enabled fuse2fs #1

Ghost wants to merge 0 commits from (deleted):factory into factory
First-time contributor
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Ghost added 1 commit 2022-09-13 15:50:04 +02:00
First-time contributor

I hope you understand that this is just a test import, so I understand your PR as a test PR - contributions to Tumbleweed still need to happen on build.opensuse.org

But thanks for test driving - awaiting your feedback on the ML.

I hope you understand that this is just a test import, so I understand your PR as a test PR - contributions to Tumbleweed still need to happen on build.opensuse.org But thanks for test driving - awaiting your feedback on the ML.
First-time contributor

Kind of, I will make the PR in OSC.
I was just curious if ayone reacts.

Kind of, I will make the PR in OSC. I was just curious if ayone reacts. https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1003328
Ghost closed this pull request 2022-09-13 16:06:42 +02:00

Pull request closed

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Reference: pool/e2fsprogs#1
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