The request can be partially cached. When this is the case, we still try to download the packages (avoided in the last moment by the original cache system). But there is a prepopulated data in 'download' and 'missings' in the request that are agregated with the new data.
446 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2014 SUSE Linux Products GmbH
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Copy this script to ~/.osc-plugins/ or /var/lib/osc-plugins .
# Then try to run 'osc check_repo --help' to see the usage.
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import namedtuple
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
import sys
from osc import oscerr
from osc import cmdln
# Expand sys.path to search modules inside the pluging directory
_plugin_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.osc-plugins')
from osclib.checkrepo import CheckRepo
from osclib.cycle import CycleDetector
from osclib.memoize import CACHEDIR
def _check_repo_download(self, request, opts):
request.downloads = defaultdict(list)
# Found cached version for the request, but the cached can be
# partial. For example, in a rebuild we can have locally a working
# package. So the download list needs to be updated with the local
# copies.
if request.is_partially_cached:
request.downloads = self.checkrepo._get_downloads_from_local(request)
if request.build_excluded:
return set()
ToDownload = namedtuple('ToDownload', ('project', 'repo', 'arch', 'package', 'size'))
for i, goodrepo in enumerate(request.goodrepos):
repo = goodrepo[1]
# we can assume x86_64 is there
todownload = [ToDownload(request.src_project, repo, 'x86_64',
fn[0], fn[3]) for fn in
request.src_project, repo, 'x86_64',
self.checkrepo._download(request, todownload)
if request.error:
return set()
if 'openSUSE:Factory:Staging:' in str(
todownload = [ToDownload(, 'standard', 'x86_64',
fn[0], fn[3]) for fn in
|, 'standard', 'x86_64',
self.checkrepo._download(request, todownload)
if request.error:
return set()
todownload = [ToDownload( + ':DVD', 'standard',
'x86_64', fn[0], fn[3]) for fn in
| + ':DVD', 'standard',
'x86_64', request.src_package)]
self.checkrepo._download(request, todownload)
if request.error:
return set()
return self.checkrepo._toignore(request)
# Used in _check_repo_group only to cache error messages
_errors_printed = set()
def _check_repo_group(self, id_, requests, opts):
print '> Check group [%s]' % ', '.join(r.str_compact() for r in requests)
if not all(self.checkrepo.is_buildsuccess(r) for r in requests):
toignore = set()
destdir = os.path.expanduser('~/co/%s' % str(requests[0].group))
fetched = dict((r, False) for r in opts.groups.get(id_, []))
packs = []
for request in requests:
i = self._check_repo_download(request, opts)
if request.error and request.error not in _errors_printed:
if not request.updated:
print ' - %s' % request.error
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'new', message=request.error)
request.updated = True
print ' - %s' % request.error
fetched[request.request_id] = True
# Extend packs array with the packages and .spec files of the
# not-fetched requests. The not fetched ones are the requests of
# the same group that are not listed as a paramater.
for request_id, is_fetched in fetched.items():
if not is_fetched:
# Download the repos from the request of the same group not
# explicited in the command line.
for rq in packs:
if fetched[rq.request_id]:
i = set()
if rq.action_type == 'delete':
# for delete requests we only care for toignore
i = self.checkrepo._toignore(rq)
# we need to call it to fetch the good repos to download
# but the return value is of no interest right now.
i = self._check_repo_download(rq, opts)
if rq.error:
print 'ERROR (ALREADY ACEPTED?):', rq.error
rq.updated = True
# Detect cycles into the current Factory graph after we update the
# links with the current list of request.
cycle_detector = CycleDetector(opts.apiurl)
for (cycle, new_edges) in cycle_detector.cycles(requests=packs):
print ' - New cycle detected:', sorted(cycle)
print ' - New edges:', new_edges
# Mark all packages as updated, to avoid to be accepted
for request in requests:
request.updated = True
for rq in requests:
smissing = []
for package in rq.missings:
alreadyin = False
for t in packs:
if package == t.tgt_package:
alreadyin = True
if alreadyin:
request = self.checkrepo.find_request_id(rq.tgt_project, package)
if request:
greqs = opts.groups.get(, [])
if request in greqs:
package = '#[%s](%s)' % (request, package)
if len(smissing):
msg = 'Please make sure to wait before these depencencies are in %s: %s' % (rq.tgt_project, ', '.join(smissing))
if not rq.updated:
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(rq.request_id, 'new', message=msg)
print ' - %s' % msg
rq.updated = True
print ' - %s' % msg
# Create a temporal file for the params
params_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
params_file.write('\n'.join(f for f in toignore if f.strip()))
# We want to test with the Perl script the binaries of one of the
# repos, and if fail test the other repo. The order of testing
# will be stored in the execution_plan.
execution_plan = defaultdict(list)
# Get all the (project, repo, disturl) where the disturl is
# compatible with the request. For the same package we can have
# more than one good triplet, even with different MD5 DISTRUL.
# The general strategy is collect that the different triplets and
# provide some execution_plans where for the same (project, repo)
# for every package, with a fallback to a different (project,
# repo) in case that the original is not found.
all_good_downloads = defaultdict(set)
for rq in packs:
for (prj, repo, disturl) in rq.downloads:
if self.checkrepo.check_disturl(rq, md5_disturl=disturl):
all_good_downloads[(prj, repo)].add(disturl)
# print 'GOOD -', rq.str_compact(), (prj, repo), disturl
# else:
# print 'BAD -', rq.str_compact(), (prj, repo), disturl
if not all_good_downloads:
print ' - Not good downloads found (NO REPO).'
for project, repo in all_good_downloads:
plan = (project, repo)
valid_disturl = all_good_downloads[plan]
# print 'DESIGNING PLAN', plan, valid_disturl
for rq in packs:
# print 'IN', rq
# Find (project, repo) in rq.downloads.
keys = [key for key in rq.downloads if key[0] == project and key[1] == repo and key[2] in valid_disturl]
# print 'KEYS', keys
if keys:
assert len(keys) == 1, 'Found more that one download candidate for the same (project, repo)'
execution_plan[plan].append((rq, plan, rq.downloads[keys[0]]))
# print 'DOWNLOADS', rq.downloads[keys[0]]
# print 'FALLBACK'
fallbacks = [key for key in rq.downloads if (key[0], key[1]) in all_good_downloads and key[2] in all_good_downloads[(key[0], key[1])]]
if fallbacks:
# XXX TODO - Recurse here to create combinations
fallback = fallbacks.pop()
# print 'FALLBACK TO', fallback
# assert len(downloads) == 1, 'Found more that one download candidate for the same (project, repo)'
# print 'FALLBACK DOWNLOADS', rq.downloads[fallback]
alternative_plan = fallback[:2]
execution_plan[plan].append((rq, alternative_plan, rq.downloads[fallback]))
# elif rq.status == 'succeeded':
print 'no fallback for', rq
# raise Exception()
repo_checker_error = ''
for project_repo in execution_plan:
dirstolink = execution_plan[project_repo]
# print 'Running plan', project_repo
# for rq, repo, downloads in dirstolink:
# print ' ', rq
# print ' ', repo
# for f in downloads:
# print ' -', f
# continue
for rq, _, downloads in dirstolink:
dir_ = destdir + '/%s' % rq.tgt_package
for d in downloads:
if not os.path.exists(dir_):
os.symlink(d, os.path.join(dir_, os.path.basename(d)))
repochecker = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, '')
civs = "LC_ALL=C perl %s '%s' -r %s -f %s" % (repochecker, destdir, self.repo_dir,
p = subprocess.Popen(civs, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
stdoutdata, stderrdata = p.communicate()
stdoutdata = stdoutdata.strip()
ret = p.returncode
# Clean the directory that contains all the symlinks
# There are several execution plans, each one can have its own
# error message.
if ret:
print ' - Result for execution plan', project_repo
print '-' * 40
print stdoutdata
print '-' * 40
print ' - Successful plan', project_repo
# Detect if this error message comes from a staging project.
# Store it in the repo_checker_error, that is the text that
# will be published in the error message.
if 'openSUSE:Factory:Staging:' in project_repo[0]:
repo_checker_error = stdoutdata
if not any('openSUSE:Factory:Staging:' in p_r[0] for p_r in execution_plan):
repo_checker_error += '\nExecution plan: %s\n%s' % ('/'.join(project_repo), stdoutdata)
# print ret, stdoutdata, stderrdata
# raise Exception()
if not ret: # skip the others
for p, gr, downloads in dirstolink:
p.goodrepo = '%s/%s' % gr
# raise Exception()
updated = {}
if ret:
for rq in requests:
if updated.get(rq.request_id, False) or rq.updated:
if repo_checker_error not in _errors_printed:
print repo_checker_error
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(rq.request_id, 'new', message=repo_checker_error)
p.updated = True
updated[rq.request_id] = 1
for rq in requests:
if updated.get(rq.request_id, False) or rq.updated:
msg = 'Builds for repo %s' % rq.goodrepo
print 'ACCEPTED', msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(rq.request_id, 'accepted', message=msg)
rq.updated = True
updated[rq.request_id] = 1
def mirror_full(plugin_dir, repo_dir):
"""Call bs_mirrorfull script to mirror packages."""
url = '' % ('openSUSE:Factory', 'standard')
if not os.path.exists(repo_dir):
script = 'LC_ALL=C perl %s/bs_mirrorfull --nodebug %s %s' % (plugin_dir, url, repo_dir)
def _print_request_and_specs(self, request_and_specs):
print request_and_specs[0]
for spec in request_and_specs[1:]:
print ' *', spec
@cmdln.alias('check', 'cr')
@cmdln.option('-s', '--skip', action='store_true', help='skip review')
def do_check_repo(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: Checker review of submit requests.
${cmd_name} [SRID]...
Shows pending review requests and their current state.
opts.mode = ''
opts.verbose = False
opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
self.checkrepo = CheckRepo(opts.apiurl)
# XXX TODO - Remove this the all access to[s|ed] comes
# from checkrepo.
opts.grouped = self.checkrepo.grouped
opts.groups = self.checkrepo.groups
if opts.skip:
if not len(args):
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Provide #IDs to skip.')
for id_ in args:
msg = 'skip review'
print 'ACCEPTED', msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(id_, 'accepted', message=msg)
ids = [arg for arg in args if arg.isdigit()]
# Store requests' package information and .spec files: store all
# source containers involved.
requests = []
print 'Pending requests list:'
print '----------------------'
if not ids:
# Return a list, we flat here with .extend()
for request in self.checkrepo.pending_requests():
request_and_specs = self.checkrepo.check_specs(request=request)
# We have a list, use them.
for request_id in ids:
request_and_specs = self.checkrepo.check_specs(request_id=request_id)
# Order the packs before grouping
requests = sorted(requests, key=lambda p: p.request_id, reverse=True)
# Group the requests into staging projects (or alone if is an
# isolated request)
# For example:
# {
# 'openSUSE:Factory:Staging:J': [235851, 235753],
# 235856: [235856],
# }
# * The list of requests is not the full list of requests in this
# group / staging project, but only the ones listed as a
# paramenter.
# * The full list of requests can be found in
# self.checkrepo.groups['openSUSE:Factory:Staging:J']
groups = {}
for request in requests:
rqs = groups.get(, [])
groups[] = rqs
# Mirror the packages locally in the CACHEDIR
plugin = '~/.osc-plugins/'
self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(plugin)))
self.repo_dir = '%s/repo-%s-%s-x86_64' % (CACHEDIR, 'openSUSE:Factory', 'standard')
mirror_full(self.plugin_dir, self.repo_dir)
print 'Analysis results'
print '----------------'
# Sort the groups, from high to low. This put first the stating
# projects also
for id_, reqs in sorted(groups.items(), reverse=True):
self._check_repo_group(id_, reqs, opts)