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Explains how to use the OpenStack swift storage driver registry, service, driver, images, storage, swift OpenStack Swift storage driver

An implementation of the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface that uses OpenStack Swift for object storage.


Parameter Required Description
authurl yes URL for obtaining an auth token. https://storage.myprovider.com/v2.0 or https://storage.myprovider.com/v3/auth
username yes Your Openstack user name.
password yes Your Openstack password.
region no The Openstack region in which your container exists.
container yes The name of your Swift container where you wish to store the registry's data. The driver creates the named container during its initialization.
tenant no Your Openstack tenant name. You can either use tenant or tenantid.
tenantid no Your Openstack tenant name. You can either use tenant or tenantid.
domain no Your Openstack domain name for Identity v3 API. You can either use domain or domainid.
domainid no Your Openstack domain name for Identity v3 API. You can either use domain or domainid.
trustid no Your Openstack trust ID for Identity v3 API.
insecureskipverify no Skips TLS verification if the value is wet to true. The default is false.
chunksize no Size of the data segments for the Swift Dynamic Large Objects. This value should be a number (defaults to 5M).
prefix no This is a prefix that is applied to all Swift keys to allow you to segment data in your container if necessary. Defaults to the empty string which is the container's root.
secretkey no The secret key used to generate temporary URLs.
accesskey no The access key to generate temporary URLs. It is used by HP Cloud Object Storage in addition to the secretkey parameter.
authversion no Specify the OpenStack Auth's version, for example 3. By default the driver autodetects the auth's version from the AuthURL.
endpointtype no The endpoint type used when connecting to swift. Possible values are public, internal, and admin. The default is public.

The features supported by the Swift server are queried by requesting the /info URL on the server. In case the administrator disabled that feature, the configuration file can specify the following optional parameters :

Optional parameter Description
tempurlcontainerkey Specify whether to use container secret key to generate temporary URL when set to true, or the account secret key otherwise.
tempurlmethods Array of HTTP methods that are supported by the TempURL middleware of the Swift server. For example: ["GET", "PUT", "HEAD", "POST", "DELETE"]