Savings of around 400MB per 10,000 requests. Using a named tuple was the original approach for this reason, but the influxdb interface requires dict()s and it seemed silly to spend time converting them. Additionally, influxdb client already does batching. Unfortunately, with the amount of data processed for Factory that will continue to grow this approach is necessary. The dict() final structures are buffered up to ~1000 before being written and released. Another benefit of the batching is that influxdb does not allocate memory for the entire incoming batch.
384 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
384 lines
16 KiB
Executable File
import argparse
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse as date_parse
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
from lxml import etree as ET
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import yaml
import osc.conf
import osc.core
import osclib.conf
from osclib.cache import Cache
from osclib.conf import Config
from osclib.stagingapi import StagingAPI
SOURCE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
Point = namedtuple('Point', ['measurement', 'tags', 'fields', 'time', 'delta'])
# Duplicate Leap config to handle 13.2 without issue.
r'openSUSE:(?P<project>[\d.]+)'] = osclib.conf.DEFAULT[
# Provide osc.core.get_request_list() that swaps out search() implementation to
# capture the generated query, paginate over and yield each request to avoid
# loading all requests at the same time. Additionally, use lxml ET to avoid
# having to re-parse to perform complex xpaths.
def get_request_list(*args, **kwargs):
osc.core._search =
| = search_capture
osc.core._ET = osc.core.ET
osc.core.ET = ET
osc.core.get_request_list(*args, **kwargs)
| = osc.core._search
query = search_capture.query
for request in search_paginated_generator(query[0], query[1], **query[2]):
# Python 3 yield from.
yield request
osc.core.ET = osc.core._ET
def search_capture(apiurl, queries=None, **kwargs):
search_capture.query = (apiurl, queries, kwargs)
return {'request': ET.fromstring('<collection matches="0"></collection>')}
# Provides a implementation for use with get_request_list()
# that paginates in sets of 1000 and yields each request.
def search_paginated_generator(apiurl, queries=None, **kwargs):
if "submit/target/@project='openSUSE:Factory'" in kwargs['request']:
kwargs['request'] = osc.core.xpath_join(kwargs['request'], '@id>250000', op='and')
request_count = 0
queries['request']['limit'] = 1000
queries['request']['offset'] = 0
while True:
collection =, queries, **kwargs)['request']
if not request_count:
print('processing {:,} requests'.format(int(collection.get('matches'))))
for request in collection.findall('request'):
yield request
request_count += 1
if request_count == int(collection.get('matches')):
# Stop paging once the expected number of items has been returned.
# Release memory as otherwise ET seems to hold onto it.
queries['request']['offset'] += queries['request']['limit']
points = []
def point(measurement, fields, datetime, tags={}, delta=False):
global points
points.append(Point(measurement, tags, fields, timestamp(datetime), delta))
def timestamp(datetime):
return int(datetime.strftime('%s'))
def ingest_requests(api, project):
requests = get_request_list(api.apiurl, project,
req_state=('accepted', 'revoked', 'superseded'),
for request in requests:
if request.find('action').get('type') not in ('submit', 'delete'):
# TODO Handle non-stageable requests via different flow.
created_at = date_parse(request.find('history').get('when'))
final_at = date_parse(request.find('state').get('when'))
final_at_history = date_parse(request.find('history[last()]').get('when'))
if final_at_history > final_at:
# Workaround for invalid dates: openSUSE/open-build-service#3858.
final_at = final_at_history
# TODO Track requests in psuedo-ignore state.
point('total', {'backlog': 1, 'open': 1}, created_at, {'event': 'create'}, True)
point('total', {'backlog': -1, 'open': -1}, final_at, {'event': 'close'}, True)
request_tags = {}
request_fields = {
'total': (final_at - created_at).total_seconds(),
'staged_count': len(request.findall('review[@by_group="factory-staging"]/history')),
# TODO Total time spent in backlog (ie factory-staging, but excluding when staged).
staged_first_review = request.xpath('review[contains(@by_project, "{}:Staging:")]'.format(project))
if len(staged_first_review):
by_project = staged_first_review[0].get('by_project')
request_tags['type'] = 'adi' if api.is_adi_project(by_project) else 'letter'
# TODO Determine current whitelists state based on dashboard revisions.
if project.startswith('openSUSE:Factory'):
splitter_whitelist = 'B C D E F G H I J'.split()
if splitter_whitelist:
short = api.extract_staging_short(by_project)
