OBS User unknown 2009-07-13 15:15:36 +00:00 committed by Git OBS Bridge
parent 8eb7c4103a
commit 5032bea0e5
2 changed files with 11 additions and 321 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
Sun Jul 12 14:33:00 CEST 2009 - coolo@novell.com
- fix build in disabling as-needed
Mon Mar 16 07:16:29 CET 2009 - abeekhof@suse.de

View File

@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
Name: pacemaker
Summary: The Pacemaker scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager
Version: 1.0.1
Release: 17
License: GPL v2 or later; LGPL v2.1 or later
Release: 18
License: GPL v2 or later ; LGPL v2.1 or later
Url: http://www.clusterlabs.org
Group: Productivity/Clustering/HA
Source: pacemaker.tar.gz
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Authors:
Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de>
%package -n libpacemaker3
License: GPL v2 or later; LGPL v2.1 or later
License: GPL v2 or later ; LGPL v2.1 or later
Summary: The Pacemaker scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager
Group: Productivity/Clustering/HA
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ Authors:
Andrew Beekhof <abeekhof@suse.de>
%package -n libpacemaker-devel
License: GPL v2 only; GPL v2 or later; LGPL v2.1 or later
License: GPL v2 only ; GPL v2 or later ; LGPL v2.1 or later
Summary: The Pacemaker scalable High-Availability cluster resource manager
Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ Authors:
# fix build in disabling as-needed
# TODO: revisit -all
# Feature-dependent CFLAGS:
@ -290,320 +292,3 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_DIR/pacemaker
* Mon Mar 16 2009 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update for SLE11 HAE RC7
- Update source tarball to revision: ec6b0bbee1f3
+ High: PE: The ordered option for clones no longer causes extra start/stop operations
+ High: RA: pingd: Set default ping interval to 1 instead of 0 seconds
+ High: Tools: crm: the new configure node command
+ High: Tools: crm_mon - Prevent use-of-NULL when summarizing an orphan
+ High: ais: Bug bnc#482847, bnc#482905 - Force a clean exit of OpenAIS once Pacemaker has finished unloading
* Tue Mar 10 2009 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update for SLE11 HAE RC6.1
- Update source tarball to revision: 37e5ae18279e
+ High: Fix compilation on x64 - We dont need longclock_t intervals/precision for debug timers
+ High: cib: Bug bnc#482885 - Simplify CIB disk-writes to prevent data loss
+ High: Tools: The default re-ping interval for pingd should be 1s not 1ms
* Mon Mar 09 2009 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update for SLE11 HAE RC6
- Remove heartbeat-specific binary from the distribution
- Update source tarball to revision: 3028846cc3f5
+ High: PE: Bug bnc#478687 - Don't crash when clone-max is 0
+ High: PE: Bug LF#2087 - Correctly parse the state of anonymous clones that have multiple instances on a given node
+ High: PE: Bug LF:2075 - Fix large pingd memory leaks
+ High: PE: Bug bnc#466788 - Make colocation based on node attributes work
+ High: PE: Correctly attach orphaned clone children to their parent
+ High: PE: Fix memory leak in LogActions
+ High: PE: Fix the determination of whether a group is active
+ High: PE: Look up the correct promotion preference for anonymous masters
+ High: PE: Simplify handling of start failures by changing the default migration-threshold to INFINITY
+ High: Tools: Bug bnc#483365 - Ensure the command from cluster_test includes a value for --log-facility
+ High: Tools: crm: add support for command aliases and some common commands (i.e. cd,exit)
+ High: Tools: crm: create top configuration nodes if they are missing
+ High: Tools: crm: fix parsing attributes for rules (broken by the previous changeset)
+ High: Tools: crm: new ra set of commands
+ High: Tools: crm: resource agents information management
+ High: Tools: crm: support for no value attribute in nvpairs
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: fix ocfs2 processing
+ High: Tools: pingd - prevent double free of getaddrinfo() output in error path
+ High: ais: Correctly handle a return value of zero from openais_dispatch_recv()
+ High: ais: Fix memory leak in error path
+ High: ais: IPC messages are only in scope until a response is sent
+ High: cib: Bug bnc#482885 - Simplify CIB disk-writes to prevent data loss. Required a change to the backup filename format
+ High: crm: Avoid infinite loop during crm configure edit (bnc#480327)
+ High: crmd: Avoid a race condition by waiting for the attrd update to trigger a transition automatically
+ High: crmd: Bug bnc#479543 - Correctly find the migration source for timed out migrate_from actions
+ High: crmd: Fix memory leaks found by valgrind
* Thu Mar 05 2009 abeekhof@suse.de
- heartbeat-common _must_ be a PreReq: instead of a Requires: so that
the script which creates hacluster/haclient has completed before
Pacemaker is installed. Otherwise the file permissions are all wrong.
* Tue Mar 03 2009 abeekhof@suse.de
- Add man page for the crm shell
* Fri Feb 27 2009 lmb@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: e0f361e9bd17
- High: Tools: cli: fix and improve delete command
- High: Tools: crm: support rsc/op_defaults
* Wed Feb 25 2009 abeekhof@suse.de
- Add extra soft dependancies: graphviz, libdlm, heartbeat-resources
* Mon Feb 23 2009 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update for SLE11 HAE RC5
- Update source tarball to revision: 33e92390b2ed
+ High: Core: Prevent unterminated strings after decompression
+ High: PE: Clones now default to globally-unique=false
+ High: PE: Prevent use-of-NULL for failed migrate actions in process_rsc_state()
+ High: PE: Start the correct monitor operation for unmanaged masters
+ High: Tools: Cause the correct clone instance to be failed with crm_resource -F
+ High: ais: Centralize all quorum calculations in the ais plugin and allow expected votes to be configured int he cib
+ High: crmd: Ensure updates for lost migrate operations indicate which node it tried to migrating to
+ High: crmd: Fix memory leak in cib notication processing code
+ High: crmd: Fix memory leak in transition graph processing
+ Medium: Core: Bug BNC#474727 - Set a maximum time to wait for IPC messages
+ Medium: PE: Ensure clones always have a value for globally-unique
+ Medium: crmd: Add new expected-quorum-votes option
+ Medium: crmd: Automatically detect and use new values for crm_config options
+ Medium: crmd: Bug BNC#472473 - Don't wait excessive amounts of time for lost actions
+ Medium: crmd: Bug BNC#472473 - Reduce the transition timeout to action_timeout+network_delay
* Fri Feb 06 2009 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: 09be44da9b32
+ High: PE: Remove an optimization for the terminate node attribute that caused the cluster to block indefinitly
+ High: Tools: Bug BNC#468066 - Don't use the result of uname() when its no longer in scope
+ High: Tools: Bug LF:2036 - crm_resource cannot set/get parameters for cloned resources
+ High: ais: Add optional support for the new AIS IPC layer
+ High: ais: Always set header.error to the correct default: SA_AIS_OK
+ High: ais: Ensure crm_peer_seq is updated after a membership update
+ High: ais: Make sure all IPC header fields are set to sane defaults
+ High: cib: Allow clients without mainloop to connect to the cib
+ High: cib: Fix four moderately sized memory leaks detected by Valgrind
+ High: Core: Fix more memory leaks foudn by valgrind
+ High: Tools: Bug BNC#473265 - crm_resource -L dumps core
+ High: Tools: Bug LF:2046 - Node attribute updates are lost because attrd can take too long to start
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: add constraints for clvmd to controld
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: improve media processing and set rrp_mode for multiple rings configuration
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: openais supports up to two rings
* Mon Jan 26 2009 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: 7eef42ed409d
+ High: Tools: Bug BNC#468066 - crm_standby - Don't use the result of uname() when its no longer in scope
+ High: PE: Bug BNC#465484 - Fix the no-quorum-policy=suicide option
+ High: PE: Only shoot online nodes with no-quorum-policy=suicide
+ High: ais: Bug BNC#456208 - Prevent deadlocks by not logging in the child process before exec()
+ High: ais: Detect and handle situations where ais and the crm disagree on the node name
+ High: crmd: Bug BNC#467995 - Delay marking STONITH operations complete until STONITH tells us so
+ High: crmd: Prevent node attribute loss by detecting attrd disconnections immediately
- Enabled support for SNMP and SMTP notifications on resource state changes
* Wed Jan 21 2009 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: a2f46902d821
+ High: Core: CID:10 - Prevent indexing into an array of schemas with a negative value
+ High: Core: CID:13 - Fix memory leak in log_data_element
+ High: Core: CID:15 - Fix memory leak in crm_get_peer
+ High: Core: CID:6 - Fix use-of-NULL in copy_ha_msg_input
+ High: Core: Fix crash in the membership code preventing node shutdown
+ High: PE: CID:19 - Fix use-of-NULL in determine_online_status
+ High: Tools: Bug 2003 - pingd doesn't correctly handle node-down events on multi-NIC systems
+ High: Tools: Bug 2021 - pingd does not detect sequence wrapping correctly, incorrectly reports nodes offline
+ High: Tools: attrd - Correctly determine when an attribute has stopped changing and should be committed to the CIB
+ High: Tools: crm_master shouldn't define a set id now that attrd is used. Defining one can break lookups
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: adjust path to the supporting script and set CONF variable
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: set no-quorum-policy to ignore for 2-node clusters
+ High: ais: Bug BNC#456243 - Ensure the membership cache always contains an entry for the local node
+ High: cib: CID:18 - Fix use-of-NULL in cib_perform_op
+ High: cib: CID:18 - Repair errors introduced in b5a18704477b - Fix use-of-NULL in cib_perform_op
+ High: crmd: Bug LF:2010 - Ensure fencing cib updates create the node_state entry if needed to preent re-fencing during cluster startup
+ High: crmd: Correctly handle reconnections to attrd
+ High: stonith: CID:3 - Fix another case of exceptionally poor error handling by the original stonith developers
+ High: stonith: CID:5 - Checking for NULL and then dereferencing it anyway is an interesting approach to error handling
+ High: stonithd: wrong checks for shmid (0 is a valid id)
* Wed Dec 03 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Reduce bloat - remove regession tests from source tarball
- Update source tarball to revision: 6b8d46c7ab9c
+ High: crmd: Don't fast-track the processing of LRM refreshes when there are pending actions.
+ High: PE: Bug LF:2005 - Fix startup ordering of cloned stonith groups
+ High: PE: Bug LF:2006 - Correctly reprobe cloned groups
+ High: PE: Prevent on-fail settings being ignored after a resource is successfully stopped
+ High: Tools: Bug LF:2003 - pingd doesn't correctly detect failures when the interface is down
+ High: Tools: Bug LF:2001 - Transient node attributes should be set via attrd
+ High: Tools: crm cli: Bug bnc:450815 - don't generate id for the operations tag
+ High: Tools: crm cli: drop '-rsc' from attributes for order constraint
+ High: Tools: crm cli: fix wrong order of action and resource in order constraint
+ High: Tools: crm cli: return on syntax error when parsing score
* Fri Nov 21 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: 27be064e0907
+ High: ais: Repair and streamline service load now that OpenAIS startup functions correctly
- Requires and is related to sr3936: Fix Bug bnc#444376 - openais segafults in lcr_ifact_release during shutdown
* Fri Nov 21 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: 61d0af5c31c0
+ High: cib: Ensure configuration updates contain the correct values of admin_epoch
Otherwise the configuration can not be kept in sync across the cluster
+ High: crmd: Bug LF:1962 - Don't NACK peers because they're not (yet) in our membership. Just ignore them.
+ High: crmd: Prevent node re-probe loops by ensuring manditory actions always complete
+ High: PE: Bug LF:1996 - Correctly process disabled monitor operations
+ High: PE: Correctly calculate the number of available nodes for the clone to use
+ High: Tools: crm cli: catch system errors on file operations
+ High: Tools: crm cli: exit with an appropriate exit code
+ High: Tools: crm cli: new command: configure upgrade
+ High: Tools: crm cli: prevent key errors on missing cib attributes
+ High: Tools: crm cli: sometimes, on errors, level would change on single shot use
+ Medium: crmd: do_dc_join_filter_offer - Check the 'join' message is for the current instance before deciding to NACK peers
+ Medium: Tools: crm cli: replace inf with INFINITY
+ Medium: Tools: crm cli: supply provider only for ocf class primitives
* Tue Nov 18 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Add man pages for Pacemaker admin tools
- Update source tarball to revision: eda05459ce58
+ High: Core: Repair the ability to have comments in the configuration
+ High: Tools: hb2openais: update logging and set logfile appropriately
+ High: ais: Hook up the openais.conf config logging options
+ High: ais: Zero out the PID of disconnecting clients
+ High: cib: Ensure global updates cause a disk write when appropriate
+ High: crmd: Ensure PE processing does not occur for all error cases in do_pe_invoke_callback
+ High: crmd: Requests to the CIB should cause any prior PE calculations to be ignored
+ Medium: PE: Prevent lsb scripts from being used in globally unique clones
+ Medium: Tools: crm_mon - display the meaning of the operation's rc code instead of the status
+ Medium: ais: Hook up the options for specifying the expected number of nodes and total quorum votes
+ Medium: crmd: Fix the handling of unexpected PE exits to ensure the current CIB is stored
* Sat Nov 08 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: e21021b77657
+ High: crmd: Erase the correct node's status section when it returns
* Fri Nov 07 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: 7508f211e536
+ High: PE: Bug LF:1988 - Ensure recurring operations always have the correct target-rc set
+ High: PE: Fix optional colocation
+ High: PE: Improve up the detection of 'new' nodes joining the cluster
+ High: PE: Prevent assert failures in master_color() by ensuring unmanaged masters are always reallocated to their current location
+ High: Tools: crm_shadow - Show more line number information after validation failures
+ High: ais: Ensure HA_RSCTMP exists for use by resource agents
+ High: crmd: Bug:1975 - crmd should wait indefinitely for stonith operations to complete
+ Medium: PE: Bug N:437719 - Ensure scores from colocated resources count when allocating groups
+ Medium: Tools: Bug LF:1985 - crm_mon - Correctly process failed cib queries to allow reconnection after cluster restarts
+ Medium: Tools: Bug LF:1987 - crm_verify incorrectly warns of configuration upgrades for the most recent version
+ Medium: Tools: attrd - Automatically refresh all attributes after a CIB replace operation
+ Medium: Tools: crm (bnc#441028): check for key error in attributes management
+ Medium: crmd: Detect deleted resource operations automatically
+ Medium: crmd: Erase a node's resource operations and transient attributes after a successful STONITH
+ Medium: crmd: Fix the recording of pending operations in the CIB
+ Medium: xml: Relax the restriction on the contents of rsc_locaiton.node
* Mon Oct 27 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: 9082ded546ec
+ High: Tools: LF:1969 - Attrd never sets any properties in the cib
+ Medium: Core: Provide better feedback if Pacemaker is started by a stack it doesn't support
+ Medium: Ensure meta attributes are used consistantly
+ Medium: PE: Allow group and clone level resource attributes
+ Medium: PE: Make a best-effort guess at a migration threshold for people with 0.6 configs
+ Medium: Tools: crm_mon - Fix the display of timing data
+ Medium: Tools: crm_verify - check that we're being asked to validate a complete config
* Tue Oct 14 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Add heartbeat-common as a runtime dependancy
This ensures the clustering user/group is installed and directories
iare created with the right permissions
* Mon Oct 13 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Add openais as a hard dependancy
* Thu Oct 09 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: 9a6c6d1dd871 (1.0.0)
+ High: Core: Allow the expected number of quorum votes to be configrable
+ High: Tools: Make pingd functional on Linux
+ Medium: crmd: Avoid calling GHashTable functions with NULL
+ Medium: tools: crm_resource - return with non-zero when a resource migration command is invalid
+ Medium: tools: crm_shadow - Allow the admin to start with an empty CIB (and no cluster connection)
+ Medium: PE: Use the correct attribute for action 'requires' (was prereq)
* Sun Sep 28 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: 8415675fe428
+ High: Core: Only call xmlCleanupParser() if we parsed anything. Doing so unconditionally seems to cause a segfault
+ High: hb2openais.sh: improve pingd handling; several bugs fixed
+ High: hb2openais: fix clone creation; replace EVMS strings
+ High: stonithd: fix handling of timeouts
+ High: stonithd: fix logic for stonith resource priorities
+ High: stonithd: initialize value before reading fence-timeout
+ Medium: PE: Remove new options that are better set in rsc_defaults
+ Medium: PE: Detect clients that disconnect before receiving their reply
+ Medium: PE: ptest - check the input is valid before proceeding
+ Medium: crmd: Hook up the stonith-timeout option to stonithd
+ Medium: crmd: Prevent potential use-of-NULL in global_timer_callback
+ Medium: crmd: Rationalize the logging of graph aborts
+ Medium: xml: pacemaker-0.7 should be an alias for the 1.0 schema
* Mon Sep 15 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Create a libpacemaker subpackage
* Thu Sep 11 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: 2087f5b1a5a0
+ High: PE: Bug LF:1950 - Ensure the current values for all notification variables are always set (even if empty)
+ High: PE: Bug LF:1955 - Ensure unmanaged masters are unconditionally repromoted to ensure they are monitored correctly.
+ High: PE: Bug LF:1955 - Fix another case of filtering causing unmanaged master failures
+ High: PE: Bug LF:1955 - Umanaged mode prevents master resources from being allocated correctly
+ High: PE: Bug N:420538 - Anit-colocation caused a positive node preference
+ High: PE: Correctly handle unmanaged resources to prevent them from being started elsewhere
+ High: PE: crm_resource - Fix the --migrate command
+ High: ais: Move the service id definition to a common location and make sure it is always used
+ High: stonithd (LF 1951): fix remote stonith operations
+ Medium: Build: Make sure crm_config.h is only ever included once
+ Medium: PE: Bug LF:1950 - Notifications do not contain all documented resource state fields
+ Medium: PE: Bug N:417585 - Don't restart group children who's individual score drops below zero
+ Medium: PE: Implement a true maintenance mode
+ Medium: ais: Use the agreed service number
+ Medium: Tools: Implement a unified CLI shell
* Mon Sep 01 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: 1df197982079
- Try again to fix compilation in STABLE (this time also tested with mbuild)
- STONITH is now enabled by default and the cluster will warn if no STONITH resource is found
* Sat Aug 30 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: 902885c90d96
- Fixes build ordering ssue that prevented compilation of lib/common
* Wed Aug 20 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: f567855328b7 (0.7.1)
+ Added features needed to support libdlm and ocfs2-tools
+ High: admin: Fix use-after-free in crm_mon
+ High: cib: Use single quotes so that the xpath queries for nvpairs will succeed
+ High: crmd: Always connect to stonithd when the TE starts and ensure we notice if it dies
+ High: crmd: Make sure async-failures cause the failcount to be incrimented
+ High: PE: Bug LF:1941 - Handle failed clone instance probes when clone-max < #nodes
+ High: PE: Prevent use-of-NULL - order->rsc_rh will not always be non-NULL
+ High: PE: Unpack colocation sets correctly
+ High: Tools: crm_mon - Prevent use-of-NULL for orphaned resources
+ Medium: Core: Get more details regarding parser errors
+ Medium: Core: Switch to the libxml2 parser - its significantly faster
+ Medium: PE: Allow groups to be involved in optional ordering constraints
+ Medium: PE: Allow sets of operations to be reused by multiple resources
+ Medium: PE: Bug LF:1941 - Mark extra clone instances as orphans and don't show inactive ones
+ Medium: PE: Determin the correct migration-threshold during resource expansion
+ Medium: PE: Implement no-quorum-policy=suicide (FATE #303619)
+ Lots of bug fixes
* Mon Jul 21 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Update source tarball to revision: 7a31d0c33e22 (0.7.0)
+ High: Performance enhancements
+ High: Fix memory leaks and use-after-free
+ High: Admin: All tools now use --node (-N) for specifying node unames
+ High: Admin: All tools now use --xml-file (-x) and --xml-text (-X) for specifying where to find XML blobs
+ High: cib: Implement CIB_shadow - a facility for making and testing changes before uploading them to the cluster
+ High: cib: Make registering per-op callbacks an API call and renamed (for clarity) the API call for requesting notifications
+ High: Core: Add a facility for automatically upgrading old configurations
+ High: Core: Adopt libxml2 as the XML processing library - all external clients need to be recompiled
+ High: PE: Bug LF:1459 - Allow failures to expire
+ High: PE: Replace failure-stickiness with a simple 'migration-threshold'
+ High: PE: Bug LF:1941 - Handle failed clone instance probes when clone-max < #nodes
+ High: PE: Make OCF_ERR_ARGS a node-level error rather than a cluster-level one
+ High: PE: Properly handle clones that are not installed on all nodes
+ Medium: Admin: Bug LF:1438 - Allow the list of all/active resource operations to be queried by crm_resource
+ Medium: Admin: Bug LF:1708 - crm_resource should print a warning if an attribute is already set as a meta attribute
+ Medium: Admin: Bug LF:1883 - crm_mon should display fail-count and operation history
+ Medium: Admin: Bug N:371785 - crm_resource -C doesn't also clean up fail-count attributes
+ Medium: Admin: crm_mon - include timing data for failed actions
+ Medium: cib: Bug LF:1348 - Allow rules and attribute sets to be referenced for use in other objects
+ Medium: cib: BUG LF:1918 - By default, all cib calls now timeout after 30s
+ Medium: cib: Remove some useless parts of the API
+ Medium: cib: Implement the ability for clients to connect to remote servers
+ Medium: Core: Add support for validating xml against RelaxNG schemas
+ Medium: PE: Bug LF:1328 - Don't fencing nodes in clusters without managed resources
+ Medium: PE: Bug LF:1461 - Give transient node attributes (in <status/>) preference over persistent ones (in <nodes/>)
+ Medium: PE: Bug LF:1884, Bug LF:1885 - Implement N:M ordering and colocation constraints
+ Medium: PE: Bug LF:1886 - Create a resource and operation 'defaults' config section
+ Medium: PE: Bug LF:1892 - Allow recurring actions to be triggered at known times
+ Medium: PE: Bug LF:1926 - Probes should complete before stop actions are invoked
+ Medium: PE: Prefer the current location if it is one of a group of nodes with the same (highest) score
* Sat May 03 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Use a libexecdir consistent with openais
* Tue Apr 29 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- Updated to upstream version 0.6.3-1
- Update source tarball to revision: fd8904c9bc67
- SNMP has been moved to the management/pygui project
- Many bugfixes, primarily related to master/slave resources and failcount handling
- Fix libtool version check and supply a better default for the LCRSO directory
* Sat Apr 12 2008 abeekhof@suse.de
- version 0.6.2-1
- Initial package check-in