- Update to version 1.2.0:
* fixed crash pressing Ctrl+Z while editing table light cell
* trying to use gtksourceview to convert any encoding to utf8 and
lose libfribidi dependency
* trying to use gtksourceview to convert any encoding to utf8 and
lose libfribidi dependency
* do not prefix http:// when a URL-like prefix already exists
* updated create_ppa_package.py -22.10/mantic +24.10/oracular
* fixed links to nodes not working when exporting to html, single
file (#2570)
* fixed crash when moving (heavy) table row/column after porting
to libgtksourceview4 (#2562)
* implemented quick node selection typing part of the node name,
default keyboard shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+G
(#2552, work of @ericguin)
* implemented collapsible headers support when TOC is generated
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1220505
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=37
* added support for new language Slovak
* fixed msys2_prepare_standalone.sh for new libgtksourceview4;
* dropped unmantained and outdated libgtksourceviewmm3 for
* Fix formatting issues with fmt 11
* removed fmt custom formatter for Glib::ustring
* starting work on collapsable headers
* changed default keyboard shortcut to open codebox properties
dialog to Shift+Alt+U as the previous shortcut was causing
problems to german layout keyboards
* default keyboard shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+G for new quick-select
node dialog
* (feat): Adding new quick-select dialog
* link to outstanding third party android project SourCherry
* fix fonts stretch property not supported
* fix italic fonts not supported
* fix bold fonts not supported
- Replace pkgconfig(gtksourceviewmm-3.0) BuildRequies with
pkgconfig(gtksourcevie-4.0): follow upstream.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=196
- Update to version 1.1.1+2:
+ Fixed regression after one search with replace, all subsequent
searches open replace dialog, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2468).
+ Fixed regression searching in multiple nodes, only nodes names
and tags, not working, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2461 and
+ fixed import from cherrytree sqlite document having shared
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1163413
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=190
- Update to version 1.1.0+7:
+ Fixed regression import nodes from cherrytree not importing
anything, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2463).
+ Fixed unwanted nodes expansion with auto reload from external
doc edit and enabled option to show bookmarked nodes at start,
+ Changed default value of option to automatically focus the text
at new tree node clicked, from false to true
+ Fixed regression vertical scroll and cursor position of
previous nodes not remembered, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2460).
+ Fixed regression searching in multiple nodes, only nodes names
and tags, not working, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2461 and
+ Fixed double click on word in table cell, heavy implementation,
not selecting word.
+ Find dialog to show selected text also in codebox and table.
+ Adding support for replace in tables/codeboxes.
+ Find matches results dialog fixed line numbers.
+ Fix iterative find in multiple nodes not focusing correctly
results in tables and codeboxes.
+ Fix regression in all matches dialog after latest changes.
+ Improved search in tables and codeboxes to list and select all
the instances, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2155 and
+ Icon save on the menu is now greyed out when save is not
+ Fixed tooltip on search results dialog, expected to display the
node hierarchical name.
+ Fixed regression find next not scrolling correctly after minor
+ Fixed regression in search/replace, first replace, after allow
text selection with search/replace dialog open,
+ Fixed issue with find and presence of anchored widgets,
+ Removed workaround to old GTK issue no longer relevant (called
newline trick).
+ Added stock icon of postman app.
+ Added in preferences dialog control of text margins left/right.
+ Added in preferences dialog control of max search results per
+ Added in preferences dialog enable/disable tooltips on tree,
menus, toolbar.
+ Added in preferences dialog control of scrollbar slider minimum
+ Added in preferences dialog control of whether the scrollbar
overlays the text editor.
+ Added also in preferences dialog control of the toolbar icons
+ Added also in preferences dialog option to enable/disable the
menubar in titlebar, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2443).
+ Moved some preferences dialog settings from tab 'miscellanous'
to tab 'fonts' that has been renamed 'interface'.
+ Codeboxes can be configured with or without toolbar in
preferences dialog, tab rich text.
+ Improved vertical toolbar in codeboxes supporting code exec,
code copy, edit properties.
+ Implemented vertical toolbar in codeboxes supporting code exec,
code copy, edit properties
+ Fixed error print when drag from empty tree.
+ Fixed error print when unmiximising window with empty tree.
+ Fixed error prints when reloading last used document but file
no longer available.
