Ghostscript 9.18 upstream fix for so that gserrors.h is again installed that is needed by several other packages to build (in particular texlive, libspectre, gimp,...) OBS-URL: OBS-URL:
385 lines
16 KiB
385 lines
16 KiB
# spec file for package ghostscript-mini
# Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.
# Please submit bugfixes or comments via
Name: ghostscript-mini
BuildRequires: freetype2-devel
BuildRequires: libpng-devel
BuildRequires: libtiff-devel
BuildRequires: libtool
BuildRequires: pkg-config
BuildRequires: zlib-devel
Summary: Minimal Ghostscript for minimal build requirements
License: AGPL-3.0
Group: System/Libraries
# Special version needed for Ghostscript release candidates (e.g. "Version: 9.14pre15rc1" for 9.15rc1).
# Version 9.15rc1 would be newer than 9.15 (run "zypper vcmp 9.15rc1 9.15") because the rpmvercmp algorithm
# would treat 9.15rc1 as 9.15.rc.1 (alphabetic and numeric sections get separated into different elements)
# and 9.15.rc.1 is newer than 9.15 (it has one more element in the list while previous elements are equal)
# so that we use an alphabetic prefix 'pre' to make it older than 9.15 (numbers are considered newer than letters).
# But only with the alphabetic prefix "9.pre15rc1" would be older than the previous version number "9.14"
# because rpmvercmp would treat 9.pre15rc1 as 9.pre.15.rc1 and letters are older than numbers
# so that we keep additionally the previous version number to upgrade from the previous version:
#Version: 9.16pre18rc2
# Normal version for Ghostscript releases is the upstream version:
Version: 9.18
Release: 0
# tarball_version is used below to specify the directory via "setup -n":
# Special tarball_version needed for Ghostscript release candidates e.g. "define tarball_version 9.15rc1".
# For Ghostscript releases tarball_version and version are the same (i.e. the upstream version):
%define tarball_version %{version}
#define tarball_version 9.18rc2
# built_version is used below in the install and files sections:
# Separated built_version needed in case of Ghostscript release candidates e.g. "define built_version 9.15".
# For Ghostscript releases built_version and version are the same (i.e. the upstream version):
%define built_version %{version}
#define built_version 9.18
# Source0...Source9 is for sources from upstream:
# Special URLs for Ghostscript release candidates:
# URL for Source0:
# URL for MD5 checksums:
# or
# or
# MD5 checksum for Source0: 7cea0466e845de0a05e60b89225ab0d3
# Normal URLs for Ghostscript releases:
# URL for Source0:
# URL for MD5 checksums:
# MD5 checksum for Source0: 33a47567d7a591c00a253caddd12a88a
# Patch0...Patch9 is for patches from upstream:
# Patch1 fix_ijs_and_x11_for_FirstPage_and_LastPage.patch
# fixes the Ghostscript device ijs and the x11* devices
# so that they also work when -dFirstPage/-dLastPage is used,
# see
Patch1: fix_ijs_and_x11_for_FirstPage_and_LastPage.patch
# Patch2 install_gserrors.h.patch
# installs gserrors.h to fix
# because without gserrors.h several other packages fail to build
# (in particular texlive, libspectre, gimp,...)
Patch2: install_gserrors.h.patch
# Source10...Source99 is for sources from SUSE which are intended for upstream:
# Patch10...Patch99 is for patches from SUSE which are intended for upstream:
# Patch11 ppc64le-support.patch is a remainder of the previous patch
# now the hunk for LCMS (lcms/include/lcms.h) is removed
# because LCMS 1.x is removed since Ghostscript 9.16
# but the hunk for LCMS2 (lcms2/include/lcms2.h) is still needed
# see
Patch11: ppc64le-support.patch
# Source100...Source999 is for sources from SUSE which are not intended for upstream:
# Patch100...Patch999 is for patches from SUSE which are not intended for upstream:
Conflicts: ghostscript
Conflicts: ghostscript-x11
Conflicts: ghostscript-devel
Conflicts: ghostscript-library
# Require Ghostscript's fonts because the Ghostscript package provides the
# "Fontmap" file /usr/share/ghostscript/<version>/Resource/Init/Fontmap.GS
# which lists Ghostscript's fonts but the fonts itself are provided in the
# separated packages ghostscript-fonts-std and ghostscript-fonts-other
# (regarding separated packages see /usr/share/ghostscript/<version>/doc/Fonts.htm)
# so that a RPM requirement is needed to make sure that Ghostscript has its fonts:
Requires: ghostscript-fonts-other
Requires: ghostscript-fonts-std
# Prerequire /sbin/ldconfig which is used in the traditional bash scriptlets for post/postun:
PreReq: /sbin/ldconfig
# Install into this non-root directory (required when norootforbuild is used):
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
Crippled Minimal Ghostscript which is not meant
to be used by end-users.
