- Disable VST3 support due CVE-2024-50602 and misssing VST3 plugins UI
- Fixes boo#1232608
- Update to 3.7.0
* #6233, #7397, #6900 Improved Linux compatibility.
* #6702 Improved contrast in the light theme.
* #7008 MP3 exports: Renamed "Insane" to "Excessive".
* #7570, #7452 Improved non-standard character handling for cloud
* #7486 Renamed "Split cut/delete" to "Cut/delete and leave gap".
* #7293 Pasting clips no longer moves clips on other tracks if
"editing clips can move other clips" is enabled.
* #7312, #7382 Fixed database compacting not working properly sometimes.
* #6851 Improved startup speed on systems with many audio devices.
* #7186 Multi view: Fixed the hitbox of the x being misaligned with
the visuals. (Thanks, Kurtsley)
* #7468 macOS: Fixed VST presets path.
* #7571 Adding, removing, replacing and reordering of effects now
is undoable.
* #7573 Closing a project upon turning a realtime effect stack on
and off doesn't crash Audacity anymore.
* #7610 Canceling a stereo track mid-operation no longer crashes Audacity.
* #7385 Importing Opus files using libopus no longer shifts the audio data.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1220412
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/audacity?expand=0&rev=125
- Update to 3.7.0
* #6233, #7397, #6900 Improved Linux compatibility.
* #6702 Improved contrast in the light theme.
* #7008 MP3 exports: Renamed "Insane" to "Excessive".
* #7570, #7452 Improved non-standard character handling for cloud
* #7486 Renamed "Split cut/delete" to "Cut/delete and leave gap".
* #7293 Pasting clips no longer moves clips on other tracks if
"editing clips can move other clips" is enabled.
* #7312, #7382 Fixed database compacting not working properly sometimes.
* #6851 Improved startup speed on systems with many audio devices.
* #7186 Multi view: Fixed the hitbox of the x being misaligned with
the visuals. (Thanks, Kurtsley)
* #7468 macOS: Fixed VST presets path.
* #7571 Adding, removing, replacing and reordering of effects now
is undoable.
* #7573 Closing a project upon turning a realtime effect stack on
and off doesn't crash Audacity anymore.
* #7610 Canceling a stereo track mid-operation no longer crashes Audacity.
* #7385 Importing Opus files using libopus no longer shifts the audio data.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/multimedia:apps/audacity?expand=0&rev=232
- Update to 3.6.3
* #7266 Fixed a crash when exiting Audacity. (Thanks, Joe Souza!)
- Updated 3.6.2 release notes:
* This is a patch release. It adds a "Legacy" effects section
containing the old Limiter, Compressor and Classic Filters.
* #6995 Fixed a hang after undoing.
* #6912 Fixed the zero line going missing.
* #6927 Fixed envelope appearance for clips offset from 0.
* #6955 Fixed Audacity turning white on some systems.
* #6857 Fixed the pitch indicator disappearing on Linux when
hitting double digits.
* #6941 Fixed cutting not putting clips into the clipboard.
* #6926 Fixed pasting sometimes resetting the clip name.
* #6751 Fixed the track header UI breaking when resizing channels
in a stereo track.
* #6847, #6846 Fixed LV2 plugin detection on macOS and Windows.
* #3679 Fixed Labeled Audio operations.
* #6924, #6989 Fixed Cloud projects sometimes not opening.
* #7060 Fixed a bug regarding stereo-to-mono splitting.
* #7055 Fixed a bug causing tracks with master effects sometimes
only exporting silence.
* #7025, #7133 Fixed multi-channel OGG and Wavpack import.
* #7018 Fixed a crash after recording long sessions.
* #7126 Fixed a crash when failing to load a cloud project.
* #7093 Fixed Audacity maxing out the CPU when minimized.
* #7124 Fixed the "editing clips can move other clips" preference
desynchronizing multiple tracks.
