* pnmquantall: Fix failure when temporary file location is
not the same filesystem as the output file.
* pnmquantall: Fix incorrect handling of when the Pnmremap or
the final rename fails.
* giftopnm: Fix bug: crash on little-endian computers that can't
toleration unaligned memory access. Thanks Ignatios Souvatzis
(is@netbsd.org). Broken in Netpbm 10.47 (June 2009).
* cmuwmtopbm: fix trivial memory leak. Always broken (cmuwmtopbm
was in primordial Pbmplus, in 1988).
* Build: tifftopnm.c: fix undefined WIFSIGNALED, etc.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/netpbm?expand=0&rev=78
* pambackground: fix bug: segfault or incorrect results in most
* ppmtoarbtxt: Fix some undefined behavior when program limits
are exceeded.
* anytopnm: convert all images in a multi-image GIF instead of
just the first.
* nmnorm: add -bsingle, -wsingle.
* pamtosvg: fix use of unset variable; probably results in a
* pnmgamma -srgbtobt709, -bt709tosrgb: fix bug; incorrect output
nearly always.
* pamtilt: fix bug: unconditional crash.
* pgmmorphconv: fix bug: always produces PGM Plain format.
* giftopnm: Fix bug: crashes if purported GIF has neither a global
color map nor a local one.
* pgmmorphconv: add -gradient.
* pnmhisteq: add -noblack and -nowhite.
* tifftopnm: allow input file to be nonseekable.
* Add yuy2topam.
* Add pgmtosbig.
* Add st4topgm, pgmtost4.
* ppmtoarbtxt: fix bug: wrong output when high numbers represent
* ppmtorgb3: Fix buffer overflow with long input file name.
* st4topgm: Fix bug: with no argument, uses file named "'" instead
of Standard Input.
* pnmconvol: Fix bug: wrong output for pixels that convolve to
negative values (should be clipped to zero).
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/netpbm?expand=0&rev=66
* pcdovtoppm: Fix crash due to invalid operator == on some
* Fix incorrect option parsing when there are multiple common
options (e.g. -plain -quiet).
* sgitopnm: add ability to convert 2-channel SGI image.
Thanks Prophet of the Way <afu@wta.att.ne.jp>.
* etc. see HISTORY
- modified patches:
* netpbm-make.patch (refreshed)
* netpbm-security-code.patch (refreshed)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/netpbm?expand=0&rev=62
* Add pamvalidate.
* Add pamfix: Does what pamfixtrunc did, plus repairs excessive
sample values.
* pgmramp: add -diagonal.
* libnetpbm: Read functions validate that sample values do not
exceed maxval.
* etc. see HISTORY for details
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/netpbm?expand=0&rev=55
* pnmtops: Fix bug: wrong output with -ascii85. Introduced in
10.63 (June 2013).
* pnmtops: Fix bug: wrong output with -rle. Introduced in
10.63 (June 2013).
* pnmtops: Fix bug: fails with message about waitpid() failing
if invoked with SIGCHLD ignored. Introduced in 10.56
(September 2011).
* pnmtops: Fix bug: closes Standard Error. Introduced in
10.64.02 (today).
* pnmtops: Fix bug: program hangs if it inherits lots of open
files. Introduced in 10.56 (September 2011).
* pngtopam: fix bug: ignores -gamma. Introduced in 10.48
* see HISTORY for details
- removed wordaccess-include-be.patch (upstreamed)
- removed stdbool-after-jasper.patch (workaround not needed yet)
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/netpbm?expand=0&rev=53
* pamstereogram: change -guidesize default from 10 to 20
* pgmhist: Add -machine option.
* pgmhist: Add -median, -quartile, and -decile options.
* pamstereogram: Add -guidetop and -guidebottom options to replace
trick where negative -guidesize means top, positive means
bottom, absent means none.
* pamstereogram: -smoothing smooths images even without -texfile.
* pnmcat: set don't care bits in packed PBM output to zero so
they are predictable.
* etc. see doc/HISTORY
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/netpbm?expand=0&rev=46
* Xbmtopbm: fix incorrect output, memory leak. Thanks Prophet of
the Way <afu@wta.att.ne.jp>.
* Pamtojpeg2k: default to no compression ratio constraint and
allow compression ratios less than 1. Because of compression
metadata, small images do require loss of quality in order to
get down to a compression ratio of 1.
* Sunicontopnm: Fix incorrect output for depth 8. Always broken
(depth = 8 capability was added in Netpbm 10.53 (December 2010).
pamgauss: Fix bug: erroneously says -maxval is too big on 64 bit
system. Always broken (Pamgauss was added in 10.23 (July 2004).
* xpmtoppm: major speedup for 3-character-per pixel files,
memory reduction for all files: use hash table instead of
linear search or direct index, go row by row.
* xpmtoppm: fix bogus "color number too large" failure. Broken
in 10.49 (December 2009).
* pnm_hashtuple: slight performance improvement from new hash
function. Thanks Prophet of the Way <afu@wta.att.ne.jp>.
* ppmtospu: wild memory accesses. Always broken (program added in
10.58 (March 2012).
* pamtosrf: fix storage corruption. Always broken (program added
in 10.55 (June 2011).
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/netpbm?expand=0&rev=42
* ppmtobmp: fix failure with "internal error" message on all
* pamscale: fix all black output with resampling.
* pgmtexture: fix integer overflow in difference variance.
* pgmtexture: fix array bounds violations in various calculations.
* pngtopnm: fix crash with invalid tIME chunk.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/netpbm?expand=0&rev=35
* pnmtopng: fix bug: with -alpha specifying a mask which contains
no fully transparent area, output PNG is fully opaque.
Introduced in 10.29.
* pnmquant: work with older Perl that doesn't have 3-argument open.
* pnmtops: fix message: says "from top edge" where it means
"from bottom edge."
* pgmtexture: fix wrong sum variance result. Wrong since the
beginning. Thanks Francois P. S. Luus <fpsluus@gmail.com>.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/netpbm?expand=0&rev=31
* asciitopgm: fix bug: memory corruption on too-long lines.
* asciitopgm: fix bug: improper handling of blank lines.
* pngtopnm: fix bug: -verbose reports history chunk present when
it's really a palette.
* bmptopnm: Don't crash on invalid zero value of image height in
the BMP header of a compressed file.
* bmptopnm: don't crash on large invalid value of 'colorsused' in
the BMP header.
* ilbmtoppm: Don't crash on image that has a transparent color
index, but no color map.
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/netpbm?expand=0&rev=29
* upstreamed or outdated
- colornames-init.diff (present in the code)
- endian.patch (tested against bnc#105431)
- pamtouil.patch (present in the code)
- ximtoppm-fixes.patch (present in the code)
- [partially, refreshed] fixes.patch
- pngtomng-transparent.patch (tested against bnc#225258)
- rgb.patch (/usr/share/X11/rgb.txt is in RGB_DB2 yet)
* .dif renamed to make.patch
* gcc45.patch merged into fixes.patch
OBS-URL: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/graphics/netpbm?expand=0&rev=16