request_tags['whitelisted'] = short in splitter_whitelist
# All letter where whitelisted since no restriction.
request_tags['whitelisted'] = request_tags['type'] == 'letter'
ready_to_accept = request.xpath('review[contains(@by_project, "{}:Staging:adi:") and @state="accepted"]/history[comment[text() = "ready to accept"]]/@when'.format(project))
if len(ready_to_accept):
ready_to_accept = date_parse(ready_to_accept[0])
request_fields['ready'] = (final_at - ready_to_accept).total_seconds()
# TODO Points with indentical timestamps are merged so this can be placed in total
# measurement, but may make sense to keep this separate and make the others follow.
point('ready', {'count': 1}, ready_to_accept, delta=True)
point('ready', {'count': -1}, final_at, delta=True)
staged_first = request.xpath('review[@by_group="factory-staging"]/history/@when')
if len(staged_first):
staged_first = date_parse(staged_first[0])
request_fields['staged_first'] = (staged_first - created_at).total_seconds()
# TODO Decide if better to break out all measurements by time most relevant to event,
# time request was created, or time request was finalized. It may also make sense to
# keep separate measurement by different times like this one.
point('request_staged_first', {'value': request_fields['staged_first']}, staged_first, request_tags)
point('request', request_fields, final_at, request_tags)
# Staging related reviews.
for number, review in enumerate(
request.xpath('review[contains(@by_project, "{}:Staging:")]'.format(project)), start=1):
staged_at = date_parse(review.get('when'))
project_type = 'adi' if api.is_adi_project(review.get('by_project')) else 'letter'
short = api.extract_staging_short(review.get('by_project'))
point('staging', {'count': 1}, staged_at,
{'id': short, 'type': project_type, 'event': 'select'}, True)
point('total', {'backlog': -1, 'staged': 1}, staged_at, {'event': 'select'}, True)
who = who_workaround(request, review)
review_tags = {'event': 'select', 'user': who, 'number': number}
point('user', {'count': 1}, staged_at, review_tags)
history = review.find('history')
if history is not None:
unselected_at = date_parse(history.get('when'))
unselected_at = final_at
# If a request is declined and re-opened it must be repaired before being re-staged. At
# which point the only possible open review should be the final one.
point('staging', {'count': -1}, unselected_at,
{'id': short, 'type': project_type, 'event': 'unselect'}, True)
point('total', {'backlog': 1, 'staged': -1}, unselected_at, {'event': 'unselect'}, True)
# No-staging related reviews.
for review in request.xpath('review[not(contains(@by_project, "{}:Staging:"))]'.format(project)):
tags = {
# who_added is non-trivial due to openSUSE/open-build-service#3898.
'state': review.get('state'),
opened_at = date_parse(review.get('when'))
history = review.find('history')
if history is not None:
completed_at = date_parse(history.get('when'))
tags['who_completed'] = history.get('who')
completed_at = final_at
# Does not seem to make sense to mirror user responsible for making final state
# change as the user who completed the review.
tags['key'] = []
tags['type'] = []
for name, value in sorted(review.items(), reverse=True):
if name.startswith('by_'):
tags[name] = value
tags['type'] = '_'.join(tags['type'])
point('review', {'open_for': (completed_at - opened_at).total_seconds()}, completed_at, tags)
point('review_count', {'count': 1}, opened_at, tags, True)
point('review_count', {'count': -1}, completed_at, tags, True)
found = []
for set_priority in request.xpath('history[description[contains(text(), "Request got a new priority:")]]'):
parts = set_priority.find('description').text.rsplit(' ', 3)
priority_previous = parts[1]
priority = parts[3]
if priority == priority_previous:
changed_at = date_parse(set_priority.get('when'))
if priority_previous != 'moderate':
point('priority', {'count': -1}, changed_at, {'level': priority_previous}, True)
if priority != 'moderate':
point('priority', {'count': 1}, changed_at, {'level': priority}, True)
# Ensure a final removal entry is created when request is finalized.
priority = request.find('priority')
if priority is not None and priority.text != 'moderate':
if priority.text in found:
point('priority', {'count': -1}, final_at, {'level': priority.text}, True)
print('unable to find priority history entry for {} to {}'.format(request.get('id'), priority.text))
print('finalizing {:,} points'.format(len(points)))
return walk_points(points, project)
def who_workaround(request, review, relax=False):
# Super ugly workaround for incorrect and missing data:
# - openSUSE/open-build-service#3857
# - openSUSE/open-build-service#3898
global who_workaround_swap, who_workaround_miss
who = review.get('who') # All that should be required (used as fallback).
