Distinct copyrights were left as I do not wish to track down commit history to ensure it properly documents the copyright holders. Also left non-GPLv2 licenses and left bs_copy untouched as a mirror from OBS. Already have a mix of with and without headers and even OBS does not place on majority of files. If SUSE lawyers have an issue it will come up in legal review for Factory.
51 lines
1.4 KiB
51 lines
1.4 KiB
import os
import unittest
import difflib
import subprocess
import tempfile
from obs import APIURL
from obs import OBS
from osclib.conf import Config
from osclib.freeze_command import FreezeCommand
from osclib.stagingapi import StagingAPI
class TestFreeze(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
Initialize the configuration
self.obs = OBS()
Config(APIURL, 'openSUSE:Factory')
self.api = StagingAPI(APIURL, 'openSUSE:Factory')
def _get_fixture_path(self, filename):
Return path for fixture
return os.path.join(self._get_fixtures_dir(), filename)
def _get_fixtures_dir(self):
Return path for fixtures
return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests/fixtures')
def test_bootstrap_copy(self):
fc = FreezeCommand(self.api)
fp = self._get_fixture_path('staging-meta-for-bootstrap-copy.xml')
fixture = subprocess.check_output('/usr/bin/xmllint --format %s' % fp, shell=True)
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
output = subprocess.check_output('/usr/bin/xmllint --format %s' % f.name, shell=True)
for line in difflib.unified_diff(fixture.split("\n"), output.split("\n")):
self.assertEqual(output, fixture)