything, but
# cleaner not to include it twice.
return repos
repos.append([project, repo])
meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
for path in meta.findall('.//repository[@name="{}"]/path'.format(repo)):
repository_path_expand(apiurl, path.get('project', project), path.get('repository'), repos)
return repos
def repository_path_search(apiurl, project, search_project, search_repository):
queue = []
# Initialize breadth first search queue with repositories from top project.
root = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
for repository in root.xpath('repository[path[@project and @repository]]/@name'):
queue.append((repository, project, repository))
# Perform a breadth first search and return the first repository chain with
# a series of path elements targeting search project and repository.
for repository_top, project, repository in queue:
if root.get('name') != project:
# Repositories for a single project are in a row so cache parsing.
root = ETL.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
paths = root.findall('repository[@name="{}"]/path'.format(repository))
for path in paths:
if path.get('project') == search_project and path.get('repository') == search_repository:
return repository_top
queue.append((repository_top, path.get('project'), path.get('repository')))
return None
def repository_arch_state(apiurl, project, repository, arch):
# just checking the mtimes of the repository's binaries
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', project, repository, arch, '_repository'])
from osclib.util import sha1_short
return sha1_short(http_GET(url).read())
def repository_state(apiurl, project, repository, archs=[]):
if not len(archs):
archs = target_archs(apiurl, project, repository)
# Unfortunately, the state hash reflects the published state and not the
# binaries published in repository. As such request binary list and hash.
combined_state = []
for arch in archs:
combined_state.append(repository_arch_state(apiurl, project, repository, arch))
from osclib.util import sha1_short
return sha1_short(combined_state)
def repositories_states(apiurl, repository_pairs, archs=[]):
states = []
for project, repository in repository_pairs:
states.append(repository_state(apiurl, project, repository, archs))
return states
def repository_published(apiurl, project, repository, archs=[]):
# In a perfect world this would check for the existence of imports from i586
# into x86_64, but in an even more perfect world OBS would show archs that
# depend on another arch for imports as not completed until the dependent
# arch completes. This is a simplified check that ensures x86_64 repos are
# not indicated as published when i586 has not finished which is primarily
# useful for repo_checker when only checking x86_64. The API treats archs as
# a filter on what to return and thus non-existent archs do not cause an
# issue nor alter the result.
if 'x86_64' in archs and 'i586' not in archs:
# Create a copy to avoid altering caller's list.
archs = list(archs)
root = ETL.fromstringlist(show_results_meta(
apiurl, project, multibuild=True, repository=[repository], arch=archs))
return not len(root.xpath('result[@state!="published" and @state!="unpublished"]'))
def repositories_published(apiurl, repository_pairs, archs=[]):
for project, repository in repository_pairs:
if not repository_published(apiurl, project, repository, archs):
return (project, repository)
return True
def project_meta_revision(apiurl, project):
root = ET.fromstringlist(get_commitlog(
apiurl, project, '_project', None, format='xml', meta=True))
return int(root.find('logentry').get('revision'))