2024-05-07 21:52:32 +02:00

1396 lines
49 KiB

from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from dateutil.parser import parse as date_parse
import re
import socket
import logging
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Literal
from lxml import etree as ET
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from osc.core import ReviewState, create_submit_request
from osc.core import get_binarylist
from osc.core import get_commitlog
from osc.core import get_dependson
from osc.connection import http_DELETE
from osc.connection import http_GET
from osc.connection import http_POST
from osc.connection import http_PUT
from osc.core import makeurl
from osc.core import owner
from osc.core import search as osc_core_search
from osc.core import Request
from osc.core import Action
from osc.core import show_package_meta
from osc.core import show_project_meta
from osc.core import show_results_meta
from osc.core import xpath_join
from osc.util.helper import decode_it
from osc import conf
from osclib.conf import Config
from osclib.memoize import memoize
import traceback
BINARY_REGEX = r'(?:.*::)?(?P<filename>(?P<name>.*)-(?P<version>[^-]+)-(?P<release>[^-]+)\.(?P<arch>[^-\.]+))'
BinaryParsed = namedtuple('BinaryParsed', ('package', 'filename', 'name', 'arch'))
REQUEST_STATES_MINUS_ACCEPTED = ['new', 'review', 'declined', 'revoked', 'superseded']
def group_members(apiurl, group, maintainers=False):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['group', group])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
if maintainers:
return root.xpath('maintainer/@userid')
return root.xpath('person/person/@userid')
def groups_members(apiurl, groups):
members = []
for group in groups:
members.extend(group_members(apiurl, group))
return members
def get_request_list_with_history(
apiurl, project='', package='', req_who='', req_state=('new', 'review', 'declined'),
req_type=None, exclude_target_projects=[]):
"""using an xpath search to get full request history. deprecated copy of old code from osc 0.x."""
import warnings
"get_request_list_with_history() uses an xpath search, which is slow. consider porting to"
"use osc.core.get_request_collection() instead.",
xpath = ''
if 'all' not in req_state:
for state in req_state:
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, f'state/@name=\'{state}\'', inner=True)
if req_who:
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, '(state/@who=\'%(who)s\' or history/@who=\'%(who)s\')' % {'who': req_who}, op='and')
# XXX: we cannot use the '|' in the xpath expression because it is not supported
# in the backend
todo = {}
if project:
todo['project'] = project
if package:
todo['package'] = package
for kind, val in todo.items():
xpath_base = 'action/target/@%(kind)s=\'%(val)s\''
if conf.config['include_request_from_project']:
xpath_base = xpath_join(xpath_base, 'action/source/@%(kind)s=\'%(val)s\'', op='or', inner=True)
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, xpath_base % {'kind': kind, 'val': val}, op='and', nexpr_parentheses=True)
if req_type:
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, f'action/@type=\'{req_type}\'', op='and')
for i in exclude_target_projects:
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, f'(not(action/target/@project=\'{i}\'))', op='and')
if conf.config['verbose'] > 1:
print(f'[ {xpath} ]')
queries = {}
queries['request'] = {'withfullhistory': '1'}
res = osc_core_search(apiurl, queries=queries, request=xpath)
collection = res['request']
requests = []
for root in collection.findall('request'):
r = Request()
return requests
def convert_from_osc_et(xml):
"""osc uses xml.etree while we rely on lxml."""
from xml.etree import ElementTree as oscET
return ET.fromstring(oscET.tostring(xml))
def owner_fallback(apiurl, project, package):
root = owner(apiurl, package, project=project)
entry = root.find('owner') if root else None
if not entry or project.startswith(entry.get('project')):
# Fallback to global (ex Factory) maintainer.
root = owner(apiurl, package)
return convert_from_osc_et(root)
def maintainers_get(apiurl, project, package=None):
if package is None:
meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
maintainers = meta.xpath('//person[@role="maintainer"]/@userid')
groups = meta.xpath('//group[@role="maintainer"]/@groupid')
maintainers.extend(groups_members(apiurl, groups))
return maintainers
root = owner_fallback(apiurl, project, package)
maintainers = root.xpath('//person[@role="maintainer"]/@name')
groups = root.xpath('//group[@role="maintainer"]/@name')
maintainers.extend(groups_members(apiurl, groups))
return maintainers
def package_role_expand(apiurl, project, package, role='maintainer', inherit=True):
All users with a certain role on a package, including those who have the role directly assigned
and those who are part of a group with that role.
meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_package_meta(apiurl, project, package))
users = meta_role_expand(apiurl, meta, role)
if inherit:
users.extend(project_role_expand(apiurl, project, role))
return users
def project_role_expand(apiurl, project, role='maintainer'):
All users with a certain role on a project, including those who have the role directly assigned
and those who are part of a group with that role.
meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
return meta_role_expand(apiurl, meta, role)
def meta_role_expand(apiurl, meta, role='maintainer'):
users = meta.xpath(f'//person[@role="{role}"]/@userid')
groups = meta.xpath(f'//group[@role="{role}"]/@groupid')
users.extend(groups_members(apiurl, groups))
return users
def package_list(apiurl, project, expand=True):
query = {}
if expand:
query['expand'] = 1
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project], query)
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
packages = []
for package in root.findall('entry'):
return sorted(packages)
def target_archs(apiurl, project, repository='standard'):
meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
return meta.xpath(f'repository[@name="{repository}"]/arch/text()')
def depends_on(apiurl, project, repository, packages=None, reverse=None):
dependencies = set()
for arch in target_archs(apiurl, project, repository):
root = ET.fromstring(get_dependson(apiurl, project, repository, arch, packages, reverse))
dependencies.update(pkgdep.text for pkgdep in root.findall('.//pkgdep'))
return dependencies
def request_when_staged(request, project, first=False):
when = None
for history in request.statehistory:
if project in history.comment:
when = history.when
return date_parse(when)
def binary_list(apiurl, project, repository, arch, package=None):
parsed = []
for binary in get_binarylist(apiurl, project, repository, arch, package):
result = re.match(RPM_REGEX, binary)
if not result:
name = result.group('name')
if name.endswith('-debuginfo') or name.endswith('-debuginfo-32bit'):
if name.endswith('-debugsource'):
if result.group('arch') == 'src':
parsed.append(BinaryParsed(package, result.group('filename'), name, result.group('arch')))
return parsed
def package_binary_list(apiurl, project, repository, arch, package=None, strip_multibuild=True, exclude_src_debug=False):
path = ['build', project, repository, arch]
if package:
url = makeurl(apiurl, path, {'view': 'binaryversions'})
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
package_binaries = []
binary_map = {} # last duplicate wins
for binary_list in root:
package = binary_list.get('package')
if strip_multibuild:
package = package.split(':', 1)[0]
for binary in binary_list:
filename = binary.get('name')
result = re.match(RPM_REGEX, filename)
if not result:
binary = BinaryParsed(package, result.group('filename'),
result.group('name'), result.group('arch'))
if exclude_src_debug and binary_src_debug(binary):
binary_map[result.group('filename')] = package
return package_binaries, binary_map
def binary_src_debug(binary):
return (
binary.arch == 'src' or
binary.arch == 'nosrc' or
binary.name.endswith('-debuginfo') or
def devel_project_get(apiurl: str, target_project: str, target_package: str) -> Union[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[Literal[None], Literal[None]]]:
"""Fetch the devel project & package name of the supplied ``target_project``
and ``target_package`` and return the devel project and devel package name
as a tuple. If no devel project has been defined, then return ``None,
meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_package_meta(apiurl, target_project, target_package))
node = meta.find('devel')
if node is not None:
return node.get('project'), node.get('package')
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code != 404:
raise e
return None, None
def devel_project_fallback(apiurl, target_project, target_package):
project, package = devel_project_get(apiurl, target_project, target_package)
if project is None and target_project != 'openSUSE:Factory':
if target_project.startswith('openSUSE:'):
project, package = devel_project_get(apiurl, 'openSUSE:Factory', target_package)
elif target_project.startswith('SUSE:'):
# For SLE (assume IBS), fallback to openSUSE:Factory devel projects.
project, package = devel_project_get(apiurl, 'openSUSE.org:openSUSE:Factory', target_package)
if project:
# Strip openSUSE.org: prefix since string since not used for lookup.
project = project.split(':', 1)[1]
return project, package
def devel_projects(apiurl, project):
devel_projects = set()
root = search(apiurl, 'package', f"@project='{project}' and devel/@project!=''")
for devel_project in root.xpath('package/devel/@project'):
if devel_project != project:
return sorted(devel_projects)
def request_created(request):
if isinstance(request, Request):
created = request.statehistory[0].when
created = request.find('history').get('when')
return date_parse(created)
def request_age(request):
return datetime.utcnow() - request_created(request)
def project_list_prefix(apiurl, prefix):
"""Get a list of project with the same prefix."""
