463 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
463 lines
21 KiB
Executable File
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
import cElementTree as ET
import osc.conf
import osc.core
from osc.util.helper import decode_list
from osclib.conf import Config
from osclib.core import devel_project_get
from osclib.core import devel_project_fallback
from osclib.core import group_members
from osclib.core import package_kind
from osclib.core import source_file_load
from osclib.core import target_archs
from urllib.error import HTTPError
import ReviewBot
from osclib.conf import str2bool
class CheckSource(ReviewBot.ReviewBot):
SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
AUDIT_BUG_URL = "https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Package_security_guidelines#audit_bugs"
AUDIT_BUG_MESSAGE = "The package is submitted to an official product and it has warnings that indicate that it need to go through a security review. Those warnings can only be ignored in devel projects. For more information please read: {}.".format(AUDIT_BUG_URL)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ReviewBot.ReviewBot.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# ReviewBot options.
self.request_default_return = True
self.skip_add_reviews = False
def target_project_config(self, project):
# Load project config and allow for remote entries.
config = Config.get(self.apiurl, project)
self.single_action_require = str2bool(config.get('check-source-single-action-require', 'False'))
self.ignore_devel = not str2bool(config.get('devel-project-enforce', 'False'))
self.in_air_rename_allow = str2bool(config.get('check-source-in-air-rename-allow', 'False'))
self.add_review_team = str2bool(config.get('check-source-add-review-team', 'True'))
self.review_team = config.get('review-team')
self.mail_release_list = config.get('mail-release-list')
self.staging_group = config.get('staging-group')
self.repo_checker = config.get('repo-checker')
self.devel_whitelist = config.get('devel-whitelist', '').split()
self.skip_add_reviews = False
self.security_review_team = config.get('security-review-team', 'security-team')
self.bad_rpmlint_entries = config.get('bad-rpmlint-entries', '').split()
if self.action.type == 'maintenance_incident':
# The workflow effectively enforces the names to match and the
# parent code sets target_package from source_package so this check
# becomes useless and awkward to perform.
self.in_air_rename_allow = True
# The target project will be set to product and thus inherit
# settings, but override since real target is not product.
self.single_action_require = False
# It might make sense to supersede maintbot, but for now.
self.skip_add_reviews = True
def is_good_name(self, package, target_package):
self.logger.debug(f"is_good_name {package} <-> {target_package}")
if target_package is None:
# if the name doesn't matter, existance is all
return package is not None
return target_package == package
def package_source_parse(self, project, package, revision=None, target_package=None):
ret = self._package_source_parse(project, package, revision)
if self.is_good_name(ret['name'], target_package):
return ret
d = {}
for repo in osc.core.get_repositories_of_project(self.apiurl, project):
r = self._package_source_parse(project, package, revision, repo)
if r['name'] is not None:
d[r['name']] = r
if len(d) == 1:
# here is only one so use that
ret = d[next(iter(d))]
# check if any name matches
self.logger.debug("found multiple names %s", ', '.join(d.keys()))
for n, r in d.items():
if n == target_package:
ret = r
if not self.is_good_name(ret['name'], target_package):
self.logger.error("none of the names matched")
return ret
def check_source_submission(self, source_project, source_package, source_revision, target_project, target_package):
super(CheckSource, self).check_source_submission(source_project, source_package, source_revision, target_project, target_package)
if self.single_action_require and len(self.request.actions) != 1:
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'Only one action per request allowed'
return False
if source_revision is None:
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'Submission not from a pinned source revision'
return False
kind = package_kind(self.apiurl, target_project, target_package)
if kind == 'meta':
self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'Skipping all checks for meta packages'
return True
elif (kind is not None and kind != 'source'):
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'May not modify a non-source package of type {}'.format(kind)
return False
inair_renamed = target_package != source_package
if not self.ignore_devel:
self.logger.info('checking if target package exists and has devel project')
devel_project, devel_package = devel_project_get(self.apiurl, target_project, target_package)
if devel_project:
if (source_project != devel_project or source_package != devel_package) and \
not(source_project == target_project and source_package == target_package):
# Not from proper devel project/package and not self-submission.
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'Expected submission from devel package %s/%s' % (devel_project, devel_package)
return False
# Check to see if other packages exist with the same source project
# which indicates that the project has already been used as devel.
if not self.is_devel_project(source_project, target_project):
self.review_messages['declined'] = (
'%s is not a devel project of %s, submit the package to a devel project first. '
'See https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:How_to_contribute_to_Factory#How_to_request_a_new_devel_project for details.'