+ Shared nodes, updated unit tests.
+ Fixed compilation error on linux.
+ Shared nodes, tree info summary dialog to count the shared data
only once.
+ Shared nodes, print group information in node properties dialog.
+ Implemented support for so called shared nodes that all point
to the same data - create with right click on node,
+ Fixed warning while running unit tests for empty
+ Changed 6 default keyboard shortcuts using {,},[,] as
problematic on German/Norwegian keyboards,
+ Fixed zoom not working with Ctrl+ on english keyboard (key + is
on shift)
+ Add gruvbox style themes, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2435).
+ Allow text selection with search/replace dialog open,
+ Separated search/replace dialog code from action after the ok
is clicked so that will be possible to make the dialog non
modal, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2426).
+ Added options in config.cfg 'txt_margin_left',
'txt_margin_right' to control the text margins,
+ Added option in config.cfg 'scroll_slider_min' to allow control
of the minimum size of the scrollbar slider, default 16px,
+ Added option in config.cfg 'overlay_scroll' to allow to
override the system setting for scrollbar overlay/auto hide -
2=system, 1=on, 0=off, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2427).
+ Increased scrollbars size on windows,
+ Saving RGB for custom user colours with format rgb24 #abcdef.
+ Added up to 18 custom user colours in the colour picker
palette, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2422).
+ Added ABAP syntax highlighting, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2430).
+ Debugging issue with colour picker,
+ Reset autosave when manually saving; autosave used counter that
suspended time doesn't count, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2120).
+ Fixed crash when rapidly moving node in tree via keyboard
shortcuts, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2409).
+ Fixed crash when rapidly moving node in tree via keyboard
shortcuts, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2409).
+ Fixed regression in speed when searching in nodes names and
tags, no nodes contents, after v1.0.2,
+ Updated translations.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1161213
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=187
- Update to 1.0.1:
+ Fixed overwrite confirmation not working when saving as new
multifile storage (#2333).
+ Fixed crash on close (#2302).
+ Fixed xorg crash / wayland warning caused by popup menus
without a parent (#2328).
+ Fixed paste content copied from column edit mode not working
in codeboxes.
+ Highlight current text line to be disabled when the text loses
focus or when the text is in column mode.
+ Reverted 'on windows, paste image from clipboard to take
priority over html target ...' causing paste from spreadsheet
cells generating a picture instead of a table.
+ Default keyboard shortcut for increase/decrease table column
changed to Ctrl+Alt+> Ctrl+Alt+< as Ctrl+) isn't working
on windows (#2336).
+ Added new stock icon light bulb / internet of things IoT.
+ Added option 'recent_docs' in config.cfg to be set to false
in order to not remember the recent documents (#2330).
+ Incomplete languages: ar, el, fi, hi_IN, hr, ja, lt, pt.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1107962
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=181
- Update to version 0.99.55:
+ Unit tested code to convert lists to HTML.
+ Fixed list element on more lines conversion into real html,
+ Implemented conversion of multi level lists into real html
unordered and ordered lists, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1765).
+ Added support for executing c-sharp code,
+ Codebox actions: keyboard shortcuts now configurable in
preferences dialog and available in toolbar configurability.
+ Added missing dependences to Dockerfile for dev container,
added ms cpp extension pack, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2231).
+ Table actions: keyboard shortcuts now configurable in
preferences dialog and available in toolbar configurability,
(gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2124, gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2195 and
+ Removed leftover line no longer needed after latest commit
about new pdf page bottom numbering.
+ Fixed issue with latest version of cairo in msys2 and pdf
pages numbering no longer rendered correctly.
+ Recently added autosave options in file save storage not to be
shown in case of export.
+ Fixed export to pdf crash, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2227).
+ Fixed issue with font family name getting multiplied while
+ Fixed autosave in case the document was never saved before, to
prompt the user for a storage type/path,
+ Updated translations.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1070198
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=177
- Update to version 0.99.54+1:
* Fixed crash when creating lightweight table,
* Added menu item action to toggle focus between text and
integrated terminal with default shortcut Ctrl+Shift+T,
* Added search dialog option to override search exclusions,
* Added menu item action to insert today's node under the
selected node rather than under the tree root,
* Implemented option to keep cherrytree always on top, under top
menu 'view', (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2145).
