Dominique Leuenberger 8bbdf60a21 Allow the new service mode "buildtime"
This mode is used within the build host and does not change the sources repository
Is is thus no risk to have it enabled for the products.
2016-08-16 11:05:04 +02:00

330 lines
9.3 KiB

#! /usr/bin/perl
use File::Basename;
use File::Temp qw/ tempdir /;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use Cwd;
use Text::Diff;
unshift @INC, ($::ENV{'BUILD_DIR'} || '/usr/lib/build');
use Build;
my $ret = 0;
my $old = $ARGV[0];
my $dir = $ARGV[1];
my $bname = basename($dir);
if (-f "$dir/_service") {
my $service = XMLin("$dir/_service", ForceArray => ['service']);
while( my ($name, $s) = each %{$service->{service}} ) {
my $mode = $s->{mode} || '';
next if ($mode eq "localonly" || $mode eq "disabled" || $mode eq "buildtime");
print "Services are only allowed if they are mode='localonly', 'disabled' or 'buildtime'. Please change the mode of $name and use osc service localrun\n";
$ret = 1;
# move it away to have full service from source validator
rename("$dir/_service", "$dir/_service.bak") || die "rename failed";
if (!-f "$dir/$bname.changes") {
print "A $bname.changes is missing. Packages submitted as FooBar, need to have a FooBar.changes file with a format created by osc vc\n";
$ret = 1;
if (!-f "$dir/$bname.spec") {
print "A $bname.spec is missing. Packages submitted as FooBar, need to have a FooBar.spec file\n";
$ret = 1;
# further we can't check
exit($ret) if ($ret);
open(SPEC, "$dir/$bname.spec");
my $spec = join("", <SPEC>);
if ($spec !~ m/#[*\s]+Copyright\s/) {
print "$bname.spec does not appear to contain a Copyright comment. Please stick to the format\n\n";
print "# Copyright (c) 2011 Stephan Kulow\n\n";
print "or use osc service localrun format_spec_file\n";
$ret = 1;
if ($spec =~ m/\nVendor:/) {
print "$bname.spec contains a Vendor line, this is forbidden.\n";
$ret = 1;
foreach my $file (glob("$dir/_service:*")) {
print "Found _service generate file $file in checkout. Please clean this up first.";
$ret = 1;
# Check that we have for each spec file a changes file - and that at least one
# contains changes
my $changes_updated = 0;
for my $spec (glob("$dir/*.spec")) {
$changes = basename($spec);
$changes =~ s/\.spec$/.changes/;
if (!-f "$dir/$changes") {
print "A $changes is missing. Packages submitted as FooBar, need to have a FooBar.changes file with a format created by osc vc\n";
$ret = 1;
if (-f "$old/$changes") {
if (system("cmp -s $old/$changes $dir/$changes")) {
$changes_updated = 1;
else { # a new file is an update too
$changes_updated = 1;
if (!$changes_updated) {
print "No changelog. Please use 'osc vc' to update the changes file(s).\n";
$ret = 1;
if ($spec !~ m/\n%changelog\s/ && $spec != m/\n%changelog$/) {
print "$bname.spec does not contain a %changelog line. We don't want a changelog in the spec file, but the %changelog section needs to be present\n";
$ret = 1;
if ($spec !~ m/(#[^\n]*license)/i) {
print "$bname.spec does not appear to have a license, the file needs to contain a free software license\n";
print "Suggestion: use \"osc service localrun format_spec_file\" to get our default license or\n";
print "the minimal license:\n\n";
print "# This file is under MIT license\n";
$ret = 1;
my %patches = ();
foreach my $test (glob("/usr/lib/obs/service/source_validators/*")) {
next if (!-f "$test");
my $checkivsd = `/bin/bash $test --batchmode $dir $old < /dev/null 2>&1`;
if ($?) {
print "Source validator failed. Try \"osc service localrun source_validator\"\n";
print $checkivsd;
print "\n";
$ret = 1;
else {
for my $line (split(/\n/, $checkivsd)) {
# pimp up some warnings
if ($line =~ m/Attention.*not mentioned/) {
$line =~ s,\(W\) ,,;
print "$line\n";
$ret = 1;
my $odir = getcwd();
chdir($dir) || "chdir $dir failed";