query = {'match': f'starts-with(@name, "{prefix}")'}
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['search', 'project', 'id'], query)
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
return root.xpath('project/@name')
def project_locked(apiurl, project):
meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
return meta.find('lock/enable') is not None
# Depdendency helpers
def fileinfo_ext_all(apiurl, project, repo, arch, package):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', project, repo, arch, package])
binaries = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for binary in binaries.findall('binary'):
filename = binary.get('filename')
if not filename.endswith('.rpm'):
if filename.endswith('.src.rpm'):
if '-debuginfo-' in filename or '-debugsource-' in filename:
yield fileinfo_ext(apiurl, project, repo, arch, package, filename)
def fileinfo_ext(apiurl, project, repo, arch, package, filename):
url = makeurl(apiurl,
['build', project, repo, arch, package, filename],
{'view': 'fileinfo_ext'})
return ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
def builddepinfo(apiurl, project, repo, arch, order=False):
query = {}
if order:
query['view'] = 'order'
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', project, repo, arch, '_builddepinfo'], query)
return ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
def entity_email(apiurl, key, entity_type='person', include_name=False):
url = makeurl(apiurl, [entity_type, key])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
email = root.find('email')
if email is None:
return None
email = email.text
realname = root.find('realname')
if include_name and realname is not None:
email = f'{realname.text} <{email}>'
return email
def source_file_load(apiurl, project, package, filename, revision=None):
query = {'expand': 1}
if revision:
query['rev'] = revision
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, filename], query)
return decode_it(http_GET(url).read())
except HTTPError:
return None
def source_file_save(apiurl, project, package, filename, content, comment=None):
comment = message_suffix('updated', comment)
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, filename], {'comment': comment})
http_PUT(url, data=content)
def source_file_ensure(apiurl, project, package, filename, content, comment=None):
if content != source_file_load(apiurl, project, package, filename):
source_file_save(apiurl, project, package, filename, content, comment)
def project_pseudometa_package(apiurl, project):
package = Config.get(apiurl, project).get('pseudometa_package', '00Meta')
if '/' in package:
project, package = package.split('/', 2)
return project, package
def project_pseudometa_file_load(apiurl, project, filename, revision=None):
project, package = project_pseudometa_package(apiurl, project)
source_file = source_file_load(apiurl, project, package, filename, revision)
if source_file is not None:
source_file = source_file.rstrip()
return source_file
def project_pseudometa_file_save(apiurl, project, filename, content, comment=None):
project, package = project_pseudometa_package(apiurl, project)
source_file_save(apiurl, project, package, filename, content, comment)
def project_pseudometa_file_ensure(apiurl, project, filename, content, comment=None):
if content != project_pseudometa_file_load(apiurl, project, filename):
project_pseudometa_file_save(apiurl, project, filename, content, comment)
# Should be an API call that says give me "real" packages that does not include
# multibuild entries, nor linked packages, nor maintenance update packages, but
# does included inherited packages from project layering. Unfortunately, no such
# call provides either server-side filtering nor enough information to filter
# client-side. As such extra calls must be made for each package to handle the
# various different cases that can exist between products. For a more detailed
# write-up see the opensuse-buildservice mailing list thread:
# https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-buildservice/2019-05/msg00020.html.
def package_list_kind_filtered(apiurl, project, kinds_allowed=['source']):
query = {
'view': 'info',
'nofilename': '1',
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project], query)
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for package in root.xpath('sourceinfo/@package'):
kind = package_kind(apiurl, project, package)
if kind not in kinds_allowed:
yield package
def attribute_value_load(
apiurl: str,
project: str,
name: str,
namespace: str = 'OSRT',
package: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[Union[str, Literal[True]]]:
"""Fetch an attribute from the OBS instance with the given ``apiurl`` for
the given ``project`` (and optionally for a package if a package name is
provided). The attribute is expected to have the name ``$namespace:$name``,
with the namespace defaulting to ``OSRT``.
Attributes are stored as xml and can be either strings or are interpreted as
``True`` if only the element is present but has no other children or
path = list(filter(None, ['source', project, package, '_attribute', namespace + ':' + name]))
url = makeurl(apiurl, path)
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
return None
raise e
xpath_base = f'./attribute[@namespace="{namespace}" and @name="{name}"]'
value = root.xpath(f'{xpath_base}/value/text()')
if not len(value):
if root.xpath(xpath_base):
# Handle boolean attributes that are present, but have no value.
return True
return None
return str(value[0])
# New attributes must be defined manually before they can be used. Example:
# `osc api /attribute/OSRT/IgnoredIssues/_meta outputs`
# The new attribute can be created via:
# `api -T $xml /attribute/OSRT/$NEWATTRIBUTE/_meta`
# Remember to create for both OBS and IBS as necessary.
def attribute_value_save(
apiurl: str,
project: str,
name: str,
value: str,
package: Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
root = ET.Element('attributes')
attribute = ET.SubElement(root, 'attribute')
attribute.set('namespace', namespace)
attribute.set('name', name)
ET.SubElement(attribute, 'value').text = value
# The OBS API of attributes is super strange, POST to update.
url = makeurl(apiurl, list(filter(None, ['source', project, package, '_attribute'])))
http_POST(url, data=ET.tostring(root))
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
logging.error(f"Saving attribute {namespace}:{name} to {project} failed. You may need to create the type on your instance.")
