1093 lines
37 KiB
1093 lines
37 KiB
# (C) 2011 coolo@suse.de, Novell Inc, openSUSE.org
# Distribute under GPLv2 or GPLv3
# Copy this script to ~/.osc-plugins/ or /var/lib/osc-plugins .
# Then try to run 'osc check_repo --help' to see the usage.
import cPickle
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from functools import wraps
import fcntl
import os
import re
import shelve
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
from urllib import quote_plus
import urllib2
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from osc import oscerr
from osc import cmdln
from osc.core import get_binary_file
from osc.core import get_buildinfo
from osc.core import http_GET
from osc.core import http_POST
from osc.core import makeurl
from osc.core import Request
# XXX - Ugly Hack. Because the way that osc import plugings we need to
# declare some functions and objects used in the decorator as global
global cPickle
global deepcopy
global datetime
global fcntl
global shelve
global tempfile
global wraps
global Graph
global Package_
global memoize
global build
global last_build_success
global builddepinfo
class Graph(dict):
"""Graph object. Inspired in NetworkX data model."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize an empty graph."""
# The nodes are stored in the Graph dict itself, but the
# adjacent list is stored as an attribute.
self.adj = {}
def add_node(self, name, value):
"""Add a node in the graph."""
self[name] = value
if name not in self.adj:
self.adj[name] = set()
def add_nodes_from(self, nodes_and_values):
"""Add multiple nodes"""
for node, value in nodes_and_values:
self.add_node(node, value)
def add_edge(self, u, v, directed=True):
"""Add the edge u -> v, an v -> u if not directed."""
if not directed:
def add_edges_from(self, edges, directed=True):
"""Add the edges from an iterator."""
for u, v in edges:
self.add_edge(u, v, directed)
def remove_edge(self, u, v, directed=True):
"""Remove the edge u -> v, an v -> u if not directed."""
except KeyError:
if not directed:
except KeyError:
def remove_edges_from(self, edges, directed=True):
"""Remove the edges from an iterator."""
for u, v in edges:
self.remove_edge(u, v, directed)
def edges(self, v):
"""Get the adjancent list for a vertex."""
return sorted(self.adj[v]) if v in self else ()
def edges_to(self, v):
"""Get the all the vertex that point to v."""
return sorted(u for u in self.adj if v in self.adj[u])
def cycles(self):
"""Detect cycles using Tarjan algorithm."""
index = [0]
path = []
cycles = []
v_index = {}
v_lowlink = {}
def scc(node, v):
v_index[v], v_lowlink[v] = index[0], index[0]
index[0] += 1
for succ in self.adj.get(node, []):
w = self[succ]
if w not in v_index:
scc(succ, w)
v_lowlink[v] = min(v_lowlink[v], v_lowlink[w])
elif succ in path:
v_lowlink[v] = min(v_lowlink[v], v_index[w])
if v_index[v] == v_lowlink[v]:
i = path.index(node)
path[:], cycle = path[:i], frozenset(path[i:])
if len(cycle) > 1:
for node in sorted(self):
v = self[node]
if not getattr(v, 'index', 0):
scc(node, v)
return frozenset(cycles)
# XXX - Deprecated - Remove in a future release
def cycles_fragments(self):
"""Detect partial cycles using DFS."""
cycles = set()
visited = set()
path = []
def dfs(node):
if node in visited:
for succ in self.adj.get(node, []):
i = path.index(succ)
except ValueError:
i = None
if i is not None:
cycle = path[i:]
for node in sorted(self):
return frozenset(cycles)
class Package_(object):
"""Simple package container. Used in a graph as a vertex."""
def __init__(self, pkg=None, src=None, deps=None, subs=None, element=None):
self.pkg = pkg
self.src = src
self.deps = deps
self.subs = subs
if element:
def load(self, element):
"""Load a node from a ElementTree package XML element"""
self.pkg = element.attrib['name']
self.src = [e.text for e in element.findall('source')]
assert len(self.src) == 1, 'There are more that one source packages in the graph'
self.src = self.src[0]
self.deps = set(e.text for e in element.findall('pkgdep'))
self.subs = set(e.text for e in element.findall('subpkg'))
def __repr__(self):
return 'PKG: %s\nSRC: %s\nDEPS: %s\n SUBS: %s' % (self.pkg, self.src, self.deps, self.subs)
def memoize(ttl=None):
"""Decorator function to implement a persistent cache.
