- Updated file "Fixes_for_Leap15.1.patch" to handle one addition problem due to backporting of kernel APIa.
Remove "BuildRequires: quilt" - that package is not needed.
VirtualBox 6.0.6 fixes the following: CVE-2019-2656, CVE-2019-2680, CVE-2019-2696, CVE-2019-2703, CVE-2019-2721,
CVE-2019-2722, CVE-2019-2723, CVE-2019-2657, CVE-2019-2690, CVE-2019-2679,
CVE-2019-2678, and CVE-2019-2574 boo#1132827.
- Version bump to 6.0.6 (released April 17 2019 by Oracle)
The following files in the openSUSE implemetation are removed: "fix_32_bit_builds.patch", "fixes_for_5.0.patch", and
"fixes_for_5.1.patch". These issues are fixed upstream.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/696073
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Virtualization/virtualbox?expand=0&rev=486
Hi Larry,
here's is my current state of VB affairs. It's more a RFC, but it
contains everything to build that biest for the most prominent
The new patch virtualbox-fix-ui-background-color.patch is an attempt
to deuglify the UI with certain color schemes.
Again, RFC stuff for you to look at.
- adjust patch virtualbox-fix-ui-background-color.patch to really
fix the background color messing...
- add patch to stop UI messing with Highlight Color for background
- apply fixes_for_qt5.13.patch for Qt versions >= 5.13.0 only
- Add setBadness('permissions-unauthorized-file',333) to rpmlintrc
- Remove suid attributes from all files
- add libgsoap version dependency >= 2.8.50 (recv_maxlength)
- Fix virtualbox wrapper script virtualbox-wrapper.sh to check
60-vboxdrv.rules in /usr/lib/udev/rules.d, not /etc/udev/rules.d
Logic is still flawed, until it doesn't take both locations into
- Add custom /etc/permission.d/virtualbox{,.paranoid} definitions
- Add compatibility symlink to keep old desktop links functional
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/690451
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Virtualization/virtualbox?expand=0&rev=479
Files "fixes_for_5.0" and "fixes_for_gcc9" are deleted - the code was fixed upstream.
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
Virtualization core: support Shanghai/Zhaoxin CPUs.
User interface: handle command line arguments to VirtualBox correctly (bugs #18206 and #18197)
User interface: improvements to machine manager window, virtual optical disk creator, storage selector window and log viewer window
User interface: various small fixes and improvements
Audio: implemented time scheduling for the AC'97 device emulation to keep audio and video in sync
Graphics: basic support for VMSVGA graphics device in virtual machines using EFI
Network: fix occasional NATNet crashes (bug #13899)
Network: worked around problems in certain PCnet drivers on old operating systems
Serial: fixed connecting to pseudo terminals on POSIX hosts (6.0.0 regression; bug #18319)
Linux hosts and guests: fix for building kernel modules against Linux 5.0. Thank you Kyle Laker
- Converted vboxwebsrv to a systemd service. Previously, this was started through init.d. bsc#1116050
Files "vboxweb-service.service" and "vboxweb-service.sh" are added.
File "vbox-vboxweb-init-script.diff" is removed.
File "fixes_for_4.20.patch" is removed - the code was fixed upstream.
File "fix_lib_search.patch" is added to fix the build of VBox0GL.
File "fixes_for_5.0.patch" is added to compensate for API changes in kernel 5.0.
File "virtualbox-system-x.patch" is removed.
File "fixes_for_Leap15.1.patch" is added to fix build errors on Leap 15<F5>.1.
- Version bump to 6.0.2 (released January 15 2019 by Oracle)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
User interface: fixed creation of desktop shortcuts for starting virtual machines (bug #18207)
User interface: allow the first run window to selecting host drives (bug #18230)
User interface: fixed attaching empty host optical drives (bug #18223)
User interface: implemented a new virtual optical disk creation window
USB: modified Linux backends to reset USB devices (previously, most guest attempts to reset USB devices were ignored)
PCnet: fixed a regression which caused some PCnet PCI guest drivers to not detect the emulated hardware (bug #18286)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Virtualization/virtualbox?expand=0&rev=465
Now it builds for 42.3 as well
- replace switch_to_python3.6.patch with switch_to_python3.4+.patch
- remove fixes_for_leap15.patch, upstream has incorporated it
- add conflict with i4l-vbox due to shared /etc/vbox
- adjust /etc/vbox permissions
- add /etc/vbox/autostart.cfg
- fix vboxdrv.sh: apply new autostart mechanics to stop_vms()
- remove obsolete shutdown section in /etc/default/virtualbox
- add VBOXAUTOSTART_{DB,CONFIG} to /etc/default/virtualbox
- supply README.autostart
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/655353
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Virtualization/virtualbox?expand=0&rev=459
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
Audio: fixed a regression in the Core Audio backend causing a hang when returning from host sleep when processing input buffers
Audio: fixed a potential crash in the HDA emulation if a stream has no valid mixer sink attached -- thanks to Rink Springer (rink@â¦)
Linux Additions: disable 3D for recent guests using Wayland (bug #18116)
Linux Additions: fix for rebuilding kernel modules for new kernels on RPM guests
Linux Additions: further fixes for Linux 4.19
Linux Additions: fixed errors rebuilding initrd files with dracut on EL 6 (bug 18055#)
Linux Additions: fixed 5.2.20 regression: guests not remembering the screen size after shutdown and restart (bug #18078)
Patch file "gcc8-configure.patch" removed. The issue is fixed upstream.
