Since the aggregation is not done by influxdb a fill option is not available and instead needs to be performed manually. As such the order of writing must be from oldest to newest so that the list of product seen before can be kept and missing products for a given interval can be filled.
358 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
358 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
use InfluxDB\Point;
use InfluxDB\Database;
$CACHE_DIR = $_SERVER['HOME'] . '/.cache/openSUSE-release-tools-access';
const PROTOCOLS = ['ipv4', 'ipv6'];
const PONTIFEX = '';
const LANGLEY = '';
const VHOST = '';
const FILENAME = '';
const IPV6_PREFIX = 'ipv6.';
const PRODUCT_PATTERN = '/^(10\.[2-3]|11\.[0-4]|12\.[1-3]|13\.[1-2]|42\.[1-3]|15\.[0]|tumbleweed)$/';
$begin = new DateTime();
// Skip the current day since the logs are incomplete and not compressed yet.
$begin->sub(date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 day'));
$source_map = [
'ipv4' => [
'2010-01-03' => false,
'2014-04-14' => sprintf(LANGLEY, 2) . '/' . VHOST,
'2017-12-04' => sprintf(LANGLEY, 3) . '/' . VHOST,
// 2017-12-05 has bad permissions on langley and is still on origin.
$begin->format('Y-m-d') => PONTIFEX . '/' . VHOST,
'filename' => FILENAME,
'ipv6' => [
'2012-12-31' => false,
'2017-12-04' => sprintf(LANGLEY, 3) . '/' . IPV6_PREFIX . VHOST,
$begin->format('Y-m-d') => PONTIFEX . '/' . IPV6_PREFIX . VHOST,
'filename' => IPV6_PREFIX . FILENAME,
$end = new DateTime(key($source_map['ipv4'])); // decide about adding one day
$period_reversed = date_period_reversed($end, '1 day', $begin);
error_log('begin: ' . $begin->format('Y-m-d'));
error_log('end: ' . $end->format('Y-m-d'));
error_log('count: ' . number_format(count($period_reversed)) . ' days');
ingest_all($period_reversed, $source_map);
function cache_init()
global $CACHE_DIR;
if (!file_exists($CACHE_DIR)) {
foreach (PROTOCOLS as $protocol) {
mkdir("$CACHE_DIR/$protocol", 0755, true);
// Avoid packaging mess while still automating, but not ideal.
passthru('cd ' . escapeshellarg($CACHE_DIR) . ' && composer require influxdb/influxdb-php ~1');
require "$CACHE_DIR/vendor/autoload.php";
function ingest_all($period_reversed, $source_map)
global $CACHE_DIR;
$source = [];
$found = [];
// Walk backwards until found in cache.
foreach ($period_reversed as $date) {
$date_string = $date->format('Y-m-d');
foreach (PROTOCOLS as $protocol) {
if (!empty($found[$protocol])) continue;
if (isset($source_map[$protocol][$date_string]))
$source[$protocol] = $source_map[$protocol][$date_string];
// Skip date+protocol if no source is available.
if (empty($source[$protocol])) continue;
$cache_file = "$CACHE_DIR/$protocol/$date_string.json";
if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
error_log("[$date_string] [$protocol] found");
$found[$protocol] = true;
} else {
error_log("[$date_string] [$protocol] ingest");
ingest($date, $source[$protocol], $source_map[$protocol]['filename'], $cache_file);
if (count($found) == count(PROTOCOLS)) {
error_log('ingest initialization complete');
// Wait for all ingest processes to complete before proceeding.
subprocess_wait(1, 1);
function ingest($date, $source, $filename, $destination)
$url = implode('/', [
sprintf($filename, $date->format('Ymd')),
$command = implode(' ', [
'curl -s',
'| xzcat',
'| ' . __DIR__ . '/ingest.php',
'> ' . escapeshellarg($destination),
function passthru_block($command)
static $cpu_count = null;
if (!$cpu_count) {
$cpuinfo = file_get_contents('/proc/cpuinfo');
preg_match_all('/^processor/m', $cpuinfo, $matches);
$cpu_count = max(count($matches[0]), 1);
error_log("detected $cpu_count cores");
$group_size = substr_count($command, '|') + 1;
subprocess_wait($group_size, $cpu_count);
passthru($command, $exit_code);
if ($exit_code != 0) {
error_log('failed to start process');
function subprocess_wait($group_size, $cap)
while (subprocess_count() / $group_size >= $cap) {
function subprocess_count()
return substr_count(shell_exec('pgrep -g ' . getmypid()), "\n") - 1;
function aggregate_all($period)
global $CACHE_DIR;
$intervals = ['day' => 'Y-m-d', 'week' => 'Y-W', 'month' => 'Y-m'];
$merged = [];
$merged_protocol = [];
$date_previous = null;
foreach ($period as $date) {
$date_string = $date->format('Y-m-d');
$data = null;
foreach (PROTOCOLS as $protocol) {
$cache_file = "$CACHE_DIR/$protocol/$date_string.json";
if (!file_exists($cache_file)) continue;
error_log("[$date_string] [$protocol] load cache");
$data_new = json_decode(file_get_contents($cache_file), true);
if (!$data_new) {
error_log('ERROR: failed to load ' . $cache_file);
unlink($cache_file); // Trigger it to be re-ingested next run.