for my $patch (glob("*.diff *.patch *.dif")) {
$patches{$patch} = 'current';
chdir($odir) || die "chdir $odir failed";
if (-d "$old") {
chdir($old) || die "chdir $old failed";
my $cf = Build::read_config("x86_64", "/usr/lib/build/configs/default.conf");
my %thash = ();
my %rhash = ();
for my $spec (glob("*.spec")) {
my $ps = Build::Rpm::parse($cf, $spec);
while (my ($k, $v) = each %$ps) {
if ($k =~ m/^source/) {
$thash{$v} = 1;
for my $patch (glob("*.diff *.patch *.dif")) {
if ($patches{$patch}) {
delete $patches{$patch};
else {
$patches{$patch} = 'old';
chdir($odir) || die "chdir $odir failed";
chdir($dir) || die "chdir $dir failed";
for my $spec (glob("*.spec")) {
my $ps = Build::Rpm::parse($cf, $spec);
open(OSPEC, "$spec");
open(NSPEC, ">$");
while (<OSPEC>) {
if (m/^Source/) {
my $line = $_;
$line =~ s/^(Source[0-9]*)\s*:\s*//;
if ($patches{$line}) {
delete $patches{$line};
my $prefix = $1;
my $parsedline = $ps->{lc $prefix};
if (defined $thash{$parsedline}) {
my $file = $line;
my $bname = basename($file);
print NSPEC "$prefix: $bname\n";
else {
print NSPEC "$_\n";
else {
print NSPEC "$_\n";
system("cp $spec $spec.beforeurlstrip");
rename("$", "$spec") || die "rename failed";
my @changes = glob("*.changes");
if (%patches) {
# parsing changes
for my $changes (@changes) {
my $diff = diff "$old/$changes", "$dir/$changes";
for my $line (split(/\n/, $diff)) {
next unless $line =~ m/^+/;
$line =~ s/^\+//;
for my $patch (keys %patches) {
if (index($line, $patch) != -1) {
delete $patches{$patch};
# still some left?
if (%patches) {
$ret = 1;
for my $patch (keys %patches) {
# wording stolen from Raymond's declines :)
if ($patches{$patch} eq 'current') {
print "A patch ($patch) is being added without being properly referenced from the changelog.\n";
else {
print "A Patch ($patch) is being deleted without this removal being referenced in the changelog.\n";
my $odir = getcwd;
my $tmpdir = tempdir( "obs-XXXXXXX", TMPDIR => 1 );
chdir($dir) || die 'tempdir failed';
if (system("/usr/lib/obs/service/download_files","--enforceupstream", "yes", "--enforcelocal", "yes", "--outdir", $tmpdir)) {
print "Source URLs are not valid. Try \"osc service localrun download_files\"\n";
$ret = 1;
foreach my $rpmlint (glob("$dir/*rpmlintrc")) {
open(RPMLINTRC, $rpmlint);
while (<RPMLINTRC>) {
if (m/^\s*setBadness/) {
print "For Factory submissions, you can not use setBadness. Use filters in $rpmlint\n";
$ret = 1;
exit($ret) if $ret;
# now check if the change is small enough to warrent a review-by-mail
exit(0) unless -d $old;
sub prepare_package($) {
my $files = shift;
unlink glob "*.changes"; # ignore changes
unlink glob "*.tar.*"; # we can't diff them anyway
unlink glob "*.zip";
# restore original spec file
for my $spec (glob("*.beforeurlstrip")) {
my $oldname = $spec;
$oldname =~ s/.beforeurlstrip//;
rename($spec, $oldname);
for my $spec (glob("*.spec")) {
open(SPEC, "/usr/lib/obs/service/format_spec_file.files/prepare_spec $spec | grep -v '^#' |");
my @lines = <SPEC>;
open(SPEC, ">", $spec);
print SPEC join('', @lines);
my $dir = getcwd();
my $diffcount = 0;
for my $file (glob "*") {
my $oldfile = $files->{$file};
if ($oldfile) {
for my $line (split(/\n/, diff($oldfile, $file))) {
next unless $line =~ m/^[-+]/;
next if $line =~ m/^\Q---/;
next if $line =~ m/^\Q+++/;
if ($file =~ m/\.spec$/) {
for my $command (qw(chmod chown rm)) {
if ($line =~ m/\b$command\b/) {
$diffcount += 3000;
} else {
$diffcount += 7777;
delete $files->{$file};
else {
$files->{$file} = "$dir/$file";
return $diffcount;
# move it back so we also diff the service file
if (-f "$dir/_service.bak") {
rename("$dir/_service.bak", "$dir/_service") || die "rename failed";
my %files;
my $diff = prepare_package(\%files);
for my $file (keys %files) {
$diff += 10000;
print "DIFFCOUNT $diff\n";