* Number of table cells to use as threshold for light mode made
configurable (default 25).
* Integrated terminal shell configurable in preferences dialog.
* Fixed issue with integrated terminal when using zsh as default
shell, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2199).
* Lightweight variant of tables support Ctrl+Space to navigate in
and out.
* Lightweight variant of tables entering newline in table cell
with Ctrl+Enter or Alt+Enter.
* Dialog all matches improved to show also the node tags and the
pattern searched.
* Dialog search with regexp, added help button to display
reference web page.
* Fixed searching for regexp everything (.*) freeze,
* Fix title not shown on taskbar button in cinnamon when menubar
in titlebar.
* Implementing lightweight variant of tables,
* Updated translations.
- Changes from version 0.99.53:
* Fixed crash when changing terminal font in preferences dialog
and terminal never shown in the session,
* Fixed issue of growing encrypted document size when configured
with no backups, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2178).
* Implementing lightweight variant of tables,
* Updated translations.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1062362
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=175
- Update to version 0.99.52:
* Added support for typescript syntax highlighting,
* Moved encryption and backup to a separate thread; implemented
verification of the backup before encryption and rotation,
* Linux support path links starting with ~/,
* Code execution: added new tag to allow placing the code
directly into the terminal rather than in a temporary file,
* Fix import from gnote/tomboy (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2152,
gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1991 and gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1686).
* Fix paste from gnome-characters in fedora,
* Assigned hard coded keyboard shortcut to change codebox
properties 'Ctrl'+'[', (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2138).
* Updated translations.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1038370
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=173
- Update to version 0.99.51:
* Added support for building unit tests with local gtest/gmock
libraries in new cmake option USE_SHARED_GTEST_GMOCK,
* Fixed import from zim, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1870).
* Fix after getting rid os stringstream.
* Dropped support for pandoc as implementation relies on
std::stringstream which is not to be used.
* Fixed inconsistency between codebox width displayed and printed
to pdf with auto expand enabled.
* Translation updates.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1030920
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=171
- Update to version 0.99.50+8:
* Fixed few dialogs missing the property to be destroyed with the
parent, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2133).
* Better implementation for fixed integrated terminal when
executing a command for the first time from hidden (not yet
instantiated) not passing the command.
* Fixed loss of transparency with PNGs in some GTK3 themes,
(gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1402 and gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2132).
* Fixed integrated terminal show/hide command to follow real
status than settings status.
* Fixed issue with separator between tree and text not restored
when tree on right side and window maximised,
* When closing virtual terminal take focus to text rather than
* New integrated terminal - added right click menu and keyboard
shortcuts to copy and paste.
* Implemented stricter checks for hard coded keyboard shortcuts
requiring Ctrl but not Alt, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2124).
* Changed syntax of displayed keyboard shortcuts in toolbar
tooltips, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2128).
* Just exposing CtrlDown and AltDown from ColumnEdit subclass to
* Fixed minor issue with exit discarding changes icon not
* Implemented command to execute code from either text selection
or current line, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1772).
* Adding support for code execution via integrated terminal,
(gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1902, gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1772 and
* Translation updates.
- Add build requires VTE 2.91 for new terminal integration.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1011249
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=169
- Update to version 0.99.49+3:
* Legacy_canonicalize_filename: manage empty filename,
* added command line option '--anchor AnchorName' that in
addition to existing '--node NodeName' allows to open a
document focusing an anchor in a node.
* Changed non configurable keyboard shortcuts for codebox width
and table column width to use parenthesis open instead of
backslash, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2113).
* Fixed crash on double exit from systray icon right click menu,
* Added keyboard shortcuts to toolbar tooltips,
* Fixed export to HTML crash, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2109).
* Force turning off portal usage since it does not work on all
distros, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2111).
* Improved dialog confirmation before executing the code.
* Additonal changes for core22, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2110).
* Allow to disable the dialog asking for confirmation before
executing the code.
* Fixed bulleted list unindent (Shift+Tab) crash,
* Add home plug, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2101 and
* Linux menu launcher run cherrytree in a new instance,
* Fixed crash on print/export as pdf of a sequence of characters
without spaces longer that the page width, such as a very long
URL, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2045).
