Stephan Kulow a098f41f63 Fail rabbit-openqa and have systemd restart it
There were still exceptions not caught - and I have the suspicion
that the memory leaks we see in production are caused by the reconnects
(if you google for python memory leaks you end up with pika and lxml
examples - both we use here, so a restart every couple of hours can't
2018-11-03 18:28:57 +01:00

271 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable File

import argparse
import logging
import pika
import sys
import json
import osc
import re
from time import sleep
from osc.core import http_GET, http_POST, makeurl
from M2Crypto.SSL import SSLError as SSLError
from osclib.conf import Config
from osclib.stagingapi import StagingAPI
from lxml import etree as ET
from openqa_client.client import OpenQA_Client
from openqa_client.exceptions import ConnectionError
from urllib import quote_plus
import requests
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
except ImportError:
# python 2.x
from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError
from PubSubConsumer import PubSubConsumer
class Project(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
Config(apiurl, name)
self.api = StagingAPI(apiurl, name)
self.staging_projects = dict()
self.listener = None
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.replace_string = self.api.attribute_value_load('OpenQAMapping')
def init(self):
for p in self.api.get_staging_projects():
if self.api.is_adi_project(p):
self.staging_projects[p] = self.initial_staging_state(p)
def staging_letter(self, name):
return name.split(':')[-1]
def map_iso(self, staging_project, iso):
parts = self.replace_string.split('/')
if parts[0] != 's':
raise Exception("{}'s iso_replace_string does not start with s/".format(
old = parts[1]
new = parts[2]
new = new.replace('$LETTER', self.staging_letter(staging_project))
return re.compile(old).sub(new, iso)
def gather_isos(self, name, repository):
url = self.api.makeurl(['published', name, repository, 'iso'])
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
ret = []
for entry in root.findall('entry'):
if entry.get('name').endswith('iso'):
ret.append(self.map_iso(name, entry.get('name')))
return ret
def gather_buildid(self, name, repository):
url = self.api.makeurl(['published', name, repository], {'view': 'status'})
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
id = ET.parse(f).getroot().find('buildid')
if id is not None:
return id.text
def initial_staging_state(self, name):
return {'isos': self.gather_isos(name, 'images'),
'id': self.gather_buildid(name, 'images')}
def fetch_openqa_jobs(self, staging, iso):
buildid = self.staging_projects[staging].get('id')
if not buildid:"I don't know the build id of " + staging)
# all openQA jobs are created at the same URL
url = self.api.makeurl(['status_reports', 'published', staging, 'images', 'reports', buildid])
openqa = self.listener.jobs_for_iso(iso)
# collect job infos to pick names
openqa_infos = dict()
for job in openqa:
print(staging, iso, job['id'], job['state'], job['result'],
job['settings']['MACHINE'], job['settings']['TEST'])
openqa_infos[job['id']] = {'url': self.listener.test_url(job)}
openqa_infos[job['id']]['state'] = self.map_openqa_result(job)
openqa_infos[job['id']]['name'] = job['settings']['TEST']
openqa_infos[job['id']]['machine'] = job['settings']['MACHINE']
# make sure the names are unique
taken_names = dict()
for id in openqa_infos:
name = openqa_infos[id]['name']
if name in taken_names:
openqa_infos[id]['name'] = openqa_infos[id]['name'] + "@" + openqa_infos[id]['machine']
# the other id
id = taken_names[name]
openqa_infos[id]['name'] = openqa_infos[id]['name'] + "@" + openqa_infos[id]['machine']
taken_names[name] = id
for info in openqa_infos.values():
xml = self.openqa_check_xml(info['url'], info['state'], 'openqa:' + info['name'])
http_POST(url, data=xml)
except HTTPError:
self.logger.error('failed to post status to ' + url)
def update_staging_status(self, project):
for iso in self.staging_projects[project]['isos']:
self.fetch_openqa_jobs(project, iso)
def update_staging_buildid(self, project, repository, buildid):
self.staging_projects[project]['id'] = buildid