>>> @memoize()
... def test_func(a):
... return a
Internally, the memoized function has a cache:
>>> cache = [c.cell_contents for c in test_func.func_closure if 'sync' in dir(c.cell_contents)][0]
>>> 'sync' in dir(cache)
There is a limit of the size of the cache
>>> for k in cache:
... del cache[k]
>>> len(cache)
>>> for i in range(4095):
... test_func(i)
... len(cache)
>>> test_func(0)
>>> len(cache)
>>> test_func(4095)
>>> len(cache)
>>> test_func(0)
>>> len(cache)
>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> k = [k for k in cache if cPickle.loads(k) == ((0,), {})][0]
>>> t, v = cache[k]
>>> t = t - timedelta(days=10)
>>> cache[k] = (t, v)
>>> test_func(0)
>>> t2, v = cache[k]
>>> t != t2
# Configuration variables
TMPDIR = '~/.cr-cache' # Where the cache files are stored
SLOTS = 4096 # Number of slots in the cache file
NCLEAN = 1024 # Number of slots to remove when limit reached
TIMEOUT = 60*60*2 # Time to live for every cache slot (seconds)
def _memoize(f):
# Implement a POSIX lock / unlock extension for shelves. Inspired
# on ActiveState Code recipe #576591
def _lock(filename):
lckfile = open(filename + '.lck', 'w')
fcntl.flock(lckfile.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
return lckfile
def _unlock(lckfile):
fcntl.flock(lckfile.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN)
def _open_cache(cache_name):
lckfile = _lock(cache_name)
cache = shelve.open(cache_name, protocol=-1)
# Store a reference to the lckfile to avoid to be closed by gc
cache.lckfile = lckfile
return cache
def _close_cache(cache):
def _clean_cache(cache):
len_cache = len(cache)
if len_cache >= SLOTS:
nclean = NCLEAN + len_cache - SLOTS
keys_to_delete = sorted(cache, key=lambda k: cache[k][0])[:nclean]
for key in keys_to_delete:
del cache[key]
def _f(*args, **kwargs):
def total_seconds(td):
return (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600.) * 10**6) / 10**6
now = datetime.now()
key = cPickle.dumps((args, kwargs), protocol=-1)
updated = False
cache = _open_cache(cache_name)
if key in cache:
timestamp, value = cache[key]
updated = True if total_seconds(now-timestamp) < ttl else False
if not updated:
value = f(*args, **kwargs)
cache[key] = (now, value)
return value
cache_dir = os.path.expanduser(TMPDIR)
if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
cache_name = os.path.join(cache_dir, f.__name__)
return _f
ttl = ttl if ttl else TIMEOUT
return _memoize
def build(apiurl, project, repo, arch, package):
root = None
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', project, repo, arch, package])
root = http_GET(url).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print 'ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e)
return root
def last_build_success(apiurl, src_project, tgt_project, src_package, rev):
root = None
url = makeurl(apiurl,
['build', src_project,
'_result?lastsuccess&package=%s&pathproject=%s&srcmd5=%s' % (
root = http_GET(url).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print 'ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e)
return root
def builddepinfo(apiurl, project, repository, arch):
root = None
print 'Generating _builddepinfo for (%s, %s, %s)' % (project, repository, arch)
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['/build/%s/%s/%s/_builddepinfo' % (project, repository, arch),])
root = http_GET(url).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print 'ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e)
return root
def _check_repo_change_review_state(self, opts, id_, newstate, message='', supersed=None):
"""Taken from osc/osc/core.py, improved:
- verbose option added,
- empty by_user=& removed.
