This list is only needed for the first package from a devel project to be acceptable. After that, any further package can be submitted and the entry in the list is no longer needed (the dynamic list is extracted from the devel projects configured on packages at the the time)
413 lines
15 KiB
413 lines
15 KiB
# (C) 2011, Novell Inc,
# Distribute under GPLv2 or GPLv3
# Copy this script to ~/.osc-plugins/ or /var/lib/osc-plugins .
# Then try to run 'osc checker --help' to see the usage.
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib2
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from osc.core import checkout_package
from osc.core import http_GET
from osc.core import http_POST
# from osc.core import link_pac
from osc.core import makeurl
# from osc.core import show_upstream_rev_vrev
from osc import cmdln
# Expand sys.path to search modules inside the pluging directory
PLUGINDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py')))
from osclib.conf import Config
from osclib.stagingapi import StagingAPI
# For a description of this decorator, visit
def _silent_running(fn):
def _fn(*args, **kwargs):
_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
sys.stdout = _stdout
return result
return _fn
checkout_pkg = _silent_running(checkout_package)
def _checker_parse(self, apiurl, project, package, revision=None,
brief=False, verbose=False):
query = {'view': 'info', 'parse': 1}
if revision:
query['rev'] = revision
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package], query)
ret = {'name': None, 'version': None}
xml = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print('ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e))
return ret
# ET's boolean check is screwed
if xml.find('name') is not None:
ret['name'] = xml.find('name').text
if xml.find('version') is not None:
ret['version'] = xml.find('version').text
return ret
def _checker_change_review_state(self, opts, id_, newstate,
by_group='', by_user='', message='',
""" taken from osc/osc/, improved:
- verbose option added,
- empty by_user=& removed.
- numeric id_ can be int().
query = {'cmd': 'changereviewstate', 'newstate': newstate}
if by_group:
query['by_group'] = by_group
if by_user:
query['by_user'] = by_user
if supersed:
query['superseded_by'] = supersed
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['request', str(id_)], query=query)
if opts.dry_run:
print 'dry-run: change review state: %s' % url
root = ET.parse(http_POST(url, data=message)).getroot()
return root.attrib['code']
def _checker_prepare_dir(self, dir):
olddir = os.getcwd()
def _checker_add_review(self, opts, id_, by_group=None, by_user=None,
query = {'cmd': 'addreview'}
if by_group:
query['by_group'] = by_group
elif by_user:
query['by_user'] = by_user
raise Exception('we need either by_group or by_user')
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['request', str(id_)], query)
if opts.dry_run:
print 'dry-run: adding review %s' % url
return 0
r = http_POST(url, data=msg)
except urllib2.HTTPError:
return 1
code = ET.parse(r).getroot().attrib['code']
if code != 'ok':
raise Exception(r)
return 0
def _checker_add_review_team(self, opts, id_):
return self._checker_add_review(opts, id_, by_group='opensuse-review-team', msg="Please review sources")
def _checker_get_verifymd5(self, opts, src_project, src_package, rev=None):
query = {
'view': 'info',
if rev:
query['rev'] = rev
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ('source', src_project, src_package), query=query)
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
except urllib2.HTTPError:
return None
if root is not None:
srcmd5 = root.get('verifymd5')
return srcmd5
def _checker_is_srcmd5_in_factory(self, opts, src_package, srcmd5):
if not srcmd5:
return False
factory_srcmd5 = self._checker_get_verifymd5(opts, 'openSUSE:Factory',
return srcmd5 == factory_srcmd5
def _checker_accept_request(self, opts, id_, msg, diff=10000):
if diff > 8:
self._checker_add_review_team(opts, id_)