Minimal Ghostscript provides only the file format drivers
in particular to output JPEG PNG PostScript and PDF files
but no printer drivers (in particular neither 'cups'
nor 'ijs') and no X11 drivers.
The ghostscript-mini package is only meant to be used
by the openSUSE build service to avoid possible loops
in the build dependencies because ghostscript-mini
has minimal build dependencies (in particular
neither CUPS nor X11 build dependencies).
For most packages which need to only run
Ghostscript during build, a single line
"BuildRequires: ghostscript-mini"
should be sufficient in the RPM spec file.
For most packages which need Ghostscript
development files to build, a single line
"BuildRequires: ghostscript-mini-devel"
should be sufficient in the RPM spec file.
The ghostscript-mini package in the openSUSE build
service contains no sources and it must not contain
any source files. The ghostscript-mini package is only
a link to its matching ghostscript "parent" package.
Only that ghostscript package must contain all sources
and any changes must happen only for that ghostscript
package. This means any changes for the ghostscript-mini
package will be rejected in the openSUSE build service.
%package devel
Summary: Development files for Minimal Ghostscript
Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++
Requires: ghostscript-mini = %{version}
Conflicts: ghostscript
Conflicts: ghostscript-x11
Conflicts: ghostscript-devel
Conflicts: ghostscript-library
%description devel
This package contains the development files for Minimal Ghostscript.
# Be quiet when unpacking and
# use a directory name matching Source0 to make it work also for ghostscript-mini:
%setup -q -n ghostscript-%{tarball_version}
# Patch1 fix_ijs_and_x11_for_FirstPage_and_LastPage.patch
# fixes the Ghostscript device ijs and the x11* devices
# so that they also work when -dFirstPage/-dLastPage is used,
# see
%patch1 -b fix_ijs_and_x11_for_FirstPage_and_LastPage.orig
# Patch2 install_gserrors.h.patch
# installs gserrors.h to fix
# because without gserrors.h several other packages fail to build
# (in particular texlive, libspectre, gimp,...)
%patch2 -b install_gserrors.h.orig
# Patch11 ppc64le-support.patch is a remainder of the previous patch
# now the hunk for LCMS (lcms/include/lcms.h) is removed
# because LCMS 1.x is removed since Ghostscript 9.16
# but the hunk for LCMS2 (lcms2/include/lcms2.h) is still needed
# see
%patch11 -p1 -b ppc64le-support.orig
# Set our preferred architecture-specific flags for the compiler and linker:
export CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing"
export CXXFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing"
