Jimmy Berry cdef5bf129 repo_checker: change package comment default to be direct instead of devel.
Since the tool has been expanded to work on any repository, there are more
repositories that would want direct comments than devel. Set the value
to be devel for the openSUSE products which are the places where that is
2018-08-22 21:43:47 -05:00

629 lines
27 KiB
Executable File

from __future__ import print_function
import cmdln
from collections import namedtuple
import hashlib
from lxml import etree as ET
import os
from osc.core import show_results_meta
import pipes
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
from osclib.conf import Config
from osclib.conf import str2bool
from osclib.core import BINARY_REGEX
from osclib.core import depends_on
from osclib.core import devel_project_fallback
from osclib.core import fileinfo_ext_all
from osclib.core import package_binary_list
from osclib.core import project_meta_revision
from osclib.core import project_pseudometa_file_ensure
from osclib.core import project_pseudometa_file_load
from osclib.core import project_pseudometa_package
from osclib.core import repository_path_search
from osclib.core import repository_path_expand
from osclib.core import repositories_states
from osclib.core import repositories_published
from osclib.core import target_archs
from osclib.cycle import CycleDetector
from osclib.memoize import CACHEDIR
from osclib.memoize import memoize
from osclib.util import sha1_short
import ReviewBot
SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
CheckResult = namedtuple('CheckResult', ('success', 'comment'))
INSTALL_REGEX = r"^(?:can't install (.*?)|found conflict of (.*?) with (.*?)):$"
InstallSection = namedtuple('InstallSection', ('binaries', 'text'))
ERROR_REPO_SPECIFIED = 'a repository must be specified via OSRT:Config main-repo for {}'
class RepoChecker(ReviewBot.ReviewBot):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ReviewBot.ReviewBot.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# ReviewBot options.
self.request_default_return = True
self.comment_handler = True
# RepoChecker options.
self.skip_cycle = False
self.force = False
def project_only(self, project, post_comments=False):
repository = self.project_repository(project)
if not repository:
repository_pairs = repository_path_expand(self.apiurl, project, repository)
state_hash = self.repository_state(repository_pairs)
self.repository_check(repository_pairs, state_hash, False, bool(post_comments))
def package_comments(self, project):'{} package comments'.format(len(self.package_results)))
for package, sections in self.package_results.items():
if str2bool(Config.get(self.apiurl, project).get('repo_checker-package-comment-devel', 'False')):
bot_name_suffix = project
comment_project, comment_package = devel_project_fallback(self.apiurl, project, package)
if comment_project is None or comment_package is None:
self.logger.warning('unable to find devel project for {}'.format(package))
message = 'The version of this package in [`{project}`](/package/show/{project}/{package}) ' \
'has installation issues and may not be installable:'.format(
project=project, package=package)
bot_name_suffix = None
comment_project = project
comment_package = package
message = 'This package has installation issues and may not be installable:'
# Sort sections by text to group binaries together.
sections = sorted(sections, key=lambda s: s.text)
message += '\n\n<pre>\n{}\n</pre>'.format(
'\n'.join([section.text for section in sections]).strip())
# Generate a hash based on the binaries involved and the number of
# sections. This eliminates version or release changes from causing
# an update to the comment while still updating on relevant changes.
binaries = set()
for section in sections:
info = ';'.join(['::'.join(sorted(binaries)), str(len(sections))])
reference = hashlib.sha1(info).hexdigest()[:7]
# Post comment on package in order to notifiy maintainers.
self.comment_write(state='seen', result=reference, bot_name_suffix=bot_name_suffix,
project=comment_project, package=comment_package, message=message)
def target_archs(self, project, repository):
archs = target_archs(self.apiurl, project, repository)
# Check for arch whitelist and use intersection.
whitelist = Config.get(self.apiurl, project).get('repo_checker-arch-whitelist')
if whitelist:
archs = list(set(whitelist.split(' ')).intersection(set(archs)))
# Trick to prioritize x86_64.
return sorted(archs, reverse=True)
@memoize(ttl=60, session=True, add_invalidate=True)
def mirror(self, project, repository, arch):
"""Call bs_mirrorfull script to mirror packages."""
