Michal Hrusecky f8c2ee506c Fix removing request from metadata
Previous implementation was broken as there ware still some leftovers of
newdata variable mixed with new data variable approach. Made it simple and
2014-02-13 13:20:44 +01:00

325 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (C) 2014 mhrusecky@suse.cz, openSUSE.org
# (C) 2014 tchvatal@suse.cz, openSUSE.org
# Distribute under GPLv2 or GPLv3
import logging
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
import yaml
from osc import oscerr
from osc.core import delete_package
from osc.core import get_request
from osc.core import make_meta_url
from osc.core import makeurl
from osc.core import metafile
from osc.core import http_GET
from osc.core import http_POST
from osc.core import http_PUT
from osc.core import link_pac
class StagingAPI(object):
Class containing various api calls to work with staging projects.
def __init__(self, apiurl):
Initialize instance variables
self.apiurl = apiurl
self.rings = ['openSUSE:Factory:Rings:0-Bootstrap',
self.ring_packages = self._generate_ring_packages()
def _generate_ring_packages(self):
Generate dictionary with names of the rings
:return dictionary with ring names
ret = {}
for prj in self.rings:
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', prj])
root = http_GET(url)
for entry in ET.parse(root).getroot().findall('entry'):
ret[entry.attrib['name']] = prj
return ret
def get_package_information(self, project, pkgname):
Get the revision packagename and source project to copy from
based on content provided
:param project: the project we are having the package in
:param pkgname: name of the package we want to identify
:return dict ( project, package, revision, md5sum )
package_info = {}
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', project, pkgname])
content = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(content).getroot().find('linkinfo')
package_info['srcmd5'] = root.attrib['srcmd5']
package_info['rev'] = root.attrib['rev']
package_info['project'] = root.attrib['project']
package_info['package'] = root.attrib['package']
return package_info
def move_between_project(self, source_project, package, destination_project):
Move selected package from one staging to another
# Get the relevant information from source
package_info = self.get_package_information('source_project', 'package')
# Copy the package
#FIXME: add the data from orginal project yaml to the destination one
# Delete the first location
message = 'moved to {0}'.format(destination_project)
delete_package(self.apiurl, source_project, package, msg=message)
#FIXME: delete the data from YAML
def get_staging_projects(self):
Get all current running staging projects
:return list of known staging projects
projects = []
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['search', 'project',
projxml = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(projxml).getroot()
for val in root.findall('project'):
return projects
def staging_change_review_state(self, request_id, newstate, message):
Change review state of the staging request
:param request_id: id of the request
:param newstate: state of the new request
:param message: message for the review
""" taken from osc/osc/core.py, improved:
- verbose option added,
- empty by_user=& removed.
- numeric id can be int().
query = {
'cmd': 'changereviewstate',
'newstate': newstate,
'by_group': 'factory-staging',
'comment': message
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['request', str(request_id)], query=query)
http_POST(url, data=message)
def accept_non_ring_request(self, request):
Accept review of requests that are not yet in any ring so we
don't delay their testing.
:param request: request to check
# Consolidate all data from request
request_id = int(request.get('id'))
action = request.findall('action')
if not action:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Request {0} has no action'.format(request_id))
# we care only about first action
action = action[0]
# Where are we targeting the package
target_project = action.find('target').get('project')
target_package = action.find('target').get('package')
# If the values are empty it is no error
if not target_project or not target_package:
logging.info('no target/package in request {0}, action {1}; '.format(request_id, action))
# Verify the package ring
ring = self.ring_packages.get(target_package, None)
if not ring:
# accept the request here
message = "No need for staging, not in tested ring project."
self.staging_change_review_state(request_id, 'accepted', message)
def get_open_requests(self):
Get all requests with open review for staging project
that are not yet included in any staging project
:return list of pending open review requests
requests = []
# xpath query, using the -m, -r, -s options
where = "@by_group='factory-staging'+and+@state='new'"
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['search','request'], "match=state/@name='review'+and+review["+where+"]")
f = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for rq in root.findall('request'):
return requests
def dispatch_open_requests(self):
Verify all requests and dispatch them to staging projects or approve them
# get all current pending requests
requests = self.get_open_requests()
# check if we can reduce it down by accepting some
for rq in requests:
# FIXME: dispatch to various staging projects automatically
def get_prj_pseudometa(self, project):
Gets project data from YAML in project description
:param project: project to read data from
:return structured object with metadata
url = make_meta_url('prj', project, self.apiurl)
data = http_GET(url).readlines()
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
description = root.find('description')
# If YAML parsing fails, load default
# FIXME: Better handling of errors
# * broken description
# * directly linked packages
# * removed linked packages
data = yaml.load(description.text)
data = yaml.load('requests: []')
return data
def set_prj_pseudometa(self, project, meta):
Sets project description to the YAML of the provided object
:param project: project to save into
:param meta: data to save
# Get current metadata
url = make_meta_url('prj', project, self.apiurl)
data = http_GET(url).readlines()
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(data))
# Find description
description = root.find('description')
# Replace it with yaml
description.text = yaml.dump(meta)
# Find title
title = root.find('title')
# Put something nice into title as well
new_title = []
for request in meta['requests']:
title.text = ', '.join(new_title)
# Write XML back
url = make_meta_url('prj',project, self.apiurl, force=True)
f = metafile(url, ET.tostring(root))
http_PUT(f.url, file=f.filename)
def _add_rq_to_prj_pseudometa(self, project, request_id, package):
Records request as part of the project within metadata
:param project: project to record into
:param request_id: request id to record
:param package: package the request is about
data = self.get_prj_pseudometa(project)
append = True
for request in data['requests']:
if request['package'] == package:
request['id'] = request_id
append = False
if append:
data['requests'].append( { 'id': request_id, 'package': package} )
self.set_prj_pseudometa(project, data)
# FIXME Add sr to group request as well
def _remove_rq_from_prj_pseudometa(self, project, package):
Delete request from the project pseudometa
:param project: project to remove from
:param package: package we want to remove from meta
data = self.get_prj_pseudometa(project)
data['requests'] = filter(lambda x: x['package'] != package, data['requests'])
self.set_prj_pseudometa(project, newdata)
# FIXME Add sr to group request as well
def sr_to_prj(self, request_id, project):
Links sources from request to project
:param request_id: request to link
:param project: project to link into
# read info from sr
req = get_request(self.apiurl, request_id)
if not req:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Request {0} not found".format(request_id))
act = req.get_actions("submit")
if not act:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Request {0} is not a submit request".format(request_id))
src_prj = act.src_project
src_rev = act.src_rev
src_pkg = act.src_package
tar_pkg = act.tgt_package
# expand the revision to a md5
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', src_prj, src_pkg], { 'rev': src_rev, 'expand': 1 })
f = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
src_rev = root.attrib['srcmd5']
src_vrev = root.attrib['vrev']
#print "osc linkpac -r %s %s/%s %s/%s" % (src_rev, src_prj, src_pkg, project, tar_pkg)
# link stuff
self._add_rq_to_prj_pseudometa(project, int(request_id), src_pkg)
link_pac(src_prj, src_pkg, project, tar_pkg, force=True, rev=src_rev, vrev=src_vrev)
# FIXME If there are links in parent project, make sure that current