Stephan Kulow a354d6c882 Always force accept into the API after checking for acceptable ourselves
This removes the 2nd line of defense, but there is no API to accept multiple
stagings at once to avoid the underlying problem.

Fixes #2364
2019-12-09 10:08:47 +01:00

285 lines
11 KiB

import re
import time
from urllib.error import HTTPError
import warnings
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from osc.core import change_request_state, show_package_meta, wipebinaries
from osc.core import http_GET, http_PUT, http_DELETE, http_POST
from osc.core import delete_package, search, meta_get_packagelist
from osc.core import Request
from osc.util.helper import decode_it
from osclib.core import attribute_value_save
from osclib.core import attribute_value_load
from osclib.core import source_file_load
from osclib.core import source_file_save
from osclib.request_finder import RequestFinder
from datetime import date
class AcceptCommand(object):
def __init__(self, api):
self.api = api
def find_new_requests(self, project):
match = f"state/@name='new' and action/target/@project='{project}'"
url = self.api.makeurl(['search', 'request'], { 'match': match })
f = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
rqs = []
for rq in root.findall('request'):
for action in rq.findall('action'):
for t in action.findall('target'):
rqs.append({'id': int(rq.get('id')),
'package': str(t.get('package')),
'type': action.get('type')})
return rqs
def reset_rebuild_data(self, project):
data = self.api.pseudometa_file_load('support_pkg_rebuild')
if data is None:
root = ET.fromstring(data)
for stg in root.findall('staging'):
if stg.get('name') == project:
stg.find('rebuild').text = 'unknown'
stg.find('supportpkg').text = ''
# reset accepted staging project rebuild state to unknown and clean up
# supportpkg list
content = ET.tostring(root)
if content != data:
self.api.pseudometa_file_save('support_pkg_rebuild', content, 'accept command update')
def delete_linked(self):
for package in self.requests['delete']:
for link in self.api.linked_packages(package):
if link['project'] in self.api.rings or link['project'] == self.api.project:
print(f"delete {link['project']}/{link['package']}")
delete_package(self.api.apiurl, link['project'], link['package'],
msg="remove link while accepting delete of {}".format(package))
def accept_all(self, projects, force=False, cleanup=True):
accept_all_green = len(projects) == 0
if accept_all_green:
print('Accepting all acceptable projects')
if force:
print('ERROR: Not compatible with force option')
return False
self.requests = { 'delete': [], 'submit': [] }
staging_packages = {}
if accept_all_green:
projects = self.api.get_staging_projects()
for prj in projects:
project = self.api.prj_from_letter(prj)
status = self.api.project_status(project)
if status.get('state') != 'acceptable':
if accept_all_green:
if not force:
print('The project "{}" is not yet acceptable.'.format(project))
return False
staging_packages[project] = []
for request in status.findall('staged_requests/request'):
other_new = self.find_new_requests(self.api.project)
for req in other_new:
print('delete links to packages pending deletion...')
# we have checked ourselves and accepting one staging project creates a race
# for the other staging projects to appear building again
opts = { 'force': '1' }
print('triggering staging accepts...')
for project in staging_packages.keys():
u = self.api.makeurl(['staging', self.api.project, 'staging_projects', project, 'accept'], opts)
for req in other_new:
print(f"Accepting request {req['id']}: {req['package']}")
change_request_state(self.api.apiurl, str(req['id']), 'accepted', message='Accept to %s' % self.api.project)
for project in staging_packages.keys():
print(f'waiting for staging project {project} to be accepted')
while True:
status = self.api.project_status(project, reload=True)
if status.get('state') == 'empty':
print('{} requests still staged - waiting'.format(status.find('staged_requests').get('count')))
self.api.accept_status_comment(project, staging_packages[project])
if self.api.is_adi_project(project):
if cleanup:
for package in self.requests['submit']:
if self.api.project.startswith('openSUSE:'):
if self.api.crebuild and self.api.item_exists(self.api.crebuild):
return True
def cleanup(self, project):
if not self.api.item_exists(project):
pkglist = self.api.list_packages(project)
clean_list = set(pkglist) - set(self.api.cnocleanup_packages)
