- update to 1.28.0: * The QmiDevice interfaces to work with the expected data format and the wwan interface name should now be considered to be specific to QMI devices exposed by the upstream 'qmi_wwan' kernel driver. If the device is exposed with a different driver (e.g. PCIe or QRTR) these methods will always fail. * The QmiDevice now supports configuring the 'pass_through' sysfs setting in the network interfaces exposed by the 'qmi_wwan' kernel driver, with a new 'qmap-pass-through' expected data format type. In this mode, the network device will be managed by the rmnet kernel driver. A new method is also provided to check in runtime whether a given expected data format value is supported by the kernel or not. * The QmiDevice now includes methods to list, create and delete links on the network interface, that can be used to setup QMAP based multiplexing of different data streams, e.g. connected to different APNs. When using the 'qmi_wwan' kernel driver, the link management logic depends on the configured expected data format: ** rmnet netlink operations will be used if 'qmap-pass-through' expected data format is configured. ** add_mux/del_mux operations will be used if 'raw-ip' expected data format is configured. * New services: ** New 'SAR' (Specific Absorption Rate) service, with support for the "Set RF State" and "Get RF State" request/responses. * New request/response/indications: ** uim: implement "Refresh Register" request/response. ** uim: implement "Refresh Register All" request/response. ** uim: implement "Refresh Complete" request/response. ** uim: implement "Refresh" indication. ** loc: implement "Get Engine Lock" request/response. ** loc: implement "Set Engine Lock" request/response. ** nas: implement "Get DRX" request/response. ** nas: implement "Get PLMN Name" request/response. ** wms: implement "Send Ack" request/response. ** wds: implement "Bind Data Port" request/response. ** wds: implement "Get Max LTE Attach PDN Number" request/response. ** wds: implement "Get LTE Attach PDN List" request/response. ** wds: implement "Set LTE Attach PDN List" request/response. ** wds: implement "Set LTE Attach PDN List" indication. ** wds: implement "Get LTE Attach Parameters" request/response. ** wds: renamed "Get Default Profile Num" to "Get Default Profile Number", and provided compat symbols to avoid breaking API. ** wds: renamed "Set Default Profile Num" to "Set Default Profile Number", and provided compat symbols to avoid breaking API. * New TLVs supported in existing messages: ** nas: added the "Rx Chain 2/3 Info" TLVs in "Get Tx Rx Info". ** nas: added the "LTE Info Timing Advance" TLV in "Get Cell Location Info". ** nas: added the "LTE Voice Domain", "CDMA Registration Zone ID", "GSM Routing Area Code", "WCDMA Routing Area Code" and "CDMA Resolved MCC" TLVs in "Get System Info". * libqmi-glib: ** Added support for 'embedded' and 'pcie' endpoint types. ** Added support for QMAPv5 data aggregation type. * qmicli: ** When built with QRTR support, the '--device' option now allows QRTR URIs (e.g. 'qrtr://0'). ** New '--link-list', '--link-add', '--link-delete' and '--link-delete-all' commands. ** New '--uim-monitor-refresh-file' command. ** New '--uim-monitor-refresh-all' command. ** New '--wds-bind-data-port' command. ** New '-loc-get-operation-mode' and '--loc-set-operation-mode' commands. ** New '-loc-get-engine-lock' and '--loc-set-engine-lock' commands. ** New '--wds-get-lte-attach-parameters' command. ** New '--wds-get-max-lte-attach-pdn-num' command. ** New '--wds-get-lte-attach-pdn-list' and '--wds-set-lte-attach-pdn-list' commands. ** Updated the '--wds-start-network' command with a timeout of 180s. ** Updated the '--wds-stop-network' command with a timeout of 120s. ** Updated the '--dms-set-firmware-preference' command to use a key-value pair based input instead of predefined fields. * collections: ** basic: added UIM event registration commands. ** basic: added UIM slot management commands. ** basic: added UIM refresh related commands. ** basic: added WDS bind data port commands. ** basic: added WDS initial LTE bearer management commands. ** basic: added NAS PLMN name commands. OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/874481 OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network/libqmi?expand=0&rev=38
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