* Other changes:
* #6736 The time track range now is a single dialog.
* #6929 Reverted the behavior of selection change when importing
a clip to the previous behavior.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/multimedia:apps/audacity?expand=0&rev=228
See fix for #6955https://github.com/audacity/audacity/issues/6973
- Update to 3.6.2
* #6955 Fix out of bound access in waveform cache
* #6857 fix: pitch-shift value not showing on Linux
* #6883 Fix for labeled audio operations don't work in certain cases
* Fix for TCP UI Breaks when dragging waveform splitter
* Undo stack is cleared before project is compacted
* Call SetBypass at the right time
* Clear clipboard also before cutting
* Prepare a set of tracks to apply labeled audio operations depending
* Extend Join Region by one sample, to ensure that Split-Join operation
* Envelope display fix: pass absolute time value when querying envelope
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1189890
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/multimedia:apps/audacity?expand=0&rev=226
- Remove mod-script-pipe-disable-rpath.patch - no need anymore.
Major changes
* Master effects
- Audacity now features master effects. Master effects are effects
which apply to the entire project at once. More information can
be found at Using master effects & realtime effects.
* New compressor and limiter
- A new compressor and limiter has been added, replacing the
previous versions. A gain reduction history has been added to
these effects when they're used as a realtime effect.
- Factory Presets suitable for a wide range of use cases for these
effects have been provided by Vladislav Isaev and Marek Iwaszkiewicz,
available via the Presets & Settings button.
* New themes
- Audacity now features new and improved dark and light themes.
You can switch between themes via Preferences -> Interface.
- The theme previously used still is around as the Classic theme,
and themes even older than that can be optionally installed as
custom themes[1] from here[2].
Updated instructions on creating custom themes can be found here[3].
* Increased performance
- Audacity is now quite a bit snappier than before, especially when
working on larger projects and on larger screens.
Other changes
* Added FFmpeg 7 support.
* You now can paste audio files into Audacity using Ctrl+V.
* Alternative waveform colors are now themeable by custom themes.
* Removed the track name overlay preference and the "blend themes"
* Scripting: Added GetInfo: Type=Selection. (Thanks, Jonatã Bolzan Loss!)
* Added an Extras > Export > Export Selected Audio option.
* Import Raw: Added support for offsets larger than 2 GB.
* Redesigned the "what's new" dialog.
* Added an option to the View menu to show/hide RMS in waveforms.
* OpenVINO AI effects can now be downloaded from audacityteam.org/download/openvino/
* #6340 When recording to a new track, the track is now scrolled
back into view again.
* #3825 The macro manager no longer shows parameterless actions
as editable. (Thanks, Davi Nonnenmacher!)
* #6138 Pressing Esc in some preference dialogs no longer saves them.
* #4504 Fixed stray orange lines in the high contrast theme.
* #5626 Fixed the quality slider for Ogg export on Linux. (Thanks, Devpriya Nalin!)
* #6875 Fixed a bug which could open a project with the wrong sample rate.
* Various compiler warning fixes and OpenBSD build fixes. (Thanks, Brad Smith!)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/multimedia:apps/audacity?expand=0&rev=222
- Update VST3SDK to latest 3.7.11_build10
- Remove vst3-specific patches, update .spec
- Update to 3.5.1
This is a hotfix release. It fixes the following bugs:
* #6322 Fixed a crash on launch on macOS 11 and older.
* #6324 Fixed the update notification looking for alpha versions
instead of release versions.
* #6321 Fixed a freeze when using macros on multiple files.
- Version 3.5.0 changes:
Major changes
* Cloud project saving
* We've introduced a new cloud-saving feature that allows you to
save your Audacity projects to audio.com. This allows you to work
from any device, share & collaborate with others and restore
previous versions if something went wrong.
* Automatic tempo detection
* Audacity can now automatically detect the tempo of imported loops,
and adjust them to be in tempo.