Patch file "fixes_for_4.19.patch" removed. The issue is fixed upstream.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Virtualization/virtualbox?expand=0&rev=454
1. Sustituted /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ => %python3_sitelib
2. Reverted change that eliminated use of %{_tmppath}/SITE_FILES for Python 3.6
3. As vboxapisetup.py in Python 3.7 no longer accepts the --record-rpm switch,
SITE_FILES does not exist, and the individual files must still be listed.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Virtualization/virtualbox?expand=0&rev=451
Change kernel module code to build against the API changes in kernel 4.20 - This change
adds file "fixes_for_4.20".
- Require(pre) virtualbox by the -qt package: otherewise it might
happen that virtualbox-qt is installed before virtualbox, which
then results in files being assigned to group 'root' instead of
'vboxusers', as the group is only created later.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Virtualization/virtualbox?expand=0&rev=448
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
VMM: fixed task switches triggered by INTn instruction (bug #17979)
Storage: fixed connecting to certain iSCSI targets (bug #17507)
Storage: fixed handling of flush requests when configured to be ignored when the host I/O cache is used (bug #17573)
Drag and drop: implemented support for UNC paths (bug #17146)
Drag and drop: fixed resuming operation when restoring from a saved state (bug #17649)
Drag and drop: fixed copying files with long file names (> 248 characters) from guests to Windows hosts (bug #17447)
Drag and drop: fixed handling files with Unicode names on Windows guests (bug #15501)
Drag and drop: fixed copying empty (0-byte) files to / from guests (bugs #14863 + #17443)
Drag and drop: fixed copying over files from hosts to Linux guests (bug #16025)
Networking: restore connectivity for guests bridged to host adapters that were unavailable temporarily (Windows hosts, bug #17090)
Guest Control: fixed hang when using --wait-stdout and/or --wait-stderr (bug #17386). Needs updating Guest Additions
Video recording: fixed starting video recording on VM power up (bug #17307)
Linux Additions: various build fixes for kernel modules on recent distributions, and made sure modules end up in initramfs files
Linux Additions: build fixes for 4.19, thank you Larry Finger
Linux Additions: various small fixes for video driver
This version also addresses the following vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-0732, CVE-2018-2909, CVE-2018-3287
CVE-2018-3288, CVE-2018-3289, CVE-2018-3290, CVE-2018-3291, CVE-2018-3292, CVE-2018-3293,
CVE-2018-3294, CVE-2018-3295, CVE-2018-3296, CVE-2018-3297, and CVE-2018-3298. bsc#1112097
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Virtualization/virtualbox?expand=0&rev=446
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
VMM: See user manual.
VMM: fix loading with recent binutils and self-built versions of VirtualBox (bug #17851)
NAT: fix --nataliasmode sameports which is a valid setting (bug #13000)
VRDP: fixed VM process termination on RDP client disconnect if 3D is enabled for the virtual machine
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Virtualization/virtualbox?expand=0&rev=441
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
OVF: case insensitive comparison of manifest attribute values, to improve compatibility (bug #17357)
Linux: build for openSUSE 15.0 (bug #17554)
Linux: various build fixes for distribution builds, thank you Gianfranco Costamagna
This update fixes CVE-2018-3005, CVE-2018-3055, CVE-2018-3085, CVE-2018-3086,
CVE-2018-3087, CVE-2018-3088, CVE-2018-3089, CVE-2018-3090, and CVE-2018-3091. bsc#1101667.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Virtualization/virtualbox?expand=0&rev=439
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
User interface: fixed a segmentation fault when accessing the interface through VNC (bug #16348)
User interface: X11: handle repeating keys on the host system correctly (bug #1296, previously fixed, 5.1.0 regression)
VMM: Fixed emulation of the undocumented SALC instruction
VMM: Fixed emulation of so-called "huge unreal mode" (bug #17744); this in practice only affected Intel CPUs with VT-x without unrestricted execution.
Keyboard: The PS/2 keyboard emulation has been corrected to not queue partial scan code sequences (bug #17709); this problem was likely only visible on Linux hosts due to losing the fix for bug #1296
Storage: Fixed CUE file support to correct REM keyword parsing (bug #17783)
USB: Fixed a problem where the emulated xHCI device under very rare circumstances failed to report an empty isochronous transfer ring error, causing the transfers on the corresponding endpoint to stop.
Audio: fixed Linux kernel log flooding (bug #17759)
Apple hosts: make kernel driver load with Mac OS Mojave pre-release (bug #17805).
Linux guests: made vboxvideo driver build with kernel 4.17 (bug #17801) and with pre-3.14 and EL 7.1 kernels (bug #17771)
Removed "fixes_for_4.17.patch" - fixes merged upstream.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Virtualization/virtualbox?expand=0&rev=437
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
Serial: fixed possible data corruption when sending data under certain circumstances
Video recording: fixed starting / stopping recording under certain circumstances
Linux hosts: support Linux 4.17 changes. Thank you Larry Finger
Linux guests: support Linux 4.16 and EL 7.5 kernels (bugs #17676 and #17678)
Linux guests: 3D fixes for recent guests (bug #17623)
File "fixes_for_4.16.patch" is removed - fixed upstream.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Virtualization/virtualbox?expand=0&rev=425