raise e
def attribute_value_delete(apiurl: str, project: str, name: str, namespace='OSRT', package: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
apiurl, list(filter(None, ['source', project, package, '_attribute', namespace + ':' + name]))))
def repository_path_expand(apiurl: str, project: str, repo: str, visited_repos: Optional[set] = None):
"""Recursively list underlying projects."""
if visited_repos is None:
visited_repos = set()
repos = [[project, repo]]
meta = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
paths = meta.findall(f'.//repository[@name="{repo}"]/path')
# The listed paths are taken as-is, except for the last one...
for path in paths[:-1]:
repos += [[path.get('project', project), path.get('repository')]]
# ...which is expanded recursively
if len(paths) > 0:
p_project = paths[-1].get('project', project)
p_repository = paths[-1].get('repository')
if (p_project, p_repository) not in visited_repos:
visited_repos.add((p_project, p_repository))
repos += repository_path_expand(apiurl, p_project, p_repository, visited_repos)
return repos
def repository_path_search(apiurl, project, search_project, search_repository):
queue = []
# Initialize breadth first search queue with repositories from top project.
root = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
for repository in root.xpath('repository[path[@project and @repository]]/@name'):
queue.append((repository, project, repository))
# Perform a breadth first search and return the first repository chain with
# a series of path elements targeting search project and repository.
for repository_top, project, repository in queue:
if root.get('name') != project:
# Repositories for a single project are in a row so cache parsing.
root = ET.fromstringlist(show_project_meta(apiurl, project))
paths = root.findall(f'repository[@name="{repository}"]/path')
for path in paths:
if path.get('project') == search_project and path.get('repository') == search_repository:
return repository_top
queue.append((repository_top, path.get('project'), path.get('repository')))
return None
def repository_arch_state(apiurl, project, repository, arch):
# just checking the mtimes of the repository's binaries
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', project, repository, arch, '_repository'])
from osclib.util import sha1_short
return sha1_short(http_GET(url).read())
except HTTPError as e:
# e.g. staging projects inherit the project config from 'ports' repository.
# but that repository does not contain the archs we want, as such it has no state
if e.code != 404:
raise e
def repository_state(apiurl, project, repository, archs=[]):
if not len(archs):
archs = target_archs(apiurl, project, repository)
# Unfortunately, the state hash reflects the published state and not the
# binaries published in repository. As such request binary list and hash.
combined_state = []
for arch in archs:
state = repository_arch_state(apiurl, project, repository, arch)
if state:
from osclib.util import sha1_short
return sha1_short(combined_state)
def repositories_states(apiurl, repository_pairs, archs=[]):
states = []
for project, repository in repository_pairs:
state = repository_state(apiurl, project, repository, archs)
if state:
return states
def repository_published(apiurl, project, repository, archs=[]):
# In a perfect world this would check for the existence of imports from i586
# into x86_64, but in an even more perfect world OBS would show archs that
# depend on another arch for imports as not completed until the dependent
# arch completes. This is a simplified check that ensures x86_64 repos are
# not indicated as published when i586 has not finished which is primarily
# useful for repo_checker when only checking x86_64. The API treats archs as
# a filter on what to return and thus non-existent archs do not cause an
# issue nor alter the result.
if 'x86_64' in archs and 'i586' not in archs:
# Create a copy to avoid altering caller's list.
archs = list(archs)
root = ET.fromstringlist(show_results_meta(
apiurl, project, multibuild=True, repository=[repository], arch=archs))
return not len(root.xpath('result[@state!="published" and @state!="unpublished"]'))
def repositories_published(apiurl, repository_pairs, archs=[]):
for project, repository in repository_pairs:
if not repository_published(apiurl, project, repository, archs):
return (project, repository)
return True
def project_meta_revision(apiurl, project):
root = ET.fromstringlist(get_commitlog(
apiurl, project, '_project', None, format='xml', meta=True))
return int(root.find('logentry').get('revision'))
def package_source_changed(apiurl, project, package):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, '_history'], {'limit': 1})
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(root.find('revision/time').text), timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
def package_source_age(apiurl, project, package):
return datetime.utcnow() - package_source_changed(apiurl, project, package)
def entity_exists(apiurl: str, project: str, package: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
"""Check whether the project or the project/package exists on the OBS
instance behind the supplied apiurl and return True if it exists or False
http_GET(makeurl(apiurl, list(filter(None, ['source', project, package])) + ['_meta']))
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
return False
raise e
return True
def package_kind(
apiurl, project, package
) -> Optional[Literal['meta', 'multibuild_subpackage', 'patchinfo', 'maintenance_update', 'multispec_subpackage', 'source']]:
if package.startswith('00') or package.startswith('_'):
return 'meta'
if ':' in package:
return 'multibuild_subpackage'
if package.startswith('patchinfo.'):
return 'patchinfo'
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, '_meta'])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
return None
raise e
if root.find('releasename') is not None and root.find('releasename').text != package:
return 'maintenance_update'
# Some multispec subpackages do not have bcntsynctag, so check link.
link = entity_source_link(apiurl, project, package)
if link is not None and link.get('cicount') == 'copy':
kind_target = package_kind(apiurl, project, link.get('package'))
if kind_target != 'maintenance_update':
# If a multispec subpackage was updated via a maintenance update the
# proper link information is lost and it will be considered source.
return 'multispec_subpackage'
return 'source'
def entity_source_link(apiurl, project, package=None):
if package:
parts = ['source', project, package, '_link']
parts = ['source', project, '_meta']
url = makeurl(apiurl, parts)
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
return None
raise e
return root if package else root.find('link')
def package_source_link_copy(apiurl, project, package):
link = entity_source_link(apiurl, project, package)
return link is not None and link.get('cicount') == 'copy'
# Ideally, all package_source_hash* functions would operate on srcmd5, but
# unfortunately that is not practical for real use-cases. The srcmd5 includes
# service run information in addition to the presence of a link even if the
# expanded sources are identical. The verifymd5 sum excludes such information
# and only covers the sources (as should be the point), but looks at the link
# sources which means for projects like devel which link to the head revision of
# downstream all the verifymd5 sums are the same. This makes the summary md5s
# provided by OBS useless for comparing source and really anything. Instead the
# individual file md5s are used to generate a sha1 which is used for comparison.
# In the case of maintenance projects they are structured such that the updates
# are suffixed packages and the unsuffixed package is empty and only links to
# a specific suffixed package each revision. As such for maintenance projects
# the link must be expanded and is safe to do so. Additionally, projects that
# inherit packages need to same treatment (ie. expanding) until they are
# overridden within the project.
def package_source_hash(apiurl, project, package, revision=None):
query = {}
if revision:
query['rev'] = revision
# Will not catch packages that previous had a link, but no longer do.
if package_source_link_copy(apiurl, project, package):
query['expand'] = 1
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package], query)
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 400 or e.code == 404:
# 400: revision not found, 404: package not found.
return None
raise e
if revision and root.find('error') is not None:
# OBS returns XML error instead of HTTP 404 if revision not found.
return None
from osclib.util import sha1_short
return sha1_short(root.xpath('entry[@name!="_link"]/@md5'))
def package_source_hash_history(apiurl, project, package, limit=5, include_project_link=False):
# get_commitlog() reverses the order so newest revisions are first.
root = ET.fromstringlist(
get_commitlog(apiurl, project, package, None, format='xml'))
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
raise e
if include_project_link:
source_hashes = []
source_md5s = root.xpath('logentry/@srcmd5')
for source_md5 in source_md5s[:limit]:
source_hash = package_source_hash(apiurl, project, package, source_md5)
yield source_hash
if include_project_link:
if include_project_link and (not limit or len(source_md5s) < limit):
link = entity_source_link(apiurl, project)
if link is None:
project = link.get('project')
if limit:
limit_remaining = limit - len(source_md5s)
# Allow small margin for duplicates.
for source_hash in package_source_hash_history(apiurl, project, package, None, True):
if source_hash in source_hashes:
yield source_hash
if limit:
limit_remaining += -1
if limit_remaining == 0:
def package_version(apiurl, project, package):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, package, '_history'], {'limit': 1})
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
return False
raise e
return str(root.xpath('(//version)[last()]/text()')[0])
def project_attribute_list(apiurl, attribute, locked=None):
xpath = f'attribute/@name="{attribute}"'
root = search(apiurl, 'project', xpath)
for project in root.xpath('project/@name'):
# Locked not exposed via OBS xpath engine.
if locked is not None and project_locked(apiurl, project) != locked:
yield project
# OBS xpath engine does not support multiple attribute queries nor negation. As
# such both must be done client-side.
def project_attributes_list(apiurl, attributes, attributes_not=None, locked=None):
projects = set()
for attribute in attributes:
projects.update(project_attribute_list(apiurl, attribute, locked))
for attribute in attributes_not:
projects.difference_update(project_attribute_list(apiurl, attribute, locked))
return list(projects)
def project_remote_list(apiurl):
remotes = {}
root = search(apiurl, 'project', 'starts-with(remoteurl, "http")')
for project in root.findall('project'):
# Strip ending /public as the only use-cases for manually checking
# remote projects is to query them directly to use an API that does not
# work over the interconnect. As such /public will have same problem.
remotes[project.get('name')] = re.sub('/public$', '', project.find('remoteurl').text)
return remotes
def project_remote_apiurl(apiurl, project):
remotes = project_remote_list(apiurl)
for remote in remotes:
if project.startswith(remote + ':'):
return remotes[remote], project[len(remote) + 1:]
return apiurl, project
def project_remote_prefixed(apiurl, apiurl_remote, project):
if apiurl_remote == apiurl:
return project
remotes = project_remote_list(apiurl)
for remote, remote_apiurl in remotes.items():
if remote_apiurl == apiurl_remote:
return remote + ':' + project
raise Exception(f'remote APIURL interconnect not configured for{apiurl_remote}')
def review_find_last(request, user, states=['all']):
for review in reversed(request.reviews):
if review.by_user == user and ('all' in states or review.state in states):
return review
return None
def reviews_remaining(request: Request, incident_psuedo=False) -> List[ReviewState]:
reviews = []
for review in request.reviews:
if review.state != 'accepted':
if incident_psuedo:
# Add review in the same style as the staging review used for non
# maintenance projects to allow for the same wait on review.
for action in request.actions:
if action.type == 'maintenance_incident':
return reviews
def review_short(review):
if review.by_user:
return review.by_user
if review.by_group:
return review.by_group
if review.by_project:
if review.by_package:
return '/'.join([review.by_project, review.by_package])
return review.by_project
return None
def issue_trackers(apiurl):
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['issue_trackers'])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
trackers = {}
for tracker in root.findall('issue-tracker'):
trackers[tracker.find('name').text] = tracker.find('label').text
return trackers
def issue_tracker_by_url(apiurl: str, tracker_url: str) -> Optional[str]:
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['issue_trackers'])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
if not tracker_url.endswith('/'):
# All trackers are formatted with trailing slash.
tracker_url += '/'
return next(iter(root.xpath(f'issue-tracker[url[text()="{tracker_url}"]]') or []), None)
def issue_tracker_label_apply(tracker, identifier):
return tracker.find('label').text.replace('@@@', identifier)
def request_remote_identifier(apiurl: str, apiurl_remote: str, request_id: str) -> str:
if apiurl_remote == apiurl:
return f'request#{request_id}'
# The URL differences make this rather convoluted.
tracker = issue_tracker_by_url(apiurl, apiurl_remote.replace('api.', 'build.'))
if tracker is not None:
return issue_tracker_label_apply(tracker, request_id)
return request_id
def duplicated_binaries_in_repo(apiurl, project, repository):
duplicates = {}
for arch in sorted(target_archs(apiurl, project, repository), reverse=True):
package_binaries, _ = package_binary_list(
apiurl, project, repository, arch,
strip_multibuild=False, exclude_src_debug=True)
binaries = {}
for pb in package_binaries:
if pb.arch != 'noarch' and pb.arch != arch:
binaries.setdefault(arch, {})
if pb.name in binaries[arch]:
duplicates.setdefault(str(arch), {})
duplicates[arch].setdefault(pb.name, set())
binaries[arch][pb.name] = pb.package
# convert sets to lists for readable yaml
for arch in duplicates.keys():
for name in duplicates[arch].keys():
duplicates[arch][name] = list(duplicates[arch][name])
return duplicates
# osc.core.search() is over-complicated and does not return lxml element.
def search(apiurl, path, xpath, query={}):
query['match'] = xpath
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['search', path], query)
return ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
def action_is_patchinfo(action):
return (action.type == 'maintenance_incident' and (
action.src_package == 'patchinfo' or action.src_package.startswith('patchinfo.')))