directory = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, project, repository, arch)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
script = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, 'bs_mirrorfull')
path = '/'.join((project, repository, arch))
url = '{}/public/build/{}'.format(self.apiurl, path)
parts = ['LC_ALL=C', 'perl', script, '--nodebug', url, directory]
parts = [pipes.quote(part) for part in parts]'mirroring {}'.format(path))
if os.system(' '.join(parts)):
raise Exception('failed to mirror {}'.format(path))
return directory
def simulated_merge_ignore(self, override_pair, overridden_pair, arch):
"""Determine the list of binaries to similate overides in overridden layer."""
_, binary_map = package_binary_list(self.apiurl, override_pair[0], override_pair[1], arch)
packages = set(binary_map.values())
binaries, _ = package_binary_list(self.apiurl, overridden_pair[0], overridden_pair[1], arch)
for binary in binaries:
if binary.package in packages:
def binary_list_existing_problem(self, project, repository):
"""Determine which binaries are mentioned in repo_checker output."""
binaries = set()
filename = self.project_pseudometa_file_name(project, repository)
content = project_pseudometa_file_load(self.apiurl, project, filename)
if not content:
self.logger.warn('no project_only run from which to extract existing problems')
return binaries
sections = self.install_check_parse(content)
for section in sections:
for binary in section.binaries:
match = re.match(BINARY_REGEX, binary)
if match:
return binaries
def binary_whitelist(self, override_pair, overridden_pair, arch):
whitelist = self.binary_list_existing_problem(overridden_pair[0], overridden_pair[1])
if Config.get(self.apiurl, overridden_pair[0]).get('staging'):
additions = self.staging_api(overridden_pair[0]).get_prj_pseudometa(
override_pair[0]).get('config', {})
prefix = 'repo_checker-binary-whitelist'
for key in [prefix, '-'.join([prefix, arch])]:
whitelist.update(additions.get(key, '').split(' '))
whitelist = filter(None, whitelist)
return whitelist
def install_check(self, target_project_pair, arch, directories,
ignore=None, whitelist=[], parse=False, no_filter=False):'install check: start (ignore:{}, whitelist:{}, parse:{}, no_filter:{})'.format(
bool(ignore), len(whitelist), parse, no_filter))
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as ignore_file:
# Print ignored rpms on separate lines in ignore file.
if ignore:
for item in ignore:
ignore_file.write(item + '\n')
# Invoke to perform an install check.
script = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, '')
parts = ['LC_ALL=C', 'perl', script, arch, ','.join(directories),
'-f',, '-w', ','.join(whitelist)]
if no_filter:
parts = [pipes.quote(part) for part in parts]
p = subprocess.Popen(' '.join(parts), shell=True,
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if p.returncode:'install check: failed')
if p.returncode == 126:
self.logger.warn('mirror cache reset due to corruption')
elif parse:
# Parse output for later consumption for posting comments.
sections = self.install_check_parse(stdout)
target_project_pair[0], target_project_pair[1], arch, sections)
# Format output as markdown comment.
parts = []
stdout = stdout.strip()
if stdout:
parts.append('<pre>\n' + stdout + '\n' + '</pre>\n')
stderr = stderr.strip()
if stderr:
parts.append('<pre>\n' + stderr + '\n' + '</pre>\n')
pseudometa_project, pseudometa_package = project_pseudometa_package(
self.apiurl, target_project_pair[0])
filename = self.project_pseudometa_file_name(target_project_pair[0], target_project_pair[1])
path = ['package', 'view_file', pseudometa_project, pseudometa_package, filename]
header = '### [install check & file conflicts](/{})\n\n'.format('/'.join(path))
return CheckResult(False, header + ('\n' + ('-' * 80) + '\n\n').join(parts))'install check: passed')
return CheckResult(True, None)
def install_check_sections_group(self, project, repository, arch, sections):
_, binary_map = package_binary_list(self.apiurl, project, repository, arch)
for section in sections:
# If switch to creating bugs likely makes sense to join packages to
# form grouping key and create shared bugs for conflicts.
# Added check for b in binary_map after encountering:
# Under normal circumstances this should never occur.
packages = set([binary_map[b] for b in section.binaries if b in binary_map])
for package in packages:
self.package_results.setdefault(package, [])
def install_check_parse(self, output):
section = None
text = None
# Loop over lines and parse into chunks assigned to binaries.
for line in output.splitlines(True):
if line.startswith(' '):
if section:
text += line
if section:
yield InstallSection(section, text)
match = re.match(INSTALL_REGEX, line)
if match:
# Remove empty groups since regex matches different patterns.
binaries = [b for b in match.groups() if b is not None]
section = binaries
text = line
section = None
if section:
yield InstallSection(section, text)
@memoize(ttl=60, session=True)
def cycle_check_skip(self, project):
if self.skip_cycle:
return True
# Look for skip-cycle comment command.
comments = self.comment_api.get_comments(project_name=project)
users = self.request_override_check_users(project)
for _, who in self.comment_api.command_find(
comments, self.review_user, 'skip-cycle', users):
self.logger.debug('comment command: skip-cycle by {}'.format(who))
return True
return False
def cycle_check(self, override_pair, overridden_pair, arch):
if self.cycle_check_skip(override_pair[0]):'cycle check: skip due to --skip-cycle or comment command')
return CheckResult(True, None)'cycle check: start')
comment = []
first = True
cycle_detector = CycleDetector(self.staging_api(overridden_pair[0]))
for index, (cycle, new_edges, new_packages) in enumerate(
cycle_detector.cycles(override_pair, overridden_pair, arch), start=1):
if not new_packages:
if first:
comment.append('### new [cycle(s)](/project/repository_state/{}/{})\n'.format(
override_pair[0], override_pair[1]))
first = False
# New package involved in cycle, build comment.
comment.append('- #{}: {} package cycle, {} new edges'.format(
index, len(cycle), len(new_edges)))
comment.append(' - cycle')
for package in sorted(cycle):
comment.append(' - {}'.format(package))
comment.append(' - new edges')
for edge in sorted(new_edges):
comment.append(' - ({}, {})'.format(edge[0], edge[1]))
if len(comment):
# New cycles, post comment.'cycle check: failed')
return CheckResult(False, '\n'.join(comment) + '\n')'cycle check: passed')
return CheckResult(True, None)
def result_comment(self, repository, arch, results, comment):
"""Generate comment from results"""
comment.append('## {}/{}\n'.format(repository, arch))
for result in results.values():
if not result.success:
def project_pseudometa_file_name(self, project, repository):
filename = 'repo_checker'
main_repo = Config.get(self.apiurl, project).get('main-repo')
if not main_repo:
filename += '.' + repository
return filename
@memoize(ttl=60, session=True)
def repository_state(self, repository_pairs):
states = repositories_states(self.apiurl, repository_pairs)
states.append(str(project_meta_revision(self.apiurl, repository_pairs[0][0])))
return sha1_short(states)
@memoize(ttl=60, session=True)
def repository_state_last(self, project, repository, pseudometa):
if pseudometa:
filename = self.project_pseudometa_file_name(project, repository)
content = project_pseudometa_file_load(self.apiurl, project, filename)
if content:
return content.splitlines()[0]
comments = self.comment_api.get_comments(project_name=project)
_, info = self.comment_api.comment_find(comments, self.bot_name)
if info:
return info.get('build')
return None
def repository_check(self, repository_pairs, state_hash, simulate_merge, post_comments=False):
comment = []
project, repository = repository_pairs[0]'checking {}/{}@{}[{}]'.format(
project, repository, state_hash, len(repository_pairs)))
published = repositories_published(self.apiurl, repository_pairs)
if not self.force:
if state_hash == self.repository_state_last(project, repository, not simulate_merge):'{} build unchanged'.format(project))