autoreconf -fi
# --docdir=%%{_defaultdocdir}/%%{name} does not work therefore it is not used.
# --disable-cups and --without-pdftoraster
# to have nothing related to CUPS in the minimal Ghostscript.
# --disable-dbus to have nothing related to D-Bus in the minimal Ghostscript.
# --without-ijs to disable IJS printer driver support in the minimal Ghostscript.
# --with-drivers=FILES to have only the file format drivers
# but no printer drivers in the minimal Ghostscript.
# --without-x to not use the X Window System.
# --without-omni to disable the outdated and unmaintained omni driver.
# --enable-openjpeg because since Ghostscript 9.05 JasPer is deprecated
# (--without-jasper is now an unrecognized option by configure)
# and Ghostscript now ships modified OpenJPEG sources for JPEG2000 decoding
# (replacing JasPer - although JasPer is still included for this release)
# Performance, reliability and memory use whilst decoding JPX streams are all improved.
# see also
# --without-ufst and --without-luratech because those are relevant to commercial releases only
# which would require a commercial license.
# --without-libpaper disables libpaper support because SUSE does not have libpaper.
%define gs_font_path /usr/share/fonts/truetype:/usr/share/fonts/Type1:/usr/share/fonts/CID:/usr/share/fonts/URW
# See
./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} \
--bindir=%{_bindir} \
--libdir=%{_libdir} \
--datadir=%{_datadir} \
--mandir=%{_mandir} \
--infodir=%{_infodir} \
--with-fontpath=%{gs_font_path} \
--with-libiconv=maybe \
--enable-freetype \
--with-jbig2dec \
--enable-openjpeg \
--enable-dynamic \
--without-ijs \
--disable-cups \
--disable-dbus \
--without-pdftoraster \
--with-drivers=FILES \
--without-x \
--disable-gtk \
--without-omni \
--without-ufst \
--without-luratech \
# Make and two programs which use it, gsx and gsc:
make so
# Configure and make libijs (that is not done regardless whether or not --with-ijs is used above):
pushd ijs
./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} \
--bindir=%{_bindir} \
--libdir=%{_libdir} \
--datadir=%{_datadir} \
--mandir=%{_mandir} \
--infodir=%{_infodir} \
--enable-shared \
make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
# Install gsx gsc and some header files:
make soinstall DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
# Install libijs and its header files:
pushd ijs
make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
# Remove installed ijs example client and server and its .la file:
rm %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ijs_client_example
rm %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ijs_server_example
rm %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/
# Install documentation which is not installed by default
# see
# and fail intentionally as notification if something changed:
for D in LICENSE
do test -e $DOCDIR/$( basename $D ) && exit 99
install -m 644 $D $DOCDIR
# Add a link from SUSE's usual documentation directory to Ghostscript's documentation directory
# because "configure --docdir=%%{_defaultdocdir}/%%{name}" does not work (see above):
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}%{_defaultdocdir}
pushd %{buildroot}%{_defaultdocdir}
ln -s ../../ghostscript/%{built_version}/doc ghostscript
# Extract the catalog of devices which are actually built-in in exactly this Ghostscript:
# If a needed source file is no longer accessible fail intentionally as notification
# that something changed which needs adaptions here:
for F in devices/devs.mak devices/contrib.mak contrib/contrib.mak
do test -r $F || exit 99
# Do not pollute the build log file with zillions of meaningless messages:
set +x
cat /dev/null >catalog.devices
for D in $( %{buildroot}/usr/bin/gs -h | sed -n -e '/^Available devices:/,/^Search path:/p' | egrep -v '^Available devices:|^Search path:' )
do for F in devices/devs.mak devices/contrib.mak contrib/contrib.mak
do sed -n -e '/ Catalog /,/ End of catalog /p' $F | grep "[[:space:]]$D[[:space:]]" | grep -o '[[:alnum:]].*' | tr -s '[:blank:]' ' ' | sed -e 's/ /\t/' | expand -t16 >>catalog.devices
# Switch back to the usual build log messages:
set -x
install -m 644 catalog.devices $DOCDIR
# Use traditional bash scriptlet with an explicite "exit 0" line at the end to be fail safe
# see
exit 0
# Use traditional bash scriptlet with an explicite "exit 0" line at the end to be fail safe
# see
exit 0
%defattr(-, root, root)
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/dvipdf.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/eps2eps.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/font2c.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/gs.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/gsbj.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/gsdj.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/gsdj500.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/gslj.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/gslp.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/gsnd.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/pdf2dsc.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/pdf2ps.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/pf2afm.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/pfbtopfa.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/printafm.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/ps2ascii.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/ps2epsi.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/ps2pdf.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/ps2pdf12.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/ps2pdf13.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/ps2pdf14.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/ps2pdfwr.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/ps2ps.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/wftopfa.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/ijs-config.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/dvipdf.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/eps2eps.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/font2c.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/gsnd.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/pdf2dsc.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/pdf2ps.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/printafm.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/ps2ascii.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/ps2pdf.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/ps2pdf12.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/ps2pdf13.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/ps2pdf14.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/ps2ps.1.gz
%doc %{_mandir}/de/man1/wftopfa.1.gz
%doc %{_defaultdocdir}/ghostscript
%dir %{_datadir}/ghostscript
%dir %{_datadir}/ghostscript/%{built_version}
%doc %{_datadir}/ghostscript/%{built_version}/doc/
%files devel