mirror of https://github.com/openSUSE/osc.git synced 2025-03-12 18:55:15 +01:00

Move core.Serviceinfo to obs_scm.Serviceinfo

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Mach 2024-04-15 14:06:41 +02:00
parent b5a5143da6
commit 7d05d74456
3 changed files with 254 additions and 232 deletions

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ from . import output
from . import store as osc_store
from .connection import http_request, http_GET, http_POST, http_PUT, http_DELETE
from .obs_scm import File
from .obs_scm import Serviceinfo
from .output import sanitize_text
from .store import Store
from .util import xdg
@ -264,238 +265,6 @@ def revision_is_empty(rev: Union[None, str, int]):
return rev in (None, "")
class Serviceinfo:
"""Source service content
def __init__(self):
"""creates an empty serviceinfo instance"""
self.services = []
self.apiurl: Optional[str] = None
self.project: Optional[str] = None
self.package: Optional[str] = None
def read(self, serviceinfo_node, append=False):
"""read in the source services ``<services>`` element passed as
elementtree node.
def error(msg, xml):
data = f'invalid service format:\n{ET.tostring(xml, encoding=ET_ENCODING)}'
raise ValueError(f"{data}\n\n{msg}")
if serviceinfo_node is None:
if not append:
self.services = []
services = serviceinfo_node.findall('service')
for service in services:
name = service.get('name')
if name is None:
error("invalid service definition. Attribute name missing.", service)
if len(name) < 3 or '/' in name:
error(f"invalid service name: {name}", service)
mode = service.get('mode', '')
data = {'name': name, 'mode': mode}
command = [name]
for param in service.findall('param'):
option = param.get('name')
if option is None:
error(f"{name}: a parameter requires a name", service)
value = ''
if param.text:
value = param.text
command.append('--' + option)
# hmm is this reasonable or do we want to allow real
# options (e.g., "--force" (without an argument)) as well?
data['command'] = command
def getProjectGlobalServices(self, apiurl: str, project: str, package: str):
self.apiurl = apiurl
# get all project wide services in one file, we don't store it yet
u = makeurl(apiurl, ["source", project, package], query={"cmd": "getprojectservices"})
f = http_POST(u)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
self.read(root, True)
self.project = project
self.package = package
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404 and package != '_project':
self.getProjectGlobalServices(apiurl, project, '_project')
self.package = package
elif e.code != 403 and e.code != 400:
raise e
def addVerifyFile(self, serviceinfo_node, filename: str):
f = open(filename, 'rb')
digest = hashlib.sha256(f.read()).hexdigest()
r = serviceinfo_node
s = ET.Element("service", name="verify_file")
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="file").text = filename
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="verifier").text = "sha256"
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="checksum").text = digest
return r
def addDownloadUrl(self, serviceinfo_node, url_string: str):
url = urlparse(url_string)
protocol = url.scheme
host = url.netloc
path = url.path
r = serviceinfo_node
s = ET.Element("service", name="download_url")
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="protocol").text = protocol
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="host").text = host
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="path").text = path
return r
def addSetVersion(self, serviceinfo_node):
r = serviceinfo_node
s = ET.Element("service", name="set_version", mode="buildtime")
return r
def addGitUrl(self, serviceinfo_node, url_string: Optional[str]):
r = serviceinfo_node
s = ET.Element("service", name="obs_scm")
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="url").text = url_string
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="scm").text = "git"
return r
def addTarUp(self, serviceinfo_node):
r = serviceinfo_node
