mirror of https://github.com/openSUSE/osc.git synced 2025-03-27 09:30:03 +01:00

- support default maintainer/bugowner search based on binary package names

This commit is contained in:
Adrian Schröter 2012-11-22 11:37:32 +01:00
parent ada0c02f92
commit 8d8d72a21f
3 changed files with 124 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
- support delete requests for repositories.
- support single binary download via getbinaries command
# Features which requires OBS 2.4
- support delete requests for repositories.
- support default maintainer/bugowner search based on binary package names
- prefer TLS v1.1 or v1.2 if available

View File

@ -6444,9 +6444,16 @@ Please submit there instead, or use --nodevelproject to force direct submission.
def do_bugowner(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: Show bugowners of a project/package
osc bugowner
osc bugowner BINARY
osc bugowner PRJ
osc bugowner PRJ PKG
The tool looks up the default responsible person for a certain project or package,
but limits the search to bugowner settings.
When using with an OBS 2.4 (or later) server it is doing the lookup for
a given binary according to the server side configuration of default owners.
PRJ and PKG default to current working-copy path.
Prints bugowner if defined, or maintainer otherwise.
@ -6461,11 +6468,6 @@ Please submit there instead, or use --nodevelproject to force direct submission.
opts.delete = None
opts.devel_project = None
if len(args) == 1:
def_p = find_default_project(self.get_api_url(), args[0])
print >>sys.stderr, 'defaulting to %s/%s' % (def_p, args[0])
# python has no args.unshift ???
args = [ def_p, args[0] ]
return self.do_maintainer(subcmd, opts, *args)
@ -6491,18 +6493,26 @@ Please submit there instead, or use --nodevelproject to force direct submission.
def do_maintainer(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: Show maintainers of a project/package
osc maintainer <options>
osc maintainer BINARY <options>
osc maintainer PRJ <options>
osc maintainer PRJ PKG <options>
The tool looks up the default responsible person for a certain project or package.
When using with an OBS 2.4 (or later) server it is doing the lookup for
a given binary according to the server side configuration of default owners.
PRJ and PKG default to current working-copy path.
pac = None
binary = None
prj = None
root = None
pac = None
metaroot = None
searchresult = None
roles = [ 'bugowner', 'maintainer' ]
if len(opts.role):
roles = opts.role
@ -6516,7 +6526,8 @@ Please submit there instead, or use --nodevelproject to force direct submission.
prj = store_read_project('.')
elif len(args) == 1:
prj = args[0]
# it is unclear if one argument is a binary or a project, try binary first for new OBS 2.4
binary = prj = args[0]
elif len(args) == 2:
prj = args[0]
pac = args[1]
@ -6537,58 +6548,93 @@ Please submit there instead, or use --nodevelproject to force direct submission.
if pac:
m = show_package_meta(apiurl, prj, pac)
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
metaroot = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
if not opts.nodevelproject:
while root.findall('devel'):
d = root.find('devel')
while metaroot.findall('devel'):
d = metaroot.find('devel')
prj = d.get('project', prj)
pac = d.get('package', pac)
if opts.verbose:
print "Following to the development space: %s/%s" % (prj, pac)
m = show_package_meta(apiurl, prj, pac)
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
if not root.findall('person'):
metaroot = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
if not metaroot.findall('person'):
if opts.verbose:
print "No dedicated persons in package defined, showing the project persons."
pac = None
m = show_project_meta(apiurl, prj)
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
metaroot = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
m = show_project_meta(apiurl, prj)
root = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
# Try the OBS 2.4 way first
if binary:
searchresult = owner(apiurl, binary, usefilter=roles)
# fallback to project lookup for old servers
if not searchresult:
m = show_project_meta(apiurl, prj)
metaroot = ET.fromstring(''.join(m))
# extract the maintainers
projects = []
# from owner search
if searchresult:
for result in searchresult.findall('owner'):
maintainers = {}
maintainers.setdefault("project", result.get('project'))
maintainers.setdefault("package", result.get('package'))
for person in result.findall('person'):
maintainers.setdefault(person.get('role'), []).append(person.get('name'))
projects = projects + [maintainers]
# from meta data
if metaroot:
# we have just one result
maintainers = {}
for person in metaroot.findall('person'):
maintainers.setdefault(person.get('role'), []).append(person.get('userid'))
projects = [maintainers]
# showing the maintainers
maintainers = {}
for person in root.findall('person'):
maintainers.setdefault(person.get('role'), []).append(person.get('userid'))
for role in roles:
if opts.bugowner and not len(maintainers.get(role, [])):
role = 'maintainer'
if pac:
print "%s of %s/%s : " %(role, prj, pac)
print "%s of %s : " %(role, prj)
if opts.email:
emails = []
for maintainer in maintainers.get(role, []):
user = get_user_data(apiurl, maintainer, 'email')
if len(user):
print ', '.join(emails) or '-'
elif opts.verbose:
userdata = []
for maintainer in maintainers.get(role, []):
user = get_user_data(apiurl, maintainer, 'login', 'realname', 'email')
if user[1] != '-':
userdata.append("%s <%s>"%(user[1], user[2]))
for row in build_table(2, userdata, None, 3):
print row
print ', '.join(maintainers.get(role, [])) or '-'
for maintainers in projects:
if definingproject:
indent=" "
if definingpackage:
print "Defined in package: %s/%s " %(definingproject, definingpackage)
print "Defined in project: ", definingproject
for role in roles:
if opts.bugowner and not len(maintainers.get(role, [])):
role = 'maintainer'
if pac:
print "%s%s of %s/%s : " %(indent, role, prj, pac)
print "%s%s of %s : " %(indent, role, prj)
if opts.email:
emails = []
for maintainer in maintainers.get(role, []):
user = get_user_data(apiurl, maintainer, 'email')
if len(user):
print indent,
print ', '.join(emails) or '-'
elif opts.verbose:
userdata = []
for maintainer in maintainers.get(role, []):
user = get_user_data(apiurl, maintainer, 'login', 'realname', 'email')
if user[1] != '-':
userdata.append("%s <%s>"%(user[1], user[2]))
for row in build_table(2, userdata, None, 3):
print indent,
print row
print indent,
print ', '.join(maintainers.get(role, [])) or '-'

View File

@ -5653,6 +5653,32 @@ def search(apiurl, **kwargs):
res[urlpath] = ET.parse(f).getroot()
return res
def owner(apiurl, binary, attribute=None, project=None, usefilter=None, devel=None, limit=None):
Perform a binary package owner search. This is supported since OBS 2.4.
# find default project, if not specified
query = { 'binary': binary }
if attribute:
query['attribute'] = attribute
if project:
query['project'] = project
if devel:
query['devel'] = devel
if limit:
query['limit'] = limit
if usefilter:
query['filter'] = ",".join(usefilter)
u = makeurl(apiurl, [ 'search', 'owner' ], query)
res = None
f = http_GET(u)
res = ET.parse(f).getroot()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
# old server not supporting this search
return res
def set_link_rev(apiurl, project, package, revision='', expand=False, baserev=False):
updates the rev attribute of the _link xml. If revision is set to None