Changes in this release include:
* Add API for resolving multiple tree matches
* Add API for resolving multiple media matches
* Add API to match between two OsinfoTree
* Add API to match between two OsinfoMedia
* Add API to get a complete list of firmwares
* Add missing documentation of osinfo_os_add_firmware()
* Add release status to osinfo-query
* Add --all flag to all tools to report all matches
* Fix hiding database entries
* Adapt to libsoup3 which is now preferred over libsoup2
* Several CI improvements
* Several translations improvements
Changes in this release include:
* Improve on the osinfo-tools' and osinfo-detect's help
* Several CI improvements
* Several translations improvements
* Improve on debuggability of the loader code
* Fix build when using clang
Changes in this release include:
* Several CI improvements
* Several release scripts improvements
* Several translations improvements
* Several syntax-check improvements
* Code cleanup in order to modernize the GObject usage
* Add API to get whether a firmware is supported or not
* Add API to get "cloud-image-username"
Changes in this release include:
* Add API to expose a device driver "priority"
* Improve media detection when using "volume-size" to distinguish medias
* General improvements on OsinfoList APIs to avoid unsafe access
* Minor POD fixes
* Switch to meson build system
* Add API to expose "firmware" support on OsinfoOS
* Drop "env" type support from osinfo-detect
* Print the architecture of the detected tree / media on osinfo-detect
* Add API to create an OsinfoTree from a treeinfo file
Changes in this release include:
* Add API to get the kernel URL argument for an OsinfoOs
* Improve detection of PPC ISOs
* Add API to create an OsinfoMedia from location using OsinfoMediaDetectFlags
* Add API to get whether a media is bootable or not
* Add OsinfoTree treeinfo properties
* Add API to identify an OsinfoTree
* Deprecate API to guess an OsinfoOs from OsinfoTree
* Add --config-file to osinfo-install-script tool
* Deprecate --config usage for user & admin passwords on osinfo-install-script tool
* Add API to generate an install-script and its command-line for OsinfoTree
* Use libsoup for "http://" & "https://" requests for creating both OsinfoMedia & OsinfoTree
* Drop GVFS dependency
* Add OsinfoOs property to OsinfoTree
- Drop
Changes in this release include:
* Add API to get an OS from OsinfoTrees & OsinfoImages
* Add API to set an OS to OsinfoTrees & OsinfoImages
* Add API to get the OS variants from OsinfoTrees & OsinfoImages
* Add API to set the installation URL to a OsinfoInstallConfig
* Add API to get all short-ids from an OsinfoProduct
* Improve OsinfoLoader in order to fully support multiple short-ids values on
an OsinfoProduct
* Improve osinfo-detect tool's help wording
* Improve osinfo-detect tool, making it aware of OsinfoTree's OS variants
* Fix the loading of the architecture value of OsinfoImages
* Fix usage of application id on media detection
* Accept "all" as a valid fallback architecture for OsinfoTrees & OsinfoMedias
* Improve treeinfo check by checking for both ".treeinfo" and "treeinfo" files
* Explicitly set GVFS as a requirement in the project spec file
* Move osinfo-db related tests to osinfo-db project
- Drop
Changes in this release include:
* Add isodata test files for more distros
* Refreshed translations from Zanata
* Drop deprecated gnome-common and intltool
* Fix test cases checking for medias, trees and images URIs due to
libcurl issues when reusing the curl handler
* Fix media identification when its identifiers have the maximum
allowed size
* Fix filling up the media properties when identifying it
* Improvements in the tests in order to reduce code duplication
* Add one test case per OS for medias, trees and images URIs tests
* Add API to add an installer script to a media
* Add API to get all the installer scripts from a media