- numeric id can be int().
query = {
'cmd': 'changereviewstate',
'newstate': newstate,
'by_user': 'factory-repo-checker',
if supersed:
query['superseded_by'] = supersed
# if message:
# query['comment'] = message
code = 404
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['request', str(id_)], query=query)
f = http_POST(url, data=message)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
code = root.attrib['code']
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print 'ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e)
return code
def _check_repo_find_submit_request(self, opts, project, package):
xpath = "(action/target/@project='%s' and "\
"action/target/@package='%s' and "\
"action/@type='submit' and "\
"(state/@name='new' or state/@name='review' or "\
"state/@name='accepted'))" % (project, package)
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['search','request'], 'match=%s' % quote_plus(xpath))
f = http_GET(url)
collection = ET.parse(f).getroot()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print 'ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e)
return None
for root in collection.findall('request'):
r = Request()
return int(r.reqid)
return None
def _check_repo_fetch_group(self, opts, group):
if group in opts.groups:
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['request', str(group)])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
# Every opts.groups[group_id] will contains the list of ids that
# conform the group
groups = [int(req.attrib['id']) for req in root.find('action').findall('grouped')]
opts.groups[group] = groups
# opts.grouped[id] will point to the group_id which belongs to
grouped = dict((id_, group) for id_ in groups)
def _check_repo_avoid_wrong_friends(self, prj, repo, arch, pkg, opts):
xml = build(opts.apiurl, prj, repo, arch, pkg)
if xml:
root = ET.fromstring(xml)
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
# if there are binaries, we're out
return False
return True
def _check_repo_one_request(self, rq, opts):
class CheckRepoPackage:
def __repr__(self):
return '[%d:%s/%s]' % (int(self.request), self.sproject, self.spackage)
def __init__(self):
self.updated = False
self.error = None
self.build_excluded = False
id_ = int(rq.get('id'))
actions = rq.findall('action')
if len(actions) > 1:
msg = 'only one action per request is supported - create a group instead: '\
print 'DECLINED', msg
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'declined', message=msg)
return []
act = actions[0]
type_ = act.get('type')
if type_ != 'submit':
msg = 'Unchecked request type %s' % type_
print 'ACCEPTED', msg
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'accepted', message=msg)
return []
pkg = act.find('source').get('package')
prj = act.find('source').get('project')
rev = act.find('source').get('rev')
tprj = act.find('target').get('project')
tpkg = act.find('target').get('package')
subm_id = 'SUBMIT(%d):' % id_
print '%s %s/%s -> %s/%s' % (subm_id, prj, pkg, tprj, tpkg)
group = id_
if id_ in opts.grouped:
group = opts.grouped[id_]
# Search in which group this id_ is included. The result
# in an XML document pointing to a single submit request
# ID if this id_ is actually part of a group
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['search', 'request', 'id?match=action/grouped/@id=%s' % id_])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
reqs = root.findall('request')
if reqs:
group = int(reqs[0].attrib['id'])
# Recover the full group description, with more SRIDs
# and populate opts.group and opts.grouped
self._check_repo_fetch_group(opts, group)
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print 'ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e)
return []
packs = []
p = CheckRepoPackage()
p.spackage = pkg
p.sproject = prj
p.tpackage = tpkg
p.tproject = tprj
p.group = group
p.request = id_
# Get source information about the SR:
# - Source MD5
# - Entries (.tar.gz, .changes, .spec ...) and MD5
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['source', prj, pkg, '?expand=1&rev=%s' % rev])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print 'ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e)
return []
p.rev = root.attrib['srcmd5']
# Recover the .spec files
specs = [e.attrib['name'][:-5] for e in root.findall('entry') if e.attrib['name'].endswith('.spec')]
# source checker validated it exists
# Validate the rest of the spec files
for spec in specs:
lprj, lpkg, lmd5 = '', '', ''
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['source', prj, spec, '?expand=1'])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
