367 lines
12 KiB
367 lines
12 KiB
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
require LWP::UserAgent;
use strict;
#use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use JSON;
use POSIX;
use Encode;
use Carp::Always;
use Data::Dumper;
use URI::Escape;
use Net::Netrc;
require Date::Format;
my $user = $ARGV[0];
my $tproject = "openSUSE:Factory";
sub fetch_user_infos($)
my ($user) = @_;
if (-f "reports/$user") {
open( my $fh, '<', "reports/$user" );
my $json_text = <$fh>;
my $st = decode_json( $json_text );
return ($st->{'mywork'}, $st->{projstat});
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $mach = Net::Netrc->lookup('api.opensuse.org');
$ua->credentials("api.opensuse.org:443", "Use your novell account", $mach->login(), $mach->password());
$ua->default_header("Accept" => "application/json");
my $mywork = $ua->get("https://build.opensuse.org/home/requests.json?user=$user");
unless ($mywork->is_success) { die $mywork->status_line; }
$mywork = from_json( $mywork->decoded_content, { utf8 => 1 });
my $url = "https://api.opensuse.org/webui/projects/$tproject/status?ignore_pending=0";
$url .= "&limit_to_fails=false&limit_to_old=false&include_versions=true&filter_for_user=$user";
my $projstat = $ua->get($url);
die $projstat->status_line unless ($projstat->is_success);
$projstat = from_json( $projstat->decoded_content, { utf8 => 1 });
my %st = ();
$st{'mywork'} = $mywork;
$st{'projstat'} = $projstat;
# open(my $fh, '>', "reports/$user");
# print STDOUT to_json(\%st);
# close $fh;
return ($mywork, $projstat);
my $shortener = LWP::UserAgent->new;
sub shorten_url($$)
my ($url, $slug) = @_;
# return $url;
$url = uri_escape($url);
my $ret = $shortener->get("http://s.kulow.org/-/?url=$url&api=6cf62823d52e6d95582c07f55acdecc7&custom_url=$slug&overwrite=1");
die $ret->status_line unless ($ret->is_success);
return $ret->decoded_content;
my $baseurl = "https://build.opensuse.org";
sub time_distance($)
my ($past) = @_;
my $minutes = (time() - $past) / 60;
if ($minutes < 1440) {
return "less than 1 day";
if ($minutes < 2520) {
return "1 day";
if ($minutes < 43200) {
my $days = floor($minutes / 1440. + 0.5);
return "$days days";
my $months = floor($minutes / 43200. + 0.5);
if ($months == 1) {
return "1 month";
} else {
return "$months months";
my %requests_to_ignore;
sub explain_request($$)
my ($request, $list) = @_;
return if (defined($requests_to_ignore{$request->{id}}));
#print Dumper($request);
my $actions = $request->{action};
$actions = [$actions] if (ref($actions) eq "HASH");
my $line = '';
for my $action (@{$actions || []}) {
my $source = $action->{source};
my $target = $action->{target};
if ($target->{project} eq $tproject) {
#print "ignore $request->{id}\n";
my $atype = $action->{type} || '';
if ($atype eq "submit") {
$line .= " Submit request from $source->{project}/$source->{package} to $target->{project}\n";
} elsif ($atype eq "delete") {
$line .= " Delete request for $target->{project}/$target->{package}\n";
} elsif ($atype eq "maintenance_release") {
$line .= " Maintenance release request from $source->{project}/$source->{package} to $target->{project}\n";
} elsif ($atype eq "maintenance_incident") {
$line .= " Maintenance incident request from $source->{project} to $target->{project}\n";
} elsif ($atype eq "add_role") {
my %person = %{$action->{person}};
$line .= " User $person{name} wants to be $person{role} in $target->{project}\n";
} elsif ($atype eq "change_devel") {
$line .= " Package $target->{project}/$target->{package} should be developed in $source->{project}\n";
} else {
print STDERR "HUH" . Dumper($action);
$list->{int($request->{id})} = $line if ($line);
sub generate_report($)
my ($user) = @_;
my ($mywork, $projstat) = fetch_user_infos($user);
#print to_json($mywork, {pretty => 1 });
#print to_json($projstat, {pretty => 1});
my %projects;
for my $package (@{$projstat->{'packages'}}) {
my $develproject = $package->{develproject} || next;
next if ($develproject eq $tproject);
$projects{$develproject} ||= [];
push($projects{$develproject}, $package);
my %reviews_by;
my $report = '';
for my $request (@{$mywork->{review}}) {
# as we query the build service as anonymous, we always get the reviews for "the others"
my $reviews = $request->{other_open_reviews};
$reviews = [$reviews] if (ref($reviews) eq "HASH");
for my $review (@{$reviews}) {
next if ($review->{state} ne 'new');
if (($review->{by_user} || '') eq $user) {
$report .= "Request $request->{id} is waiting for your review!\n";
$report .= " https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/$request->{id}\n\n";
$requests_to_ignore{$request->{id}} = 1;
# we ignore by_group for now
if ($review->{by_group} ) {
$requests_to_ignore{$request->{id}} = 1;
if ($review->{by_project}) {
my $bproj = $review->{by_project};
my $bpack = $review->{by_package};
$reviews_by{"$bproj/$bpack"} = $request;
for my $project (sort(keys %projects)) {
my $lines = {};
for my $package (@{$projects{$project}}) {
next if @{$package->{requests_from}};
# do not show version information if there is more important stuff
my $showversion = 1;
my $ignorechanges = 0;
my $key = "$project/$package->{name}";
if ($reviews_by{$key}) {
my $r = $reviews_by{$key};
push(@{$lines->{reviews}}, " $package->{name} has request $r->{id} waiting for review!");
delete $reviews_by{$key};
if ($package->{firstfail}) {