def request_action_key(action: Action) -> str:
identifier = []
if action.type in ['add_role', 'change_devel', 'maintenance_release', 'set_bugowner', 'submit']:
if action.tgt_package is not None:
if action.type in ['add_role', 'set_bugowner']:
if action.person_name is not None:
if action.type == 'add_role':
if action.type == 'add_role':
elif action.type == 'delete':
if action.tgt_package is not None:
elif action.tgt_repository is not None:
elif action.type == 'maintenance_incident':
if not action_is_patchinfo(action):
return '::'.join(['/'.join(identifier), action.type])
def request_action_list_maintenance_incident(apiurl, project, package, states=['new', 'review']):
# The maintenance workflow seems to be designed to be as difficult to find
# requests as possible. As such, in order to find incidents for a given
# target project one must search for the requests in two states: before and
# after being assigned to an incident project. Additionally, one must search
# the "maintenance projects" denoted by an attribute instead of the actual
# target project. To make matters worse the actual target project of the
# request is not accessible via search (ie. action/target/releaseproject)
# so it must be checked client side. Lastly, since multiple actions are also
# designed completely wrong one must loop over the actions and recheck the
# search parameters to figure out which action caused the request to be
# included in the search results. Overall, another prime example of design
# done completely and utterly wrong.
package_repository = f"{package}.{project.replace(':', '_')}"
# Loop over all maintenance projects and create selectors for the two
# request states for the given project.
xpath = ''
for maintenance_project in project_attribute_list(apiurl, 'OBS:MaintenanceProject'):
xpath_project = ''
# Before being assigned to an incident.
xpath_project = xpath_join(xpath_project, 'action/target/@project="{}"'.format(
xpath_project_package = ''
xpath_project_package = xpath_join(
xpath_project_package, f'action/source/@package="{package}"')
xpath_project_package = xpath_join(
xpath_project_package, 'action/source/@package="{}"'.format(
package_repository), op='or', inner=True)
xpath_project = xpath_join(xpath_project, f'({xpath_project_package})', op='and', inner=True)
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, xpath_project, op='or', nexpr_parentheses=True)
xpath_project = ''
# After being assigned to an incident.
xpath_project = xpath_join(xpath_project, 'starts-with(action/target/@project,"{}:")'.format(
xpath_project = xpath_join(xpath_project, 'action/target/@package="{}"'.format(
package_repository), op='and', inner=True)
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, xpath_project, op='or', nexpr_parentheses=True)
xpath = f'({xpath})'
if 'all' not in states:
xpath_states = ''
for state in states:
xpath_states = xpath_join(xpath_states, f'state/@name="{state}"', inner=True)
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, xpath_states, op='and', nexpr_parentheses=True)
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'action/@type="maintenance_incident"', op='and')
root = search(apiurl, 'request', xpath)
for request_element in root.findall('request'):
request = Request()
for action in request.actions:
if action.type == 'maintenance_incident' and action.tgt_releaseproject == project and (
(action.tgt_package is None and
(action.src_package == package or action.src_package == package_repository)) or
(action.tgt_package == package_repository)):
yield request, action
def request_action_list_maintenance_release(apiurl, project, package, states=['new', 'review']):
package_repository = f"{package}.{project.replace(':', '_')}"
xpath = f'action/target/@project="{project}"'
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, f'action/source/@package="{package_repository}"', op='and', inner=True)
xpath = f'({xpath})'
if 'all' not in states:
xpath_states = ''
for state in states:
xpath_states = xpath_join(xpath_states, f'state/@name="{state}"', inner=True)
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, xpath_states, op='and', nexpr_parentheses=True)
xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'action/@type="maintenance_release"', op='and')
root = search(apiurl, 'request', xpath)
for request_element in root.findall('request'):
request = Request()
for action in request.actions:
if (action.type == 'maintenance_release' and
action.tgt_project == project and action.src_package == package_repository):
yield request, action
def request_action_simple_list(apiurl, project, package, states, request_type):
# Disable including source project in get_request_list() query.
before = conf.config['include_request_from_project']
conf.config['include_request_from_project'] = False
requests = get_request_list_with_history(apiurl, project, package, None, states, request_type)
conf.config['include_request_from_project'] = before
for request in requests:
for action in request.actions:
if action.tgt_project == project and action.tgt_package == package:
yield request, action
def request_action_list(apiurl, project, package, states=['new', 'review'], types=['submit']):
for request_type in types:
if request_type == 'maintenance_incident':
yield from request_action_list_maintenance_incident(apiurl, project, package, states)
if request_type == 'maintenance_release':
yield from request_action_list_maintenance_release(apiurl, project, package, states)
yield from request_action_simple_list(apiurl, project, package, states, request_type)
def request_action_list_source(apiurl, project, package, states=['new', 'review'], include_release=False):
types = []
if attribute_value_load(apiurl, project, 'Maintained', 'OBS'):
if include_release:
yield from request_action_list(apiurl, project, package, states, types)
def request_create_submit(apiurl, source_project, source_package,
target_project, target_package=None, message=None, revision=None,
ignore_if_any_request=False, supersede=True, frequency=None):
ignore_if_any_request: ignore source changes and do not submit if any prior requests
if not target_package:
target_package = source_package
source_hash = package_source_hash(apiurl, target_project, target_package)
source_hash_consider = package_source_hash(apiurl, source_project, source_package, revision)
if source_hash_consider == source_hash:
# No sense submitting identical sources.
return False
for request, action in request_action_list(
apiurl, target_project, target_package, REQUEST_STATES_MINUS_ACCEPTED, ['submit']):
if ignore_if_any_request:
return False
if not supersede and request.state.name in ('new', 'review'):
return False
if frequency and request_age(request).total_seconds() < frequency:
return False
source_hash_pending = package_source_hash(
apiurl, action.src_project, action.src_package, action.src_rev)
if source_hash_pending == source_hash_consider:
# Pending request with identical sources.
return False
message = message_suffix('created', message)
def create_function():
return create_submit_request(apiurl, source_project, source_package,
target_project, target_package,
message=message, orev=revision)
return RequestFuture('submit {}/{} -> {}/{}'.format(
source_project, source_package, target_project, target_package), create_function)
def request_create_delete(apiurl, target_project, target_package, message=None):
for request, action in request_action_list(
apiurl, target_project, target_package, REQUEST_STATES_MINUS_ACCEPTED, ['delete']):
return False
# No proper API function to perform the same operation.
message = message_suffix('created', message)
def create_function():
return create_delete_request(apiurl, target_project, target_package, message)
return RequestFuture(f'delete {target_project}/{target_package}', create_function)
def request_create_change_devel(apiurl, source_project, source_package,
target_project, target_package=None, message=None):
if not target_package:
target_package = source_package
for request, action in request_action_list(
apiurl, target_project, target_package, REQUEST_STATES_MINUS_ACCEPTED, ['change_devel']):
return False
message = message_suffix('created', message)
def create_function():
return create_change_devel_request(apiurl, source_project, source_package,
target_project, target_package, message)
return RequestFuture('change_devel {}/{} -> {}/{}'.format(
source_project, source_package, target_project, target_package), create_function)
def create_delete_request(apiurl, target_project, target_package=None, message=None):
"""Create a delete request"""
action = Action('delete', tgt_project=target_project, tgt_package=target_package)
return create_request(apiurl, action, message)
def create_change_devel_request(apiurl, source_project, source_package,
target_project, target_package=None, message=None):
"""Create a change_devel request"""
action = Action('change_devel', src_project=source_project, src_package=source_package,
tgt_project=target_project, tgt_package=target_package)
return create_request(apiurl, action, message)
def create_add_role_request(apiurl, target_project, user, role, target_package=None, message=None):
"""Create an add_role request
user -- user or group name. If it is a group, it has to start with 'group:'.
if user.startswith('group:'):
group = user.replace('group:', '')
kargs = dict(group_name=group, group_role=role)
kargs = dict(person_name=user, person_role=role)
action = Action('add_role', tgt_project=target_project, tgt_package=target_package, **kargs)
return create_request(apiurl, action, message)
def create_set_bugowner_request(apiurl, target_project, user, target_package=None, message=None):
"""Create an set_bugowner request
user -- user or group name. If it is a group, it has to start with 'group:'.
if user.startswith('group:'):
group = user.replace('group:', '')
kargs = dict(group_name=group)
kargs = dict(person_name=user)
action = Action('set_bugowner', tgt_project=target_project, tgt_package=target_package, **kargs)
return create_request(apiurl, action, message)
def create_request(apiurl, action, message=None):
"""Create a request for the given action
If no message is given, one is generated (see add_description)
r = Request()
add_description(r, message)
return r.reqid
class RequestFuture:
def __init__(self, description, create_function):
self.description = description
self.create_function = create_function
def create(self):
return self.create_function()
def create_tolerant(self):
return self.create()
except HTTPError:
return False
def print_and_create(self, dry=False):
if dry:
return None
request_id = self.create_tolerant()
print(f'{self} = {request_id}')
return request_id
def __str__(self):
return self.description
def add_description(request, text=None):
"""Add a description to the given request.
If a text is given, that is used as description. Otherwise a generic text is generated.
if not text:
text = message_suffix('created')
request.description = text
def message_suffix(action, message=None):
if not message:
message = f'{action} by OSRT tools'
message += f' (host {socket.gethostname()})'
return message
def request_state_change(apiurl, request_id, state):
query = {'newstate': state, 'cmd': 'changestate'}
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['request', request_id], query)
return ET.parse(http_POST(url)).getroot().get('code')