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Sat Sep 9 19:04:08 UTC 2017 -
- Update to version 1.0.2:
+ Add Cuban Convertible Peso currency.
+ Fix bug when creating and removing a report in gtk_combofix.c.
+ Fix bug of test date for a transaction in bet_transfert.
+ Fix a bug when importing a category without sub-category.
+ Fix a bug of calculation of the balance of cash account.
+ Adding the descending sort of dates for the reconciliations.
+ Fix truncated month name for certain locales.
+ Fix a bug of update of main account if more deferred debit
Thu Nov 3 16:35:08 UTC 2016 -
- Update to version 1.0.1:
+ Fix major crash with gtk-2.24.30.
+ Fix many other bugs.
+ Fix many memory leaks.
+ Initialization of the financial year when creating a new
+ Allow editing the 'voucher field' of the child transaction.
+ Homogenization of code to categories and budgetary allocations.
Sat Aug 9 12:32:09 UTC 2014 -
- Update to version 1.0.0:
+ Chart on budget estimates.
+ Bankcard management with estimates.
+ Accountancy adapted to associations.
+ More contextual menus.
+ Adding of goffice's library for the graphs.
+ Import of categories files in budgetary lines.
+ Change the accounts list order by drag and drop.
+ Balance in function of operation date or its value date.
+ Display of unused payees.
+ Full screen display through F11 function key.
+ New operation through <Ctrl><T> keyboard shortcut.
+ User manual direct access through Help menu or <Ctrl><H>
keyboard shortcut.
+ new french user manual.
+ fixes many bugs.
+ fix many memory leaks.
- Add pkgconfig(libgoffice-0.8) and pkgconfig(libofx)
BuildRequires: new dependencies.
Wed Jan 4 09:41:42 UTC 2012 -
- Update to version 0.8.9:
+ Fix a potential crash when closing Grisbi.
+ Fix --without-ofx configure option.
+ Minor changes.
- Drop grisbi-fix-linking.patch: fixed upstream.
- Remove call to autoreconf and libtool BuildRequires: they were
only needed for the patch above.
- Stop passing --with-ofx to configure as... this breaks the build
for ofx support. We use automatic detection now, and the build
will fail if ofx support is missing as the plugin listed in
%files will be missing.
Sat Oct 15 04:47:11 UTC 2011 -
- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable
Mon Sep 19 07:35:50 UTC 2011 -
- Update to version 0.8.8:
+ Fix bug where the transaction is not transferred to the new
account when Edit menu is used
+ Fix the name of the International Russian currency RUB -> RUR
+ Fix some bugs in the navigation in the left panel
+ Fix a crash when the number of recently used files = 0
+ Remove the display of the build date for stable versions
- Drop grisbi-no_date_time.patch: fixed upstream.
- Add grisbi-fix-linking.patch: fix build with strict linker, as in
- Add call to autoreconf, needed for above patch.
Tue Jun 7 10:02:14 CEST 2011 -
- Update to version 0.8.7:
+ Fix a problem of gtk version under Windows.
- Add grisbi-no_date_time.patch: Do not add build date and time to
Mon May 23 23:33:43 CEST 2011 -
- Update to version 0.8.6:
+ Fix a problem of calculating the balance after deletion of two
+ Simplification of the function for parsing dates, fixing a
crash on Windows
+ Add support for the variance for the planned transactions
+ Fix various bugs
Tue May 3 10:10:42 CEST 2011 -
- Update to version 0.8.5:
+ Added cloning of scheduled operations
+ Fixed a bug of calculating balances with different currencies
in the table estimates
+ Fixed a bug in creation of payees and creation of a
sub-budgetary line
+ Don't update the tree view when it's not here while making an
+ Typo in function name. Don't repeat twice the same by Mokona
+ Fixed bug: Grisbi crashes when Importing a QIF file with a list
of categories
+ Adding of Data_Path variable to debug
- Changes from version 0.8.4:
+ Fixes a bug that corrupts the file of accounts when saving in
certain circumstances.