# else:
# self._checker_add_review(opts, id_, by_user='coolo', msg='Does it look harmless?')
self._checker_add_review(opts, id_, by_user='factory-repo-checker', msg='Please review build success')
self._checker_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'accepted', by_group='factory-auto', message=msg)
print("accepted " + msg)
class FakeAction(object):
def __init__(self, src_project, src_package, tgt_project, tgt_package, src_rev):
self.src_project = src_project
self.src_package = src_package
self.tgt_project = tgt_project
self.tgt_package = tgt_package
self.src_rev = src_rev
def _checker_one_request(self, rq, opts):
if (opts.verbose):
id_ = int(rq.get('id'))
act_id = 0
actions = rq.findall('action')
if len(actions) > 1:
msg = '2 actions in one SR is not supported -'
self._checker_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'declined', by_group='factory-auto', message=msg)
print("declined " + msg)
for act in actions:
act_id += 1
_type = act.get('type')
if _type == "submit":
pkg = act.find('source').get('package')
prj = act.find('source').get('project')
rev = act.find('source').get('rev')
tprj = act.find('target').get('project')
tpkg = act.find('target').get('package')
# Check in the srcmd5 is actually in Factory
srcmd5 = self._checker_get_verifymd5(opts, prj, pkg, rev=rev)
if self._checker_is_srcmd5_in_factory(opts, pkg, srcmd5):
msg = 'Found Factory sources'
self._checker_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'accepted', by_group='factory-auto', message=msg)
src = {'package': pkg, 'project': prj, 'rev': rev, 'error': None}
e = []
if not pkg:
e.append('no source/package in request %d, action %d' % (id_, act_id))
if not prj:
e.append('no source/project in request %d, action %d' % (id_, act_id))
if e:
src.error = '; '.join(e)
e = []
if not tpkg:
e.append('no target/package in request %d, action %d; ' % (id_, act_id))
if not prj:
e.append('no target/project in request %d, action %d; ' % (id_, act_id))
# it is no error, if the target package dies not exist
subm_id = "SUBMIT(%d):" % id_
print ("\n%s %s/%s -> %s/%s" % (subm_id,
prj, pkg,
tprj, tpkg))
# Check if the package comes from openSUSE:Factory and
# have a release target (like openSUSE:13.2)
if prj == 'openSUSE:Factory' and tprj == '%s' % self.api.project:
fake_devel_prj = '%s:Devel' % self.api.project
# _rev, _vrev = show_upstream_rev_vrev(opts.apiurl, prj, pkg, revision=rev, expand=True)
# assert _rev == rev, 'Revision is not the same'
# link_pac(src_project=prj, src_package=pkg,
# dst_project=fake_devel_prj, dst_package=tpkg,
# force=True,
# rev=_rev, vrev=_vrev)
act = FakeAction(prj, pkg, tprj, tpkg, rev)
self.api.submit_to_prj(act, fake_devel_prj, force_enable_build=True)
self._checker_accept_request(opts, id_, 'The request is linked to %s' % fake_devel_prj, diff=0)
dpkg = self._checker_check_devel_package(opts, tprj, tpkg)
# white list
self._devel_projects['network:mail:zarafa/'] = 'x2go'
self._devel_projects['devel:languages:D/'] = 'd'
self._devel_projects['Novell:NTS'] = 'support'
self._devel_projects['Virtualization:Appliances:Builder/'] = 'python3-kiwi'
self._devel_projects['isv:ownCloud:desktop/'] = 'owncloud-client'
self._devel_projects['system:snappy/'] = 'snappy'
self._devel_projects['Application:ERP:Tryton:Factory/'] = 'tryton'
self._devel_projects['devel:languages:pascal/'] = 'fpc'
if dpkg:
[dprj, dpkg] = dpkg.split('/')
dprj = None
if dprj and (dprj != prj or dpkg != pkg) and ('IGNORE_DEVEL_PROJECTS' not in os.environ):
msg = "'%s/%s' is the devel package, submission is from '%s'" % (dprj, dpkg, prj)
print("declined " + msg)
self._checker_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'declined', by_group='factory-auto', message=msg)
if not dprj and (prj + "/") not in self._devel_projects:
msg = "'%s' is not a valid devel project of %s - please pick one of the existent" % (prj, tprj)
print("declined " + msg)
self._checker_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'declined', by_group='factory-auto', message=msg)
dir = os.path.expanduser("~/co/%s" % str(id_))
if os.path.exists(dir):
print("%s already exists" % dir)
old_infos = {'version': None}
checkout_pkg(opts.apiurl, tprj, tpkg, pathname=dir,
server_service_files=True, expand_link=True)
os.rename(tpkg, "_old")
old_infos = self._checker_parse(opts.apiurl, tprj, tpkg)
except urllib2.HTTPError:
print("failed to checkout %s/%s" % (tprj, tpkg))
checkout_pkg(opts.apiurl, prj, pkg, revision=rev,
pathname=dir, server_service_files=True, expand_link=True)
os.rename(pkg, tpkg)
new_infos = self._checker_parse(opts.apiurl, prj, pkg, revision=rev)
if new_infos['name'] != tpkg:
msg = "A pkg submitted as %s has to build as 'Name: %s' - found Name '%s'" % (tpkg, tpkg, new_infos['name'])
self._checker_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'declined', by_group='factory-auto', message=msg)
sourcechecker = os.path.join(PLUGINDIR, '')
civs = ""
new_version = None
if old_infos['version'] and old_infos['version'] != new_infos['version']:
new_version = new_infos['version']
civs += "NEW_VERSION='{}' ".format(new_version)
civs += "LC_ALL=C perl %s _old %s 2>&1" % (sourcechecker, tpkg)
p = subprocess.Popen(civs, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
ret = os.waitpid(, 0)[1]
checked = p.stdout.readlines()
output = ' '.join(checked).translate(None, '\033')
if ret != 0:
msg = "Output of check script:\n" + output
self._checker_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'declined', by_group='factory-auto', message=msg)
print("declined " + msg)
msg = 'Check script succeeded'
if len(checked) and checked[-1].startswith('DIFFCOUNT'):
# this is a major break through in perl<->python communication!
diff = int(checked.pop().split(' ')[1])
output = ' '.join(checked).translate(None, '\033')
if not new_version:
diff = 12345
else: # e.g. new package
diff = 13579
if len(checked):
msg = msg + "\n\nOutput of check script (non-fatal):\n" + output
if self._checker_accept_request(opts, id_, msg, diff=diff):
self._checker_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'accepted',
message="Unchecked request type %s" % _type)
def _checker_check_devel_package(self, opts, project, package):
if project not in self._devel_projects:
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['search', 'package'], "match=[@project='%s']" % project)
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for p in root.findall('package'):
name = p.attrib['name']
d = p.find('devel')
if d is not None:
dprj = d.attrib['project']
self._devel_projects["%s/%s" % (project, name)] = "%s/%s" % (dprj, d.attrib['package'])
# for new packages to check
self._devel_projects[dprj + "/"] = 1
elif not name.startswith("_product") and not name.startswith('preinstallimage') and not name == 'Test-DVD-x86_64':
print("NO DEVEL IN", name)
# mark we tried
self._devel_projects[project] = 1
key = "%s/%s" % (project, package)
if key in self._devel_projects:
return self._devel_projects[key]
@cmdln.option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="verbose output")
@cmdln.option('-p', '--project', dest='project', metavar='PROJECT', default='Factory',
help='select a different project instead of openSUSE:Factory')
@cmdln.option('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', help="dry run")
def do_check_source(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: checker review of submit requests.
osc check_source [OPT] [list] [FILTER|PACKAGE_SRC]
Shows pending review requests and their current state.
self._devel_projects = {}
opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
Config('openSUSE:%s' % opts.project)
self.api = StagingAPI(opts.apiurl, 'openSUSE:%s' % opts.project)
if len(args) and args[0] == 'skip':
for id_ in args[1:]:
self._checker_accept_request(opts, id_, 'skip review')
ids = {}
for a in args:
if re.match('\d+', a):
ids[a] = 1
if not ids:
review = "@by_group='factory-auto'+and+@state='new'"
target = "@project='{}'".format(self.api.project)
target_nf = "@project='{}:NonFree'".format(self.api.project)
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ('search', 'request'),
"match=state/@name='review'+and+review[%s]+and+(target[%s]+or+target[%s])" % (review, target, target_nf))
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for rq in root.findall('request'):
self._checker_one_request(rq, opts)
# we have a list, use them.
for id_ in ids:
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ('request', id_))
f = http_GET(url)
xml = ET.parse(f)
root = xml.getroot()
self._checker_one_request(root, opts)