* Tempo detection is done via both audio analysis and metadata checking.
If you want to prepare your loop for automatic tempo detection
without relying on audio analysis, both acidizer tempo tags or
simply writing "123 bpm" anywhere into the filename work.
* Automatic tempo detection can be turned off via Preferences -> Import/Export.
* Pitch shifting
* You now can non-destructively change the pitch of a clip by
holding Alt and pressing the Up and Down arrow keys. Alternatively,
you can click on the overflow menu (...) and select "Pitch and speed...".
When changing the pitch this way, an arrow in the UI indicates
how much you've shifted it.
Other changes
* Added an option to skip plugin scanning to Preferences -> Effects.
* Added an overflow menu, as well as speed and pitch indicators to clips.
* Added subtitle formats for labels. Export to WebVTT and SubRip and
import of SubRip files is now supported. (Thanks, Pokechu22 and
Larry Bordowitz!)
* Reworked the plugin manager.
* Improved accessibility. (Thanks, David Bailes!)
* When zooming in vertically (Ctrl+scroll on the vertical
scale), the zeroline now remains centered. Moving the vertical
zoom off-center still is possible via Shift+scroll on the vertical scale.
* Changed the look of the selection adjust cursors (previously pointing
fingers on Windows and macOS, now look like >| everywhere).
* Changed the timeline options button from a green triangle to
a settings gear. From it, you can switch between Beats & Measures
or hh:mm:ss timeline rulers, set various preferences regarding to looping,
as well as playhead behaviors: "Scroll view to playhead"
(previously: "Update display while playing") and "Continuous scrolling"
(previously: Pinned Play Head).
* Improved BSD support. (Thanks, Brad Smith!)
* macOS: Changed the Audacity.app icon on macOS to fit new design guidelines.
* Reordered some menus.
* Moved OK/Cancel buttons of effects to the bottom.
There have been a number of removals of niche features to simplify the app.
This should make the app a bit less overwhelming to use, and
also will speed up future development as fewer things need to be considered.
* Removed the read-only mouse preferences page.
* Removed Printing options.
* Removed Screenshot tool. To make a screenshot,
use Win+Shift+S (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+4 (Mac) instead.
* Removed Karaoke view.
* Removed the "solo=none" preference.
* Removed timeline tooltips preference.
* Removed "dragging selection edges" preference.
* Removed some warning dialogs and associated preferences.
* Removed "scrolling left of zero" preference.
* Replaced "Advanced Vertical Zooming" with new always-on behavior.
* Removed some vertical zoom presets.
* Removed EQ XML to TXT converter, which was needed for
the Audacity 2.3 -> 2.4 transition. It is now a plugin instead,
downloadable at https://plugins.audacityteam.org/additional-resources/eq-curves/eq-xml-to-txt-converter.
* Removed the "Vocal reduction and isolation" effect. As a replacement
on Windows and Linux, the Intel OpenVINO plugins work better and on
a wider array of content, including mono tracks. The old effect still can
be downloaded from https://plugins.audacityteam.org/nyquist-plugins/effect-plugins/filters-and-eq#vocal-reduction-and-isolation
* Fixed a number of dialogs that were able to grow too large to
fit on the screen.
* #2133 Fixed the playback cursor sometimes desynchronizing with
actual playback. (Thanks, David Bailes!)
* #3723#5615 Fixed the GetInfo scripting command.
* #5283 Fixed "Reset configuration" command breaking modules preference page.
* #5389 Fixed stereo tracks randomly splitting into mono.
* #5500 The Export Audio -> (external program) option remembers
the command line argument again.
* #5670#3903 Fixed the Compressor effect sometimes corrupting
audio. (Thanks, David Bailes!)
* #5580#4952 Fixed Timer Record sometimes failing to export.
(Thanks, David Bailes!)
* #5681 Fixed incorrect level measurements for mono tracks in
Noise Gate effect. (Thanks, Steve Daulton!)
