2013-03-24 08:00:46 +01:00

272 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my %dirs;
my @dirs;
my %modes;
my @modes;
my @modes_type;
my @modes_ghost;
my %files;
my %filesc;
$dirs{'/'} = 0;
push @dirs, '/';
$modes{'40755 0 root:root'} = 0;
push @modes, '40755 0 root:root';
push @modes_type, 040000;
push @modes_ghost, 0;
my $pkg = '';
my $fls = 0;
my $prv = 0;
my $con = 0;
my %con;
my %whatprovides;
die("Usage: findfileconflicts2 packages[.gz]\n") unless @ARGV == 1;
my @ftypes;
$ftypes[001] = 'p';
$ftypes[002] = 'c';
$ftypes[004] = 'd';
$ftypes[006] = 'b';
$ftypes[010] = '-';
$ftypes[012] = 'l';
$ftypes[014] = 's';
sub beautify_mode {
my @m = split(' ', $modes[$_[0]], 3);
my $fm = oct($m[0]);
my $ft = $fm & 0770000;
$fm &= ~0770000;
$ft = $ftypes[$ft >> 12 & 077] || '?';
my $rts = '';
my $rt = oct($m[1]);
$rts .= 'd' if $rt & 02;
$rts .= 'c' if $rt & 01;
$rts .= 'm' if $rt & 010;
$rts .= 'n' if $rt & 020;
$rts .= 'g' if $rt & 0100;
$rts .= 'l' if $rt & 0200;
$rts .= 'r' if $rt & 0400;
$rt &= ~0733;
$rts .= sprintf("%o", $rt) if $rt;
$rts .= ' ' if $rts;
return "$rts$ft".sprintf("%03o", $fm)." $m[2]";
print "scanning file list\n";
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /\.gz$/) {
open(FL, "-|", 'gunzip', '-dc', $ARGV[0]) || die("open $ARGV[0]: $!\n");
} else {
open(FL, '<', $ARGV[0]) || die("open $ARGV[0]: $!\n");
while(<FL>) {
if ($fls) {
if ($_ eq '-Flx:') {
$fls = 0;
next unless /^(\d+ (\d+) \S+) (.*\/)(.*?)$/;
my $n = $dirs{$3};
if (!defined($n)) {
$n = @dirs;
$dirs{$3} = $n;
$dirs[$n] = $3;
my $m = $modes{$1};
if (!defined($m)) {
$m = @modes;
$modes{$1} = $m;
$modes[$m] = $1;
$modes_type[$m] = oct($1) & 07770000;
$modes_ghost[$m] = oct($2) & 0100;
my $f = "$n/$4";
if (exists $files{$f}) {
$filesc{$f} ||= [ $files{$f} ];
push @{$filesc{$f}}, "$pkg/$m";
} else {
$files{$f} = "$pkg/$m";
if ($prv) {
if ($_ eq '-Prv:') {
$prv = 0;
s/ .*//; # no version stuff;
push @{$whatprovides{$_}}, $pkg;
if ($con) {
if ($_ eq '-Con:') {
$con = 0;
s/ .*//; # no version stuff;
push @{$con{$pkg}}, $_;
if (/^=Pkg: (.*)/) {
$pkg = $1;
my $n = $pkg;
$n =~ s/ .*//;
push @{$con{$pkg}}, $n;
if ($_ eq '+Con:') {
$con = 1 if $pkg;
if ($_ eq '+Prv:') {
$prv = 1 if $pkg;
if ($_ eq '+Flx:') {
$fls = 1;
close(FL) || die("close failed\n");
# connect dirs and add all dirs as files
print "connecting ".@dirs." directories\n";
for (@dirs) {
next unless /^(.*\/)(.*?)$/;
my $n = $dirs{$1};
if (!defined $n) {
$n = @dirs;
$dirs{$1} = $n;
$dirs[$n] = $1;
my $f = "$n/$2";
next unless $files{$f};
my (undef, $m) = split('/', $files{$f}, 2);
next if $modes_type[$m] == 040000;
# whoa, have a conflict. search for other dirs
my $have_dir;
for my $pkg (@{$filesc{$f} || []}) {