link = root.find('linkinfo')
if link != None:
lprj = link.attrib.get('project', '')
lpkg = link.attrib.get('package', '')
lmd5 = link.attrib['srcmd5']
except urllib2.HTTPError:
pass # leave lprj
if lprj != prj or lpkg != pkg and not p.updated:
msg = '%s/%s should _link to %s/%s' % (prj, spec, prj, pkg)
print 'DECLINED', msg
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'declined', message=msg)
p.updated = True
if lmd5 != p.rev and not p.updated:
msg = '%s/%s is a link but has a different md5sum than %s?' % (prj, spec, pkg)
print 'DECLINED', msg
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'declined', message=msg)
p.updated = True
sp = CheckRepoPackage()
sp.spackage = spec
sp.sproject = prj
sp.tpackage = spec
sp.tproject = tprj
sp.group = p.group
sp.request = id_
sp.rev = root.attrib['srcmd5']
return packs
def _check_repo_buildsuccess(self, p, opts):
root_xml = last_build_success(opts.apiurl, p.sproject, p.tproject, p.spackage, p.rev)
root = ET.fromstring(root_xml)
if not root:
return False
if 'code' in root.attrib:
print ET.tostring(root)
return False
result = False
p.goodrepo = None
missings = {}
alldisabled = True
foundbuilding = None
foundfailed = None
tocheckrepos = []
for repo in root.findall('repository'):
archs = [a.attrib['arch'] for a in repo.findall('arch')]
foundarchs = len([a for a in archs if a in ('i586', 'x86_64')])
if foundarchs == 2:
if not tocheckrepos:
msg = 'Missing i586 and x86_64 in the repo list'
print 'UPDATED', msg
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, p.request, 'new', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
p.updated = True
return False
for repo in tocheckrepos:
isgood = True
founddisabled = False
r_foundbuilding = None
r_foundfailed = None
r_missings = {}
for arch in repo.findall('arch'):
if arch.attrib['arch'] not in ('i586', 'x86_64'):
if 'missing' in arch.attrib:
for pkg in arch.attrib['missing'].split(','):
if not self._check_repo_avoid_wrong_friends(p.sproject, repo.attrib['name'], arch.attrib['arch'], pkg, opts):
missings[pkg] = 1
if not (arch.attrib['result'] in ['succeeded', 'excluded']):
isgood = False
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'excluded' and arch.attrib['arch'] == 'x86_64':
p.build_excluded = True
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'disabled':
founddisabled = True
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'failed' or arch.attrib['result'] == 'unknown':
# Sometimes an unknown status is equivalent to
# disabled, but we map it as failed to have a human
# check (no autoreject)
r_foundfailed = repo.attrib['name']
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'building':
r_foundbuilding = repo.attrib['name']
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'outdated':
msg = "%s's sources were changed after submissions and the old sources never built. Please resubmit" % p.spackage
print 'DECLINED', msg
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, p.request, 'declined', message=msg)
# Next line is not needed, but for documentation
p.updated = True
return False
r_missings = r_missings.keys()
for pkg in r_missings:
missings[pkg] = 1
if not founddisabled:
alldisabled = False
if isgood:
p.goodrepo = repo.attrib['name']
result = True
if r_foundbuilding:
foundbuilding = r_foundbuilding
if r_foundfailed:
foundfailed = r_foundfailed
p.missings = sorted(missings)
if result:
return True
if alldisabled:
msg = '%s is disabled or does not build against factory. Please fix and resubmit' % p.spackage
print 'DECLINED', msg
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, p.request, 'declined', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
p.updated = True
return False
if foundbuilding:
msg = '%s is still building for repository %s' % (p.spackage, foundbuilding)
print 'UPDATED', msg
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, p.request, 'new', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
p.updated = True
return False
if foundfailed:
msg = '%s failed to build in repository %s - not accepting' % (p.spackage, foundfailed)
# failures might be temporary, so don't autoreject but wait for a human to check
print 'UPDATED', msg
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, p.request, 'new', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
p.updated = True
return False
return True
def _check_repo_repo_list(self, prj, repo, arch, pkg, opts, ignore=False):
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['build', prj, repo, arch, pkg])
files = []
binaries = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for bin_ in binaries.findall('binary'):
fn = bin_.attrib['filename']