self.staging_projects[project]['isos'] = self.gather_isos(project, repository)
def check_published_repo(self, project, repository, buildid):
if repository != 'images':
for p in self.staging_projects:
if project == p:
self.update_staging_buildid(project, repository, buildid)
def matching_project(self, iso):
for p in self.staging_projects:
if iso in self.staging_projects[p]['isos']:
return p
def map_openqa_result(self, job):
if job['result'] in ['passed', 'softfailed']:
return 'success'
if job['result'] == 'none':
return 'pending'
return 'failure'
def openqa_job_change(self, iso):
staging = self.matching_project(iso)
if not staging:
# we fetch all openqa jobs so we can avoid long job names
self.fetch_openqa_jobs(staging, iso)
def openqa_check_xml(self, url, state, name):
check = ET.Element('check')
se = ET.SubElement(check, 'url')
se.text = url
se = ET.SubElement(check, 'state')
se.text = state
se = ET.SubElement(check, 'name')
se.text = name
return ET.tostring(check)
class Listener(PubSubConsumer):
def __init__(self, amqp_prefix, amqp_url, openqa_url):
super(Listener, self).__init__(amqp_url, logging.getLogger(__name__))
self.projects = []
self.amqp_prefix = amqp_prefix
self.openqa_url = openqa_url
self.openqa = OpenQA_Client(server=openqa_url)
def routing_keys(self):
ret = []
for suffix in ['.obs.repo.published', '.openqa.job.done',
'.openqa.job.create', '.openqa.job.restart']:
ret.append(self.amqp_prefix + suffix)
return ret
def add(self, project):
project.listener = self
def start_consuming(self):
# now we are (re-)connected to the bus and need to fetch the
# initial state
for project in self.projects:'Fetching ISOs of %s',
project.init()'Finished fetching initial ISOs, listening')
super(Listener, self).start_consuming()
def jobs_for_iso(self, iso):
values = {
'iso': iso,
'scope': 'current',
'latest': '1',
return self.openqa.openqa_request('GET', 'jobs', values)['jobs']
def get_step_url(self, testurl, modulename):
failurl = testurl + '/modules/{!s}/fails'.format(quote_plus(modulename))
fails = requests.get(failurl).json()
failed_step = fails.get('first_failed_step', 1)
return "{!s}#step/{!s}/{:d}".format(testurl, modulename, failed_step)
def test_url(self, job):
url = self.openqa_url + ("/tests/%d" % job['id'])
if job['result'] == 'failed':
for module in job['modules']:
if module['result'] == 'failed':
return self.get_step_url(url, module['name'])
return url
def on_published_repo(self, payload):
for p in self.projects:
p.check_published_repo(str(payload['project']), str(payload['repo']), str(payload['buildid']))
def on_openqa_job(self, iso):
self.logger.debug('openqa_job_change', iso)
for p in self.projects:
def on_message(self, unused_channel, method, properties, body):
if method.routing_key == '{}.obs.repo.published'.format(amqp_prefix):
elif'.openqa.', method.routing_key):
self.logger.warning("unknown rabbitmq message {}".format(method.routing_key))
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Bot to sync openQA status to OBS')
parser.add_argument("--apiurl", '-A', type=str, help='API URL of OBS')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--staging', type=str, default=None,
help='staging project letter')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', default=False,
help='force the write of the comment')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--project', type=str, default='Factory',
help='openSUSE version to make the check (Factory, 13.2)')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False,
help='enable debug information')
args = parser.parse_args()
osc.conf.get_config(override_apiurl = args.apiurl)
osc.conf.config['debug'] = args.debug
apiurl = osc.conf.config['apiurl']
if apiurl.endswith(''):
amqp_prefix = 'suse'
amqp_url = "amqps://"
openqa_url = ''
amqp_prefix = 'opensuse'
amqp_url = "amqps://"
openqa_url = ''
l = Listener(amqp_prefix, amqp_url, openqa_url)
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['search', 'project', 'id'], {'match': 'attribute/@name="OSRT:OpenQAMapping"'})
f = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for entry in root.findall('project'):
except KeyboardInterrupt: