134 lines
4.7 KiB
134 lines
4.7 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (C) 2014 mhrusecky@suse.cz, openSUSE.org
# (C) 2014 tchvatal@suse.cz, openSUSE.org
# (C) 2014 aplanas@suse.de, openSUSE.org
# (C) 2014 coolo@suse.de, openSUSE.org
# Distribute under GPLv2 or GPLv3
import os
import os.path
import sys
import json
from osc import cmdln, oscerr
# Expand sys.path to search modules inside the pluging directory
_plugin_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.osc-plugins')
from osclib.stagingapi import StagingAPI
from osclib.comments import CommentAPI
def get_current_snapshot(self):
"""Return the current snapshot in Factory:ToTest"""
# for now we hardcode all kind of things
url = makeurl(self.api.apiurl, ['build', 'openSUSE:Factory:ToTest', 'images', 'local', '_product:openSUSE-cd-mini-i586'])
f = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
result = re.match(r'openSUSE-Factory-NET-i586-Snapshot(.*)-Media.iso', binary.get('filename'))
if result:
return result.group(1)
return None
def find_openqa_results(self, snapshot):
""" Return the openqa jobs of a given snapshot
and filter out the cloned jobs
url = "https://openqa.opensuse.org/api/v1/jobs?version=FTT&build={}&distro=openSUSE".format(snapshot)
f = http_GET(url)
jobs = []
for job in json.load(f)['jobs']:
if job['clone_id']: continue
job['name'] = job['name'].replace(snapshot, '')
return jobs
class QAResult: # no python 3.4
InProgress = 1
Failed = 2
Passed = 3
def overall_result(self, snapshot):
""" Analyze the openQA jobs of a given snapshot
Returns a QAResult
jobs = self.find_openqa_results(snapshot)
known_failures = [
for job in jobs:
#print json.dumps(job, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
if job['result'] == 'failed':
jobname = job['name'] + "@" + job['machine']
if jobname in known_failures:
print json.dumps(job, sort_keys=True, indent=4), known_failures
return QAResult.Failed
elif job['result'] == 'passed':
elif job['result'] == 'none':
return QAResult.InProgress
raise Exception(job['result'])
if known_failures:
print "Some are now passing", known_failures
return QAResult.Passed
def do_totest(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: Commands to work with staging projects
osc totest
# verify the argument counts match the commands
if len(args) != 0:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs("we don't need arguments")
# init the obs access
opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
opts.verbose = False
self.api = StagingAPI(opts.apiurl)
snapshot = self.get_current_snapshot()
print self.overall_result(snapshot)