result = re.match(r'(.*)-([^-]*)-([^-]*)\.([^-\.]+)\.rpm', fn)
if not result:
if fn == 'rpmlint.log':
files.append((fn, '', ''))
pname = result.group(1)
if pname.endswith('-debuginfo') or pname.endswith('-debuginfo-32bit'):
if pname.endswith('-debugsource'):
if result.group(4) == 'src':
files.append((fn, pname, result.group(4)))
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
# if not ignore:
# print 'ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e)
return files
def _check_repo_get_binary(self, apiurl, prj, repo, arch, package, file, target):
if os.path.exists(target):
get_binary_file(apiurl, prj, repo, arch, file, package = package, target_filename = target)
def _get_verifymd5(self, p, rev):
url = makeurl(self.get_api_url(), ['source', p.sproject, p.spackage, '?view=info&rev=%s' % rev])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print 'ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e)
return []
return root.attrib['verifymd5']
def _checker_compare_disturl(self, disturl, p):
distmd5 = os.path.basename(disturl).split('-')[0]
if distmd5 == p.rev:
return True
vrev1 = self._get_verifymd5(p, p.rev)
vrev2 = self._get_verifymd5(p, distmd5)
if vrev1 == vrev2:
return True
print 'ERROR Revision missmatch: %s, %s' % (vrev1, vrev2)
return False
def _check_repo_download(self, p, destdir, opts):
if p.build_excluded:
return [], []
p.destdir = destdir + '/%s' % p.tpackage
if not os.path.isdir(p.destdir):
os.makedirs(p.destdir, 0755)
# we can assume x86_64 is there
todownload = []
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(p.sproject, p.goodrepo, 'x86_64', p.spackage, opts):
todownload.append(('x86_64', fn[0]))
# now fetch -32bit packs
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(p.sproject, p.goodrepo, 'i586', p.spackage, opts):
if fn[2] == 'x86_64':
todownload.append(('i586', fn[0]))
downloads = []
for arch, fn in todownload:
t = os.path.join(p.destdir, fn)
self._check_repo_get_binary(opts.apiurl, p.sproject, p.goodrepo,
arch, p.spackage, fn, t)
if fn.endswith('.rpm'):
pid = subprocess.Popen(['rpm', '--nosignature', '--queryformat', '%{DISTURL}', '-qp', t],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
os.waitpid(pid.pid, 0)[1]
disturl = pid.stdout.readlines()[0]
if not self._checker_compare_disturl(disturl, p):
p.error = '[%s] %s does not match revision %s' % (p, disturl, p.rev)
return [], []
toignore = []
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(p.tproject, 'standard', 'x86_64', p.tpackage, opts, ignore=True):
# now fetch -32bit pack list
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(p.tproject, 'standard', 'i586', p.tpackage, opts, ignore=True):
if fn[2] == 'x86_64':
return toignore, downloads
def _get_buildinfo(self, opts, prj, repo, arch, pkg):
"""Get the build info for a package"""
xml = get_buildinfo(opts.apiurl, prj, pkg, repo, arch)
root = ET.fromstring(xml)
return [e.attrib['name'] for e in root.findall('bdep')]
def _get_builddepinfo(self, opts, prj, repo, arch, pkg):
"""Get the builddep info for a single package"""
root = ET.fromstring(builddepinfo(opts.apiurl, prj, repo, arch))
packages = [Package_(element=e) for e in root.findall('package')]
package = [p for p in packages if p.pkg == pkg]
return package[0] if package else None
def _get_base_build_bin(self, opts):
"""Get Base:build pagacke list"""
binaries = {}
for arch in ('x86_64', 'i586'):
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['/build/openSUSE:Factory:Build/standard/%s/_repository' % arch,])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
binaries[arch] = set([e.attrib['filename'][:-4] for e in root.findall('binary')])
return binaries
def _get_base_build_src(self, opts):
"""Get Base:build pagacke list"""
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['/source/openSUSE:Factory:Build',])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
return set([e.attrib['name'] for e in root.findall('entry')])
# Store packages prevoiusly ignored. Don't pollute the screen.
global _ignore_packages
_ignore_packages = set()
def _get_builddepinfo_graph(self, opts, project='openSUSE:Factory', repository='standard', arch='x86_64'):
"""Generate the buildepinfo graph for a given architecture."""
_IGNORE_PREFIX = ('texlive-', 'master-boot-code')
# Note, by default generate the graph for all Factory. If you only
# need the base packages you can use:
# project = 'Base:System'
# repository = 'openSUSE_Factory'
root = ET.fromstring(builddepinfo(opts.apiurl, project, repository, arch))
# Reset the subpackages dict here, so for every graph is a
# different object.
packages = [Package_(element=e) for e in root.findall('package')]