if (!isset($merged_protocol[$protocol])) $merged_protocol[$protocol] = [];
$data_new['days'] = 1;
aggregate($intervals, $merged_protocol[$protocol], $date, $date_previous, $data_new,
['protocol' => $protocol], 'protocol');
if ($data) {
merge($data, $data_new);
$data['days'] = 1;
} else {
$data = $data_new;
if (!$data) {
error_log("[$date_string] skipping due to lack of data");
aggregate($intervals, $merged, $date, $date_previous, $data);
$date_previous = $date;
// Write out any remaining data by simulating a date beyond all intervals.
error_log('write remaining data');
$date = clone $date;
$date->add(date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 year'));
foreach (PROTOCOLS as $protocol) {
aggregate($intervals, $merged_protocol[$protocol], $date, $date_previous, null,
['protocol' => $protocol], 'protocol');
aggregate($intervals, $merged, $date, $date_previous, null);
function aggregate($intervals, &$merged, $date, $date_previous, $data, $tags = [], $prefix = 'access')
foreach ($intervals as $interval => $format) {
$value = $date->format($format);
if (!isset($merged[$interval]) || $value != $merged[$interval]['value']) {
if (!empty($merged[$interval]['data'])) {
$summary = summarize($merged[$interval]['data']);
if ($prefix == 'protocol') {
$summary = ['-' => $summary['-']];
$count = write_summary($interval, $date_previous, $summary, $tags, $prefix);
error_log("[$prefix] [$interval] [{$merged[$interval]['value']}] wrote $count points at " .
$date_previous->format('Y-m-d') . " spanning " . $merged[$interval]['data']['days'] . ' day(s)');
// Reset merge data to current data.
$merged[$interval] = [
'data' => $data,
'value' => $value,
// Merge day onto existing data for interval. A more complex approach of
// merging higher order intervals is overly complex due to weeks.
merge($merged[$interval]['data'], $data);
function merge(&$data1, $data2)
$data1['days'] += $data2['days'];
$data1['total'] += $data2['total'];
foreach ($data2['total_product'] as $product => $total) {
if (empty($data1['total_product'][$product]))
$data1['total_product'][$product] = 0;
$data1['total_product'][$product] += $data2['total_product'][$product];
foreach ($data2['unique_product'] as $product => $unqiue) {
if (empty($data1['unique_product'][$product]))
$data1['unique_product'][$product] = [];
foreach ($unqiue as $uuid => $count) {
if (empty($data1['unique_product'][$product][$uuid]))
$data1['unique_product'][$product][$uuid] = 0;
$data1['unique_product'][$product][$uuid] += $data2['unique_product'][$product][$uuid];
$data1['total_invalid'] += $data2['total_invalid'];
$data1['bytes'] += $data2['bytes'];
function summarize($data)
static $products = [];
$summary = [];
$summary['-'] = [
'total' => $data['total'],
'total_invalid' => $data['total_invalid'],
'bytes' => $data['bytes'],
'unique' => 0,
foreach ($data['total_product'] as $product => $total) {
if (!product_filter($product)) continue;
$summary_product = [
'total' => $total,
if (isset($data['unique_product'][$product])) {
$unique_product = $data['unique_product'][$product];
$summary_product += [
'unique' => count($unique_product),
'unqiue_average' => (float) (array_sum($unique_product) / count($unique_product)),
'unqiue_max' => max($unique_product),
// A UUID should be unique to a product, as such this should provide an
// accurate count of total unique across all products.
$summary['-']['unique'] += $summary_product['unique'];
} else {
$summary_product += [
'unique' => 0,
'unqiue_average' => (float) 0,
'unqiue_max' => 0,
$summary[$product] = $summary_product;
// Keep track of which products have been included in previous summary.
if (!isset($products[$product])) $products[$product] = true;
// Fill empty data with zeros to achieve appropriate result in graph.
$missing = array_diff(array_keys($products), array_keys($summary));
foreach ($missing as $product) {
$summary[$product] = [
'total' => 0,
'unique' => 0,
'unqiue_average' => (float) 0,
'unqiue_max' => 0,
return $summary;
function product_filter($product)
return (bool) preg_match(PRODUCT_PATTERN, $product);
function date_period_reversed($begin, $interval, $end)
$interval = DateInterval::createFromDateString($interval);
$period = new DatePeriod($begin, $interval, $end);
return array_reverse(iterator_to_array($period));
function write_summary($interval, DateTime $value, $summary, $tags = [], $prefix = 'access')
$measurement = $prefix . '_' . $interval;
$points = [];
foreach ($summary as $product => $fields) {
$points[] = new Point($measurement, null,
['product' => $product] + $tags, $fields, $value->getTimestamp());
return count($points);
function write($points)
static $database = null;
if (!$database) {
$database = InfluxDB\Client::fromDSN('influxdb://');
if (!$database->writePoints($points, Database::PRECISION_SECONDS)) die('failed to write points');