Stephan Kulow ca27641a46 Fix staging accept approving package list changes
The order is important, look at the comments *before* deleting them
2022-03-24 16:33:15 +01:00

277 lines
11 KiB

import time
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from lxml import etree as ET
from osc.core import change_request_state
from osc.core import http_GET, http_POST
from osc.core import delete_package, meta_get_packagelist
from osc import conf
from osclib.core import attribute_value_save
from osclib.core import attribute_value_load
from osclib.core import source_file_load
from osclib.core import source_file_save
from osclib.pkglistgen_comments import PkglistComments
from datetime import date
class AcceptCommand(object):
def __init__(self, api):
self.api = api
self.config = conf.config[self.api.project]
self.pkglist_comments = PkglistComments(self.api.apiurl)
def find_new_requests(self, project):
match = f"state/@name='new' and action/target/@project='{project}'"
url = self.api.makeurl(['search', 'request'], {'match': match})
f = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
rqs = []
for rq in root.findall('request'):
for action in rq.findall('action'):
for t in action.findall('target'):
rqs.append({'id': int(rq.get('id')),
'package': str(t.get('package')),
'type': action.get('type')})
return rqs
def reset_rebuild_data(self, project):
data = self.api.pseudometa_file_load('support_pkg_rebuild')
if data is None:
root = ET.fromstring(data)
for stg in root.findall('staging'):
if stg.get('name') == project:
stg.find('rebuild').text = 'unknown'
stg.find('supportpkg').text = ''
# reset accepted staging project rebuild state to unknown and clean up
# supportpkg list
content = ET.tostring(root)
if content != data:
self.api.pseudometa_file_save('support_pkg_rebuild', content, 'accept command update')
def delete_linked(self):
for package in self.requests['delete']:
for link in self.api.linked_packages(package):
if link['project'] in self.api.rings or link['project'] == self.api.project:
print(f"delete {link['project']}/{link['package']}")
delete_package(self.api.apiurl, link['project'], link['package'],
msg="remove link while accepting delete of {}".format(package))
def accept_all(self, projects, force=False, cleanup=True):
accept_all_green = len(projects) == 0
if accept_all_green:
print('Accepting all acceptable projects')
if force:
print('ERROR: Not compatible with force option')
return False
self.requests = {'delete': [], 'submit': []}
staging_packages = {}
if accept_all_green:
projects = self.api.get_staging_projects()
for prj in projects:
project = self.api.prj_from_letter(prj)
status = self.api.project_status(project)
if status.get('state') != 'acceptable':
if accept_all_green:
if not force:
print('The project "{}" is not yet acceptable.'.format(project))
return False
staging_packages[project] = []
for request in status.findall('staged_requests/request'):
type = request.get('type')
if type in self.requests:
other_new = self.find_new_requests(self.api.project)
for req in other_new:
if req['type'] in self.requests:
print('delete links to packages pending deletion...')
# we have checked ourselves and accepting one staging project creates a race
# for the other staging projects to appear building again
opts = {'force': '1'}
print('triggering staging accepts...')
for project in staging_packages.keys():
u = self.api.makeurl(['staging', self.api.project, 'staging_projects', project, 'accept'], opts)
self.api.switch_flag_in_prj(project, flag='build', state='disable', repository='images')
for req in other_new:
print(f"Accepting request {req['id']}: {req['package']}")
change_request_state(self.api.apiurl, str(req['id']), 'accepted', message='Accept to %s' % self.api.project)
for project in sorted(staging_packages.keys()):
print(f'waiting for staging project {project} to be accepted')
while True:
status = self.api.project_status(project, reload=True)
if status.get('state') == 'empty':
print('{} requests still staged - waiting'.format(status.find('staged_requests').get('count')))
self.api.accept_status_comment(project, staging_packages[project])
if self.api.is_adi_project(project):
self.pkglist_comments.check_staging_accept(project, self.api.project)
if cleanup:
for package in self.requests['submit']:
if self.api.project.startswith('openSUSE:'):
if self.api.crebuild and self.api.item_exists(self.api.crebuild):
return True
def cleanup(self, project):
if not self.api.item_exists(project):
pkglist = self.api.list_packages(project)
clean_list = set(pkglist) - set(self.api.cnocleanup_packages)
for package in clean_list:
print("[cleanup] deleted %s/%s" % (project, package))
delete_package(self.api.apiurl, project, package, force=True, msg="autocleanup")
def check_local_links(self):
for package in meta_get_packagelist(self.api.apiurl, self.api.project):
self.fix_linking_packages(package, True)
def fix_linking_packages(self, package, dry=False):
project = self.api.project
file_list = self.api.get_filelist_for_package(package, project)
# ignore linked packages
if '_link' in file_list:
needed_links = set()