* #5750 When exporting multiple files, the mono/stereo setting is
now honored properly.
* #5848 Fixed some effects failing when language is set to German,
Korean, Dutch, Slovenian, or Turkish.
* #5868#1548 Fixed 8 and 9 inputs not working on keyboard inputs which
have AltGr+8/9 mean [ and ]. (Thanks, David Bailes!)
* #5858 Fixed Audacity crashing when making a stereo track using
keyboard. (Thanks, Joe Souza!)
* #5976 Fixed the "Set default" button not working in the metadata
editor. (Thanks, dg-no-9!)
* #5977 Linux: Fixed a memory leak in Wayland by explicitly running
on X11. (Thanks, Takahashi, Naoki!)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1171068
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/multimedia:apps/audacity?expand=0&rev=219
- Update to 3.4.2
This is a hotfix release. It fixes the following issues:
#5568 Fix a crash when opening projects with zero-length clips.
#5032 When exporting a file, the sample rate of the tracks is
now considered, and last-used sample rate is remembered.
#5555 Copy-pasting now pastes into audio again by default.
This can be changed via Preferences -> Track Behavior ->
Always paste audio as new clips.
#5549 Mix and render now also resets the gain for the
resulting track.
#5571 Fix clips shifting to the right when effects are applied
to them.
#5106 Fix clicks occurring when overdubbing a project with
muted tracks.
#5533 Fix files being exported without a file extension in
rare cases.
#5539 Show all sample rates possible for MP2 exports.
#5518 Fix pasting into labels.
#5543 Fix a crash when clearing loops.
#5529 Fix copying when "select all audio if selection required"
is enabled.
#5598#5552 Fix GTK detection and compilation for wxWidgets 3.2.4.
#5551 Fix Nyquist-related crashes.
#5604 Fix EQs in macros.
#5511 Fix a crash when closing Audacity.
#5476 Fix builds on armhf.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1127203
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/multimedia:apps/audacity?expand=0&rev=215
- Removed patches:
vst-system-path.patch, vst3sdk-fix-include-cstdint.patch and
- Added patches:
vst3sdk-fix-limits-include-moduleinfoparser.patch and
- Update to 3.4.1
This is a hotfix release. It fixes the following bugs:
* #5467 Fix 24-bit recording.
* #5488 Fix a crash with .aup importing.
* #5471#5483 Fix crossfading of clips and tracks.
* #5473 Exporting multiple files honors sample rate settings again.
* #5480#5417 Fix crashes related to external program exports.
* #5479#5476 Fix BSD and ARM builds.
* #5498 Ctrl+J is now a standard shortcut for joining clips.
* #5389 Stereo tracks no longer randomly split into mono.
* #5007 When exporting a file, the file extension is now always
added (except for custom FFmpeg and external program exports).
* #5516 Fix a crash when exporting Opus with older CPUs that
don't support AVX.
- set vst3sdk to 3.7.7_build_19
- update patchset
- update dependencies in .spec
- Update to 3.4.0
Major changes
* Music workflows
Audacity now features several music related features, such as
switching between hh:mm:ss time and Beats & Measures, and
time-stretching clips to align them to a song's tempo.
* Time stretching
Hold Alt (macOS: Option) while hovering over the top third
of a clip edge to stretch it.
* New exporter
Audacity now features a new export window with easier access
to options such as sample rate and custom mapping (for 5.1 or 7.1 audio).
Additionally, the "Browse" button uses the native file browser now!
Other changes
* For MP3, Audacity now always uses Joint Stereo mode, which
always delivers the best possible quality.
* #4720 Simplified pasting logic.
* Simplified stereo tracks. Left and right channels now always
have synchronized clip starts and ends, and the same sample
rate in both channels.
* #5014 Added cursors trimming and stretching left and right,
and changed the I-beam cursor to be less similar to either.
* #4448 When importing audio, the project sample rate no longer changes.