* Fixed wrongly entering column mode when using keyboard
shortcuts with <Ctrl><Alt> such as insert codebox,
* Added syntax highlighting support for GDScript.
* Fixed tooltip and cursor not reset after hovering link and then
navigating to non rich text node.
* Support for accent insensitive search - added letters with
subordinate dots, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1981).
* Translation updates.
- Fix duplicate file warnings, add fdupes build requires and macro.
- Developer advised fixed cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability
that allows attackers to execute arbitrary web scripts or HTML
via a crafted payload injected into the Name text field when
creating a node, (#boo1202513, gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2099 and
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1003835
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=167
- Update to version 0.99.48:
* Added support for right to left languages in export to html and
pdf (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2044, gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1668
and gh#giuspen/cherrytree# #698).
* In order to support the right to left languages in export to
html, the resulting html text lines are no longer LINE<br/> but
* Fixed in export to pdf the link to node+anchor with non ascii
anchor name.
* Improved detection of missing executables required for
rendering LatexBoxes. These dependencies are no longer
mandatory (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2033).
* Added help to the user to show again a hidden menubar
(gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1927 and gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2054).
* Pressing Tab on the very latest table cell now adds a new table
line and moves to its first cell.
* Fixed issue with relative links to files and folders and
documents moved between linux and windows.
* In export to html and txt multiple files, now appending the
node id to the file names to support multiple nodes with the
same name.
* Added syntax highlight support for solidity
* After issues with the domain giuspen.com, the domain changed to
giuspen.net and giuspen.com will eventually go. (forwarded request 985963 from malcolmlewis)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/986588
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=21
- Update to version 0.99.48:
* Added support for right to left languages in export to html and
pdf (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2044, gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1668
and gh#giuspen/cherrytree# #698).
* In order to support the right to left languages in export to
html, the resulting html text lines are no longer LINE<br/> but
* Fixed in export to pdf the link to node+anchor with non ascii
anchor name.
* Improved detection of missing executables required for
rendering LatexBoxes. These dependencies are no longer
mandatory (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2033).
* Added help to the user to show again a hidden menubar
(gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1927 and gh#giuspen/cherrytree#2054).
* Pressing Tab on the very latest table cell now adds a new table
line and moves to its first cell.
* Fixed issue with relative links to files and folders and
documents moved between linux and windows.
* In export to html and txt multiple files, now appending the
node id to the file names to support multiple nodes with the
same name.
* Added syntax highlight support for solidity
* After issues with the domain giuspen.com, the domain changed to
giuspen.net and giuspen.com will eventually go.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/985963
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=165
- Update to version 0.99.47+2:
* Added support for latex math equations.
* Added copy/paste of tree nodes and subnodes between multiple opened files.
* Restored support for drag and drop of text selection.
Now rich text content is preserved.
* Added syntax highlighting for HCL.
* Fixed issue at reset toolbar in preferences dialog when menubar in titlebar.
* Added command line option (-S/--secondary_session) to run in isolation
from a possibly already running main instance.
* Updated flatpak script.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/971319
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=163
- Update to version 0.99.46+6:
* Fixed time created/modified filter on searches for node name and tags.
* Changed default keyboard shortcuts using Ctrl+Period to Ctrl+Backslash
for clash with latest linux desktops.
* Fixed restore window position on Windows and dual screen.
* Added strip trailing spaces action to rich text right click menu.
* Fixed issue restoring hpaned tree/text position with tree on the right.
* Added command line option to pass the password to open an encrypted document.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/964104
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=19
- Update to version 0.99.46+6:
* Fixed time created/modified filter on searches for node name and tags.
* Changed default keyboard shortcuts using Ctrl+Period to Ctrl+Backslash
for clash with latest linux desktops.
* Fixed restore window position on Windows and dual screen.
* Added strip trailing spaces action to rich text right click menu.
* Fixed issue restoring hpaned tree/text position with tree on the right.
* Added command line option to pass the password to open an encrypted document.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/963866
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=160
- Update to version 0.99.42:
* Unified search in nodes name+tags and search in nodes content.
* Fixed search in multiple nodes with the option first from
selection/first in all range.
* Fixed issue with password protected data extraction on windows
and non ascii paths.
* Link to node insert/edit dialog, added search for anchor
name in the tree.