) % (source_project, target_project)
return False
if source_project.endswith(':Update'):
# Allow for submission like:
# - source: openSUSE:Leap:15.0:Update/google-compute-engine.8258
# - target: openSUSE:Leap:15.1/google-compute-engine
# Note: home:jberry:Update would also be allowed via this condition,
# but that should be handled by leaper and human review.
# Ignore a dot in package name (ex. tpm2.0-abrmd) and instead
# only look for ending in dot number.
match = re.match(r'(.*)\.\d+$', source_package)
if match:
inair_renamed = target_package != match.group(1)
if not self.in_air_rename_allow and inair_renamed:
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'Source and target package names must match'
return False
# Checkout and see if renaming package screws up version parsing.
dir = os.path.expanduser('~/co/%s' % self.request.reqid)
if os.path.exists(dir):
self.logger.warning('directory %s already exists' % dir)
old_info = {'version': None}
CheckSource.checkout_package(self.apiurl, target_project, target_package, pathname=dir,
server_service_files=True, expand_link=True)
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(target_package, '.osc'))
os.rename(target_package, '_old')
old_info = self.package_source_parse(target_project, target_package)
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
self.logger.info('target package does not exist %s/%s' % (target_project, target_package))
raise e
CheckSource.checkout_package(self.apiurl, source_project, source_package, revision=source_revision,
pathname=dir, server_service_files=True, expand_link=True)
os.rename(source_package, target_package)
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(target_package, '.osc'))
new_info = self.package_source_parse(source_project, source_package, source_revision, target_package)
filename = new_info.get('filename', '')
if not (filename.endswith('.kiwi') or filename == 'Dockerfile') and new_info['name'] != target_package:
self.review_messages['declined'] = "A package submitted as %s has to build as 'Name: %s' - found Name '%s'" % (target_package, target_package, new_info['name'])
return False
# Run check_source.pl script and interpret output.
source_checker = os.path.join(CheckSource.SCRIPT_PATH, 'check_source.pl')
civs = ''
new_version = None
if old_info['version'] and old_info['version'] != new_info['version']:
new_version = new_info['version']
civs += "NEW_VERSION='{}' ".format(new_version)
civs += 'LC_ALL=C perl %s _old %s 2>&1' % (source_checker, target_package)
p = subprocess.Popen(civs, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
ret = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)[1]
checked = decode_list(p.stdout.readlines())
output = ' '.join(checked).replace('\033', '')
# ret = 0 : Good
# ret = 1 : Bad
# ret = 2 : Bad but can be non-fatal in some cases
if ret > 1 and target_project.startswith('openSUSE:Leap:') and (source_project.startswith('SUSE:SLE-15:') or source_project.startswith('openSUSE:Factory')):
elif ret != 0:
self.review_messages['declined'] = "Output of check script:\n" + output
return False
self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'Check script succeeded'
if len(checked):
self.review_messages['accepted'] += "\n\nOutput of check script (non-fatal):\n" + output
if not self.skip_add_reviews:
if self.add_review_team and self.review_team is not None:
self.add_review(self.request, by_group=self.review_team, msg='Please review sources')
if self.only_changes():
self.logger.debug('only .changes modifications')
if self.staging_group and self.review_user in group_members(self.apiurl, self.staging_group):
if not self.dryrun:
osc.core.change_review_state(self.apiurl, str(self.request.reqid), 'accepted',
message='skipping the staging process since only .changes modifications')
self.logger.debug('unable to skip staging review since not a member of staging group')
elif self.repo_checker is not None:
self.add_review(self.request, by_user=self.repo_checker, msg='Please review build success')
if self.bad_rpmlint_entries:
warnings = self.has_whitelist_warnings(source_project, source_package, target_project, target_package)
if warnings:
# if there are any add a review for the security team
# maybe add the found warnings to the message for the review
message = CheckSource.AUDIT_BUG_MESSAGE + "\nTriggered by whitelist warnings:\n{}".format("\n".join(warnings))
self.add_review(self.request, by_group=self.security_review_team, msg=message)
warnings = self.suppresses_whitelist_warnings(source_project, source_package)
if warnings:
message = CheckSource.AUDIT_BUG_MESSAGE + "\nTriggered by suppressed whitelist warning:\n{}".format("\n".join(warnings))
self.add_review(self.request, by_group=self.security_review_team, msg=message)
return True
def suppresses_whitelist_warnings( self, source_project, source_package ):
# checks if there's a rpmlintrc that suppresses warnings that we check
found_entries = set()
contents = source_file_load(self.apiurl, source_project, source_package, source_package + '-rpmlintrc')
if contents:
contents = re.sub(r'(?m)^ *#.*\n?', '', contents)
matches = re.findall(r'addFilter\(["\']([^"\']+)["\']\)', contents)
# this is a bit tricky. Since users can specify arbitrary regular expresions it's not easy
# to match bad_rpmlint_entries against what we found
for entry in self.bad_rpmlint_entries:
for match in matches:
# First we try to see if our entries appear verbatim in the rpmlint entries
if entry in match:
self.logger.info(f'found suppressed whitelist warning: {match}')
# if that's not the case then we check if one of the entries in the rpmlint file would match one
# of our entries (e.g. addFilter(".*")
elif re.search(match, entry) and match not in found_entries:
self.logger.info(f'found rpmlint entry that suppresses an important warning: {match}')
return found_entries
def has_whitelist_warnings( self, source_project, source_package, target_project, target_package ):
# this checks if this is a submit to an product project and it has warnings for non-whitelisted permissions/files
found_entries = set()
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ['build', target_project])
xml = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
for f in xml.findall('entry'):
# we check all repos in the source project for errors that exist in the target project
repo = f.attrib['name']
query = { 'last': 1, }
for arch in target_archs(self.apiurl, source_project, repo):
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ['build', source_project, repo, arch, source_package, '_log'], query = query)
result = osc.core.http_GET(url)
contents = str(result.read())
for entry in self.bad_rpmlint_entries:
if (': W: ' + entry in contents) and not (entry in found_entries):
self.logger.info(f'found missing whitelist for warning: {entry}')
except HTTPError as e:
self.logger.info('ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e))
return found_entries
def is_devel_project(self, source_project, target_project):
if source_project in self.devel_whitelist:
return True
# Allow any projects already used as devel projects for other packages.
search = {
'package': "@project='%s' and devel/@project='%s'" % (target_project, source_project),
result = osc.core.search(self.apiurl, **search)
return result['package'].attrib['matches'] != '0'
def checkout_package(*args, **kwargs):
_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w')
result = osc.core.checkout_package(*args, **kwargs)
sys.stdout = _stdout
return result
def _package_source_parse(self, project, package, revision=None, repository=None):
query = {'view': 'info', 'parse': 1}
if revision:
query['rev'] = revision
if repository:
query['repository'] = repository
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', project, package], query)
ret = {'name': None, 'version': None}
xml = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
except HTTPError as e:
self.logger.error('ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e))
return ret
if xml.find('error') is not None:
self.logger.error("%s/%s/%s: %s", project, package, repository, xml.find('error').text)
return ret
# ET boolean check fails.
if xml.find('name') is not None:
ret['name'] = xml.find('name').text
if xml.find('version') is not None:
ret['version'] = xml.find('version').text
if xml.find('filename') is not None:
ret['filename'] = xml.find('filename').text
self.logger.debug("%s/%s/%s: %s", project, package, repository, ret)
return ret
def only_changes(self):
u = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ['request', self.request.reqid],
{'cmd': 'diff', 'view': 'xml'})
diff = ET.parse(osc.core.http_POST(u)).getroot()
for f in diff.findall('action/sourcediff/files/file/*[@name]'):
if not f.get('name').endswith('.changes'):
return False
return True
return False
def check_action_add_role(self, request, action):
# Decline add_role request (assumed the bot acting on requests to Factory or similar).
message = 'Roles to packages are granted in the devel project, not in %s.' % action.tgt_project
if action.tgt_package is not None:
project, package = devel_project_fallback(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
message += ' Send this request to {}/{}.'.format(project, package)
self.review_messages['declined'] = message
return False
def check_action_delete_package(self, request, action):
result = osc.core.show_project_sourceinfo(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, True, (action.tgt_package))
root = ET.fromstring(result)
except HTTPError:
return None
# Decline the delete request if there is another delete/submit request against the same package
query = "match=state/@name='new'+and+(action/target/@project='{}'+and+action/target/@package='{}')"\
"+and+(action/@type='delete'+or+action/@type='submit')".format(action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ['search', 'request'], query)
matches = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
if int(matches.attrib['matches']) > 1:
ids = [rq.attrib['id'] for rq in matches.findall('request')]
self.review_messages['declined'] = "There is a pending request %s to %s/%s in process." % (','.join(ids), action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
return False
# Decline delete requests against linked flavor package
linked = root.find('sourceinfo/linked')
if not (linked is None or self.check_linked_package(action, linked)):
return False
if not self.ignore_devel:
self.devel_project_review_ensure(request, action.tgt_project, action.tgt_package)
if not self.skip_add_reviews and self.repo_checker is not None:
self.add_review(self.request, by_user=self.repo_checker, msg='Is this delete request safe?')
return True
def check_linked_package(self, action, linked):
if linked.get('project', action.tgt_project) != action.tgt_project:
return True
linked_package = linked.get('package')
self.review_messages['declined'] = "Delete the package %s instead" % (linked_package)
return False
def check_action_delete_project(self, request, action):
# Presumably if the request is valid the bot should be disabled or
# overridden, but seems like no valid case for allowing this (see #1696).
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'Deleting the {} project is not allowed.'.format(action.tgt_project)
return False
def check_action_delete_repository(self, request, action):
if self.mail_release_list:
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'Deleting repositories is not allowed. ' \
'Contact {} to discuss further.'.format(self.mail_release_list)
return False
self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'unhandled: removing repository'
return True
class CommandLineInterface(ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.__init__(self, args, kwargs)
self.clazz = CheckSource
def get_optparser(self):
parser = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.get_optparser(self)
parser.add_option('--skip-add-reviews', action='store_true', default=False, help='skip adding review after completing checks')
return parser
def setup_checker(self):
bot = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.setup_checker(self)
bot.skip_add_reviews = self.options.skip_add_reviews
return bot
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = CommandLineInterface()