when = review.get('when')
if relax:
# Super hack, chop off seconds to relax in hopes of finding potential.
when = when[:-2]
who_real = request.xpath(
'history[contains(@when, "{}") and comment[contains(text(), "{}")]]/@who'.format(
when, review.get('by_project')))
if len(who_real):
who = who_real[0]
who_workaround_swap += 1
elif not relax:
return who_workaround(request, review, True)
who_workaround_miss += 1
return who
# Walk data points in order by time, adding up deltas and merging points at
# the same time. Data is converted to dict() and written to influx batches to
# avoid extra memory usage required for all data in dict() and avoid influxdb
# allocating memory for entire incoming data set at once.
def walk_points(points, target):
global client
# Wait until just before writing to drop database.
counters = {}
final = []
time_last = None
wrote = 0
for point in sorted(points, key=lambda l: l.time):
if point.time != time_last and len(final) >= 1000:
# Write final point in batches of ~1000, but guard against writing
# when in the middle of points at the same time as they may end up
# being merged. As such the previous time should not match current.
client.write_points(final, 's')
wrote += len(final)
final = []
time_last = point.time
if not
# A more generic method like 'key' which ended up being needed is likely better.
measurement = counters_tag_key = point.measurement
if measurement == 'staging':
counters_tag_key += point.tags['id']
elif measurement == 'review_count':
counters_tag_key += '_'.join(point.tags['key'])
elif measurement == 'priority':
counters_tag_key += point.tags['level']
counters_tag = counters.setdefault(counters_tag_key, {'last': None, 'values': {}})
values = counters_tag['values']
for key, value in point.fields.items():
values[key] = values.setdefault(key, 0) + value
if counters_tag['last'] and point.time == counters_tag['last']['time']:
point = counters_tag['last']
point = dict(point._asdict())
counters_tag['last'] = point
# Write any remaining final points.
client.write_points(final, 's')
return wrote + len(final)
def ingest_release_schedule(project):
points = []
release_schedule = {}
release_schedule_file = os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, 'metrics/annotation/{}.yaml'.format(project))
if project.endswith('Factory'):
# Extract Factory "release schedule" from Tumbleweed snapshot list.
command = 'rsync* | ' \
'grep -oP "Changes\.\K\d{5,}"'
snapshots = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
for date in snapshots.split():
release_schedule[datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d')] = 'Snapshot {}'.format(date)
elif os.path.isfile(release_schedule_file):
# Load release schedule for non-rolling releases from yaml file.
with open(release_schedule_file, 'r') as stream:
release_schedule = yaml.safe_load(stream)
for date, description in release_schedule.items():
'measurement': 'release_schedule',
'fields': {'description': description},
'time': timestamp(date),
client.write_points(points, 's')
return len(points)
def main(args):
global client
client = InfluxDBClient(, args.port, args.user, args.password, args.project)
osc.conf.config['debug'] = args.debug
# Use separate cache since it is persistent.
Cache.CACHE_DIR = os.path.expanduser('~/.cache/osc-plugin-factory-metrics')
Cache.PATTERNS['/search/request'] = sys.maxint
api = StagingAPI(osc.conf.config['apiurl'], args.project)
global who_workaround_swap, who_workaround_miss
who_workaround_swap = who_workaround_miss = 0
points_requests = ingest_requests(api, args.project)
points_schedule = ingest_release_schedule(args.project)
print('who_workaround_swap', who_workaround_swap)
print('who_workaround_miss', who_workaround_miss)
print('wrote {:,} points and {:,} annotation points to db'.format(
points_requests, points_schedule))
if __name__ == '__main__':
description = 'Ingest relevant OBS and annotation data to generate insightful metrics.'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
parser.add_argument('-A', '--apiurl', help='OBS instance API URL')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='print useful debugging info')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--project', default='openSUSE:Factory', help='OBS project')
parser.add_argument('--host', default='localhost', help='InfluxDB host')
parser.add_argument('--port', default=8086, help='InfluxDB post')
parser.add_argument('--user', default='root', help='InfluxDB user')
parser.add_argument('--password', default='root', help='InfluxDB password')
args = parser.parse_args()