+ Minor corrections in the management of the logo of Grisbi
- Changes from version 0.8.3:
+ Fixed a bug export csv files on Windows
+ Fixed a potential crash
+ Fixed bug: The box of restoration of the sub-transactions
appears again if the operation is no longer a split transaction
+ Adding the XDG directories in the printed variables and fix
memory leaks
+ Fixed bug: Problem of updating of the pointing balance
+ Fixed a crash when importing a file without extension
+ Fixed bug: Filtering problem by amount
- Changes from version 0.8.2:
+ Fixed bug: Unable to delete third, category, or budget item
- Changes from version 0.8.1:
+ Fixed bug: Unable to enter a debit or credit
- Changes from version 0.8.0:
+ Integration of the budget module in the basic version of Grisbi
+ Integration of a simulator credits with the ability to print or
export the data into a spreadsheet
+ Management of local settings (date format, decimal separator
and thousands separator)
+ Addition of the amortization schedule for liability accounts
+ Addition of custom icons in the accounts file
+ Colorization of debits in the scheduler
+ Rewrite of gtk_combofix for payees to remove delays
+ Rewritten import of QIF files
+ Use gint64 to expand the fields of numbers up to 9 223 372 036
854 775 807
+ Many bugs fixed
Fri Apr 29 01:31:44 CEST 2011 -
- Cleanup for inclusion in Factory.
Fri Apr 8 10:57:00 UTC 2011 -
- Cleaned grisbi.spec file
Tue Aug 31 06:26:59 UTC 2010 -
- update to 0.6.0:
* file encryption support
* new and improved print system
+ LaTeX no more needed, printing has never been so straightforward
+ transaction list can be printed as well as reports
* improved user interface
+ tabs deprecated in favor of a navigation tree
+ redesigned categories/payees/budgetary lines trees
+ totally redesigned transaction list with native GTK2 widgets
+ split of transactions displayed directly in transaction list
+ optional grid in transaction list
+ new "view" menu
+ use of assistants to ease some operations
+ custom sort for transaction list columns
+ reconcile now shows togglable buttons
+ use of + and - in amount entry to increment/decrement values
+ quick import of recurrent files
+ pre-built category sets dependent of the locale
+ all colors can be customized
+ astonishing icons ... can't ask for more!
* Greek translation thanks to Achilleas
* archival of old transactions, possibly into separate files
* form structure defined by user
* end of the obligation to use Euro
* Gnucash and CSV files import
* HBCI support through the aqbanking plugin
* reconciled transactions are "archived" by default
* huge work on localization :
+ Grisbi suggests a default currency according to the locale
+ dates are now displayed and parsed according to the locale, no more unbearable european dates for overseas folks!
+ amounts are displayed according to locale
* it is now possible to omit decimal separator in numerical fields
* custom mathematics engine that do not rely on float anymore
* plugin system
* new english file format
* tool management for the payees
* automatic association of third parties and categories for import files
* ability to create a partial balance in the main view
Sat Mar 8 00:00:00 UTC 2008 -
- moved to openSUSE Build Service
Wed Jan 2 00:00:00 UTC 2008 -
- fixed prefix on 10.3
- rebuild against latest libofx
Mon Oct 8 00:00:00 UTC 2007 -
- moved to Packman
- fixed build on openSUSE 10.3
Fri Jul 21 00:00:00 UTC 2006 -
- new upstream version
Thu Jun 22 00:00:00 UTC 2006 -
- pass -j flag to make
- added binary stripping on SUSE < 9.3
- removed Packager and Distribution, injected by rpmmacros
Tue Dec 27 00:00:00 UTC 2005 -
- new upstream version
Sun Oct 16 00:00:00 UTC 2005 -
- changed to configure macro
- added debuginfo support
Sun Jun 5 00:00:00 UTC 2005 -
- added suse_update_config
- added suse_update_desktop_file
- version 0.5.7
Thu Jan 13 00:00:00 UTC 2005 -
- version 0.5.5
Thu Dec 2 00:00:00 UTC 2004 -
- version 0.5.3
Wed Oct 20 00:00:00 UTC 2004 -
- now uses libofx shipped with SUSE on 9.1 and my very own libofx packages for SUSE <= 9.0
- added desktop file
- switched to find_lang
- forced use of libofx at ./configure
- changed release tag to include .guru.
- revamped the spec file a little
- version 0.5.2
Mon Aug 2 00:00:00 UTC 2004 -
- added libofx support
- version 0.5.1
Thu Jun 17 00:00:00 UTC 2004 -
- version 0.5.0
Sun Jan 4 00:00:00 UTC 2004 -
- added untested support for Redhat and Mandrake
- french translation
- first RPM for SUSE