* Implemented node property to exclude node and/or
subnodes from search.
* Applying a colour to foreground/background of text
to use default gtk3 palette.
* Added in preferenced dialog, tab theme, possibility
to choose 2 new icon themes.
* Added option to hide the status bar.
* Added configurability of selected node's background/foreground
colour in the tree.
* Tree explorer added view option to show lines connecting
the nodes parent-children.
* Added syntax highlighting for AutoHotkey.
* Added in preferences dialog, tab fonts, buttons to reset the
fonts to default values.
* At F8/current day node do not visit year/month if already
existing, only day.
* Support for portable mode in non-windows os looking for
config/config.cfg beside cherrytree binary executable.
* Tree sorting menu items: moved siblings only sorting first
and after separator sorting whole tree.
* Added experimantal option menubar_in_titlebar that can be
activated in config.cfg, but off by default.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/926962
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=158
- Update to version 0.99.40:
* Just renaming/polishing code of preferences dialog, tab fonts.
* Fixed blacklist of action that cannot be part of the
configurable toolbar; removed duplicated exec code action.
* Translation updates.
- Changes from version 0.99.39:
* When system tray and start hidden on system tray are enabled,
load document only after the user click the systray icon to
show cherrytree, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1751).
* Fix codebox plain text wrongly using code font instead of plain
text font.
* Fix TODO lists not working in table cells,
* Fix File links in exported PDF do not work when path isn't
relative, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1749).
* Fixed 'Menu element icons are not always visible',
* Fixed unit test breoken on windows with new utf-8 characters in
* Unit tests data file use non utf-8 (cyrillic) characters for
the paths.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/910743
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=157
- Update to version 0.99.38:
* Fix crash visiting node with a corrupted/invalid utf-8 character.
* Fix crash when trying to insert image from file with format not
supported from Glib such as .webp.
* Fix unwanted characters found after copy/paste.
* Fix status icon missing / bad rendered in tray.
* Fixed tree node visibility issue when starting minimised
on system tray.
* Fix link markdown paste broken link.
* Fix issues with spell check enabled and no languages available.
* Improved web link recognition.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/904745
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/GNOME:Apps/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=156
- Update to version 0.99.37:
* Fix crashing Glib::convert_with_fallback(),
* Fix after undo, redo jumps to the top of the document,
* Assigned keyboard shortcut to move table columns Left/Right:
Ctrl+{ and Ctrl+}.
* Assigned keyboard shortcut to move table rows Up/Down: Ctrl+[
and Ctrl+], (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1626).
* Ctrl+Arrows in tables disconnected from cells navigation,
Ctrl+( and Ctrl+) to navigate Up/Down; Tab and Shift+Tab for
navigate Right/Left, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#194).
* Help--Open Preferences Directory moved under File--Preferences.
* Fix content in the table can be modified while the node is read
only, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1674).
* Preferences file export complete.
* Adding preferences file import/export.
* ct_menu_actions.cc just splitted too long lines.
* Added dialog listing all available symbols auto replacements,
* Preserve print page setup settings,
* Fix URL detection doesn't recognize TAB as a delimiter,
* Added configurable option to show the full path in the node
name header, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1399).
* Preferences dialog language selection explicit label
'System Default' in place of '-'.
* Fixed import of text files with extension not .txt on linux,
* Reinstating Gtk::FileFilter::add_mime_type for importing text
files, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1656).
* Configurability of log enable/disable + directory in
preferences dialog, tab miscellaneous,
* Preferences dialog, custom backup directory simplified using
* Configurability of log enable/disable + directory,
* Spell check enabled also for plain text,
* Fix [gtk] [critical] gtk_widget_set_visible: assertion
'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed after,
* Move config.cfg.tmp to config.cfg if not shutting down,
* Added added configurable option to have bookmarks under
dedicated menu in top menu bar, (gh#giuspen/cherrytree#1643).
* New configurable scalable tags allow partial
bold/italic/underline when not on by default,
* Fix SHIFT+ENTER Able to Modify Locked Notes with Lists,
* Translation updates.
- Changes from version 0.99.36:
* Fix segfault on startup when configured to start on systray,
* Translation updates. (forwarded request 894821 from malcolmlewis)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/895972
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/cherrytree?expand=0&rev=14