my $fail = time_distance($package->{firstfail});
my $comment = $package->{failedcomment} || 'unknown failure';
$comment =~ s,^\s+,,;
$comment =~ s,\s+$,,;
my $url = "$baseurl/package/live_build_log/";
$url .= uri_escape($tproject) . "/";
$url .= uri_escape($package->{name}) . "/";
$url .= uri_escape($package->{failedrepo}) . "/";
$url .= uri_escape($package->{failedarch});
$url = shorten_url($url, "bf-$package->{name}");
push(@{$lines->{fails}}, " $package->{name} fails for $fail ($comment):");
push(@{$lines->{fails}}, " $url\n");
$ignorechanges = 1;
for my $problem (sort @{$package->{problems}}) {
if ($problem eq 'different_changes') {
my $url = "$baseurl/package/rdiff/";
$url .= uri_escape($package->{develproject});
$url .= "/" . uri_escape($package->{develpackage});
$url .= "?opackage=" . uri_escape($package->{name});
$url .= "&oproject=" . uri_escape($tproject);
if ($ignorechanges == 0) {
$url = shorten_url($url, "rd-$package->{name}");
push(@{$lines->{unsubmit}}, " $package->{name} - $url");
$showversion = 0;
} elsif ($problem eq 'currently_declined') {
my $url = "https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/$package->{currently_declined}";
push(@{$lines->{declined}}, " $package->{name} - $url");
$showversion = 0;
for my $request (@{$package->{requests_to}}) {
push(@{$lines->{requests}}, " $package->{name} - https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/$request");
$requests_to_ignore{$request} = 1;
$showversion = 0;
if ($showversion && $package->{upstream_version}) {
push(@{$lines->{upstream}}, " $package->{name} - packaged: $package->{version}, upstream: $package->{upstream_version}");
$report .= "Project $project\n" if %$lines;
for my $reason (qw(reviews fails declined unsubmit requests upstream)) {
next unless $lines->{$reason};
if ($reason eq "fails") {
$report .= "\n";
} elsif ($reason eq "upstream") {
$report .= "\n Packages with new upstream versions:\n";
} elsif ($reason eq "unsubmit") {
$report .= "\n Packages with unsubmitted changes:\n";
} elsif ($reason eq "requests") {
$report .= "\n Packages with pending requests:\n";
} elsif ($reason eq "declined") {
$report .= "\n Declined submit requests - please check the reason:\n";
$report .= join("\n",@{$lines->{$reason}});
$report .= "\n" if ($reason ne "fails");
$report .= "\n" if %$lines;
my %list;
%list = ();
for my $request (@{$mywork->{declined}}) {
explain_request($request, \%list);
if (%list && $report) {
$report .= "Your declined requests (not related to your factory packages, please revoke or reopen):\n";
my @lkeys = keys %list;
foreach my $request (sort { $a <=> $b } @lkeys) {
$report .= $list{$request};
$report .= " https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/$request\n\n";
%list = ();
for my $request (@{$mywork->{new}}) {
explain_request($request, \%list);
if (%list && $report) {
$report .= "Other new requests (not related to your factory packages):\n";
my @lkeys = keys %list;
foreach my $request (sort { $a <=> $b } @lkeys) {
$report .= $list{$request};
$report .= " https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/$request\n\n";
return $report;
my $report = generate_report($user);
if ($report) {
my $url = "$baseurl/stage/project/status?project=" . uri_escape($tproject);
$url .= "&limit_to_fails=false&include_versions=true";
$url .= "&filter_for_user=" . uri_escape($user);
$url = shorten_url($url, "fs-$user");
my $prefix = <<END;
Dear openSUSE contributor,
The following status report is a reminder I send to you in the hope that it
proves useful to you. I do not intend to spam you - if you don't want these
reports, please tell me why and I'll either fix the issue or disable the
mail to you.
But please note that I filtered the information as good as I could and that
if you find a package that you have no connection to and wonder why I send
this information to you, then you are most likely "maintainer" in a project
for some reason. The best option IMO then is to remove yourself from that
role - or if you know the real package maintainer, set it in the package.
I intent to send these reminders on a weekly basis, you can find more details
in this thread: http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-packaging/2012-02/msg00011.html
The following packages are sorted by devel project of openSUSE:Factory
$prefix .= "( you can find an uptodate version under $url )\n\n";
$report = $prefix . $report;
my $fortune = '';
open(FORTUNE, "fortune -s|");
while ( <FORTUNE> ) { $fortune .= " " . $_; }
$report .= "\n\n-- \nYour fortune cookie:\n" . $fortune;
use MIME::Lite;
use XML::Simple;
my $xml = '';
open(USER, "osc meta user -- '$user'|") || die "osc meta user $user failed";
while ( <USER> ) { $xml .= $_; }
my $info = XMLin($xml);
my $to = $info->{email};
if (ref($info->{realname}) ne "HASH") {
my $name = $info->{realname};
$to = encode('MIME-Header', "$name <$to>");
my $email =
From => 'Stephan Kulow <coolo@suse.de>',
To => $to,
Subject => 'Reminder for openSUSE:Factory work',
Data => $report,
Encoding => '7bit',
# update from time to time :)
$email->add( 'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:9.0) Gecko/20111220 Thunderbird/9.0');
$email->add( 'X-Mailer' => 'https://github.com/coolo/factory-auto/blob/master/generate-reminder.pl');
print "From - " . Date::Format::time2str("%a %b %d %T %Y\n", time);