* #5204 The spectrogram colors are now perceptually uniform, and
the colormap has gotten a name: Roseus. It also can be used
for dataviz outside of Audacity, see https://github.com/dofuuz/roseus
for more info! (Thanks, Myungchul Keum)
* New defaults: The Time Signature toolbar now gets shown,
the solo button is set to multi-track mode, time tracks have
a wider starting range.
* #5291 Unsquished the Audacity logo found in some places of the app.
* #2330 Clicking on the border of two clips no longer merges them.
* #2530 Overdubbing on Windows fails with WASAPI with default
Recording device.
* #443 Built-in Opus support.
* lib-time-and-pitch implements a time stretching algorithm
originating in Staffpad.
* Audacity now uses Conan 2.
* Continued extracting code into libraries and modules,
especially in the context of importing and exporting.
Bug fixes
* #3778 --nogap metadata no longer is ignored.
* #4410 fixed a crash with LV2 plugins (thanks jfroyall!).
* #2471#4798 fixed some crashes related to macros.
* #4769 fixed a crash when pasting in certain configurations.
* #4677 Accessibility: GUI can be disabled again for VST2
plugins (thanks, David Bailes!).
* #4988 Accessibility: Restored window control IDs, improving
NVDA compatibility (thanks again, David Bailes!).
* #4872 fixed a crash on launch on OSX 10.9 (thanks, René Bertin!).
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1124404
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/audacity?expand=0&rev=115
- Update to 3.4.1
This is a hotfix release. It fixes the following bugs:
* #5467 Fix 24-bit recording.
* #5488 Fix a crash with .aup importing.
* #5471#5483 Fix crossfading of clips and tracks.
* #5473 Exporting multiple files honors sample rate settings again.
* #5480#5417 Fix crashes related to external program exports.
* #5479#5476 Fix BSD and ARM builds.
* #5498 Ctrl+J is now a standard shortcut for joining clips.
* #5389 Stereo tracks no longer randomly split into mono.
* #5007 When exporting a file, the file extension is now always
added (except for custom FFmpeg and external program exports).
* #5516 Fix a crash when exporting Opus with older CPUs that
don't support AVX.
- set vst3sdk to 3.7.7_build_19
- update patchset
- update dependencies in .spec
- Update to 3.4.0
Major changes
* Music workflows
Audacity now features several music related features, such as
switching between hh:mm:ss time and Beats & Measures, and
time-stretching clips to align them to a song's tempo.
* Time stretching
Hold Alt (macOS: Option) while hovering over the top third
of a clip edge to stretch it.
* New exporter
Audacity now features a new export window with easier access
to options such as sample rate and custom mapping (for 5.1 or 7.1 audio).
Additionally, the "Browse" button uses the native file browser now!
Other changes
* For MP3, Audacity now always uses Joint Stereo mode, which
always delivers the best possible quality.
* #4720 Simplified pasting logic.
* Simplified stereo tracks. Left and right channels now always
have synchronized clip starts and ends, and the same sample
rate in both channels.
* #5014 Added cursors trimming and stretching left and right,
and changed the I-beam cursor to be less similar to either.
* #4448 When importing audio, the project sample rate no longer changes.
* #5204 The spectrogram colors are now perceptually uniform, and
the colormap has gotten a name: Roseus. It also can be used
for dataviz outside of Audacity, see https://github.com/dofuuz/roseus
for more info! (Thanks, Myungchul Keum)
* New defaults: The Time Signature toolbar now gets shown,
the solo button is set to multi-track mode, time tracks have
a wider starting range.
* #5291 Unsquished the Audacity logo found in some places of the app.
* #2330 Clicking on the border of two clips no longer merges them.
* #2530 Overdubbing on Windows fails with WASAPI with default
Recording device.
* #443 Built-in Opus support.
* lib-time-and-pitch implements a time stretching algorithm
originating in Staffpad.