# if there's a multibuild we assume all flavors are built
# using multibuild. So any potential previous links have to
# be removed ie set of needed_links left empty.
if '_multibuild' not in file_list:
for file in file_list:
if file.endswith('.spec') and file != f'{package}.spec':
local_links = set()
for link in self.api.linked_packages(package):
if link['project'] == project:
# Deleting all the packages that no longer have a .spec file
for link in local_links - needed_links:
print(f"Deleting package {project}/{link}")
if dry:
delete_package(self.api.apiurl, project, link, msg=f"No longer linking to {package}")
except HTTPError as err:
if err.code == 404:
# the package link was not yet created, which was likely a mistake from earlier
# If the package was there bug could not be delete, raise the error
# Remove package from Rings in case 2nd specfile was removed
if self.api.ring_packages.get(link):
delete_package(self.api.apiurl, self.api.ring_packages.get(
link), link, force=True, msg="Cleanup package in Rings")
for link in needed_links - local_links:
# There is more than one .spec file in the package; link package containers as needed
meta = ET.fromstring(source_file_load(self.api.apiurl, project, package, '_meta'))
print(f"Creating new link {link}->{package}")
if dry:
meta.attrib['name'] = link
bcnt = meta.find('bcntsynctag')
if bcnt is None:
bcnt = ET.SubElement(meta, 'bcntsynctag')
bcnt.text = package
devel = meta.find('devel')
if devel is None:
devel = ET.SubElement(meta, 'devel')
devel.attrib['project'] = project
devel.attrib['package'] = package
source_file_save(self.api.apiurl, project, link, '_meta', ET.tostring(meta))
xml = f"<link package='{package}' cicount='copy' />"
source_file_save(self.api.apiurl, project, link, '_link', xml)
def update_version_attribute(self, project, version):
version_attr = attribute_value_load(self.api.apiurl, project, 'ProductVersion')
if version_attr != version:
attribute_value_save(self.api.apiurl, project, 'ProductVersion', version)
def update_factory_version(self):
"""Update project (Factory, 13.2, ...) version if is necessary."""
# XXX TODO - This method have `factory` in the name. Can be
# missleading.
project = self.api.project
pred_productversion = self.config.get('always_set_productversion_to', '')
if pred_productversion:
curr_version = pred_productversion
curr_version ='%Y%m%d')
self.update_version_attribute(project, curr_version)
ports_prjs = ['PowerPC', 'ARM', 'zSystems', 'RISCV']
for ports in ports_prjs:
project = self.api.project + ':' + ports
if self.api.item_exists(project):
self.update_version_attribute(project, curr_version)
def sync_buildfailures(self):
Trigger rebuild of packages that failed build in either
openSUSE:Factory or openSUSE:Factory:Rebuild, but not the
other Helps over the fact that openSUSE:Factory uses
rebuild=local, thus sometimes 'hiding' build failures.
for arch in ["x86_64", "i586"]:
fact_result = self.api.get_prj_results(self.api.project, arch)
fact_result = self.api.check_pkgs(fact_result)
rebuild_result = self.api.get_prj_results(self.api.crebuild, arch)
rebuild_result = self.api.check_pkgs(rebuild_result)
result = set(rebuild_result) ^ set(fact_result)
for package in result:
self.api.rebuild_pkg(package, self.api.project, arch, None)
self.api.rebuild_pkg(package, self.api.crebuild, arch, None)