# TODO keep track of skipped count for cycle summary
return None
# For submit style requests, want to process if top layer is done,
# but not mark review as final until all layers are published.
if published is not True and (not simulate_merge or published[0] == project):
# Require all layers to be published except when the top layer
# is published in a simulate merge (allows quicker feedback with
# potentially incorrect resutls for staging).'{}/{} not published'.format(published[0], published[1]))
return None
# Drop non-published repository information and thus reduce to boolean.
published = published is True
if simulate_merge:
# Restrict top layer archs to the whitelisted archs from merge layer.
archs = set(target_archs(self.apiurl, project, repository)).intersection(
set(self.target_archs(repository_pairs[1][0], repository_pairs[1][1])))
# Top of pseudometa file.
archs = self.target_archs(project, repository)
if post_comments:
# Stores parsed install_check() results grouped by package.
self.package_results = {}
if not len(archs):
self.logger.debug('{} has no relevant architectures'.format(project))
return None
result = True
for arch in archs:
directories = []
for pair_project, pair_repository in repository_pairs:
directories.append(self.mirror(pair_project, pair_repository, arch))
if simulate_merge:
ignore = self.simulated_merge_ignore(repository_pairs[0], repository_pairs[1], arch)
whitelist = self.binary_whitelist(repository_pairs[0], repository_pairs[1], arch)
results = {
'cycle': self.cycle_check(repository_pairs[0], repository_pairs[1], arch),
'install': self.install_check(
repository_pairs[1], arch, directories, ignore, whitelist),
# Only products themselves will want no-filter or perhaps
# projects working on cleaning up a product.
no_filter = str2bool(Config.get(self.apiurl, project).get('repo_checker-no-filter'))
results = {
'cycle': CheckResult(True, None),
'install': self.install_check(repository_pairs[0], arch, directories,
parse=post_comments, no_filter=no_filter),
if not all(result.success for _, result in results.items()):
# Not all checks passed, build comment.
result = False
self.result_comment(repository, arch, results, comment)
if simulate_merge:
info_extra = {'build': state_hash}
if not result:
# Some checks in group did not pass, post comment.
# Avoid identical comments with different build hash during
# target project build phase. Once published update regardless.
self.comment_write(state='seen', result='failed', project=project,
message='\n'.join(comment).strip(), identical=True,
info_extra=info_extra, info_extra_identical=published)
# Post passed comment only if previous failed comment.
text = 'Previously reported problems have been resolved.'
self.comment_write(state='done', result='passed', project=project,
message=text, identical=True, only_replace=True,
text = '\n'.join(comment).strip()
if not self.dryrun:
filename = self.project_pseudometa_file_name(project, repository)
self.apiurl, project, filename, text + '\n', 'repo_checker project_only run')
if post_comments:
if result and not published:
# Wait for the complete stack to build before positive result.
self.logger.debug('demoting result from accept to ignore due to non-published layer')
result = None
return result
def project_repository(self, project):
repository = Config.get(self.apiurl, project).get('main-repo')
if not repository:
self.logger.debug('no main-repo defined for {}'.format(project))
search_project = 'openSUSE:Factory'
for search_repository in ('snapshot', 'standard'):
repository = repository_path_search(
self.apiurl, project, search_project, search_repository)
if repository:
self.logger.debug('found chain to {}/{} via {}'.format(
search_project, search_repository, repository))
return repository
@memoize(ttl=60, session=True)
def request_repository_pairs(self, request, action):
repository = self.project_repository(action.tgt_project)
if not repository:
self.review_messages['declined'] = ERROR_REPO_SPECIFIED.format(action.tgt_project)
return False
repository_pairs = []