# XXX - Ugly Exception. We need to ignore branding packages and
# packages that one of his dependencies do not exist. Also ignore
# preinstall images.
packages = [p for p in packages if not ('branding' in p.pkg or p.pkg.startswith('preinstallimage-'))]
graph = Graph()
graph.add_nodes_from((p.pkg, p) for p in packages)
subpkgs = {} # Given a subpackage, recover the source package
for p in packages:
# Check for packages that provides the same subpackage
for subpkg in p.subs:
if subpkg in subpkgs:
# print 'Subpackage duplication %s - %s (subpkg: %s)' % (p.pkg, subpkgs[subpkg], subpkg)
subpkgs[subpkg] = p.pkg
for p in packages:
# Calculate the missing deps
deps = [d for d in p.deps if not 'branding' in d]
missing = [d for d in deps if not d.startswith(_IGNORE_PREFIX) and d not in subpkgs]
if missing:
if p.pkg not in _ignore_packages:
# print 'Ignoring package. Missing dependencies %s -> (%s) %s...' % (p.pkg, len(missing), missing[:5])
# XXX - Ugly Hack. Subpagackes for texlive are not correctly
# generated. If the dependency starts with texlive- prefix,
# assume that the correct source package is texlive.
graph.add_edges_from((p.pkg, subpkgs[d] if not d.startswith('texlive-') else 'texlive')
for d in deps if not d.startswith('master-boot-code'))
# Store the subpkgs dict in the graph. It will be used later.
graph.subpkgs = subpkgs
return graph
def _get_builddepinfo_cycles(self, opts, package='openSUSE:Factory', repository='standard', arch='x86_64'):
"""Generate the buildepinfo cycle list for a given architecture."""
root = ET.fromstring(builddepinfo(opts.apiurl, package, repository, arch))
return frozenset(frozenset(e.text for e in cycle.findall('package'))
for cycle in root.findall('cycle'))
def _check_repo_group(self, id_, reqs, opts):
print '\nCheck group', reqs
if not all(self._check_repo_buildsuccess(r, opts) for r in reqs):
# all succeeded
toignore, downloads = [], []
destdir = os.path.expanduser('~/co/%s' % str(reqs[0].group))
fetched = dict((r, False) for r in opts.groups.get(id_, []))
goodrepo = ''
packs = []
for p in reqs:
i, d = self._check_repo_download(p, destdir, opts)
if p.error:
if not p.updated:
print 'UPDATED', p.error
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, p.request, 'new', message=p.error)
p.updated = True
print p.error
fetched[p.request] = True
goodrepo = p.goodrepo
for req, f in fetched.items():
if not f:
packs.extend(self._check_repo_fetch_request(req, opts))
for p in packs:
p.goodrepo = goodrepo
i, d = self._check_repo_download(p, destdir, opts)
if p.error:
print 'ERROR (ALREADY ACEPTED?):', p.error
p.updated = True
# Get all the Base:build packages (source and binary)
#base_build_bin = self._get_base_build_bin(opts)
#base_build_src = self._get_base_build_src(opts)
for p in reqs:
# Be sure that if the package is in Base:build, all the
# dependecies are also in Base:build
if p.spackage in base_build_src:
# TODO - Check all the arch for this package
for arch in ('x86_64', 'i586'):
build_deps = set(self._get_buildinfo(opts, p.sproject, p.goodrepo, arch, p.spackage))
outliers = build_deps - base_build_bin[arch]
if outliers:
if not p.updated:
msg = 'This package is a Base:build and one of the dependencies is outside Base:build (%s)' % (', '.join(outliers))
print 'DECLINED', msg
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, p.request, 'declined', message=msg)