* Audacity now uses Conan 2.
* Continued extracting code into libraries and modules,
especially in the context of importing and exporting.
Bug fixes
* #3778 --nogap metadata no longer is ignored.
* #4410 fixed a crash with LV2 plugins (thanks jfroyall!).
* #2471#4798 fixed some crashes related to macros.
* #4769 fixed a crash when pasting in certain configurations.
* #4677 Accessibility: GUI can be disabled again for VST2
plugins (thanks, David Bailes!).
* #4988 Accessibility: Restored window control IDs, improving
NVDA compatibility (thanks again, David Bailes!).
* #4872 fixed a crash on launch on OSX 10.9 (thanks, René Bertin!).
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1124320
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/multimedia:apps/audacity?expand=0&rev=210
- Update to 3.3.3
- Downgrade vst3stk to 3.7.3_build_20 as most compatible with audacity
- Rework vst3sdk patches vst3sdk-3.7.3_build_20:
remove vst3sdk-fix-include-cstdint-for-gcc13.patch,
add vst3sdk-fix-std-atomic-for-gcc12.patch,
- Add vst-system-path.patch changes vst(3) search path to /usr/lib64
This is a hotfix release. It fixes the following bugs:
* #4618 Fixed EQ not scaling properly when resizing the window.
* #4743 Fixed the audio.com upload flow.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1094729
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/multimedia:apps/audacity?expand=0&rev=206
- Use default compiler, upstream has fixed gcc13 build
- Update VST3SDK to version 3.7.7_build_19:
- Add patches to fix VST3SDK build with gcc13:
- Remove patches - fixed in upstream:
- Refresh patches:
- Update to 3.3.0
* Some of the built-in effects are now realtime capable (Bass &
Treble, Distortion, Phaser, Reverb and Wahwah).
* #4352 Added a new effect: Shelf Filter.
* Added an initial (beta) version of Beats and Bars.
* #4414 Reworked the bottom toolbar dock:
* Project Sample Rate is now found in Audio Setup -> Audio
Settings (formerly known as Project Rate).
* The Snapping Toolbar (formerly known as Snap-To) is now
independent of the Selection Toolbar.
* Added a new Time Signature Toolbar (beta). It is hidden by default.
* #4212 Improved Zooming behavior slightly (more to come in the future).
* #4393 Added a new ruler, Linear (dB). This ruler goes from
0 dBFS to -∞ dBFS and better reflects the volume as shown in
the recording/playback meters.
* #3820 When copying clips between projects, you now can choose
between whether to copy smart clips or just the visible portion.
* #4133 Added a delete button to the Cut/Copy/Paste toolbar.
* #1584 Audacity no longer dithers tracks unnecessarily.
* #2427 Linux playback now handles output latency better (less stutters).
* #3796 The EQ effect no longer resets clip names.
* #3801 Audacity no longer crashes when trying to load projects with
plugins that since have been deleted.
* #4417 Resampling a track no longer trims it.
* FFmpeg 6 (avformat 60) is now supported.
* Moved from Breakpad to Crashpad.
* Extracted various libraries from within Audacity.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1082615
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/multimedia:apps/audacity?expand=0&rev=200
- Update to 3.2.3:
This is a patch release for Audacity 3.2. It adds ability to share
audio publicly and fixes some bugs.
* #3884 Audio can now be shared publicly on audio.com
* #4040 Fixed the screenshot tool
* #4019 Selecting audio no longer marks the project as changed
* #3693 A new toolbar with cut/copy/paste buttons has been added
* #3216 Plain UI for VST3 plugins no longer show MIDI CC parameters
* #2620 The effects sidebar no longer can fill the entire screen
- Update to 3.2.4:
This is a hotfix release. It fixes the following bug:
* #4057 Fixed the meters not retaining size
- Increase the constraints to avoid OOM at the build time
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1063072
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/multimedia:apps/audacity?expand=0&rev=196