# Assumes maintenance_release target project has staging disabled.
if Config.get(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project).get('staging'):
stage_info = self.staging_api(action.tgt_project).packages_staged.get(action.tgt_package)
if not stage_info or str(stage_info['rq_id']) != str(request.reqid):'{} not staged'.format(request.reqid))
return None
# Staging setup is convoluted and thus the repository setup does not
# contain a path to the target project. Instead the ports repository
# is used to import the target prjconf. As such the staging group
# repository must be explicitly layered on top of target project.
repository_pairs.append([stage_info['prj'], repository])
repository_pairs.extend(repository_path_expand(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, repository))
# Find a repository which links to target project "main" repository.
repository = repository_path_search(
self.apiurl, action.src_project, action.tgt_project, repository)
if not repository:
self.review_messages['declined'] = ERROR_REPO_SPECIFIED.format(action.tgt_project)
return False
repository_pairs.extend(repository_path_expand(self.apiurl, action.src_project, repository))
return repository_pairs
def check_action_submit(self, request, action):
repository_pairs = self.request_repository_pairs(request, action)
if not isinstance(repository_pairs, list):
return repository_pairs
state_hash = self.repository_state(repository_pairs)
if not self.repository_check(repository_pairs, state_hash, True):
return None
self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'cycle and install check passed'
return True
def check_action_delete(self, request, action):
# TODO Ignore tgt_project packages that depend on this that are part of
# ignore list as and instead look at output from staging for those.
built_binaries = set([])
revdeps = set([])
for fileinfo in fileinfo_ext_all(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, 'standard', 'x86_64', action.tgt_package):
for requiredby in fileinfo.findall('provides_ext/requiredby[@name]'):
runtime_deps = sorted(revdeps - built_binaries)
what_depends_on = depends_on(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, 'standard', [action.tgt_package], True)
# filter out dependency on package itself (happens with eg
# java bootstrapping itself with previous build)
if action.tgt_package in what_depends_on:
if len(what_depends_on):
self.logger.warn('{} is still a build requirement of:\n\n- {}'.format(
action.tgt_package, '\n- '.join(sorted(what_depends_on))))
if len(runtime_deps):
self.logger.warn('{} provides runtime dependencies to:\n\n- {}'.format(
action.tgt_package, '\n- '.join(runtime_deps)))
if len(self.comment_handler.lines):
self.comment_write(state='seen', result='failed')
return None
repository_pairs = self.request_repository_pairs(request, action)
if not isinstance(repository_pairs, list):
return repository_pairs
state_hash = self.repository_state(repository_pairs)
if not self.repository_check(repository_pairs, state_hash, True):
return None
self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'cycle and install check passed'
return True
def check_action_maintenance_release(self, request, action):
# No reason to special case patchinfo since same source and target
# projects which is all that repo_checker cares about.
repository_pairs = self.request_repository_pairs(request, action)
if not isinstance(repository_pairs, list):
return repository_pairs
state_hash = self.repository_state(repository_pairs)
if not self.repository_check(repository_pairs, state_hash, True):
return None
self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'cycle and install check passed'
return True
class CommandLineInterface(ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.__init__(self, args, kwargs)
self.clazz = RepoChecker
def get_optparser(self):
parser = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.get_optparser(self)
parser.add_option('--skip-cycle', action='store_true', help='skip cycle check')
parser.add_option('--force', action='store_true', help='force review even if project is not ready')
return parser
def setup_checker(self):
bot = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.setup_checker(self)
if self.options.skip_cycle:
bot.skip_cycle = self.options.skip_cycle
bot.force = self.options.force
return bot
@cmdln.option('--post-comments', action='store_true', help='post comments to packages with issues')
def do_project_only(self, subcmd, opts, project):
self.checker.check_requests() # Needed to properly init ReviewBot.
self.checker.project_only(project, opts.post_comments)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = CommandLineInterface()