s = ET.Element("service", name="tar", mode="buildtime")
return r
def addRecompressTar(self, serviceinfo_node):
r = serviceinfo_node
s = ET.Element("service", name="recompress", mode="buildtime")
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="file").text = "*.tar"
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="compression").text = "xz"
return r
def execute(self, dir, callmode: Optional[str] = None, singleservice=None, verbose: Optional[bool] = None):
old_dir = os.path.join(dir, '.old')
# if 2 osc instances are executed at a time one, of them fails on .old file existence
# sleep up to 10 seconds until we can create the directory
for i in reversed(range(10)):
except FileExistsError:
if i == 0:
msg = f'"{old_dir}" exists, please remove it'
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, msg)
result = self._execute(dir, old_dir, callmode, singleservice, verbose)
return result
def _execute(
self, dir, old_dir, callmode: Optional[str] = None, singleservice=None, verbose: Optional[bool] = None
# cleanup existing generated files
for filename in os.listdir(dir):
if filename.startswith('_service:') or filename.startswith('_service_'):
os.rename(os.path.join(dir, filename),
os.path.join(old_dir, filename))
allservices = self.services or []
service_names = [s['name'] for s in allservices]
if singleservice and singleservice not in service_names:
# set array to the manual specified singleservice, if it is not part of _service file
data = {'name': singleservice, 'command': [singleservice], 'mode': callmode}
allservices = [data]
elif singleservice:
allservices = [s for s in allservices if s['name'] == singleservice]
# set the right called mode or the service would be skipped below
for s in allservices:
s['mode'] = callmode
if not allservices:
# short-circuit to avoid a potential http request in vc_export_env
# (if there are no services to execute this http request is
# useless)
return 0
# services can detect that they run via osc this way
os.putenv("OSC_VERSION", get_osc_version())
# set environment when using OBS 2.3 or later
if self.project is not None:
# These need to be kept in sync with bs_service
os.putenv("OBS_SERVICE_APIURL", self.apiurl)
os.putenv("OBS_SERVICE_PROJECT", self.project)
os.putenv("OBS_SERVICE_PACKAGE", self.package)
# also export vc env vars (some services (like obs_scm) use them)
# recreate files
ret = 0
for service in allservices:
if callmode != "all":
if service['mode'] == "buildtime":
if service['mode'] == "serveronly" and callmode != "local":
if service['mode'] == "manual" and callmode != "manual":
if service['mode'] != "manual" and callmode == "manual":
if service['mode'] == "disabled" and callmode != "disabled":
if service['mode'] != "disabled" and callmode == "disabled":
if service['mode'] != "trylocal" and service['mode'] != "localonly" and callmode == "trylocal":
temp_dir = None
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=dir, suffix=f".{service['name']}.service")
cmd = service['command']
if not os.path.exists("/usr/lib/obs/service/" + cmd[0]):
raise oscerr.PackageNotInstalled(f"obs-service-{cmd[0]}")
cmd[0] = "/usr/lib/obs/service/" + cmd[0]
cmd = cmd + ["--outdir", temp_dir]
output.print_msg("Run source service:", " ".join(cmd), print_to="verbose")
r = run_external(*cmd)
if r != 0:
print("Aborting: service call failed: ", ' '.join(cmd))
# FIXME: addDownloadUrlService calls si.execute after
# updating _services.
return r
if service['mode'] == "manual" or service['mode'] == "disabled" or service['mode'] == "trylocal" or service['mode'] == "localonly" or callmode == "local" or callmode == "trylocal" or callmode == "all":
for filename in os.listdir(temp_dir):
os.rename(os.path.join(temp_dir, filename), os.path.join(dir, filename))
name = service['name']
for filename in os.listdir(temp_dir):
os.rename(os.path.join(temp_dir, filename), os.path.join(dir, "_service:" + name + ":" + filename))
if temp_dir is not None:
return 0
class Linkinfo:
"""linkinfo metadata (which is part of the xml representing a directory)