(undef, $m) = split('/', $pkg, 2);
$have_dir = 1 if $modes_type[$m] == 040000;
next if $have_dir;
$filesc{$f} ||= [ $files{$f} ];
push @{$filesc{$f}}, "implicit_directory 0 0 noarch pkg/0";
%files = (); # free mem
# reduce all-dir conflicts and trivial multiarch conflicts
print "reducing trivial conflicts\n";
for my $f (sort keys %filesc) {
my $allm;
my $allc = 1;
my $pkgn;
for my $pkg (@{$filesc{$f}}) {
my (undef, $m) = split('/', $pkg, 2);
die unless $pkg =~ /^([^ ]+) /;
$allm = $m unless defined $allm;
$allm = -1 if $allm != $m;
$pkgn = $1 unless defined $pkgn;
$allc = 0 if $pkgn ne $1;
if ($allc) {
delete $filesc{$f};
if (defined($allm) && $allm >= 0 && $modes_type[$allm] == 040000) {
delete $filesc{$f};
print "checking conflicts\n";
my %pkgneeded;
my %tocheck;
my %tocheck_files;
for my $f (sort keys %filesc) {
my @p = sort(@{$filesc{$f}}); # normalize
$filesc{$f} = [ @p ];
s/\/.*// for @p;
$pkgneeded{$_} = 1 for @p;
my $pn = join("\n", @p);
$tocheck{$pn} ||= [ @p ];
push @{$tocheck_files{$pn}}, $f;
my %conflicts;
for my $pkg (sort keys %con) {
next unless $pkgneeded{$pkg};
for my $c (@{$con{$pkg}}) {
for my $p (@{$whatprovides{$c} || []}) {
$conflicts{"$pkg\n$p"} = 1;
$conflicts{"$p\n$pkg"} = 1;
# let 32bit packages conflict with the i586 version
for my $pkg (sort keys %pkgneeded) {
next unless $pkg =~ /^([^ ]+)-32bit /;
my $n = $1;
for my $p (@{$whatprovides{$n} || []}) {
next unless $p =~ /^\Q$n\E .* i[56]86$/;
$conflicts{"$pkg\n$p"} = 1;
$conflicts{"$p\n$pkg"} = 1;
print "found ".(keys %tocheck)." conflict candidates\n";
print "checking...\n";
# now check each package combination for all candidates
for my $tc (sort keys %tocheck) {
my @p = @{$tocheck{$tc}};
while (@p) {
my $p1 = shift @p;
for my $p2 (@p) {
next if $conflicts{"$p1\n$p2"};
my @con;
for my $f (@{$tocheck_files{$tc}}) {
my @pp = grep {s/^(?:\Q$p1\E|\Q$p2\E)\///} map {$_} @{$filesc{$f}};
next unless @pp;
# ignore if (all directories or all ghosts) and all same mode;
my %allm = map {$_ => 1} @pp;
my $info = '';
if (keys(%allm) == 1) {
my $m = (keys(%allm))[0];
# all modes/flags are the same
# no conflict if all dirs or all ghosts
next if $modes_type[$m] == 040000 || $modes_ghost[$m] == 0100;
} else {
my $m = (keys(%allm))[0];
# don't report mode mismatches for files/symlinks that are not ghosts
if (($modes_type[$m] != 0100000 && $modes_type[$m] != 0120000) || $modes_ghost[$m] == 0100) {
$info = ' [mode mismatch: '.join(', ', map {beautify_mode($_)} @pp).']';
# got one!
$f =~ /^(\d+)\/(.*)/;
push @con, "$dirs[$1]$2$info";
next unless @con;
my @sp1 = split(' ', $p1);
my @sp2 = split(' ', $p2);
print "found conflict of $sp1[0]-$sp1[1]-$sp1[2].$sp1[3] with $sp2[0]-$sp2[1]-$sp2[2].$sp2[3]:\n";
print " - $_\n" for @con;