for package in clean_list:
print("[cleanup] deleted %s/%s" % (project, package))
delete_package(self.api.apiurl, project, package, force=True, msg="autocleanup")
def check_local_links(self):
for package in meta_get_packagelist(self.api.apiurl, self.api.project):
self.fix_linking_packages(package, True)
def fix_linking_packages(self, package, dry=False):
project = self.api.project
file_list = self.api.get_filelist_for_package(package, project)
# ignore linked packages
if '_link' in file_list:
needed_links = set()
# if there's a multibuild we assume all flavors are built
# using multibuild. So any potential previous links have to
# be removed ie set of needed_links left empty.
if '_multibuild' not in file_list:
for file in file_list:
if file.endswith('.spec') and file != f'{package}.spec':
local_links = set()
for link in self.api.linked_packages(package):
if link['project'] == project:
# Deleting all the packages that no longer have a .spec file
for link in local_links - needed_links:
print(f"Deleting package {project}/{link}")
if dry:
delete_package(self.api.apiurl, project, link, msg=f"No longer linking to {package}")
except HTTPError as err:
if err.code == 404:
# the package link was not yet created, which was likely a mistake from earlier
# If the package was there bug could not be delete, raise the error
# Remove package from Rings in case 2nd specfile was removed
if self.api.ring_packages.get(link):
delete_package(self.api.apiurl, self.api.ring_packages.get(link), link, force=True, msg="Cleanup package in Rings")
for link in needed_links - local_links:
# There is more than one .spec file in the package; link package containers as needed
meta = ET.fromstring(source_file_load(self.api.apiurl, project, package, '_meta'))
print(f"Creating new link {link}->{package}")
if dry:
meta.attrib['name'] = link
bcnt = meta.find('bcntsynctag')
if bcnt is None:
bcnt = ET.SubElement(meta, 'bcntsynctag')
bcnt.text = package
devel = meta.find('devel')
if devel is None:
devel = ET.SubElement(meta, 'devel')
devel.attrib['project'] = project
devel.attrib['package'] = package
source_file_save(self.api.apiurl, project, link, '_meta', ET.tostring(meta))
xml = f"<link package='{package}' cicount='copy' />"
source_file_save(self.api.apiurl, project, link, '_link', xml)
def update_version_attribute(self, project, version):
version_attr = attribute_value_load(self.api.apiurl, project, 'ProductVersion')
if version_attr != version:
attribute_value_save(self.api.apiurl, project, 'ProductVersion', version)
def update_factory_version(self):
"""Update project (Factory, 13.2, ...) version if is necessary."""
# XXX TODO - This method have `factory` in the name. Can be
# missleading.
project = self.api.project
curr_version ='%Y%m%d')
update_version_attr = False
url = self.api.makeurl(['source', project], {'view': 'productlist'})
products = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for product in products.findall('product'):
product_name = product.get('name') + '.product'
product_pkg = product.get('originpackage')
product_spec = source_file_load(self.api.apiurl, project, product_pkg, product_name)
new_product = re.sub(r'<version>\d{8}</version>', '<version>%s</version>' % curr_version, product_spec)
if product_spec != new_product:
update_version_attr = True
url = self.api.makeurl(['source', project, product_pkg, product_name])
http_PUT(url + '?comment=Update+version', data=new_product)
if update_version_attr:
self.update_version_attribute(project, curr_version)
ports_prjs = ['PowerPC', 'ARM', 'zSystems' ]
for ports in ports_prjs:
project = self.api.project + ':' + ports
if self.api.item_exists(project) and update_version_attr:
self.update_version_attribute(project, curr_version)
def sync_buildfailures(self):
Trigger rebuild of packages that failed build in either
openSUSE:Factory or openSUSE:Factory:Rebuild, but not the
other Helps over the fact that openSUSE:Factory uses
rebuild=local, thus sometimes 'hiding' build failures.
for arch in ["x86_64", "i586"]:
fact_result = self.api.get_prj_results(self.api.project, arch)
fact_result = self.api.check_pkgs(fact_result)
rebuild_result = self.api.get_prj_results(self.api.crebuild, arch)
rebuild_result = self.api.check_pkgs(rebuild_result)
result = set(rebuild_result) ^ set(fact_result)
for package in result:
self.api.rebuild_pkg(package, self.api.project, arch, None)
self.api.rebuild_pkg(package, self.api.crebuild, arch, None)