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@
from .file import File
from .serviceinfo import Serviceinfo

osc/obs_scm/serviceinfo.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
import hashlib
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
from typing import Optional
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from .. import oscerr
from .. import output
from ..util.xml import ET
class Serviceinfo:
"""Source service content
def __init__(self):
"""creates an empty serviceinfo instance"""
self.services = []
self.apiurl: Optional[str] = None
self.project: Optional[str] = None
self.package: Optional[str] = None
def read(self, serviceinfo_node, append=False):
"""read in the source services ``<services>`` element passed as
elementtree node.
def error(msg, xml):
from ..core import ET_ENCODING
data = f'invalid service format:\n{ET.tostring(xml, encoding=ET_ENCODING)}'
raise ValueError(f"{data}\n\n{msg}")
if serviceinfo_node is None:
if not append:
self.services = []
services = serviceinfo_node.findall('service')
for service in services:
name = service.get('name')
if name is None:
error("invalid service definition. Attribute name missing.", service)
if len(name) < 3 or '/' in name:
error(f"invalid service name: {name}", service)
mode = service.get('mode', '')
data = {'name': name, 'mode': mode}
command = [name]
for param in service.findall('param'):
option = param.get('name')
if option is None:
error(f"{name}: a parameter requires a name", service)
value = ''
if param.text:
value = param.text
command.append('--' + option)
# hmm is this reasonable or do we want to allow real
# options (e.g., "--force" (without an argument)) as well?
data['command'] = command
def getProjectGlobalServices(self, apiurl: str, project: str, package: str):
from ..core import http_POST
from ..core import makeurl
self.apiurl = apiurl
# get all project wide services in one file, we don't store it yet
u = makeurl(apiurl, ["source", project, package], query={"cmd": "getprojectservices"})
f = http_POST(u)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
self.read(root, True)
self.project = project
self.package = package
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404 and package != '_project':
self.getProjectGlobalServices(apiurl, project, '_project')
self.package = package
elif e.code != 403 and e.code != 400:
raise e
def addVerifyFile(self, serviceinfo_node, filename: str):
f = open(filename, 'rb')
digest = hashlib.sha256(f.read()).hexdigest()
r = serviceinfo_node
s = ET.Element("service", name="verify_file")
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="file").text = filename
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="verifier").text = "sha256"
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="checksum").text = digest
return r
def addDownloadUrl(self, serviceinfo_node, url_string: str):
url = urlparse(url_string)
protocol = url.scheme
host = url.netloc
path = url.path
r = serviceinfo_node
s = ET.Element("service", name="download_url")
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="protocol").text = protocol
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="host").text = host
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="path").text = path
return r
def addSetVersion(self, serviceinfo_node):
r = serviceinfo_node
s = ET.Element("service", name="set_version", mode="buildtime")
return r
def addGitUrl(self, serviceinfo_node, url_string: Optional[str]):
r = serviceinfo_node
s = ET.Element("service", name="obs_scm")
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="url").text = url_string
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="scm").text = "git"
return r
def addTarUp(self, serviceinfo_node):
r = serviceinfo_node
s = ET.Element("service", name="tar", mode="buildtime")
return r
def addRecompressTar(self, serviceinfo_node):
r = serviceinfo_node
s = ET.Element("service", name="recompress", mode="buildtime")
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="file").text = "*.tar"
ET.SubElement(s, "param", name="compression").text = "xz"
return r
def execute(self, dir, callmode: Optional[str] = None, singleservice=None, verbose: Optional[bool] = None):
old_dir = os.path.join(dir, '.old')
# if 2 osc instances are executed at a time one, of them fails on .old file existence
# sleep up to 10 seconds until we can create the directory
for i in reversed(range(10)):
except FileExistsError:
if i == 0:
msg = f'"{old_dir}" exists, please remove it'
raise oscerr.OscIOError(None, msg)
result = self._execute(dir, old_dir, callmode, singleservice, verbose)
return result
def _execute(
self, dir, old_dir, callmode: Optional[str] = None, singleservice=None, verbose: Optional[bool] = None
from ..core import get_osc_version
from ..core import run_external
from ..core import vc_export_env
# cleanup existing generated files
for filename in os.listdir(dir):
if filename.startswith('_service:') or filename.startswith('_service_'):
os.rename(os.path.join(dir, filename),
os.path.join(old_dir, filename))
allservices = self.services or []
service_names = [s['name'] for s in allservices]
if singleservice and singleservice not in service_names:
# set array to the manual specified singleservice, if it is not part of _service file
data = {'name': singleservice, 'command': [singleservice], 'mode': callmode}
allservices = [data]
elif singleservice:
allservices = [s for s in allservices if s['name'] == singleservice]
# set the right called mode or the service would be skipped below
for s in allservices:
s['mode'] = callmode
if not allservices:
# short-circuit to avoid a potential http request in vc_export_env
# (if there are no services to execute this http request is
# useless)
return 0
# services can detect that they run via osc this way
os.putenv("OSC_VERSION", get_osc_version())
# set environment when using OBS 2.3 or later
if self.project is not None:
# These need to be kept in sync with bs_service
os.putenv("OBS_SERVICE_APIURL", self.apiurl)
os.putenv("OBS_SERVICE_PROJECT", self.project)
os.putenv("OBS_SERVICE_PACKAGE", self.package)
# also export vc env vars (some services (like obs_scm) use them)
# recreate files
ret = 0
for service in allservices:
if callmode != "all":
if service['mode'] == "buildtime":
if service['mode'] == "serveronly" and callmode != "local":
if service['mode'] == "manual" and callmode != "manual":
if service['mode'] != "manual" and callmode == "manual":
if service['mode'] == "disabled" and callmode != "disabled":
if service['mode'] != "disabled" and callmode == "disabled":
if service['mode'] != "trylocal" and service['mode'] != "localonly" and callmode == "trylocal":
temp_dir = None
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=dir, suffix=f".{service['name']}.service")
cmd = service['command']
if not os.path.exists("/usr/lib/obs/service/" + cmd[0]):
raise oscerr.PackageNotInstalled(f"obs-service-{cmd[0]}")
cmd[0] = "/usr/lib/obs/service/" + cmd[0]
cmd = cmd + ["--outdir", temp_dir]
output.print_msg("Run source service:", " ".join(cmd), print_to="verbose")
r = run_external(*cmd)
if r != 0:
print("Aborting: service call failed: ", ' '.join(cmd))
# FIXME: addDownloadUrlService calls si.execute after
# updating _services.
return r
if service['mode'] == "manual" or service['mode'] == "disabled" or service['mode'] == "trylocal" or service['mode'] == "localonly" or callmode == "local" or callmode == "trylocal" or callmode == "all":
for filename in os.listdir(temp_dir):
os.rename(os.path.join(temp_dir, filename), os.path.join(dir, filename))
name = service['name']
for filename in os.listdir(temp_dir):
os.rename(os.path.join(temp_dir, filename), os.path.join(dir, "_service:" + name + ":" + filename))
if temp_dir is not None:
return 0