2023-01-02 19:44:28 +01:00

24 lines
1011 B

digraph staging {
graph [ sep="+2" ]
node [ shape=rectangle ]
devel [ label="Devel project" ];
review [ label="Review team", shape=ellipse, style=dashed ];
factory [ label="openSUSE Factory" ];
staging [ label="Staging project" ];
devel -> review [ label="Developer submits fixes from staging repo" ];
devel -> review [ label="Developer submits packages" ];
review -> review [ label="Initial grouping of requests" ];
review -> staging [ label="Review team creates staging project from GR/SR" ];
staging -> devel [ label="Developer updates staging and fixes stuff" ];
review -> factory [ label=<Review team accepts the group<br/><i>(verified to produce same result as staging repo)</i>> ];
factory -> staging [ label="Factory maintainers have rights in staging", style=dotted ];
devel -> staging [ label="Devel project maintainers have rights in staging", style=dotted ];
staging -> staging [ label="Developer does changes" ];