This change is proposed by Kamil Dudka. It teaches Coverity to assume that g_critical() will never return, which is desirable for the same reasons it is for scan-build: once you've triggered undefined behavior, the game is already lost, and there's limited benefit from trying to avoid every possible memory leak on such codepaths. Notably, this affects g_return_if_fail(). Arguably it might be desirable to fix every such issue, but if we're already not doing so for scan-build, it doesn't make sense to hold developers working with Coverity to a higher standard. This allows focusing on more serious issues found by Coverity. Thanks Kamil!
GLib is the low-level core library that forms the basis for projects such as GTK and GNOME. It provides data structure handling for C, portability wrappers, and interfaces for such runtime functionality as an event loop, threads, dynamic loading, and an object system.
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How to report bugs
Bugs should be reported to the GNOME issue tracking system. ( You will need to create an account for yourself.
In the bug report please include:
- Information about your system. For instance:
- What operating system and version
- For Linux, what version of the C library
- And anything else you think is relevant.
- How to reproduce the bug.
- If you can reproduce it with one of the test programs that are built in the tests/ subdirectory, that will be most convenient. Otherwise, please include a short test program that exhibits the behavior. As a last resort, you can also provide a pointer to a larger piece of software that can be downloaded.
- If the bug was a crash, the exact text that was printed out when the crash occurred.
- Further information such as stack traces may be useful, but is not necessary.
Patches should also be submitted as merge requests to If the patch fixes an existing issue, please refer to the issue in your commit message with the following notation (for issue 123): Closes: #123
Otherwise, create a new merge request that introduces the change, filing a separate issue is not required.