p.updated = True
print 'OUTLIERS (%s)' % arch, outliers
# Detect cycles - We create the full graph from _builddepinfo.
for arch in ('x86_64',):
factory_graph = self._get_builddepinfo_graph(opts, arch=arch)
factory_cycles = factory_graph.cycles()
# This graph will be updated for every request
current_graph = deepcopy(factory_graph)
subpkgs = current_graph.subpkgs
# Recover all packages at once, ignoring some packages that
# can't be found in x86_64 architecture
all_packages = [self._get_builddepinfo(opts, p.sproject, p.goodrepo, arch, p.spackage) for p in packs]
all_packages = [pkg for pkg in all_packages if pkg]
subpkgs.update(dict((p, pkg.pkg) for pkg in all_packages for p in pkg.subs))
for pkg in all_packages:
# Update the current graph and see if we have different cycles
edges_to = ()
if pkg.pkg in current_graph:
current_graph[pkg.pkg] = pkg
current_graph.remove_edges_from(set((pkg.pkg, p) for p in current_graph.edges(pkg.pkg)))
edges_to = current_graph.edges_to(pkg.pkg)
current_graph.remove_edges_from(set((p, pkg.pkg) for p in edges_to))
current_graph.add_node(pkg.pkg, pkg)
current_graph.add_edges_from((pkg.pkg, subpkgs[p]) for p in pkg.deps if p in subpkgs)
current_graph.add_edges_from((p, pkg.pkg) for p in edges_to
if pkg.pkg in set(subpkgs[sp] for sp in current_graph[p].deps if sp in subpkgs))
for cycle in current_graph.cycles():
if cycle not in factory_cycles:
print 'New cycle detected:', sorted(cycle)
factory_edges = set((u, v) for u in cycle for v in factory_graph.edges(u) if v in cycle)
current_edges = set((u, v) for u in cycle for v in current_graph.edges(u) if v in cycle)
print 'New edges:', sorted(current_edges - factory_edges)
# Mark all packages as updated, to avoid to be accepted
for p in reqs:
p.updated = True
for p in reqs:
smissing = []
for package in p.missings:
alreadyin = False
# print package, packs
for t in packs:
if package == t.tpackage: alreadyin=True
if alreadyin:
#print package, packs, downloads, toignore
request = self._check_repo_find_submit_request(opts, p.tproject, package)
if request:
greqs = opts.groups.get(p.group, [])
if request in greqs: continue
package = '%s(rq%s)' % (package, request)
if len(smissing):
msg = 'Please make sure to wait before these depencencies are in %s: %s' % (p.tproject, ', '.join(smissing))
if not p.updated:
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, p.request, 'new', message=msg)
print 'UPDATED', msg
p.updated = True
print msg
for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(destdir):
if len(dirnames) + len(filenames) == 0:
for filename in filenames:
fn = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
if not fn in downloads:
# Create a temporal file for the params
params_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
params_file.write('\n'.join(f for f in toignore if f.strip()))
repochecker = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser('~/.osc-plugins/osc-check_repo.py')))
repochecker = os.path.join(repochecker, 'repo-checker.pl')
civs = "LC_ALL=C perl %s '%s' -f %s 2>&1" % (repochecker, destdir, params_file.name)
p = subprocess.Popen(civs, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
#ret = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)[1]
output, _ = p.communicate()
ret = p.returncode
updated = dict()
if ret:
print output, set(map(lambda x: x.request, reqs))
for p in reqs:
if updated.get(p.request, False) or p.updated:
print 'UPDATED', output
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, p.request, 'new', message=output)
p.updated = True
updated[p.request] = 1
for p in reqs:
if updated.get(p.request, False) or p.updated:
msg = 'Builds for repo %s' % p.goodrepo
print 'ACCEPTED', msg
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, p.request, 'accepted', message=msg)
p.updated = True
updated[p.request] = 1
def _check_repo_fetch_request(self, id_, opts):
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['request', str(id_)])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
return self._check_repo_one_request(root, opts)
@cmdln.alias('check', 'cr')
@cmdln.option('-s', '--skip', action='store_true', help='skip review')
def do_check_repo(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: Checker review of submit requests.
${cmd_name} [SRID]...
Shows pending review requests and their current state.
opts.mode = ''
opts.groups = {}
opts.grouped = {}
opts.verbose = False
opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
if opts.skip:
if not len(args):
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Please give, if you want to skip a review specify a SRID' )
for id_ in args:
msg = 'skip review'
print 'ACCEPTED', msg
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'accepted', message=msg)
ids = [arg for arg in args if arg.isdigit()]
packs = []
if not ids:
# xpath query, using the -m, -r, -s options
where = "@by_user='factory-repo-checker'+and+@state='new'"
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['search', 'request'],
"match=state/@name='review'+and+review[%s]" % where)
f = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for rq in root.findall('request'):
packs.extend(self._check_repo_one_request(rq, opts))
# we have a list, use them.
for id_ in ids:
packs.extend(self._check_repo_fetch_request(id_, opts))
groups = {}
for p in packs:
a = groups.get(p.group, [])
groups[p.group] = a
for id_, reqs in groups.items():
self._check_repo_group(id_, reqs, opts)